Found Alive IL - KD, 13, & CD, 2 weeks, Madison County, 18 Sept 2016 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This guy was a walking bag of trouble!

I guess he did not go to the hospital to see KD and the baby since the restraining order was on him. This was probably taken out by DFS after the children were removed from the mother's house.

It is a shame that the baby's blood wasn't taken at the hospital. In my state, the mother must approve for this to be done or it is an expensive court case for the father. As young as KD is, would she be old enough to give legal consent? Being the suspected father is her boyfriend, that is hard to type, would she have given consent in the hospital? This child has been under so much stress and pressure, it may be DFS didn't try to go there with her.

Two things for sure: KD needs a lawyer to inform her of all the legal possibilities and this certainly was not a rape by CD.

I agree with all but that last sentence. If the child is CD's, then yes KD WAS raped! She's 13. She is not at a legal age to give consent to sex, and I don't know how anyone would think sex between a 13 yr old child and her father is OK and not rape. No........anyway I look at this, no matter what KD may have felt towards CD, she was a child! She was groomed. IF CD had any inappropriate relations with KD, it was in no way sex. No. RAPE is the only word to describe it.

Sex is an enjoyable time between two consenting adults. It may or maynot be for love, may just be a one night stand to satisfy a want or need, but at any rate, sex and rape are vastly different.
IF it turns out CD is in fact the father of this precious little guy (or even if he's not but he was having a sexual relationship with his adopted/step-daughter) that most certainly does not make CD her "boyfriend". That makes him a filthy pedophile and KD the victim of a filthy pedophile. I hope and pray KD can get the proper counselling she's going to need to eventually understand all this.
If KD has an intellectual disability
It should be rape no matter what
She can't give consent.

Derleth was previously in trouble for videotaping himself with an underage girl, punching a cop (and stealing his car), and apparently made money through some state sponsored babysitting program. (see link above)

I just knew that this was not his first time with an underage girl. I just knew it. Making money babysitting??? OMG! It is so hard to keep our children safe in this world of ours today. Very sad.
Paternity test requires both people be available to test. Perhaps he was hiding from police before kidnapping KD and her son?
It did seem they kept her a day or two longer in the hospital based on first birth. They could have been trying to locate him for a paternity test, her age at gjven birth or any other medical reason related to her or baby.

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Silly me I assumed they took his DNA when they opened the investigation. Knowing there were two men living with her you get samples from both. Then when the baby arrives it can be tested immediately.

Paternity test requires both people be available to test. Perhaps he was hiding from police before kidnapping KD and her son?
Silly me I assumed they took his DNA when they opened the investigation. Knowing there were two men living with her you get samples from both. Then when the baby arrives it can be tested immediately.

That would have made sense but I imagine in reality they had to investigate and go through a bunch of court proceedings to compel him to give up his DNA. If KD and her parents claimed another teen was the father that would delay things at first. LE can't just accuse a father or step father when a young girl turns up pregnant (even though it seem likely the case here). Investigating takes time. We also don't know if they hid her pregnancy for several months. What really doesn't make sense to me is why didn't the step father just take off on his own? If he hadn't given up his DNA yet he could have avoided kidnapping charges and just been a fugitive for suspected abuse. I'm happy he was stupid and caught but very sad for KD that she had to be dragged along and with her newborn. Hoping she gets lots of therapy and support to heal.
I just knew that this was not his first time with an underage girl. I just knew it. Making money babysitting??? OMG! It is so hard to keep our children safe in this world of ours today. Very sad.

Although from the article linked, it appeared he was underage as well. Not that it matters, he's still a vile pervert.
Thank you to everyone who let me know that KD and her baby had been found safe. Ha KD's mother said anything about why CD took them or what the relationship was between the two? Any comments by KD or CD themselves? I hope KD and her baby can stay together and get the help and support they need
Not much different than last week's article but here's a new one that just came out tonight:
October 3, 2016 7:00 PM
Sex crime, violent crime fail to be crime enough to stop adoption
.......A year later, 13-year-old, intellectually disabled K. gives birth to a baby. The father is to be determined, but Christopher Derleth abducted the youngster and her newborn and fled to West Virginia......

Read more here:
What is her disability? That just makes it less likely she will keep her baby... :(
Not much different than last week's article but here's a new one that just came out tonight:
October 3, 2016 7:00 PM
Sex crime, violent crime fail to be crime enough to stop adoption
.......A year later, 13-year-old, intellectually disabled K. gives birth to a baby. The father is to be determined, but Christopher Derleth abducted the youngster and her newborn and fled to West Virginia......

Read more here:
So many ways the system failed K. If she is slow, she may not even realize what was done to her. Prayers she gets help, love and support. should have never been allowed to adopt and her sister.
Not much different than last week's article but here's a new one that just came out tonight:
October 3, 2016 7:00 PM
Sex crime, violent crime fail to be crime enough to stop adoption
.......A year later, 13-year-old, intellectually disabled K. gives birth to a baby. The father is to be determined, but Christopher Derleth abducted the youngster and her newborn and fled to West Virginia......

Read more here:
I need a double like button! So many valid points about how he was allowed to adopt and be a state paid babysitter. However, as we've seen on WS, whether he was able to adopt or not, we've seen plenty of boyfriends do horrendous things. :(

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This story just gets worse. KD has been ignored and let down by her mother and her family. Once again, where was CPS as these twins were growing up. They were too late to the scene, KD was already pregnant.

There is no way CPS will allow KD, 13 years old, disabled, living in a foster home, to keep her baby. IMO. It would be the start of another very dysfunctional family. Maybe the foster family has agreed to raise both KD and CD. It is a heart wrenching story
where I believe KD's mother needs to be charged with something as she let it go on in her house.
There is no way CPS will allow KD, 13 years old, disabled, living in a foster home, to keep her baby. IMO. It would be the start of another very dysfunctional family. Maybe the foster family has agreed to raise both KD and CD.

I think it depends on her disability. There are states that would allow her to continue to raise her child. We have no idea about how much she wants and loves this baby. If she does want to raise him, a Guardian Ad Litem might be able to make the case that with proper supports she absolutely could raise him effectively and lovingly. It may be tremendously damaging to her at this point to remove him from her care. I don't know--- that is for those professionals in her life to ascertain and make a plan.

I have known 13 and 14 year olds who do have children. In those cases, the "parent" is the grandparent who does much of the heavy lifting in raising the child until the mother is able to effectively parent.

All of that said, this little boy will be vulnerable in either the care of the mother or a foster family. I have not been impressed with the quality of many of the foster parents I have encountered. But, then again, the foster families I have met have been fostering hard to place children who are not the easy ones to get on track.

I wish this young girl peace and healing.
I do not know how to share a post here. I googled CD name an a blog came up by Mary Cummins. Very interesting, can someone share here so all can see? TIA
My .02 about this case is that single/divorced moms should maybe not date at all -- or at least keep your boyfriend away from your children ?

I realize there are some excellent men out there who have entered into such a situation and turned it out for good. This does not apply to you.

In KD's case... seems like her mom was of the type to be easily preyed upon. I'm not excusing her in the slightest --she (JD)seems to be twisted in her mind to have allowed the activities that resulted in a child being assaulted and probably harmed emotionally for the rest of her life.

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