Found Deceased IL - Bryeon Hunter, 1, Maywood, 16 April 2013 *Arrests*

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“From what we know, he was thrown in naked,” Maywood Police Chief Tim Curry said.


Curry said officials expect Bryeon’s body should have surfaced by now.

“At this point, he should, and if he did come to the surface, we’d also have to be concerned that the currents would have swept him even further downstream,” he said.
There is no information indicating anyone other than the two people charged were aware he had to sit on the toilet all day long. I doubt that any guests were there all day long to witness any of the abuse.

I imagine any friends who saw this visited for a short time and no where near enough time to know that sitting on the toilet was an all day long thing.

I imagine these 'friends' will confirm or deny MS's statements to police, at the time of trial.

Right now, I don't believe MS's statements. He's out to cover his own arse here. Not help the police with this case.

There was a quote in one of the articles posted that when visiting their apartment, if you wanted to use the toilet you had to temporarily remove him from it because they made him sit on it all day long.

Additionally, MS said he was embarrassed when his friends were over and she was beating the baby.

People knew.

The grandmother lawyered up immediately once they admitted they had killed him. Odd reaction. Few grannies who were shocked and surprised their daughter killed her baby would go out and get a lawyer first thing. During the horror of first believing the baby was kidnapped, and then the worse horror of finding out that your own daughter did this, I don't think getting a lawyer would be on the to do list for that day.
There was a quote in one of the articles posted that when visiting their apartment, if you wanted to use the toilet you had to temporarily remove him from it because they made him sit on it all day long.

Additionally, MS said he was embarrassed when his friends were over and she was beating the baby.

People knew.

The grandmother lawyered up immediately once they admitted they had killed him. Odd reaction. Few grannies who were shocked and surprised their daughter killed her baby would go out and get a lawyer first thing. During the horror of first believing the baby was kidnapped, and then the worse horror of finding out that your own daughter did this, I don't think getting a lawyer would be on the to do list for that day.

Oooooooooooooooh :( Just when you thought you'd heard it all.
Makes me sick! I would have taken him too if she didn't want him :(. I think sometimes abuse is accepted or looked at as too much trouble to get involved. I am not excusing it at all. One should still do all they can to help. This goes beyond it. They were witness it in great detail and it was happening to a baby according to MSM links. The system is a bit broken too. I remember calling on my neighbor who would scream for hours at his girlfriend's mentally disabled daughter. It was sickening to listen to. I told them to please do something. They said, "Did you see him hit her?" How could I? It was through a wall that I listen to this! They told me there was nothing they could do. They wouldn't investigate or interview. I told the lady to remember this call and to remember someone cared to stop it early and they did nothing! I am sad at how things are. I would always call CPS for a child!
Makes me sick! I would have taken him too if she didn't want him :(. I think sometimes abuse is accepted or looked at as too much trouble to get involved. I am not excusing it at all. One should still do all they can to help. This goes beyond it. They were witness it in great detail and it was happening to a baby according to MSM links. The system is a bit broken too. I remember calling on my neighbor who would scream for hours at his girlfriend's mentally disabled daughter. It was sickening to listen to. I told them to please do something. They said, "Did you see him hit her?" How could I? It was through a wall that I listen to this! They told me there was nothing they could do. They wouldn't investigate or interview. I told the lady to remember this call and to remember someone cared to stop it early and they did nothing! I am sad at how things are. I would always call CPS for a child!

The first part of your post reminds me of folks saying they would take Susan Smith's precious little boys.
I know there was a group assembling to search for him this weekend along the river, people from all over headed that way with Search dogs, I hope they find this little baby and put him at rest. I so agree with others, in a case like this I look at the beautiful child and would take them home and love them up in a heartbeat.... make me feel so dark and sad... poor sweet sweet baby....RIP
I know there was a group assembling to search for him this weekend along the river, people from all over headed that way with Search dogs, I hope they find this little baby and put him at rest. I so agree with others, in a case like this I look at the beautiful child and would take them home and love them up in a heartbeat.... make me feel so dark and sad... poor sweet sweet baby....RIP

Yes. I love WS but the world we look at is very dark and evil. Several times the last week I've thought I am taking a break from WS for a week a month a year ! But I come back. I guess ignoring evil doesn't mean it goes away . But I'll tell you one thing, it's making me stronger and tougher ! My niece, that I practically raised, is 20 and has a baby ( dad ran off ) and working and paying her own bills and considering a move in with her bf. The baby is 18 mos and I said to her I will be having a talk with that bf before she moves in stating no one is to be laying a hand on either girl in violence or perversion. I know that won't STOP that behavior if this man intends it, but he needs to know we take that seriously in this family and he should know that she's not alone and has family ready to take whatever means necessary to protect them both. He seems like a good guy, but don't they all ? So I put no stock in how someone seems any more. Anyway, long story short, I am sure a year ago the thought would never have crossed my mind to speak to someone before she moves in with them and issue a warning ! She said Ok Auntie, I'd like that ! :)
RIP poor baby. You deserved better than the horrible short life you had.

Thinking about Bryeon today. And yes, what a short horrific life this poor little angel had. He never knew that life could be happy and warm and full of love. All he knew was torment by those who were supposed to protect him. The only ones he could depend on for food and clothing and safety and love. And instead, all he received was a beating. A beating to the death for failing to potty train.

This little boy wasn't even speaking yet. He likely didn't even know what he was supposed to be even doing on that potty. All he knew was that these people beat him so mercilessly, and all he could possibly do was to whine and cry, because he couldn't even ask them to stop. And they would beat him more.

What kind of a sick human being could do this to any innocent child, let alone their own flesh and blood??? And the saddest part is that there are thousands of little "Bryeon's" out there in this world who are living through this same torture each day. Why can't we get this to stop? Why should these babies suffer without anyone to rescue them?

What about all of those who saw this going on and did nothing? Those who saw a crazy woman trying to potty train a one year old??? Even the BF says he was "embarrassed" when she beat the child with others present. Embarrassment should have been the least of the issues!!! Why weren't these people outraged? Why didn't someone step in or call the authorities to report this abuse of an innocent baby???

These cases are just too much for me. It is really too bad that they can't go after these people who see a child being abused and do nothing.
I just want to say, slightly OT, but this morning I , once again, cleaned up dog pee from the floor. I have a dog who sneaks out of bed nearly every night to pee in the floor. I keep her in a crate sometimes at night but then I feel bad because she wants in the bed and any time I do she tricks me. Shes' FOUR years old and a dog and I've never beat her for it. I love her. We do have a talk and she seems to feel bad but only for 23 hrs then she does it again. It's never crossed my mind to leave her in the crate for 24 hrs to punish her for going potty in the house. I thankfully have tile and wood floors so it's not a smelly issue. IDK why I wanted to share but I checked on Bryeon's thread right after cleaning up an accident and thought WTF . :( I'm so sorry baby Byreon that no one came to help you .... I'm so so sorry little man.
I just want to say, slightly OT, but this morning I , once again, cleaned up dog pee from the floor. I have a dog who sneaks out of bed nearly every night to pee in the floor. I keep her in a crate sometimes at night but then I feel bad because she wants in the bed and any time I do she tricks me. Shes' FOUR years old and a dog and I've never beat her for it. I love her. We do have a talk and she seems to feel bad but only for 23 hrs then she does it again. It's never crossed my mind to leave her in the crate for 24 hrs to punish her for going potty in the house. I thankfully have tile and wood floors so it's not a smelly issue. IDK why I wanted to share but I checked on Bryeon's thread right after cleaning up an accident and thought WTF . :( I'm so sorry baby Byreon that no one came to help you .... I'm so so sorry little man.

Awwww SCHMAE....bless your heart :eek:
I sure hoped they would find baby boy by now.
You are thought of daily little angel.
I cannot even find an article about the search since May 1 :(
I cannot even find an article about the search since May 1 :(

I know! It breaks my heart. I look for articles on him daily and nothing. It's like no one cares. I pray there are still people looking for him.
I know! It breaks my heart. I look for articles on him daily and nothing. It's like no one cares. I pray there are still people looking for him.

Maybe because they know he's not alive, the search is not as urgent? I mean I hate to think of that, but you know in the mean time they're investigating LIVE children who are being hurt, etc. I don't want to excuse it but just wondering if that is why. It's just too sad that he spent his short life unloved and in fear and loneliness and now he's lost in the water somewhere like an old boot just waiting for someone to care enough to find him . He has no one in life or death to cradle him and it blows blows blows ! :banghead:
:please: Show yourself little man so they can bring you home !

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