IL - Kenneka Jenkins, 19, found dead in hotel freezer, Rosemont, 10 Sept 2017 #2

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I cut and paste a direct quote from one of the first press releases from LE that they acknowledged that they recreated video from what they believe to be her movements that night.

Here it is again from the local station

Our detectives also have created video recordings of the scene to include the believed path Kenneka Jenkins took from the hotel room to the freezer, supported by surveillance video," the Rosemont press release said.


You are taking this SO out of context IMO. You're making it like LE released staged videos. No. Not what they were saying at all. The first sentence of the below paragraph offers a bit more context.

"The scene of the incident was processed by evidence technicians to include high precision 3D measurement imaging and crime scene analysis. Our detectives also have created video recordings of the scene to include the believed path Kenneka Jenkins took from the hotel room to the freezer, supported by surveillance video," the Rosemont press release said.

They didn't release fake videos and try to pass them off as real to cover up a big orchestrated crime if that's what you're getting at. Cherry picking isn't fair or helpful.
you confused me when you said "Considering the time of day and day of the week they had so many staff on hand to search while continuing hotel operations !"
at 3 am, there would be a minimum of staff, and the kitchens were most likely all closed down, cleaned, ready for tomorrow, do any hotels keep a kitchen open all night?

Just a curiosity FYI:
These front and rear elevator doors have made me curious. I wonder if staff only can access the rear doors, or any joe-blow off the street can enter/exit them. I asked DH (who works at a university and knows a bit about elevator); he said it can be either way (access by all, or only by a key). He also said to can be programmed to need a key for any floor or door, but it HAS to be done by a certified elevator person.

I wonder how these elevators are programmed, and who has access to their key(s)

The elevator kid opened it by just the button!!
Right the activists protesters and even KJs mom may have started crap. But LE may not want to feed into it at this time. I can't blame them. Any time they make a move they are criticized to beat the band... and bring on the protests. People question what's on surveillance so LE releases what they consider relevant. Cue the uproar and backlash. The YouTube videos showing "proof" that the tapes are altered and LE is hiding a conspiracy. They'd be foolish to keep feeding into all of this.

Lol. The tapes definitely were not altered, there's no shadows or a fake KJ.

LE put out those clips for a specific reason. But because it's been beaten in people's brains of "release the real tapes" from the very beginning no one wants to actually look at those clips, read the timeline and IMO the 2 most interesting videos that help as far as where she was found is the 911 call and the interview with LH

Where does it say anything two cops being there?

FWIW their was 2 searches at the hotel. The first search I believe only 1 or 2 cops came and the big search came with more than 2 cops.


sorry looking at video in link it all this big massive search there were two cop cars at the hotel in the video.

I assume it was from the next day since it was night and no report had been filed yet.

So in my logic after the report filed and everyone is wholeheartedly looking for her

I saw two cop cars neatly parked off to the side perfectly parked all nice == maybe I am used to cop cars being parked all over the place !!

It sure looked all neat and tidy
Lol. The tapes definitely were not altered, there's no shadows or a fake KJ.

LE put out those clips for a specific reason. But because it's been beaten in people's brains of "release the real tapes" from the very beginning no one wants to actually look at those clips, read the timeline and IMO the 2 most interesting videos that help as far as where she was found is the 911 call and the interview with TH.


Even earlier in this thread or the thread before people were convinced their were shadows of someone following her and people taunting her by calling her name from down the hallway. No. It's called mirrors and crappy CCTV. My old iPhone3 takes clearer videos than most surveillance cameras.

I need to rewatch the interview with TH. Unfortunately (maybe fortunately with this case) I don't have the opportunity to watch videos as much as I can read articles due to work scheudle and my husband sleeping next to me as we speak lol

sorry looking at video in link it all this big massive search there were two cop cars at the hotel in the video.

I assume it was from the next day since it was night and no report had been filed yet.

So in my logic after the report filed and everyone is wholeheartedly looking for her

I saw two cop cars neatly parked off to the side perfectly parked all nice == maybe I am used to cop cars being parked all over the place !!

It sure looked all neat and tidy

So you assumed there were only 2 cops searching just by the video of 2 cop cars?

That article had nothing to do with you just assuming only 2 cops were there. That's not right...
Even earlier in this thread or the thread before people were convinced their were shadows of someone following her and people taunting her by calling her name from down the hallway. No. It's called mirrors and crappy CCTV. My old iPhone3 takes clearer videos than most surveillance cameras.

I need to rewatch the interview with TH. Unfortunately (maybe fortunately with this case) I don't have the opportunity to watch videos as much as I can read articles due to work scheudle and my husband sleeping next to me as we speak lol

My hubby is asleep as well lol! I put in my headphones and try to watch as much as I can. 2 kids and him..night time is my time lol
My hubby is asleep as well lol! I put in my headphones and try to watch as much as I can. 2 kids and him..night time is my time lol

Girl with a hubby and two kids you deserve every minute of your headphone time. I can barely handle a husband and two cats 😜 If I were you I'd be in the bath or bed with a glass of wine, wearing noise canceling headphones and sunglasses. Lalalala can't hear you 😏
True. Or right before they left the hotel room she could have put it down to go to the bathroom and forgot to grab it off the counter or something. IMO she was probably starting to really feel the effects of whatever was in her system as they were leaving the hotel room. I know a lot of people can't believe the friends left her in the lobby alone - and I am NOT saying what they did is right- but I am wondering if she was "sloppy" (for lack of better word) at this point and the friends didn't feel like dealing with getting to the elevator, up the elevator, to the room, and then back downstairs. Maybe they figured it'd be quicker and easier if she stayed put on a bench in the lobby while they went back upstairs. Granted I don't think all 3 needed to go, but maybe they were annoyed with her demeanor and none of them wanted to deal with it. Dealing with my previously mentioned friend at the end of the night was always really frustrating and led to many fights within our group. And again I am NOT justifying them leaving her alone by any means - I am huge on never leaving someone alone, especially when drunk - but I am just wondering if that was their thought process at the time. Hindsight is 20/20 and I am sure Kenneka's friends wish they could turn back the clock. Sorry for babbling lol

You make a lot of good points IMO however the recreated video as described by LE based on actual video according to them did not include a recreation of K in the lobby after they all supposedly left her to go get some keys and a tiny cell phone.

I would think in a recreation based on actual video that would be important.

In the recreated video was she pacing ,, sitting , lying down . what in the recreated
video was she actually doing?

The recreated video based on real video would be real important in that in the recreated video they could -- based on real video show us how long she remained in the lobby in the recreated video , what direction
she went off in.

In the recreated video they made sure they showed the world she was bouncing off walls popping off them tripping over stairwells I would think the recreation would include the wait in the lobby.

They proved that had that angle when all 4 of them were walking in. I dont think that part and the part with all 4 of them in the hallway was recreated by LE per there statement to the media

I think the only recreated parts were of K falling all over the hotel walls moo

now why in all the recreated video they did not include her friends when they hypothetically came down to the lobby as a foursome , then suddenly realized that K had left her keys and her cell up there ( imo that is bogus as well the only one that had a purse was the other one -- I would give Gail Or Linda everything -- they had purses!!

Who would want to walk around all night in snug pants when someone your with has a purse .

Glad someone posted some footage from the basement kitchen. This is a screenshot from the same kitchen, but a clearer video.

Now.... if you've been following my posts you know I believe she was found on the kitchen in the lobby area, and I think this illustrates how. There's a freight elevator at the end of the hallway, I'm willing to bet it goes into that unmarked kitchen area which is right by the dock!

I think that's how she ended up in the freezer on the above floor. I don't think she got on that elevator willingly, but I could be wrong about that.

( Freight elevator door visible at 3:48 in the video catastrophe posted )

ugh I was blown away by how big the kitchens were -- i wish one of the many that have snuck in the kitchen (talk security here if we will) would have aimed at the ceilings in all the kitchen space they got before they ran into staff!!
Big kitchen for sure but it's not the one she was found in. IMOO, KJ died on the conference level and then her body was put in a freezer of the kitchen on the mail level.


I think so too the sister described two puch open doors that I saw when one of the spies went in to film afterwards.

They were finished doors and opened into the meeting room hallway - I dont think there would be finished doors in the belly of the beast-- it is what you expect ugly gray floors yuky tiles in the one freezer room service carts that look like someone just threw in there cause they did feel like cleaning them -- what reason is there freeze used room service carts!!

IMO the behind the scenes looked dirty unkept etc imo
Girl with a hubby and two kids you deserve every minute of your headphone time. I can barely handle a husband and two cats [emoji12] If I were you I'd be in the bath or bed with a glass of wine, wearing noise canceling headphones and sunglasses. Lalalala can't hear you [emoji57]

Cracking up over here [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]. Thank you!
Instead I'm on here obsessed with this case lol. My spidy senses tell me it's foul play.
You make a lot of good points IMO however the recreated video as described by LE based on actual video according to them did not include a recreation of K in the lobby after they all supposedly left her to go get some keys and a tiny cell phone.

I would think in a recreation based on actual video that would be important.

In the recreated video was she pacing ,, sitting , lying down . what in the recreated
video was she actually doing?

The recreated video based on real video would be real important in that in the recreated video they could -- based on real video show us how long she remained in the lobby in the recreated video , what direction
she went off in.

In the recreated video they made sure they showed the world she was bouncing off walls popping off them tripping over stairwells I would think the recreation would include the wait in the lobby.

They proved that had that angle when all 4 of them were walking in. I dont think that part and the part with all 4 of them in the hallway was recreated by LE per there statement to the media

I think the only recreated parts were of K falling all over the hotel walls moo

now why in all the recreated video they did not include her friends when they hypothetically came down to the lobby as a foursome , then suddenly realized that K had left her keys and her cell up there ( imo that is bogus as well the only one that had a purse was the other one -- I would give Gail Or Linda everything -- they had purses!!

Who would want to walk around all night in snug pants when someone your with has a purse .

Where did you see the recreated videos? I think you're misunderstanding LEs statement about those videos. Where did they ever say the videos they recreated are the ones you've seen in the media???? Please please please do some research bc I feel like you're causing yourself a lot of confusion by cherry picking and taking things out of context.

"The scene of the incident was processed by evidence technicians to include high precision 3D measurement imaging and crime scene analysis. Our detectives also have created video recordings of the scene to include the believed path Kenneka Jenkins took from the hotel room to the freezer, supported by surveillance video," the Rosemont press release said.
Cracking up over here [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]. Thank you!
Instead I'm on here obsessed with this case lol. My spidy senses tell me it's foul play.

You can drink wine, take a bubble bath, and post at the same time. I wouldn't know from experience or anything though 😇

Idk the Cancer (Astro sign) and former party girl in me tells me this was a tragic accident. Either way it's terrible and I feel so bad this beautiful girls death has turned into such a ish show.
You make a lot of good points IMO however the recreated video as described by LE based on actual video according to them did not include a recreation of K in the lobby after they all supposedly left her to go get some keys and a tiny cell phone.

I would think in a recreation based on actual video that would be important.

In the recreated video was she pacing ,, sitting , lying down . what in the recreated
video was she actually doing?

The recreated video based on real video would be real important in that in the recreated video they could -- based on real video show us how long she remained in the lobby in the recreated video , what direction
she went off in.

In the recreated video they made sure they showed the world she was bouncing off walls popping off them tripping over stairwells I would think the recreation would include the wait in the lobby.

They proved that had that angle when all 4 of them were walking in. I dont think that part and the part with all 4 of them in the hallway was recreated by LE per there statement to the media

I think the only recreated parts were of K falling all over the hotel walls moo

now why in all the recreated video they did not include her friends when they hypothetically came down to the lobby as a foursome , then suddenly realized that K had left her keys and her cell up there ( imo that is bogus as well the only one that had a purse was the other one -- I would give Gail Or Linda everything -- they had purses!!

Who would want to walk around all night in snug pants when someone your with has a purse .

You're taking the word "recreated" too literally. All LE did was take the clips they released to public and fit it in a timeline and the path KJ took to where she was last scene on camera. Like pieces to a puzzle.
You can drink wine, take a bubble bath, and post at the same time. I wouldn't know from experience or anything though [emoji56]

Idk the Cancer (Astro sign) and former party girl in me tells me this was a tragic accident. Either way it's terrible and I feel so bad this beautiful girls death has turned into such a ish show.

That I agree with. Her death means nothing more than a ish show to some people. And I truly hope she does RIP.
Someone asked earlier about whether autopsy results were public record in Rosemont so here goes. Rosemont is in Cook County , Illinois and here is the information on the county site.

Grouchy thank you ! I tried to find it --but I think this translates to the media will be able to get it even thro a court order

I remember in the Joey case there the family had to release it -- so here it sounds like it is not that way awesome !!
That I agree with. Her death means nothing more than a ish show to some people. And I truly hope she does RIP.

In the beginning I was trying my hardest not to side eye her mom for being involved in all the drama. But now that it's cooled down a bit, at least in MSM, I am hoping it was just that she was grieving and didn't know how to deal. Those activists wasted no time swooping in to "help" her mom. I think they really steered her wrong. I still think she will sue, but I also think she is backing off bc she's had some time to process and realizes placing the blame on others isn't going to bring her baby back. I know you and I don't agree on what happened so this I just an opinion and I'll go back to petting my cat now lol
In the beginning I was trying my hardest not to side eye her mom for being involved in all the drama. But now that it's cooled down a bit, at least in MSM, I am hoping it was just that she was grieving and didn't know how to deal. Those activists wasted no time swooping in to "help" her mom. I think they really steered her wrong. I still think she will sue, but I also think she is backing off bc she's had some time to process and realizes placing the blame on others isn't going to bring her baby back. I know you and I don't agree on what happened so this I just an opinion and I'll go back to petting my cat now lol

LOL! We don't have to agree on everything. But there's nothing wrong with discussing why we don't or bringing up our IMO.

You pet your cat, I'll put my headphones back in and press play [emoji23][emoji23]
Well you compared to James Holmes who is a murderer, however there is no indication kenneka was murdered by anyone, especially her friends. If it's not a murder investigation I don't think there's really a reason for MSM to dig into the lives of 19 year old girls, JMO.

thats a good point -- but some basic facts about the main people is just IMO instincily what writers do .

Set the stage provide some nuance in this case however , it has been wildly claimed that they work there.

In this case confirmation if that is true or not is paramount to the whole thing.

The fact that it has not been disputed by the hotel is well.......................well just well..........

The same is true for the others friends not to dispute but reinforce that they were employees at the scene of the incident is very telling IMO/

IMo it also would behoove LE to dispute the claims being made if in fact it is not true that at least one of them was an employee of the facility


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