GUILTY IL - Laquan McDonald, 17, fatally shot, Chicago PD charged, 20 Oct 2014 -J. VanDyke GUILTY*

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Emanuel touts Tasers, training to cut Chicago police shootings

Emanuel, joined by interim police Superintendent John Escalante, suggested the proposals would help ensure that officers' perspectives are changed so that "force can be the last option, not the first choice."

"There's a difference between whether someone can use a gun and when they should use a gun. And we as a city must train for that difference," Emanuel said.

Escalante said, "Our goal is to change the way officers think when they approach a critical incident by establishing time and distance to allow more prudent thinking and physical space to promote a safer environment."

Currently, about 1 in 5 of the city's police officers is certified in the use of Tasers, and the city has about 700 of the devices. The goal is to make sure about 40 percent of officers are trained in their use, and 1,400 are available, Escalante said.

Once that's done, the city will require that every car responding to incidents have a Taser available, Emanuel said. The mayor noted that none of the numerous cars that responded to the Laquan McDonald incident was equipped with a Taser.

Guglielmi said that a revised directive is planned. He said in an email that new departmental policy will introduce the concept of "force mitigation," encouraging officers to use time and choices to resolve an incident with the "least amount of appropriate force." The goal is for officers to respond to incidents "with the foremost regard for the preservation of life and the safety of all persons involved," he said.

The Department of Justice is investigating whether Chicago police have systematically violated peoples' civil rights, and Emanuel acknowledged that it will take more than Tasers and training to change the department's culture, one he has previously said fosters a "code of silence" among cops. After the McDonald shooting, officers filed reports that did not match the video footage, and the city fought at length to keep the video out of public view.

Much, much more at the link.
There is a new article today in the Chicago Tribune talking about:

Top Emanuel aides aware of key Laquan McDonald details months before mayor says he knew
By Jeff Coen and John Chase | Reporters
Chicago Tribune
January 14, 2016

“Mayor Rahm Emanuel has said he didn't understand the gravity of Laquan McDonald's shooting death at the hands of a Chicago police officer until just before the city settled with the teen's family last spring, and that he wasn't aware other officers may have falsified reports about the shooting until just after the video was released to the public.

But interviews, official city calendars and emails show in both cases the mayor's closest aides and City Hall attorneys knew much earlier than that.

Emanuel's top staffers became keenly aware the McDonald shooting could become a legal and political quagmire in December 2014 — more than three months before the mayor has said he was fully briefed on the issue. And lawyers for McDonald's family informed Emanuel's Law Department in March that police officers' version of what happened differed dramatically from the infamous shooting video — more than eight months before the mayor said he found out about the discrepancy and well after he agreed to settle the case for $5 million.”​

There is much more, but what I found more interesting was an article in The New Yorker published December 31, 2015:

The Sudden But Well-Deserved Fall of Rahm Emanuel
The New Yorker
Decemcer 31, 2015
Officers in Laquan McDonald shooting taken off streets — 14 months later

Two police officers involved in the Laquan McDonald case, including the lead detective whose reports are dramatically at odds with a video of the fatal police shooting, have been taken off the street and put on desk duty 14 months after the teenager was gunned down — and only after Chicago's inspector general recommended it.
The office of Inspector General Joseph Ferguson, which serves as the city's internal watchdog, recommended in mid-December that police commanders sideline Detective David March as well as Officer Joseph Walsh, whose partner Jason Van Dyke shot and killed McDonald in October 2014.

Better late than never? At least the liars have been publicly named. I hope they are at least fired, if not facing criminal charges. Though, they should be an example and should also be facing criminal charges. :furious:
80 percent of Chicago PD dash-cam videos are missing audio due to ‘officer error’ or ‘intentional destruction’
Maintenance records of the squad car used by Jason Van Dyke, who shot and killed Laquan McDonald, and his partner, Joseph Walsh, show monthslong delays for two dashcam repairs, including a long wait to fix “intentional damage.”

On June 17, 2014, police technicians reported fixing a dashcam wiring issue in police vehicle No. 6412, the squad shared by Van Dyke and Walsh, about three months after it was reported broken, records show.

A day later, the same vehicle’s dashcam system was reported busted again. It took until Oct. 8, 2014, to complete repairs of what technicians deemed “intentional damage,” according to reports.
80 percent of Chicago PD dash-cam videos are missing audio due to ‘officer error’ or ‘intentional destruction’
Maintenance records of the squad car used by Jason Van Dyke, who shot and killed Laquan McDonald, and his partner, Joseph Walsh, show monthslong delays for two dashcam repairs, including a long wait to fix “intentional damage.”

On June 17, 2014, police technicians reported fixing a dashcam wiring issue in police vehicle No. 6412, the squad shared by Van Dyke and Walsh, about three months after it was reported broken, records show.

A day later, the same vehicle’s dashcam system was reported busted again. It took until Oct. 8, 2014, to complete repairs of what technicians deemed “intentional damage,” according to reports.

Thanks for sharing. Everybody should read this article, it's disturbing.
Kind of OT, but I thought non locals would be interested to know Anita Alvarez lost her bid for re-election.
The white Chicago police officer charged with first-degree murder for shooting black teen Laquan McDonald 16 times "is not the monster the world now sees him as," the cop's wife claims.

Relatives of Jason Van Dyke, including a brother-in-law who is black, staunchly defended him in interviews with the Chicago Tribune, describing the 38-year-old Van Dyke as a caring father and dedicated officer.

"He has a very good head on his shoulders," his wife Tiffany told the paper. "He does not run to danger."

Tiffany Van Dyke did admit that working many years in high-crime areas in Chicago impacted her husband in various ways and left him emotionally closed-off.
City to post recordings from 100 cases of cop shootings, abuses

The Independent Police Review Authority is preparing to release recordings of about 100 Chicago Police shootings and uses of stun guns next week, according to a memo obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times.

The recordings are “tentatively scheduled” for a June 2 release. They include police shootings, uses of stun guns “as well as incidents of bodily harm to individuals while in police custody,” the memo stated. All of the recordings involve open investigations being conducted by IPRA.

In mid-February, Emanuel embraced a recommendation by his hand-picked Task Force on Police Accountability to release video and audio tied to police-involved shootings and serious injuries suffered in police custody “no more than 60 calendar days after” the incident occurs.

At the time, the mayor said the new policy would help repair a broken relationship between citizens and police, which was made even worse by the video played around the world of white police officer Jason Van Dyke pumping 16 rounds into black teenager Laquan McDonald.

Chicago's police superintendent said Thursday that he will recommend the firing of seven officers who filed false reports in the fatal police shooting of black teenager Laquan McDonald.
Superintendent Eddie Johnson said in a statement that after reviewing documents, video and other evidence, he was accepting the recommendation of the city's inspector general to fire the officers.
An interesting article from Wednesday August 17, 2016 prior to Johnson's announcement today:

Emanuel explains why he's not taking lead on McDonald cops discipline
The Chicago Tribune
August 17, 2016

“Mayor Rahm Emanuel tried to make the case Wednesday that he's in a no-win situation when it comes to the handling of possible discipline for police officers involved in the fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald, saying he would get pilloried by the media if he took the lead now in calling for them to be fired.

The mayor's comments came as anticipation mounts inside City Hall and within the Chicago Police Department about when and how Superintendent Eddie Johnson will act on a report compiled by city Inspector General Joseph Ferguson on the October 2014 shooting of the black teen by a white police officer.”


“Emanuel has a reputation for micromanaging many facets of city government, including the Police Department. Former police Superintendent Garry McCarthy often mentioned how he would get calls from the mayor at all hours of the day and night to get updates on investigations.”​

Top cop seeks to fire 7 officers for lying about Laquan
The Chicago Tribune
By Dan Hinkel and David Heinzmann / Reporters
August 18, 2016

“Chicago's police superintendent has recommended that seven officers be fired for lying in the aftermath of the fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald in October 2014.”


“Superintendent Eddie Johnson emailed police Thursday morning, telling them that he had recommended seven officers be fired for making false statements. He also stripped the officers of their police powers.

Johnson's move came in response to Inspector General Joseph Ferguson's recent report on the shooting in which he recommended that 10 officers be fired. But Johnson wrote that he felt the evidence against one of the officers was insufficient to recommend termination.


“In addition, two other high-ranking officers retired during the city's long-delayed response to the incident. A lieutenant involved in the department's response to the shooting, Anthony Wojcik, retired in May; the deputy chief who ruled Van Dyke's shooting in compliance with departmental policy, David McNaughton, retired this week, just as it became publicly known that the inspector general's office had delivered its report.”​

It looks like simple mathematics to me. 7 + 2 + 1 = 10.
Top cop seeks to fire 7 officers for lying about Laquan
The Chicago Tribune
By Dan Hinkel and David Heinzmann / Reporters
August 18, 2016

“Chicago's police superintendent has recommended that seven officers be fired for lying in the aftermath of the fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald in October 2014.”


“Superintendent Eddie Johnson emailed police Thursday morning, telling them that he had recommended seven officers be fired for making false statements. He also stripped the officers of their police powers.

Johnson's move came in response to Inspector General Joseph Ferguson's recent report on the shooting in which he recommended that 10 officers be fired. But Johnson wrote that he felt the evidence against one of the officers was insufficient to recommend termination.


“In addition, two other high-ranking officers retired during the city's long-delayed response to the incident. A lieutenant involved in the department's response to the shooting, Anthony Wojcik, retired in May; the deputy chief who ruled Van Dyke's shooting in compliance with departmental policy, David McNaughton, retired this week, just as it became publicly known that the inspector general's office had delivered its report.”​

It looks like simple mathematics to me. 7 + 2 + 1 = 10.

I'm surprised. It's a shame it's not all 10. I wish the retiree's pensions would be revoked, but that'll never happen. Wonder what kind of ties the remaining officer has to the Superintendent to have escaped repercussions. I'd like to think this is the result of some of the push back that has been happening.
August 30, 2016
8:55 PM


Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson has filed formal administrative charges to fire the officer who fatally shot black teenager Laquan McDonald in 2014.

Johnson filed charges Tuesday to fire Officer Jason Van Dyke along with four other officers who were at the scene of the shooting.


Charges filed to fire 5 officers in Chicago police shooting


Is there not a criminal charge for a police officer that makes a false report? There's definitely one for citizens that do the same thing.

If all they can do is fire these lying officers, how are they going to be held accountable if all they need to do is retire or resign before their firing? I'm glad these guys are no longer officers but what kind of punishment is that?
Grand jury to look into possible cover-up by Chicago police in Laquan McDonald shooting

pecial grand jury will be impaneled to investigate a possible cover-up by Chicago police in the fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald at the request of a special prosecutor appointed in July to investigate the matter.

Patricia Brown Holmes, the special prosecutor, said Monday she has enough evidence to present to a grand jury as she made her request that one be convened.

Martin named Holmes to look into whether the officers lied to justify the October 2014 shooting of the 17-year-old. Her investigation also could extend to police supervisors who were involved, according to lawyers who had asked the judge to appoint a special prosecutor.

Holmes said the investigation could last anywhere from weeks to months before the grand jury decides whether to indict any officers or not.
Van Dyke ordered to attend all pre-trial hearings

The Chicago police officer charged with first degree murder in the brutal killing of Laquan McDonald in 2014 lost a motion that would have allowed him to appear via closed circuit television for preliminary hearings. Jason Van Dyke’s attorneys argued unsuccessfully that their client was the target of taunts and threats from the public while in the Cook County Court building.

Judge Vincent Gaughan however denied their motion, but did order for Cook County Sheriff deputies to come up with a security plan for Van Dyke and his family on days they attended court.

But WVON talk show host Cliff Kelly has encouraged peaceful protestors and said the community is well within its rights to demonstrate outside the courthouse. Kelly said it is absurd for Van Dyke and his attorneys to argue he is not safe when McDonald is dead.

“This child was murdered and the person accused of murdering him is a cop. If that isn’t a reason to protest what is?” Kelly asked.

Next court date is May 25.
3 Cops Indicted For Obstruction Of Justice In Laquan McDonald Shooting

Three Chicago police officers have been indicted for obstruction of justice and conspiracy, for allegedly trying to cover up the circumstances of the killing of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald in October 2014.

“The indictment makes clear that these defendants did more than merely obey an unofficial ‘code of silence,’ rather it alleges that they lied about what occurred to prevent independent criminal investigators from learning the truth,” [Special Prosecutor Patricia Brown] Holmes said in a prepared statement.

According to the indictment, the three officers conspired shortly after the shooting “to conceal the true facts of the events surrounding the killing of Laquan McDonald … to shield their fellow officer (identified only as Individual A) from criminal investigation and prosecution.”

“The defendants allegedly lied about what occurred and mischaracterized the video recordings so that independent criminal investigators would not learn the truth about the killing and the public would not see the video recordings,” Holmes’ office said.

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