GUILTY IL - Katrina Smith, 30, beaten to death, Machesney Park, 23 Oct 2012 - #2

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Almost everything you have asked here has already been addressed or answered in this thread and the #1 thread for Katrina. If you browse through it you will find all the information. All the questions about the insurance/investment business or life insurance policies are not a factor in this case.

The same goes with the fire as it has been discussed to extreme lengths with some very good locals information who lived near them or knew them at the time.

As far as motive, the only thing is the divorce/leaving him.

I too think her leaving him was the motive. Yes, money and assets are involved in a divorce and yes he had a potential legal issue centering around money, however; IMO the way she was killed (brutal blunt force trauma) feels more of a enraged, if I can't have you, no one can have you type way. More of a crime of passion. Now if she was shot or a hit man was hired, I'd lean in that direction but this my only uneducated opinion.
Looks like her house is an inheritance property. I think that would mean TS has no claim to it?

Single Family 8239 Tetterhall Lane N/A | 1.5 | 1373
Jun. 11 $125,000
Buyer: Katrina A Nalevac
Seller: RJK (Executor) and IEK (Estate)


"Transaction Type: Purchase/Resale Arm's Length Residential Transaction
Document Type: Executor's Deed"

Looks like her house is an inheritance property. I think that would mean TS has no claim to it?

Single Family 8239 Tetterhall Lane N/A | 1.5 | 1373
Jun. 11 $125,000
Buyer: Katrina A Nalevac
Seller: Raymond J Kelley (Executor) and Ida E Kelley (Estate)


"Transaction Type: Purchase/Resale Arm's Length Residential Transaction
Document Type: Executor's Deed"


What that tells me is that Ida owned it and lived there, she passed away and the executor (raymond) likely her son or other close relative who then sold the home as part of settling her estate.

Thank you for responding to my question.

Looks like her house is an inheritance property. I think that would mean TS has no claim to it?

Single Family 8239 Tetterhall Lane N/A | 1.5 | 1373
Jun. 11 $125,000
Buyer: Katrina A Nalevac
Seller: Raymond J Kelley (Executor) and Ida E Kelley (Estate)


"Transaction Type: Purchase/Resale Arm's Length Residential Transaction
Document Type: Executor's Deed"

So you are saying that money has absolutely no bearing on this case? How are you able to say this with certainty?[/

I agree money CAN be a major issue in this crime. Regardless if Todd's business dealings were proven to be sound, you can't rule out money.

Todd's a slithery sneaky guy and his career was firmly wrapped around money, investments, etc.

Life insurance is very affordable. you can pay about $100-$200/month in premiums for as much as $500,000 in coverage....and some plans if you qualify, you might be able to obtain a plan for $1 million for a just little more cost.
[QUOTE=SmoothOperator;8573653]And you may very well be correct, Texas Charm that it occurred at the home, but IMO for some reason I just don't believe it did.. My opinion of why he felt the need to admit to her being at the home and thereby the last to see her was due to either the logistics of it(ie. Phone records text msg possibly discussing her coming by the house that night)..or for the simple fact that he either knew or suspected that Katrina shared with someone/anyone else that she was going to Todd's house that night..

IMO its for those type reasons that Todd had no choice but to admit to Katrina being at the Tetterhall home..jmo, tho and definitely could be wrong..

As far as my theory involving Katrina's car while I find it possible, if not even probable that Katrina was in the driver seat when the attack began.. However IMO I also find it atleast possible that she was not in the drivers seat but rather in the passenger seat and Todd driving..early on one of the rumored ruses that Todd Was to have supposedly used that night in luring Katrina to the home, and then ultimately to her death..was the ruse of getting something to eat..I've looked at that possibly as his sending her to go get him take out and somehow luring her to a specific place..but IMO there are issues that I have with that in any way being a smoothly executed plan..

So, I find it possible that once Katrina came to the home that Todd talked her into spur of the moment, the two of them going to grab take out..most have heard the rumors of Katrina maybe having possibly thought of giving him another chance..but even if she didn't I still find it plausible that there relationship was still amicable enough that she would agree to go by herself to the home.. This to me leads me to believe that once there and Todd spur of the moment proposes hey let's just run thru the drive thru for some take out..your car is parked behind mine so we'll just take your car..lemme was a new car afterall..and IMO with the relationship obviously somewhat still intact on an amicable level I find it easy to believe the above given theory could have been used..jmo, tho and just a theory..

As far as your question about the where they were at location wise when the attack/murder occurred..not being local I just don't know..but IMO it wouldn't exactly be that far fetched IMO if it didn't happen at or very near the area of the river that her body was disposed of at..but again I don't know and all in all its all just theory and conjecture at this point..

The one thing I'm most certain of is that given the manner of death and disposal my honest opinion is that even tho small in stature..Todd Smith IMO quite likely did it all himself..jmo, tho.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree with your theory. To me things were friendly and KS came over. And then maybe they went to get something to eat, then it turned into a reconciling talk to get back together. So maybe driving now for a long time, Todd felt this was a desperate chance to get back together.

KS maybe told Todd their marriage is over. Her decision's final. This is when iI believe Todd became ballistic, enraged and committed a brutal beating.
I don't know if LE has a murder weapon. Maybe Todd found a large rock, metal stick at the river or maybe KS had something in her car that would've sufficed for a weapon to create such horrible damage to KS.

If LE found no DNA in her car, then I'm thinking Todd lured Katrina out of the car for a friendly walk, maybe near the river. Then having river rocks to do the crime, a quiet place, and plenty of water to take away all bood trails.
And you may very well be correct, Texas Charm that it occurred at the home, but IMO for some reason I just don't believe it did.. My opinion of why he felt the need to admit to her being at the home and thereby the last to see her was due to either the logistics of it(ie. Phone records text msg possibly discussing her coming by the house that night)..or for the simple fact that he either knew or suspected that Katrina shared with someone/anyone else that she was going to Todd's house that night..

IMO its for those type reasons that Todd had no choice but to admit to Katrina being at the Tetterhall home..jmo, tho and definitely could be wrong..

As far as my theory involving Katrina's car while I find it possible, if not even probable that Katrina was in the driver seat when the attack began.. However IMO I also find it atleast possible that she was not in the drivers seat but rather in the passenger seat and Todd driving..early on one of the rumored ruses that Todd Was to have supposedly used that night in luring Katrina to the home, and then ultimately to her death..was the ruse of getting something to eat..I've looked at that possibly as his sending her to go get him take out and somehow luring her to a specific place..but IMO there are issues that I have with that in any way being a smoothly executed plan..

So, I find it possible that once Katrina came to the home that Todd talked her into spur of the moment, the two of them going to grab take out..most have heard the rumors of Katrina maybe having possibly thought of giving him another chance..but even if she didn't I still find it plausible that there relationship was still amicable enough that she would agree to go by herself to the home.. This to me leads me to believe that once there and Todd spur of the moment proposes hey let's just run thru the drive thru for some take out..your car is parked behind mine so we'll just take your car..lemme was a new car afterall..and IMO with the relationship obviously somewhat still intact on an amicable level I find it easy to believe the above given theory could have been used..jmo, tho and just a theory..

As far as your question about the where they were at location wise when the attack/murder occurred..not being local I just don't know..but IMO it wouldn't exactly be that far fetched IMO if it didn't happen at or very near the area of the river that her body was disposed of at..but again I don't know and all in all its all just theory and conjecture at this point..

The one thing I'm most certain of is that given the manner of death and disposal my honest opinion is that even tho small in stature..Todd Smith IMO quite likely did it all himself..jmo, tho.

In spite of his size, I believe he killed and disposed of Katrina on his own. The need to get rid of her body would have provided additional strength, in my opinion. And it would not be that hard to push her into the water, one he got her out of the auto.

I'm thinking if the beating was down by the river, Todd could've used the rocks near the shoreline to kill Katrina. Then push her into the river and throw the bloody rock far into the river. I'm wondering if LE found Katrina's blood on Todd's clothes. When LE searched Todd's place, I' wondering if they found her blood, maybe too, he tried to wash his clothes and some blood was left on the washer/dryer? Maybe blood splatters were on Todd's clothes, shoes, socks that can be detected by forensics.

Just my opinion.
Where are the clothes? The ones that she came to wash? Were they still in the laundry room? Did they make it to the laundry room? Where were they at in the cycle?

I think the most likely scenario - for me - is that she was in the house, maybe laundry room, and a discussion went wrong. Was it about her leaving? Her giving him x number of days to move out?. Maybe he was supposed to be trying to find another place live .. Maybe her time away gave her a new resolve. maybe she didn't back down like she normally did.

Once he struck her .. he just didn't stop. A crime of passion .. loss of control.

He had all night to then figure out what the heck to do. I wonder if he made any calls or stops that night.

I don't think he planned this, or she would have disappeared Stacy Peterson style.

Where are the clothes? The ones that she came to wash? Were they still in the laundry room? Did they make it to the laundry room? Where were they at in the cycle?

I think the most likely scenario - for me - is that she was in the house, maybe laundry room, and a discussion went wrong. Was it about her leaving? Her giving him x number of days to move out?. Maybe he was supposed to be trying to find another place live .. Maybe her time away gave her a new resolve. maybe she didn't back down like she normally did.

Once he struck her .. he just didn't stop. A crime of passion .. loss of control.

He had all night to then figure out what the heck to do. I wonder if he made any calls or stops that night.

I don't think he planned this, or she would have disappeared Stacy Peterson style.

A good theory Texas Charm--- But don't you think it would be really stressful for Todd to worry about moving Katrina's body to her car with possibly a neighbor seeing this? Or maybe if a friend or family member was driving up to his house/condo?

Maybe Todd actually killed Katrina early in the evening and waited until maybe 1am to put her in her car and dispose of her because neighbors would likely be in bed and the neighborhood quiet?

Again, we don't have a time of death from the autopsy, so Todd's claim that Katrina left the home around 9pm to run errands could be a lie or just a bunch of "horse hockey"

By the way Happy Holidays to all on Websleuths....
I am thankful that TS is spending his first full day in jail today.

I am thankful that, although her family had to share Katrina's funeral with her killer, that they don't have to spend their first holidays without her in the company of her killer.

I am thankful that LE was very quiet, worked steadily, and was able to make an arrest so quickly.

I am thankful for the example that Katrina's family continues to be .... extremely classy folks, imo.

I am so soooo sooooooo sorry for TS's girls. While I'm sure their mother has a variety of emotions (can you imagine?) .. I hope she is able to give those girls the love and support they will need.

It's a broad path of destruction ... the path that leads one to take the life of another ...

Love your families on this Thanksgiving Day.

Thanks for saying this TexasCharm---

I cannot get out of my mind the extreme hardships the Smith children have had to deal with...

The Smith children had to deal with losing their family stability from their first mother by a divorce.

Now they lost their Step Mom to a horrible, henious murder.

And now they lost thier Father to prison most likely for the rest of their lives.

I cannot even possibly grasp the grief these poor kids have on their minds.
Ok first time posting...I live in the village where this add to this it was reported things were found in Rock Cut State Park...shovel, gloves, shirt so it's possible he buried the stuff or disposed of it...also that his vehicle was spotted leaving the park around the time she was reported missing...

Goofy One---Thanks for posting this intel.

IMO LE finding shovel, gloves, etc as possibly parts of the crime, this means it was pre planned, pre meditated murder.

So now maybe Todd ambushed Katrina at his home.

And given my impression of Todd Smith as a devious, cunning, clever thinker, he likely had the whole crime pre plotted.

Katrina probably felt safe to come to Todd's because he agreed to her demands for a divorce and she accepted his closure. So all was amiable in her mind and she was "free" to move on without hassles.

And he waited until it was dark enough or early morning to take her out of his home unnoticed and dispose of Katrina.
PLEASE watch the video included with the small writeup at the below link for TS's MSM verification that the house IS IN Katrina's name (IMO):

"Days after his arrest for the murder of his wife Katrina, Todd Smith made his first appearance in Bond court on Saturday. Wearing a yellow jumpsuit with his hands shackled to his waist, Smith remained mostly quiet, hanging his head while the judge spoke. At one point Smith appeared to break down and cry as the judge asked him "do you think you can afford a lawyer?" his response: "no sir, I don't think so"........ "

snipped from

Goofy One---Thanks for posting this intel.

IMO LE finding shovel, gloves, etc as possibly parts of the crime, this means it was pre planned, pre meditated murder.

So now maybe Todd ambushed Katrina at his home.

And given my impression of Todd Smith as a devious, cunning, clever thinker, he likely had the whole crime pre plotted.

Katrina probably felt safe to come to Todd's because he agreed to her demands for a divorce and she accepted his closure. So all was amiable in her mind and she was "free" to move on without hassles.

And he waited until it was dark enough or early morning to take her out of his home unnoticed and dispose of Katrina.

There has been no mention from LE about his vehicle being seen leaving Rock Cut around the time of her disappearance, so that would be rumor as well, so I wouldn't attach theories to it as if it was fact. (regarding goofyone's comment you quoted)
Someone at one of the searches asked him why he would not give DNA after the articles were found at the park...his reaction was to leave

There has been no mention from LE about his vehicle being seen leaving Rock Cut around the time of her disappearance, so that would be rumor as well, so I wouldn't attach theories to it as if it was fact. (regarding goofyone's comment you quoted)

I agree, LMStyle, that without attribution for comments, we should consider them rumor.

goofyone, you've mentioned a couple of things that sound possible and plausible, as if they could have happened, but could you please post a link for those comments? (My apologies--I can't, at the moment, remember what the other info was that you commented about.)

Though I've read all of both threads, I did not read all of the links provided by posters. But when I read a post that declares some info, if a link is provided, I take that to mean the info can be substantiated via the link. If no link is provided, I take that to mean the info is just so much "talk about town" kind of stuff--could be true, but most likely isn't. (This is my m.o. for any reading I do on Websleuths.)

If I could have my way, we would have a better way to set fact and theories apart in our comments--I've seen late-comer posters respond to a posted theory as if the theory is based on facts they just haven't read up to that point. Makes me a bit impatient, then, with some of the following conversations--"out there" stuff taking up space on the forum.

And maybe I just need more coffee this morning . . .
PLEASE watch the video included with the small writeup at the below link for TS's MSM verification that the house IS IN Katrina's name (IMO):

"Days after his arrest for the murder of his wife Katrina, Todd Smith made his first appearance in Bond court on Saturday. Wearing a yellow jumpsuit with his hands shackled to his waist, Smith remained mostly quiet, hanging his head while the judge spoke. At one point Smith appeared to break down and cry as the judge asked him "do you think you can afford a lawyer?" his response: "no sir, I don't think so"........ "

snipped from

From the Link:

Potential collateral for the bond of the person who is responsible for her death and whose name is not on the deed? Surely, this would not happen.

Judge: "Do you own a house?"

Smith: "Yes sir, but it's in my wife's name."
Judge: "Do you own a house?:

TCSmith: "Yes sir, but it's in my wife's name."

I know this adds zero, but it irks me to no end that he calls her "my wife." Really, he should be required to say Ms. Smith or Ms. Katrina Smith. Im pretty sure she would have lightning strike him for calling her that if she was able. JMHO!!!!!!!!
Judge: "Do you own a house?:

TCSmith: "Yes sir, but it's in my wife's name."

I know this adds zero, but it irks me to no end that he calls her "my wife." Really, he should be required to say Ms. Smith or Ms. Katrina Smith. Im pretty sure she would have lightning strike him for calling her that if she was able. JMHO!!!!!!!!

Keep in mind, he has not been convicted yet, nor has he been proven guilty. For all we know right now is that the evidence is circumstantial and since he is the most likely suspect, he is the one detained for it.

I am not saying he is innocent, but none of us know right now, we have not gotten any additional information as to what LE has that directly links him to the crime.

There have been crimes in the past where the most likely suspect is picked up and detained for the crime because media and the people demand someone be brought in only for someone else to be linked to the crime later on.
Keep in mind, he has not been convicted yet, nor has he been proven guilty. For all we know right now is that the evidence is circumstantial and since he is the most likely suspect, he is the one detained for it.

I am not saying he is innocent, but none of us know right now, we have not gotten any additional information as to what LE has that directly links him to the crime.

There have been crimes in the past where the most likely suspect is picked up and detained for the crime because media and the people demand someone be brought in only for someone else to be linked to the crime later on.

You poor thing....

He's the one sitting in jail .. charged with the brutal murder of his estranged wife ..

I know this is hard for you, but most of us saw this coming and believe that LE has the right guy..

You poor thing....

He's the one sitting in jail .. charged with the brutal murder of his estranged wife ..

I know this is hard for you, but most of us saw this coming and believe that LE has the right guy..


Thanks Texas Charm, yeah it is hard and I want nothing more than for the one responsible for taking Katrina away to be locked up, but I want it to be certain it is the right person as it does no good if it's just the most obvious choice if it's the wrong one.
Thanks Texas Charm, yeah it is hard and I want nothing more than for the one responsible for taking Katrina away to be locked up, but I want it to be certain it is the right person as it does no good if it's just the most obvious choice if it's the wrong one.

I understand ..

Most of the time, the obvious choice IS the right one. I'm certain that LE has what they need for this... especially given the bail amount. They certainly were able to convince a judge of something. We'll see how it all pans out.

We've just been down this road WAaaaay to many times .. and, of course, we don't know him.

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