IL - Benjamin Sargent, 5 mos, dies of extreme neglect, Peoria, 12 Feb 2008

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Why sympathy for the parents? I was going to write something about him being in better hands, but I didn't want it to be viewed to be in poor taste and I certainly do not want to start anything in this little angel's guest book, but I really feel this outpouring of sympathy in there is the final insult.
I am really livid at this!!!

I think most of the comments were made before these new revelations came out. It was only stated he was not well cared for the the death was inconclusive so people were assuming on both sides. I hope no one will be feeling sympathy for these murders anymore.
Me too, may they rot in hell for eternity.

Do we know if drugs are involved?? For the life of me I cannot fathom how a parent could blatantly ignore this child for 8 days while he LITERALLY rots to the point of death. Lord knows, we are handed proof on a daily basis that some folk are just this evil, but it seems to me that this kind of abuse is usually the result of a meth / crack addled mind. NOT that this is an excuse.
Me too, may they rot in hell for eternity.

Do we know if drugs are involved?? For the life of me I cannot fathom how a parent could blatantly ignore this child for 8 days while he LITERALLY rots to the point of death. Lord knows, we are handed proof on a daily basis that some folk are just this evil, but it seems to me that this kind of abuse is usually the result of a meth / crack addled mind. NOT that this is an excuse.

The parents look like they could have some mental issues. I think drugs could have been involved as the mother walking out in the cold stating it was too hot in her house. I don't know anyone who keeps there heat on 80 unless they are coked up. Just my own thoughts though.
Can you imagine how long that child screamed and cried because his needs weren't being met? How could you ignore that? And for 8 days?

I also think the other people living in the garage of the home should be charged. One of them put this child in the crib while still in the carseat, but couldn't be bothered to change a diaper, or get a bottle, etc? I understand they are not the parents and it's not their responsibility, but to me, that's just as bad as failing to render aid when you see someone needs help, or worse. This child had no way to care for himself.

I don't care if it was my child or not, if I lived in a home where a baby was not being cared for, I would gladly take the responsibility on myself.
The parents look like they could have some mental issues. I think drugs could have been involved as the mother walking out in the cold stating it was too hot in her house. I don't know anyone who keeps there heat on 80 unless they are coked up. Just my own thoughts though.

She was probably out walking cause she couldn't stand to hear the child screaming any longer. :mad:
Can you imagine how long that child screamed and cried because his needs weren't being met? How could you ignore that? And for 8 days?

I also think the other people living in the garage of the home should be charged. One of them put this child in the crib while still in the carseat, but couldn't be bothered to change a diaper, or get a bottle, etc? I understand they are not the parents and it's not their responsibility, but to me, that's just as bad as failing to render aid when you see someone needs help, or worse. This child had no way to care for himself.

I don't care if it was my child or not, if I lived in a home where a baby was not being cared for, I would gladly take the responsibility on myself.

EXACTLY!! Normal people - and I don't mean extremely generous, charitable people - would do whatever they could for the well being of any defenseless 5 month old child. I am waiting to hear how this home was a drug den, because I am still having trouble believing that not ONE person would come to the aid of this poor child.
Artfully eccentric? Is that the same as saying nicely that someone is a screw up weirdo who fits in with no one but likes pretty things?

Just give me 10 minutes.

Video games are expensive. They have money and time to feed themselves but not to take care of the child that is wasting away in the other room? Or to even take the poor thing out of the snow suit or car seat that had become a coffin for the sweet baby?

There is no excuse. This article says this could have been prevented for free. They would have watched the baby as long as they needed.
Artfully eccentric? Is that the same as saying nicely that someone is a screw up weirdo who fits in with no one but likes pretty things?

Just give me 10 minutes.

Video games are expensive. They have money and time to feed themselves but not to take care of the child that is wasting away in the other room? Or to even take the poor thing out of the snow suit or car seat that had become a coffin for the sweet baby?

There is no excuse. This article says this could have been prevented for free. They would have watched the baby as long as they needed.

Yes this is a great program we have here in Peoria. I don't think they wanted help. I think James was mad at the mother for running off with another man and he just didn't feel like he needed to take care of the baby and neither did she.
Below the article are comments and one 'defender' is asking', How did he know where to turn?

Give me a break. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I know would purchase food for a neighbor's starving (but alive) 5 month old. No diapers? SO WHAT????? let him have a bare bum and keep him clean. Not ideal, but it's certainly not going to kill him.
Where to turn? He already saw the chick ditch her one child. This guy was busy wearing a cape and carrying around a Star Wars laser thingie. Although I gotta say at least she stuck a bottle between the baby and the car seat. Is she serious? This is a five month old baby.
Below the article are comments and one 'defender' is asking', How did he know where to turn?

Give me a break. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I know would purchase food for a neighbor's starving (but alive) 5 month old. No diapers? SO WHAT????? let him have a bare bum and keep him clean. Not ideal, but it's certainly not going to kill him.

It isn't difficult to provide basic needs. A dish towel instead of a diaper. WIC if you don't have money for formula. Bare behind children are common in countries that don't use disposables. Churches even offer food pantries to families in need regardless of denomination.

He was work they didn't want. He wasn't human to them or they would have treated him with respect.

If they had gone to the health clinic (which is free) they would have been told about what options they had. I needed help with my oldest. I got WIC and he was a Medicaid baby. I was 22 and a single mom. There is no excuse for not helping the helpless.
Yes this is a great program we have here in Peoria. I don't think they wanted help. I think James was mad at the mother for running off with another man and he just didn't feel like he needed to take care of the baby and neither did she.

I agree. Then put him up for adoption or give him to someone who will so you don't have too. I don't understand the mentality. I bet if they had a dog they would have treated it better.
I'm sorry I'm not caught up here but wanted to post this article:,2933,331732,00.html
The charges state the parents' actions or lack thereof, were "brutal and heinous . . . indicative of wanton cruelty," factors that could mean they face up to 100 years in prison if convicted.
The 5-month-old was dropped off at his parents' house on Feb. 4, strapped into his car seat. Eight days later, he was found in the same position, said Peoria County State's Attorney Kevin Lyons during a bond hearing for the parents. (More plus pic at link)

Sorry if it's a duplicate.

RIP, sweet Benjamin Sargent. :( :( :(
It isn't difficult to provide basic needs. A dish towel instead of a diaper. WIC if you don't have money for formula. Bare behind children are common in countries that don't use disposables. Churches even offer food pantries to families in need regardless of denomination.

He was work they didn't want. He wasn't human to them or they would have treated him with respect.

If they had gone to the health clinic (which is free) they would have been told about what options they had. I needed help with my oldest. I got WIC and he was a Medicaid baby. I was 22 and a single mom. There is no excuse for not helping the helpless.

Yes, and I guarantee you they ate in those 8 days! Any decent parent would go without and give everything they can to make sure their child has his/her needs met. There is not an excuse good enough. These cases break my heart and it seems there are more and more of them.
Below the article are comments and one 'defender' is asking', How did he know where to turn?

Give me a break. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I know would purchase food for a neighbor's starving (but alive) 5 month old. No diapers? SO WHAT????? let him have a bare bum and keep him clean. Not ideal, but it's certainly not going to kill him.

This defense will not get them far. It's not like they were taking care of the baby except for food and diapers they could not afford. They left the baby in a crib and didn't touch him for eight days while they were watching TV, eating themselves and playing video games :furious: . Changing the babys clothes, bathing him, holding him, water...that is all free. They could have even pawned their TV and video games to get money for the baby's formula and diapers if they did not know where to go or too proud to ask for help!

The Mothers defense is a joke IMO. She was home for seven of those days and did nothing for the baby. I do wonder though why she decided to finally make a bottle right before she left the state. I am assuming the baby was already dead or close to it when she did place the bottle next to him. I wonder if she noticed the baby's condition and then dropped the bottle off before leaving so she could say that she fed the baby before she left so she could blame the she is doing now.

I have to agree with others that have said that even after reading a lot here this is the worst thing I have read. I can not wrap my brain around how no one in that hosue bothered to make a bottle, or change a diaper or even get him out of his car seat for eight days. If they were that disinterested in the baby why keep him? :furious: :furious:
SLP - couldn't agree more! I would take him in a heartbeat! I have not worked in 7 months and things are tight, but I would certainly do all the honest things I could for a baby.

Let's face it, even if they had stolen formula out of desperation, who on earth would condemn them?
SLP - couldn't agree more! I would take him in a heartbeat! I have not worked in 7 months and things are tight, but I would certainly do all the honest things I could for a baby.

Let's face it, even if they had stolen formula out of desperation, who on earth would condemn them?

Plus we have WIC and link cards here. I think they had formula they just didn't give it to him. It was too much work to hold up the bottle for two minutes. There hands must have been tired from playing video games.,2933,331732,00.html

The 5-month-old was dropped off at his parents' house on Feb. 4, strapped into his car seat. Eight days later, he was found in the same position, said Peoria County State's Attorney Kevin Lyons during a bond hearing for the parents.
Benjamin Sargent died with his eyes open, fists clenched and strapped into a car seat after eight days without food or water, the county's top prosecutor said Wednesday.
James Sargent's grandfather spoke to News 25 by phone. He said he thought his grandson truly loved baby Benjamin. The grandfather says when he spoke to his grandson Wednesday that Sargent was in tears. But he's not sure whether they were tears of remorse or self–pity.
James Sargent's grandfather says he is still in shock over the allegations against his adopted grandson.

This just makes me sick.

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