I'm sorry. I respectfully disagree with your post.
Our intentions are not to come down hard on Beth, because she had every right to make the decisions and choices she did in her life. I know Beth, so I'm not speculating when I post information. Yes, I do believe she was unhappy in her life and that is what lead her to make some of her choices. That does NOT make her a bad person, she is in fact, a very sweet and kind person. Despite the fact that she made life choices that I personally wouldn't make, did not affect my friendship with her nor did I judge her.
I think she had ZERO self confidence and that is why she carried herself the way she did, for one purpose, to attract male attention. She confused sex for love. She desperately wanted to be in love. She thought if she had the perfect hair, and the biggest *advertiser censored*, and the nicest clothes, that men would love her. But that didn't work, because she had one sexual partner after another, and I know for a fact that she used to ask them "why don't you love me". When they didn't love her, or stay with her, or moved on, she searched for it again in another guy.
The statements made about sex with many men, affairs with her own girlfriends husband, chronic lying, doing drugs and drug dealers in their "group of friends" are all TRUE. You don't need to know these people to find out information about them. Try the internet, it's amazing what you can find out. Court records ... lots of them. I am not judging her friends, they are free to live their lives however they choose to. My point is, you mentioned in your post that there is no proof, but there most certainly is.
Knowing everything about Beth will possibly lead to this case being solved. That is what we are all doing here. Trying to find Beth! And maybe she did think she was in control and safe with her friends. But she is missing, and IF she is no longer alive, then people that were with her, and anyone with a motive, needs to be looked at. Friends or strangers, it doesn't matter. In the world we live in today, people get killed everyday for a lot less than what Beth's lifestyle choices were. I do not believe she took off and I do not believe she came into harms way by a random stranger. No, I cannot prove that, but I have a strong hunch, call it intuition.
Another thing that really bothers me, there are only a few verified people on WS for Beth's case. Where are all of Beth's close friends and why aren't they on here trying to offer up information and help find her? The silence is chilling quite frankly.