IL IL - Lane Bryant Murders, Tinley Park, 2 Feb 2008

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I've been giving lots of thought to the type of store that was robbed. It really makes no sense. No one carries cash anymore. It doesn't make much sense to LE either. That's probably why they call this case a botched robbery.

What's scary to me is that these crimes are moving the the burbs. In a sketchy area people are on alert, they are more likely to be armed and they lock their doors. And I bet LE presence is higher. I live in a small town a good half hour from the City, seperated by mountains. And we've have more and more gangs of 4 come in and do home invasions etc. There always seems to be 4 of them. They obviously view us a easy pickens out here. Unfortunately, we are.

On the craziness that seems to be going on lately, there's another case out of Baltimore. Four members of a family executed. A presser is scheduled for 11am EST. I haven't started a thread because I've had my share of this insanity this weekend. And there has been an arrest. But there is a link below if anyone is interested.
Living in the Chicago burbs as I do, this is triggering awful memories of the Browns chicken massacre in 1993.

As the father of two young children, I ask myself a lot of the time: "What were we thinking of bringing two young angels into this pathetic world we live in?":furious:

I fear for them all the time and pray that they will always be protected from this sick friggin society we live in.

God bless the familes involved yesterday.
Floh It is because they don't want to work for money to buy drugs. The way to fast cash is through armed robberies and thefts. The parents did it, their kids do it, and there is no control. Is it getting worse? Of course. It isn't because of our "consumer society". It is because gangs make it a standard for youths today.

In our city, they have grown to home invasions using 4 or more people to go into your home or business while you are there to rob you. They simply don't care and do whatever it takes...even if it means murdering innocent victims.

i know this. i do believe it's because there are so many things people want.

of course without working for them.
Living in the Chicago burbs as I do, this is triggering awful memories of the Browns chicken massacre in 1993.

As the father of two young children, I ask myself a lot of the time: "What were we thinking of bringing two young angels into this pathetic world we live in?":furious:

I fear for them all the time and pray that they will always be protected from this sick friggin society we live in.

God bless the familes involved yesterday.

MSNBC just ran a show last night about the Brown's Chicken case. It was called "Massacre at Closing Time". I had never heard of it before even though it was in my lifetime. You are right, that was a horrifying event and I can see how this robbery/murder would trigger memories.

God bless all the families and friends of these innocent victims. :(

I don't understand robbing a store like Lane Bryant either, especially if it had just opened for the day. Is it possible one of the victims knew this guy?
MSNBC just ran a show last night about the Brown's Chicken case. It was called "Massacre at Closing Time". I had never heard of it before even though it was in my lifetime. You are right, that was a horrifying event and I can see how this robbery/murder would trigger memories.

God bless all the families and friends of these innocent victims. :(

I don't understand robbing a store like Lane Bryant either, especially if it had just opened for the day. Is it possible one of the victims knew this guy?

Oh my gosh Taximom I watched that last night also! I had never heard of either before and found the whole thing very disturbing.
I don't understand robbing a store like Lane Bryant either, especially if it had just opened for the day. Is it possible one of the victims knew this guy?

I am wondering if the robber choose that store because it appears to be more up-scale and he thought he would score a bigger heist? also probably because it is a smaller store that would have less people. The coward also might have figured on it being a womans shop and no MEN there to twart his actions.
Gidget, that's a good point. Definitely no guys in that store (usually). I can't believe they haven't caught him yet. No security cameras in the area? :(
Gidget, that's a good point. Definitely no guys in that store (usually). I can't believe they haven't caught him yet. No security cameras in the area? :(

I believe the news said that there were no cameras in the store. (great to broadcast that to all the would be shop lifters) But that there was a security camera somewhere that got the guy on tape and that is how they know who they are looking for.

The news said he was last seen in a nearby sub-division. For god sake lets hope the scum did not force his way into someones home and is holding them or hurt them. My first thought when I read that he was in a neighborhood of homes was that he would force his way into one and lay low till he could escape.
This is a newly developed strip mall that just opened within the last year. The main store across the parking lot from Lane Bryant is a Target Superstore. There are still many unoccupied buildings, the stores have been opening slowly one-by-one in the past year. I have read there were no security cameras in this store, and they are looking at other cameras around. I know I have seen cameras in the Target parking lot when I've been there.
I work at a Target store which is south of Tinley, one of our execs (is like an assistant store manager) just got transferred to Tinley, her last day with us was Friday so I don't know if she started in Tinley yesterday or not...if she was there I bet that scared the **** out of her!

There are quite a few cameras in the parking lot at Target stores, it would depend on where they were pointed etc. when this happened. I hope to God they are able to find this jerk and get him off the streets!

The other night when I was closing at our store, I was covering for the cash sup while he took his lunch, two police officers came in and were standing by our jewelry counter, they kept talking on thier radios and seemed to be watching something or for someone. Right as the cash sup returned from his lunch yet another officer came in and he too just stood there. I went and found the store manager and told him and he went to ask them if there was a problem etc. They told him there was no problem???? Then the cash sup told me that after the manager had walked away one of the officers came up to him and asked him where all our doors up front led to??? And what exits we had and where they were at??? After about 30 minutes or so of this they finally left. The store manager called our AP (security) to let them know what was happening but I have no idea what or who they were looking for. I realize that police have to keep things quiet in order to do thier job sometimes but I was not comfortable with the fact that no one at store level at any idea what was going on or what COULD happen etc. The whole thing made me very uncomfortable and then to see what happened up in Tinley really makes ya think! :chicken:
I work at a Target store which is south of Tinley, one of our execs (is like an assistant store manager) just got transferred to Tinley, her last day with us was Friday so I don't know if she started in Tinley yesterday or not...if she was there I bet that scared the **** out of her!

There are quite a few cameras in the parking lot at Target stores, it would depend on where they were pointed etc. when this happened. I hope to God they are able to find this jerk and get him off the streets!

The other night when I was closing at our store, I was covering for the cash sup while he took his lunch, two police officers came in and were standing by our jewelry counter, they kept talking on thier radios and seemed to be watching something or for someone. Right as the cash sup returned from his lunch yet another officer came in and he too just stood there. I went and found the store manager and told him and he went to ask them if there was a problem etc. They told him there was no problem???? Then the cash sup told me that after the manager had walked away one of the officers came up to him and asked him where all our doors up front led to??? And what exits we had and where they were at??? After about 30 minutes or so of this they finally left. The store manager called our AP (security) to let them know what was happening but I have no idea what or who they were looking for. I realize that police have to keep things quiet in order to do thier job sometimes but I was not comfortable with the fact that no one at store level at any idea what was going on or what COULD happen etc. The whole thing made me very uncomfortable and then to see what happened up in Tinley really makes ya think! :chicken:

See I would be thinking "um are these guys real cops or criminals posing as cops to scope out the joint?" If they would not give a reason for being there I would have called the station and asked to speak to the shift commander.

Thieves get real creative and just because they have a badge, gun and radio does not mean they are cops. Remember the radios that real cops use are only Hamm type radios and it is not that hard to make it seem as if they are speaking to a dispatcher
Isn't there supposed to be a press conference at 2:00 today? What channel would that be on?
Actually where I live we are fairly familiar with the cops and recognized them and they also had their squad cars parked out front, but you are right that criminals can be very creative!
The victims have been identified publicly. 4 shoppers and 1 employee.

It is nice to see that the corp office of lane bryant kept thier stores closed today in honor of those that lost their lives yesterday. So often the all mighty buck comes first.

I do wonder about one thing. Yesterday it was reported on the news that police knew who they were looking for, they were able to identify the suspect, why not TELL THE PUBLIC WHO THEY ARE LOOKING FOR AND RELEASE HIS PRIOR MUG SHOT? Hello this man gunned down 5 innocent woman.
WGN news just reported that there may have been a 6th person inside the store that was shot but survived. However, the police are not confirming this information.
This case is so strange, it comes close to a Tom Clancy novel or something. I don't think we are hearing the entire story here at all....and possibly, never will.

"Five women were killed in Saturday’s attack but a sixth was taken to St. James Hospital and Medical Centers in Olympia Fields. “We did receive one female victim from the Tinley Park shooting. This person was received yesterday,” said hospital spokesman Sherry Sissac.

Sources say she was released from St. James early today.

On Saturday, authorities said no one had survived the attack. Pressed about a possible survivor during a news conference Sunday, Tinley Park Police Chief Mike O’Connell declined comment."

Why was it such a secret that someone had survived? This is usually news that is heralded from the get-go! :waitasec: The location of the store as a robbery attempt is just strange. What did the person think they were selling in that store? I am skeptical that a decided to go into a Lane Bryant in the morning for cash!!! Drugs maybe, but cash???? Wierd....

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