GUILTY IL - Laquan McDonald, 17, fatally shot, Chicago PD charged, 20 Oct 2014 -J. VanDyke GUILTY*

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One of the links mentioned Laquans mom was only 14 she had him. She didnt have parenting skills. She had substance abuse problems. The one msm article (the long one) demonstrated how many social servises agencies tried to help Laquan. Per the artcle, Laquan admitted not having coping skills (this is a huge part of addiction), didn't want the help offered him and just wanted to stay high because it kept a smile on his face.

I'm not going to blame his family, we have generation after generation who lack the basic skills to parent. Mass amounts of substance abuse because users want to escape. The two biggest things, imo, are the lack of coping skills and the lack of self worth. How do people like Laquan gain any sense of self worth? They're born into poverty, addiction, crime ridden neighborhoods. It's pretty easy to see why they feel hopeless. Ive heard if a person has two addicted parents, they have a 90 percent chance of becoming an addict or marrying an addict. Toss in people being suspicious because of skin color and put oneself in Laquan's shoes. I think it's easy to see how someone could feel worthless and basically give up and just exist.

Officer Van Dyke failed Laquan. He took away the chance for revovery for Laquan. Officer Van Dyke also failed his wife and daughters. Imagine growing up knowing your daddy is in prison for murder. I don't see how Van Dyke can beat this. And if he is found not guilty, God help Chicago. The Rodney King backlash will look like a trip to Disney compared to what coukd happen in Chicago.

The best option I see for Van Dyke is for him to make a deal and plead guilty to a lesser charge.

Sounds like you are making excuses for and writing off large groups of people. Did they really not know they needed to care for this little boy, born to a 14 yr old? To say ' we have generation after generation who lack the basic skills to parent. Mass amounts of substance abuse because users want to escape.' ---that is a huge cop out. So it's OK that he was neglected and abandoned because they wanted to get high? I am not giving them a pass. Plenty of kids were born in his neighborhood and were cared for and loved and raised to be productive, positive people.

The officer deserves to be charged with murder. Absolutely. But we also need to figure out how to prevent these tragedies from occurring. And that will take some help and guidance for these kids to prevent them from getting into these volatile face offs with armed officers.
One of the links mentioned Laquans mom was only 14 she had him. She didnt have parenting skills. She had substance abuse problems. The one msm article (the long one) demonstrated how many social servises agencies tried to help Laquan. Per the artcle, Laquan admitted not having coping skills (this is a huge part of addiction), didn't want the help offered him and just wanted to stay high because it kept a smile on his face.

I'm not going to blame his family, we have generation after generation who lack the basic skills to parent. Mass amounts of substance abuse because users want to escape. The two biggest things, imo, are the lack of coping skills and the lack of self worth. How do people like Laquan gain any sense of self worth? They're born into poverty, addiction, crime ridden neighborhoods. It's pretty easy to see why they feel hopeless. Ive heard if a person has two addicted parents, they have a 90 percent chance of becoming an addict or marrying an addict. Toss in people being suspicious because of skin color and put oneself in Laquan's shoes. I think it's easy to see how someone could feel worthless and basically give up and just exist.

Officer Van Dyke failed Laquan. He took away the chance for revovery for Laquan. Officer Van Dyke also failed his wife and daughters. Imagine growing up knowing your daddy is in prison for murder. I don't see how Van Dyke can beat this. And if he is found not guilty, God help Chicago. The Rodney King backlash will look like a trip to Disney compared to what coukd happen in Chicago.

The best option I see for Van Dyke is for him to make a deal and plead guilty to a lesser charge.


One of those times when clicking Thanks isn't enough.
Sounds like you are making excuses for and writing off large groups of people. Did they really not know they needed to care for this little boy, born to a 14 yr old? To say ' we have generation after generation who lack the basic skills to parent. Mass amounts of substance abuse because users want to escape.' ---that is a huge cop out. So it's OK that he was neglected and abandoned because they wanted to get high? I am not giving them a pass. Plenty of kids were born in his neighborhood and were cared for and loved and raised to be productive, positive people.

The officer deserves to be charged with murder. Absolutely. But we also need to figure out how to prevent these tragedies from occurring. And that will take some help and guidance for these kids to prevent them from getting into these volatile face offs with armed officers.

Im a recovering alcoholic. Those large amounts of people you mention in your post are people I have had personal experience with in treatment, meetings and as a sponser. Addiction and mental illness are diseases and those suffering from them deserve the same dignity as anyone else with an illness. I don't blame people for their inability to do things they don't know how to do.

Laquan was a ward of the state, if anyone failed him in his upbringing, it is the state. Van Dyke, on the other hand had what some would consider a privileged upbringing in an high invome area. He should have known better and he alone is respondible for murdering Laquan.
Emanuel greeted by '16 shots' chant about Laquan McDonald at Urban Prep event

Mayor Rahm Emanuel re-emerged publicly Wednesday, and the reception he got illustrates the challenge he faces governing the city day to day while responding to the still-developing fallout from the Laquan McDonald shooting and how his administration handled it.
The mayor spoke at what's normally a friendly venue for him, the Urban Prep campus in Englewood, a school he often cites as a success story for its high percentage of students who attend college. But after Emanuel made brief remarks, the principal prepared to lead the crowd reciting the school's creed when students instead started a chant of "16 shots!"

"The steps you take towards your toward your future are the steps Chicago's going to take with you. Our future is tied to your success."
Audio Reveals Taser Requested in Laquan McDonald Shooting

In the weeks since shooting video showing the fatal police shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald was released, there have been questions as to why officers didn’t use a Taser to subdue McDonald rather than deadly force.
“Someone have a Taser?" an officer radioed from the scene. "This guy is walking away but he’s got a knife in hand."

An officer responds that there there was one coming from Mulligan and Archer.

A dispatcher then replies, asking if any officers closer to the area who had a Taser could “help out.”

Full recording at link.
Finally I took time to listen to the police audio of the dispatcher asking for 'anyone with a tazer'. It helped me to also read some of the articles that interpreted what was said. And, that described more the actual events leading up to the killing.

Here is one:

To think that this case was on a track to be buried for all time is very disturbing to me. It just isn't OK.
Finally I took time to listen to the police audio of the dispatcher asking for 'anyone with a tazer'. It helped me to also read some of the articles that interpreted what was said. And, that described more the actual events leading up to the killing.

Here is one:

To think that this case was on a track to be buried for all time is very disturbing to me. It just isn't OK.

I can't help but think how many have been buried for all time?

"CHICAGO (AP) — The Chicago mayor's office, police and the body that investigates police shootings closely coordinated their response in the months after a white officer fatally shot a black teenager in 2014, newly released emails revealed." More at the link...

Someone educate me, please. Isn't it a conflict of interest for the investigative agency to coordinate their response with the police that are being investigated?

"CHICAGO (AP) — The Chicago mayor's office, police and the body that investigates police shootings closely coordinated their response in the months after a white officer fatally shot a black teenager in 2014, newly released emails revealed." More at the link...

Someone educate me, please. Isn't it a conflict of interest for the investigative agency to coordinate their response with the police that are being investigated?

Maybe just a little.. Who are they kidding?

"CHICAGO (AP) — The Chicago mayor's office, police and the body that investigates police shootings closely coordinated their response in the months after a white officer fatally shot a black teenager in 2014, newly released emails revealed." More at the link...

Someone educate me, please. Isn't it a conflict of interest for the investigative agency to coordinate their response with the police that are being investigated?

You would think. Also I'm having some trouble believing MRE didn't see it earlier than is claimed. He gets an email saying the video will bring national attention to the city and declines viewing it? JMO but no.

Though the Independent Police Review Authority, or IPRA, is supposed to maintain a distance from police and the mayor's office, a March 11 email from Ando asks about forwarding witness interview transcripts to the law department "for their use in settlement negotiations with" the McDonald family.
Illinois considers allowing recall vote of Chicago mayor

The furor over recent Chicago police shootings has legislators considering whether voters should be allowed to recall Mayor Rahm Emanuel or future officials who hold his post.

Illinois state law currently addresses only the recall of a governor.

[state Rep. La Shawn] Ford introduced his bill on Dec. 9, the day Emanuel addressed the Chicago City Council and apologized for the death of Laquan McDonald, a black teenager who was shot 16 times by a white police officer in October 2014.

Emanuel has said he won't step down.

"His (Emanuel's) focus is on taking the action necessary to finally and fully address an issue that has challenged Chicago for decades, and reform the system and culture of policing in Chicago."

Under Ford's proposal, two city aldermen would have to sign an affidavit agreeing with a recall petition and organizers must collect more than 88,000 signatures from registered voters in the city.

BBM: Right.

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