GUILTY IL - Katrina Smith, 30, beaten to death, Machesney Park, 23 Oct 2012 - #2

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Winning- by all accounts Todd detested his mom and stepfather. He was 17 almost an adult why is he going to take a fall or be forced to confess for something he didn't do? Heck, if I hate someone at they try to blackmail me regarding insurance fraud I go to the authorities because I know that gets them locked up. He had lived on his own for a time when he was 17 he had less than a year before he could be free of them. It makes no sense at all that he was a part of some big R family scam.

I'm just repeating w hat was speculation and rumored since that fire occurred. I think the step children in that home were treated viciously and most likely craved love. I was not behind closed doors in that home, I can only repeat what I know from living right there. I believe you would be hard pressed to find a neighbor of herb that well lets just say wasn't very suspicious. I'm not saying Todd did or didn't do anything, I'm saying that it was speculated in the immediate community that this was not all Todd. Why he would go along if he did I cannot answer. Again, maybe he was trying to gain acceptance or love - maybe he truly feared his step father. I don't know - just speculation among the community all those years ago.

Maybe, I am skeptical because nobody is sleuthing anyone. It must have been TS. As, I mentioned earlier I witnessed a man detained after finding his wife and child murdered and another child brutally attacked (she died alone because dad must have done it) he was separated had a girlfriend, fought over money, and he was the last one to see them alive. He also found the bodies with my cousin. He was tried in the public eye and thought guilty. Because why would a stranger do this, how? It had to be the husband because a bitter divorce was coming. Well, against what statistics say it was not him. DNA and a confession proved it was a worker That had done work for them on their property. I guess since then I am less likely to assume anything. This man's children and wife were taken from him. The community turned against him. The police followed him, destroyed his apartment, questioned, accused and basically ruined a great man- all on he must have done it.

We have no idea what evidence the cops have. Could he have done it sure, I just do not want to be part of the lynch mob until they give us some evidence more than circumstantial that Ts was involved. I have seen circumstantial evidence destroy an innocent man once before.
Strictly MOO but the ridiculous notion being thrown about here as if it were actually even the slightest of possibility of being true, much less actually attempting to make it fly as "truth" just doesn't even begin to hold nary even a single drop of water..

FACT is Todd Raprager aka Todd Smith long before he committed arson on thefamily home WWITH THE ENTIRE FAMILY ASLEEP INSIDE THE HOME..long before that Todd had a very turbulent relationship with his family.. Todd, himself admits he didn't want to abide by the rules, there were continued arguments and his bucking against the authority of his parents and the rules of their home.. this led to Todd's on multiple occasions moving in and out due to his refusing to respect his parents and any authority whatsoever they attempted to exert over Todd as a minor still living under their roof.. And in Todd's most recent move back into his parents home he became ever increasingly resentful, angry, and fed up with his parents, especially where he and his mom's "relationship" was concerned. He, himself states for the court record that it was his being fed up with his mom's "nagging" that directly led to his deciding that very early morning to go and with intent, malice, and forethought to unscrew the cap on the gas to the home.

This IMO especially heinous and especially important due to the fact that this was NOT a quick, fly off the handle decision that quickly and immediately led to the house exploding in flames and then before even being able to cool down and/or realize the true magnitude of his actions that the home would already have been engulfed in flames with no way to change the course of disaster...<--THIS WAS NOT THE CASE..MUCH DIFFERENT WAS IT IN THAT it took literally hours of a slow build for the home to fill with gas before ever reaching the pilot light to which it then explosively engulfed the home in flames... Point being that an extremely lengthy amount of time passed between when Todd in those very early morning hours chose to unscrew the gas cap allowing the slow leak to begin.. that extremely long amount of time more than enough for one to have calmed down and quickly realized the great magnitude of his actions including the death that was intended to all 3 family members inside the home.. In that long length of time at any point Todd could have quite easily at the very least alerted his family members to get out of the home as it continued to fill with gas..


THIS IMO IS ONE OF THE MORE COLD, CALLOUS, INTENTIONAL WITH ZERO REGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE CRIMES THAT I'VE SEEN COMMITTED BY A TEEN ON BLOOD RELATED, IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS.. The main and core factor is the extreme length of time to which he never changed his mind about wanting them dead.. Teens snap and shoot, stab in a frenzy and then often times within an extremely short amount of time are forevermore in a state of remorse and regret due to their in a state of such anger acted out in a way that was immediate and no way of turning back... With Todd and this crime it was such a long period of time for that option/choice to turn back AND YET HE NEVER ONCE CHOSE TO TURN BACK.. THIS SPEAKS VOLUMES OF MORE MAGNITUDE THAN I BELIEVE THOSE WHO ATTEMPT TO THROW THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THIS HEINOUS CRIME ELSEWHERE FROM TODD...I DO NOT BELIEVE THEY COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND THE TYPE OF PATHOLOGY THAT IS NECESSARY IN ORDER TO DO WHAT NO ONE ELSE BUT TODD RAPRAGER-SMITH DID THAT DAY TO HIS MOM, STEPDAD, AND 12YO BROTHER..

IMO to even attempt to throw out there such ridiculous notions as the family planned this for a money making motive and Todd was the agreed "Patsy" is IMO repulsive to say the least.. Be not mistaken even for a moment Todd Raprager at 17yoa quite literally resented and despised these two adults and wanted and intended them dead.. he had literal hours to change his mind and change the course of what happened that day.. Todd Raprager-Smith in all those hours never turned back and chose to save them at any point ...and you really and truly believe that this same exact individual, at that same exact age, and same exact moment in time would have agreed to take the fall for what in all honesty was ATTEMPTED MURDER 1 and could have been sought to be charged as really believe that Todd selflessly took the fall for it all??

Give me a friggin break!! :insert HUGE eyeroll here:
I look at history and records in determining patterns.

I see a young man with many criminal cases by 20 years old
that depict Attempted Arson, Possession and Consumption of Liquor by a minor twice, Attempted Criminal Damage to Property, and Disorderly Conduct.

I see a name change request 5 years later.

Then I see several traffic, a divorce, a recent arbitration for damages case, etc under the new name.
This is only one county's cases.

The fraud case is State of Illinois through the Securities Dept and Secretary of State.

Rest assured, LE check ALL the counties and states records.
IMO just these records have developed one heck of a pattern that just can't be denied.
Perhaps the reporter DID take liberty with wording by saying IN Byron. The news tonight at 5:00 pm on WIFR stated:
Today, sheriff's deputies revisited the site where her body was found in the hopes of finding more evidence.
Link is

My question is, why wait one week to revisit the river site where the body was found?

Maybe because results have come back from the lab. All those "tests" take time and don't come in at one time. They sort of trickle in.
I'm getting a little nervous here that there hasn't been an arrest as well as the idea of them revisiting the scene of where her body was found, looking for more evidence. I hope something breaks, soon.

I've been silently lurking today.

Right now Katrina's visitation is going on.. :( A life cut short. She's close to my age and in a different world and time, we could have been friends.

Tonight, I'll light a candle and have a shot. Or several in honor of her. RIP Katrina.
I'm just repeating w hat was speculation and rumored since that fire occurred. I think the step children in that home were treated viciously and most likely craved love. I was not behind closed doors in that home, I can only repeat what I know from living right there. I believe you would be hard pressed to find a neighbor of herb that well lets just say wasn't very suspicious. I'm not saying Todd did or didn't do anything, I'm saying that it was speculated in the immediate community that this was not all Todd. Why he would go along if he did I cannot answer. Again, maybe he was trying to gain acceptance or love - maybe he truly feared his step father. I don't know - just speculation among the community all those years ago.

Maybe, I am skeptical because nobody is sleuthing anyone. It must have been TS. As, I mentioned earlier I witnessed a man detained after finding his wife and child murdered and another child brutally attacked (she died alone because dad must have done it) he was separated had a girlfriend, fought over money, and he was the last one to see them alive. He also found the bodies with my cousin. He was tried in the public eye and thought guilty. Because why would a stranger do this, how? It had to be the husband because a bitter divorce was coming. Well, against what statistics say it was not him. DNA and a confession proved it was a worker That had done work for them on their property. I guess since then I am less likely to assume anything. This man's children and wife were taken from him. The community turned against him. The police followed him, destroyed his apartment, questioned, accused and basically ruined a great man- all on he must have done it.

We have no idea what evidence the cops have. Could he have done it sure, I just do not want to be part of the lynch mob until they give us some evidence more than circumstantial that Ts was involved. I have seen circumstantial evidence destroy an innocent man once before.

I get not wanting to jump to conclusions after what you witnesses before. To me it would be a huge coincidence if someone did this other than TS. Would have to be the most lucky criminal in the world with TS lying to the media making himself more of a suspect, having such a history and not reporting her missing for 24 hours when it seems other family members knew she was missing. Heck I'm not expert but when someone gets a search warrant how long do they usually take? They were at TS's house for 8 hour collecting evidence.
Actually from what I recall of the Peterson case, was that Scott was CONSTANTLY in front of the cameras pleading and playing the role of a concerned grieving husband, quite the opposite of what you stated above that TS did.

I am not surprised at all by him stepping back and letting the brother Chad take the head of it all because of all the fingers being pointed at Todd, all the past crap being dug up. All of that takes away from the focus on Katrina, so I applaud him for stepping back so that the focus remained on Katrina because you know damn well that if he was in front of those cameras every other question if not ever question would have been about the fire or the investment thing and NOT about Katrina. I think that is why he thought lets just hold a press conference about my past, let them ask all their questions, get this past **** out of the way so we can move on to focusing on Katrina, but after so much whining and complaining on the FB post where it was announced, they just decided to scrap the whole idea and let Chad take the lead.

Once again, you nor I have ever been in the position he is in, so to say we would have done different or acted different is just nonsense.

Edit: You said Todd seemed content to let others do the searching, from every source I have heard from was that Todd has been at every search event, vigil, memorial and press conference. Just because you don't see him on camera doesn't mean he wasn't there.

LMStyle.... I admire your loyalty to your friend? Acquaintance? Relative? TS...

But I do feel it is not quite fair to make a statement that so many of us on this thread are using tunnel vision when looking at the killer of Katrina..

Now let's step back a bit...

for Sleuthers to go in a different direction... There needs to be a viable "candidate"...

and no offense to you... But you may need to be that person who stands up and provides an alternative person(s) who falls into the profile of someone who may have motive, means, and opportunity to remove Katrina...

You are closer to the people, family, friends, community than many of us (or so it seems)... So logically speaking... You would be a prime source for providing alternative scenarios...

In other words... Just saying that many Sleuthers are not viewing this situation correctly does not have strength without a back up scenario...

Please don't think I am attacking you... But I have learned that if I disagree with something... Then it is up to me to be proactive to find an alternate course...

Sociopaths have no conscience or regard for other people. That doesn't mean they are violent in every situation where a relationship ends. Also we don't know how his first marriage went or ended.

Katrina's friends have mentioned that she was terrifed of Todd, why would she be terrifed of her husband?


Can you provide a link to Katrina's friends mentioning that she was terrified of Todd? TIA
I get not wanting to jump to conclusions after what you witnesses before. To me it would be a huge coincidence if someone did this other than TS. Would have to be the most lucky criminal in the world with TS lying to the media making himself more of a suspect, having such a history and not reporting her missing for 24 hours when it seems other family members knew she was missing. Heck I'm not expert but when someone gets a search warrant how long do they usually take? They were at TS's house for 8 hour collecting evidence.

I completely agree that Todd looks guilty and honestly not very intelligent in his answers to law enforcement and the way he presented himself to the media. Again, my friend was in the station questioned for hours , later his apartment searched for hours, girlfriend questioned, photographed, examined looking for scratches, followed, cars taken, clothing confiscated, you name it they did it. This went on and on. He looked very guilty. He had been in their home and had an admitted argument the night they died. The next day when he couldn't get ahold of her he went to their home to discover them. It made no sense that it would be anyone but him. But, it wasn't it was the unthinkable, someone not on the radar- a person who had seen them from afar and struck. Statistically it should turn outto be Todd, but statistically it should have been the man I knew too and it was the unthinkable a monster looking for an opportunity

IHAVENOCLUE, thank you for your very sincere and politely spoken post!!

LMStyle.... I admire your loyalty to your friend? Acquaintance? Relative? TS...

But I do feel it is not quite fair to make a statement that so many of us on this thread are using tunnel vision when looking at the killer of Katrina..

Now let's step back a bit...

for Sleuthers to go in a different direction... There needs to be a viable "candidate"...

and no offense to you... But you may need to be that person who stands up and provides an alternative person(s) who falls into the profile of someone who may have motive, means, and opportunity to remove Katrina...

You are closer to the people, family, friends, community than many of us (or so it seems)... So logically speaking... You would be a prime source for providing alternative scenarios...

In other words... Just saying that many Sleuthers are not viewing this situation correctly does not have strength without a back up scenario...

Please don't think I am attacking you... But I have learned that if I disagree with something... Then it is up to me to be proactive to find an alternate course...

Sociopaths have no conscience or regard for other people. That doesn't mean they are violent in every situation where a relationship ends. Also we don't know how his first marriage went or ended.

Katrina's friends have mentioned that she was terrifed of Todd, why would she be terrifed of her husband?

i asked earlier and then deleted my post because i couldnt find your post again..anyway, could you please post the link to the article in which katrinas friends claim that she was terrified of todd? i dont recall ever seeing any of her friends interviewed...they woudnt even answer questions on the official i would love to read any interviews with any of her friends that say she was terrified of todd...

I recalled reading these two posts and some news articles concerning the separation and found some of them in Thread #1.

These quoted posts provide more information on the circumstances of Katrina living in the condo. I will also be posting two MSN news snippets relating to the separation.

It appears that LE was aware of marital problems and of the separation between Katrina and TS prior to her being missing. So, she must have been insecure enough regarding her safety that she contacted LE. This would allow for the immediate search of the house on Tetterhall when LE broke in the garage door to look for her or her body while TC was being questioned.

It also is reflected in the comment in the Sheriff’s Dept Press Release dated Oct. 24, as “At this point it is unknown if Ms Smith left on her own or if she is the victim of foul play.” :moo:

Deleted facebook comments/rumors referred to his controlling personality, her telling him she wanted a divorce, and her being afraid of him.

Posted by 750 on 10-30-2012, 09:43 PM

She was staying in Roscoe in a condo off of Hwy 251 by the Highlander grocery store.

It was hardly a "housesitting" situation as described by the husband. The girl that owns the condo(a very good friend of Katrina's) had moved out of state several months ago and had recently allowed Katrina stay there to help her get though the separation.

Why he would issue a press release telling everyone that they were happily married and still living together is beyond me. The police are well aware of Katrina's attempt to separate from her husband. I was fortunate enough to meet her several times. <snipped> very compassionate and beautiful. Judging by the information being released it's becoming more and more clear that this won't end well.

Posted by 750 on 10-30-2012, 10:29 PM

Thanks for the welcome.......

The police were definitely let into the condo as soon as the disappearance was reported and have been in contact with the owner from the first day.

There's no way that anything could have happened there without raising a lot of attention. It's a unit in the middle and is surrounded on both sides by retired couples that make a point of making sure they know everything that is going on around them--with the way that place was built, if there was a fight/struggle the neighbors would have definitely been aware.......

I am one in the camp that thinks the whole crime scene by the river has been staged. The sequence of events just doesn't add up.
but deleted comments on a fb by people whose identities are unknown cant be considered fact. since the house is in her name im sure she had legal issues to address if she intended to stay in the condo so it could not be said that she abandoned her own home, that could be one reason why le was aware of their living arrangements...

i would just like to actually hear from her family or friends about their relationship...if she was terrified of him for a fact known by most who knew her it would definitely affect my fence sitting on whether to suspect him or not...
:rose: :rose: :rose:

Rest in Peace Katrina.

Early on news Links concerning the separation of Katrina and Todd. I still cannot believe that TS would deny a statement made by LE that could be so easily verified ....

Posted Oct 26, 2012 @ 06:30 PM
Last update Oct 26, 2012 @ 10:06 PM

Friday, Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Chief Dominic Iasparro <snipped>.... Although Smith lived in Machesney Park with her husband, Iasparro said the couple had been separated for several weeks. Smith had been living by herself, Iasparro said, in a friend’s condo in Roscoe.

Her husband reported her missing to the Roscoe Police Department on Tuesday night.
<snipped> BBM

Posted: Mon 5:03 PM, Oct 29, 2012

Missing Woman's Husband Speaks Out

"She said I will be back later and that was the last we had heard of her," said Katrina Smith’s husband.

Smith is speaking out for the first time since he reported his wife missing.
Smith says he and Katrina didn't live in separate homes, like police reported, but that his wife was house sitting in Roscoe. He says the two have been happily married for seven years and that he is devastated by her disappearance.
<snipped> BBM

Thank you to LunaLight for providing the Link

Tonight a snippet of the news video with Todd speaking is on Page 10, 02:21.
The video has been removed from the Link to the original news article.
I am new to this site and have read every page of this topic before deciding to post. First off let me say it is refreshing to see a site where people rationally discuss without demeaning or degrading others for their thoughts or opinions I wish more sites out there were like this.

There are a few things that I can comment on and there are a couple gnats bugging around in my mind I could use some feedback on so here goes...

First off let me say that my mind is not made up on whether or not TS had a part in the unfortunate and senseless death of Katrina I am waiting to see what LE has to say.

I went to High School with Todd Raprager (Smith) and I can tell you what I remember about the fire. I remember that Todd did confess to setting the fire by removing the gas cap, I remember the rumors and accusations going around that the parents knew about the fire which is why despite reports the family (father) made that they were all sleeping, they were fully clothed (except for Justin the younger brother) when escaping the house fire without a burn or scratch on them. I remember that the father had been suspected before and since the fire of others. The whole situation was sketchy at best from all angles which led people to believe that at least the father knew. That is what I remember you can take it for what it's worth.

As far as TS reporting Katrina missing in Roscoe that could have been just a matter of location from where he lives. Roscoe police department would be a lot closer to him then the Loves Park Police Department or to the Rockford Police Department which is even further then then Loves Park Police department. There is a little office building behind the mall in Machesney Park that has a Winnebago County Sheriff sign and sometimes you see police cars there but I have lived here all my life and I do not believe it is reguarded by anyone as an actual police department. People that don't live here see it as TS reporting her missing in a different city. I never gave where he reported her missing a second thought as the cities of Roscoe and Machesney Park are so close to each other and at points enter twine with each other so close in fact that some students that live in Roscoe will go to the High School in Machesney Park. Even the main fire department is called North Park Fire Department and it services both Roscoe and Machesney Park. Just trying to maybe give those that don't live here a sense of how close the cities are and how much they enter twine.

A couple things that are bugging me.....
People on here have said that Katrina's friends say she was terrified of Todd, if she was terrified of him wouldn't her family know that and if they did know that then why would they support him? I certainly wouldn't and I certainly wouldn't sit on a couch with him while I pleaded for whoever did this to come forward but that is just me.

Also, I am really bothered by the fact that the actual news would give the time of day to an "estranged brother" that does not even know Katrina or her family. A person that admits he has had absolutely no contact with his half brother in many many years. To me and this is just my opinion I find the fact that someone would use a tragedy such as this to come on TV to just air dirty laundry without having anything useful to say about what happened is disgusting. The fact that the actual news reported this made them appear desperate and a bit like a tabloid.

Anyway, thanks for giving me the opportunity to post and allowing me to become a member I really enjoy this site :gthanks:
I am new to this site and have read every page of this topic before deciding to post. First off let me say it is refreshing to see a site where people rationally discuss without demeaning or degrading others for their thoughts or opinions I wish more sites out there were like this.

There are a few things that I can comment on and there are a couple gnats bugging around in my mind I could use some feedback on so here goes...

First off let me say that my mind is not made up on whether or not TS had a part in the unfortunate and senseless death of Katrina I am waiting to see what LE has to say.

I went to High School with Todd Raprager (Smith) and I can tell you what I remember about the fire. I remember that Todd did confess to setting the fire by removing the gas cap, I remember the rumors and accusations going around that the parents knew about the fire which is why despite reports the family (father) made that they were all sleeping, they were fully clothed (except for Justin the younger brother) when escaping the house fire without a burn or scratch on them. I remember that the father had been suspected before and since the fire of others. The whole situation was sketchy at best from all angles which led people to believe that at least the father knew. That is what I remember you can take it for what it's worth.

As far as TS reporting Katrina missing in Roscoe that could have been just a matter of location from where he lives. Roscoe police department would be a lot closer to him then the Loves Park Police Department or to the Rockford Police Department which is even further then then Loves Park Police department. There is a little office building behind the mall in Machesney Park that has a Winnebago County Sheriff sign and sometimes you see police cars there but I have lived here all my life and I do not believe it is reguarded by anyone as an actual police department. People that don't live here see it as TS reporting her missing in a different city. I never gave where he reported her missing a second thought as the cities of Roscoe and Machesney Park are so close to each other and at points enter twine with each other so close in fact that some students that live in Roscoe will go to the High School in Machesney Park. Even the main fire department is called North Park Fire Department and it services both Roscoe and Machesney Park. Just trying to maybe give those that don't live here a sense of how close the cities are and how much they enter twine.

A couple things that are bugging me.....
People on here have said that Katrina's friends say she was terrified of Todd, if she was terrified of him wouldn't her family know that and if they did know that then why would they support him? I certainly wouldn't and I certainly wouldn't sit on a couch with him while I pleaded for whoever did this to come forward but that is just me.

Also, I am really bothered by the fact that the actual news would give the time of day to an "estranged brother" that does not even know Katrina or her family. A person that admits he has had absolutely no contact with his half brother in many many years. To me and this is just my opinion I find the fact that someone would use a tragedy such as this to come on TV to just air dirty laundry without having anything useful to say about what happened is disgusting. The fact that the actual news reported this made them appear desperate and a bit like a tabloid.

Anyway, thanks for giving me the opportunity to post and allowing me to become a member I really enjoy this site :gthanks:


the statement made about katrina being terrified is at the moment unsubstantiated... a couple of us have asked for a link to anything in main stream media where her friends or any friend or family member has said that katrina was terrified of todd...
I am new to this site and have read every page of this topic before deciding to post. First off let me say it is refreshing to see a site where people rationally discuss without demeaning or degrading others for their thoughts or opinions I wish more sites out there were like this.

There are a few things that I can comment on and there are a couple gnats bugging around in my mind I could use some feedback on so here goes...

First off let me say that my mind is not made up on whether or not TS had a part in the unfortunate and senseless death of Katrina I am waiting to see what LE has to say.

I went to High School with Todd Raprager (Smith) and I can tell you what I remember about the fire. I remember that Todd did confess to setting the fire by removing the gas cap, I remember the rumors and accusations going around that the parents knew about the fire which is why despite reports the family (father) made that they were all sleeping, they were fully clothed (except for Justin the younger brother) when escaping the house fire without a burn or scratch on them. I remember that the father had been suspected before and since the fire of others. The whole situation was sketchy at best from all angles which led people to believe that at least the father knew. That is what I remember you can take it for what it's worth.

As far as TS reporting Katrina missing in Roscoe that could have been just a matter of location from where he lives. Roscoe police department would be a lot closer to him then the Loves Park Police Department or to the Rockford Police Department which is even further then then Loves Park Police department. There is a little office building behind the mall in Machesney Park that has a Winnebago County Sheriff sign and sometimes you see police cars there but I have lived here all my life and I do not believe it is reguarded by anyone as an actual police department. People that don't live here see it as TS reporting her missing in a different city. I never gave where he reported her missing a second thought as the cities of Roscoe and Machesney Park are so close to each other and at points enter twine with each other so close in fact that some students that live in Roscoe will go to the High School in Machesney Park. Even the main fire department is called North Park Fire Department and it services both Roscoe and Machesney Park. Just trying to maybe give those that don't live here a sense of how close the cities are and how much they enter twine.

A couple things that are bugging me.....
People on here have said that Katrina's friends say she was terrified of Todd, if she was terrified of him wouldn't her family know that and if they did know that then why would they support him? I certainly wouldn't and I certainly wouldn't sit on a couch with him while I pleaded for whoever did this to come forward but that is just me.

Also, I am really bothered by the fact that the actual news would give the time of day to an "estranged brother" that does not even know Katrina or her family. A person that admits he has had absolutely no contact with his half brother in many many years. To me and this is just my opinion I find the fact that someone would use a tragedy such as this to come on TV to just air dirty laundry without having anything useful to say about what happened is disgusting. The fact that the actual news reported this made them appear desperate and a bit like a tabloid.

Anyway, thanks for giving me the opportunity to post and allowing me to become a member I really enjoy this site :gthanks:


Great to have you and thank you for your insight!
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