IL - Lt. Charles 'Joe' Gliniewicz, 52, found dead, Fox Lake, 1 Sep 2015 *wife arrested* #7

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Anywhoooo while we are waiting....

So the sham marriage wife IS the same from the car museum that donated the car to be auctioned. She was married to BG for a while, but was the same one having the affair with Joe and then married his son. (ptewy)

This guy is from a news station, so I think okay to link. If not, sorry.
This guy is getting close to a "worst person in the world" nomination...

When I read comments about this case in other places, it seems like the people in Fox Lake are still defending "G.I.Joe" as a hero because it is a cover up by 1) the police 2) the media 3) the government or possibly 4) the reptilian aliens. Don't people in that area read the papers, watch the news, look at the Internet? They jump to conclusions and start spitting out four letters words when have nothing to back up what they are claiming. According to them, even after all the government agencies investigated this case, "they don't know s&%t." Maybe the people of Fox Lake should begin to educate themselves, or get the village government they deserve.

It had that reputation in the 50s and it has it now. Smart people got up and left years ago. (I don't mean to offend anyone who lives there.) When I was in my teens it was called the "armpit of Lake County". Maybe folks there are afraid to criticize any member of the police or local government?
Anywhoooo while we are waiting....

So the sham marriage wife IS the same from the car museum that donated the car to be auctioned. She was married to BG for a while, but was the same one having the affair with Joe and then married his son. (ptewy)

This guy is from a news station, so I think okay to link. If not, sorry.

wow- thanks I was wrong. I thought is was an older women with the same name who moved to FLA from Fox Lake after.
wow- thanks I was wrong. I thought is was an older women with the same name who moved to FLA from Fox Lake after.

I am relieved to find this out. I really almost felt sorry for DJ getting shanghaied. Your FIRST marriage and it is with your father's toy? Yuck. JMO
Link?? Images require links, per TOS.
When I read comments about this case in other places, it seems like the people in Fox Lake are still defending "G.I.Joe" as a hero because it is a cover up by 1) the police 2) the media 3) the government or possibly 4) the reptilian aliens. Don't people in that area read the papers, watch the news, look at the Internet? They jump to conclusions and start spitting out four letters words when have nothing to back up what they are claiming. According to them, even after all the government agencies investigated this case, "they don't know s&%t." Maybe the people of Fox Lake should begin to educate themselves, or get the village government they deserve.

It had that reputation in the 50s and it has it now. Smart people got up and left years ago. (I don't mean to offend anyone who lives there.) When I was in my teens it was called the "armpit of Lake County". Maybe folks there are afraid to criticize any member of the police or local government?

Sounds like they DO have the government they deserve. People don't educate themselves, but they have the free will to be open to being educated...lots of people and communities, in general just go along with the powers that be and feel well cared about and for. Questioning arbitrary authority is just not part of their sub-cultural lives. Communities love tradition. And tradition is the law. JMO Same problem, world-over.
I think the hiring of Marrin indicates someone in the city government was interested in bettering the quality of the city government and managed to convince others. Her hiring has obviously already made a difference for the better.
This is all so disturbing, really. This guy really had some method of manipulating a lot of people didn't he? I thought it was interesting that the dispatcher who at first felt threatened, then didn't feel threatened, then felt threatened again, mentioned in her statement about how she said something to him to the effect of: I'm not afraid of you. Other people think you're a big scary military guy, but I know you're just a teddy bear. (paraphrasing)
So this tells me that people were intimidated by him. I also thought it was interesting that she wrote out that whole statement about how it was ALL blown out of proportion, that she was being silly and no she didn't think he was threatening her. Almost like "Tee hee hee, silly me! It was ALL MY FAULT because I was being silly and he was ONLY joking!" Makes me wonder if he said something else to her, or spent a few days glaring at her and she felt it was in her best interest to shut up and act like it was nothing.
I say this because after she made that statement, she went ahead and made anther one about him freaking her out by cocking the gun in the radio room.

I think he was a person who liked to intimidate the vulnerable. I think this is why DJ would have gone right along with whatever twisted plan he had. I get the feeling from reading Joe's sm posts that he would definitely have made DJ feel like he needed to man up and do whatever Joe thought was best.

ETA: I am NOT saying other people are not guilty, in my opinion, but that Joe shows a pattern of manipulation.

I think the hiring of Marrin indicates someone in the city government was interested in bettering the quality of the city government and managed to convince others. Her hiring has obviously already made a difference for the better.

I really do not know how she got the job. Was she appointed or elected? My guess (an uneducated one at that) is that she was appointed. But by whom? JMO
This is all so disturbing, really. This guy really had some method of manipulating a lot of people didn't he? I thought it was interesting that the dispatcher who at first felt threatened, then didn't feel threatened, then felt threatened again, mentioned in her statement about how she said something to him to the effect of: I'm not afraid of you. Other people think you're a big scary military guy, but I know you're just a teddy bear. (paraphrasing)
So this tells me that people were intimidated by him. I also thought it was interesting that she wrote out that whole statement about how it was ALL blown out of proportion, that she was being silly and no she didn't think he was threatening her. Almost like "Tee hee hee, silly me! It was ALL MY FAULT because I was being silly and he was ONLY joking!" Makes me wonder if he said something else to her, or spent a few days glaring at her and she felt it was in her best interest to shut up and act like it was nothing.
I say this because after she made that statement, she went ahead and made anther one about him freaking her out by cocking the gun in the radio room.

I think he was a person who liked to intimidate the vulnerable. I think this is why DJ would have gone right along with whatever twisted plan he had. I get the feeling from reading Joe's sm posts that he would definitely have made DJ feel like he needed to man up and do whatever Joe thought was best.

ETA: I am NOT saying other people are not guilty, in my opinion, but that Joe shows a pattern of manipulation.


I am in full agreement with your thoughts. I had the same reaction. I suspect that people cowed to him because they were worried about keeping their jobs. That makes me sick. But it happens every day. JMO
So there were never audits for the Explorer program?? Geez. Even our school's PTA gets audited every year! That is crazy to me! Or were there audits and they were fudged to cover up what was going on? Does anyone know?
Lots of guests! Come on and join the discussion! :welcome5:
I really do not know how she got the job. Was she appointed or elected? My guess (an uneducated one at that) is that she was appointed. But by whom? JMO
I initially ran across her very early on when I came across the minutes for the village board meetings and was trying to learn more about Michael Behan. My notes from that time indicate only that she had been hired as Village Administrator in March of 2014. Prior to that she was with the city of Prospect Heights from October 2010 to March 2014 and she held a degree from Northern Illinois University. I also sensed at the time that some people were concerned about changes that were likely to occur because of her.
Hello everyone,

First of all thank you for being so welcoming. Secondly, I have to give to say I'm impressed with this communities ability to keep up with the story. With that being said I would like to start with a comment made by a previous post to of which I will include a reference to when I get back to edit this post for clarity. I just wanted to pop my head out to let you all know I am interested in answering questions. None of the questions offended me and I don't expect any remarks or questions to offend me. So, please follow forum guidelines but do not be shy.

A few requests I would like to make (especially because I'm not asking for my own thread):

  • When asking questions to help keep the thread organized please include this easy to notice text in your post depending on your post.
  • I will respond to your question, suggestion, or clarification request with:

  • Please whenever asking a question regarding a specific quote, article, finding, etc provide a link. I am new to the community and I can't say that I'm confident that I'm aware of every finding you as a community has found.
  • Please check my post history that I title "Questions 1-10" ex. Every 10 questions I answer in the thread I will split and edit into a post like this one to easily check what has or has not been answered yet.
  • I am numbering the questions as I answer them. If I accidentally skip your question please let me know. It's the reason I'm numbering them.
  • Please do not PM me with any links. I will not be clicking any links you send in a PM for security reasons. If you are not comfortable posting the link publicly I am not comfortable clicking it.

A few statements I would like to make before beginning

  • I apologize in advance for my slow responses. I will only be able to respond when I'm able to connect with a secure https connection through my trusted VPN. If I have the time to tether my phone I will be able to answer questions then. I do trust the administrators with my IP address and information that they are able to obtain, however leaks happen whether intentional or not. Sometimes there are breaches (You can never be too safe)
  • Another reason for a slow response may be because I'm trying to think of the best way to answer the question without exposing my identity. I may have secured myself technologically but the most common way to expose/doxx someone is because of social mistakes. I am trying to prevent that. I do not fear for anything minus backlash from the community, my friends, the Gliniewicz family etc.
  • I will rarely be mapping out a timeline that is incredibly specific and accurate. Any dates I provide will be somewhat vague but I will do my best to make sure that even though I do not give you a date and time what I do provide will still provide credible value.
  • I will try and keep my bias out of this as much as possible only if it's emotionally driven. If I have a bias because of my beliefs and you wish to take it with a grain of salt that is your choice to make. However I state again, my bias will not be emotionally driven due to the recent findings.
  • I have not kept up with this community religiously, I will be missing information most likely. I only joined the community and do not have the time to read through the many posts here.

So, I'll go ahead and look through what has been posted in this thread so far and answer what I can as soon as possible.

Nice to meet you all!

Please note:

ADMIN NOTE: We're going to nip this topic of children and paternity in the bud right now. In other words, please drop the subject.

Thank you.

Are we going to have a separate thread for the insider. Btw. Do they know that depending on their provided information that it is a possibility of family knowing who they are.

I just hope that they play it smart without outing themselves. Jmo

Thanks for the concern! =)

[Answer] 1 (4 questions) - Please click the spoiler to reveal first set of questions by PandaJ
Welcome, IKnewThisMan! Very interested in what you have to say. A couple initial questions:

- What was Joe like, from your viewpoint? Are you as shocked as some of us to hear about all these horrible things he did?
- Did you have suspicions from the start that something wasn't right about his death?
- How is his family holding up (especially the sons)?
- Did you notice Joe acting differently in the months leading up to his death?

TIA and welcome!

[Answer] 1

- Joe at first came off as a very confident man. Slowly this confidence was becoming more apparent as arrogance but because I respected him so much I did not think about it, I excused it thanks to his achievements. I figured he deserved to talk the talk. He was very vulgar, he was pretty offensive, and he knew he could get away with it.
- Well it depends what you mean by right away... The first few hours I believed the story, definitely. I was fooled even after the fake phone call made by the babysitter. I stayed up all night listening to the scanner hoping the "killers" were found. However there were gaps in this period where I questioned what may have happened. With that being said, I believed that suicide was no more or less a possibility than an inside job. A portion of the local community still believes it was an inside job for some odd reason. Even after official documents have been released. Some are still in denial and believe that the government would fake phone records, bank records, police reports, complaints, etc. Of course the government would be capable of this if was something that was linked all the way up to the feds or something ridiculous but I mean.. Come on..
- I can't answer how the sons are holding up.
- I did not. However I have not been in close contact with
Joe for at least 6 months.


Adding to believing it was an inside he had a lot of the locals fooled. I, as well as many others, believed he was the man that was trying to uncover corruption within the local police. Some of us were aware that the local police were under investigation and thought he was killed because he was onto something.

Fake call made by the babysitter? I must have missed this. What is this about?

[Clarification] 1

A fake phone call was made during the man hunt.

To go into more depth of how long it took me to really accept that it was NOT murder would have to be only a few weeks prior to the recent press conference. Even after the coroner first announced that he could not rule out suicide I was still leaning on the edge of murder by 3 suspects.

[Answer] 2 (10 questions) - Please click the spoiler to reveal the questions asked by longlonglake

[Question] 2


1. Did you ever suspect Joe was capable of serious criminal behavior?
2. How did he treat his wife? How did she treat him?
3. How did he treat his kids?
4. Do you know if he was drinking heavily, using drugs, using anabolic steroids?
5. Did his wife know about his womanizing?
6. How did they get so deeply in debt that Mrs. G owed around $10,000 to credit card companies?
7. Do you know anything about Joe having a membership to and frequenting the Chicago Steamworks, a bath house in Chicago for gay men?
8. Did he ever appear depressed or extremely preoccupied?
9. Did you see or know how he related to the people he worked with on a daily basis?
10. Why do you think people in Fox Lake are so slow to believe accusations against Joe? Why are people afraid to say that he was corrupt? What are they (or you) afraid of? Is there a fear in Fox Lake, of being harmed for saying the wrong thing?

[Answer] 2

  1. No.. No way. I looked up to him. There were times where I talked to him and I was almost disappointed in myself knowing I would not achieve as much "badass" things as he did. It was too late. I was too old. So when his son joined the military and I lost a lot of my contact with him but continued to talk to him I was a little envious of how proud he was of his son. I legitimately thought that although he was a very "tough" suck it up type of guy, and most likely that type of father in private situations regarding discipline or support, he seemed like a great man. I cried when he died. Multiple times. I cried again when the manhunt was discontinued. Then I cried again when after the manhunt the case kept getting colder. I respected him, even though he seemed a bit arrogant, and I felt awful for DJ. I felt terrible for the entire family of course but I was closest to those two and their relationship looked like something special. A very proud father motivating his kid with support while the kid (DJ) worked hard to impress his father as well as achieve greatness. There's a poster child type of relationship that involves a well dressed well mannered father kneeling on one knee rubbing his kids head after missing the game winning goal and then there was this poster child type of relationship where it was a hard and proud father boxing with his son and when the son finally knocked the father down the dad gets up and says he's proud of him. (A bit of a rant but I think it shows why I respected him and what I thought of him. Why I did not see any of this coming)
  2. I couldn't tell you what happened behind closed doors. But any time he spoke negatively of his wife I always assumed it was casual conversation. You know the typical man venting? "Agh the ol' ball 'n' chain" Except his went a little further and he would say "she's a lazy piece of $&l%" (when talking about lifting weights, running, competing, etc) I know that there has been some discussion here regarding his wife's weight but I do not think that was the primary reason for his actions against women or adultery. I feel narcissism and general unhappiness plays a bigger role.
  3. Outside looking in, see number 1. (Primary interactions I've had involved only DJ and his father) I can't speak for the rest and will say no more regarding the other sons simply because I wouldn't want anything to be taken out of context by anyone who reads this, media, or the sons themselves. Please note, that this does not mean he's said or done anything negative that I'm aware of regarding the other sons.
  4. I do not know of any excessive alcohol or drug use. Anabolic steroids I highly doubt. Who knows though, he may have fooled me right?
  5. Not that I'm aware of.
  6. Wasn't aware of any financial issues within the family.
  7. No? This is the first time I'm hearing of this. Can you provide a link?
  8. Extremely depressed? Never when I saw him. He was always very charismatic, energized, and honestly to some probably a little obnoxious. However if by pre-occupation you mean tuned out mentally I can't really say he has. If by pre-occupied you mean heavily focused on himself, his physique, his fitness, and achieving as many medals as he can in the spartan and tough mudder races.. Yes.
  9. Not intimately but the officers I have spoke with prior and after the "murder" but before the suicide announcement spoke highly of him.
  10. No, I don't believe there is a fear of being harmed, I would just prefer to stay out of the spotlight as it not only protects me but also allows me to speak my mind without worrying that the communities opinion of me will influence my responses. Back to the first part I think people are struggling to accept that our little town of Fox Lake that we joke as just a little alcoholic hick town can have one of those that we trusted was actually almost stabbing us in the back. He was always around and not shy to talk to anyone. He basically just had us all fooled. I'll have to talk to a few more people about this and try to analyze their responses. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's easier to hate the federal government than it is a local "hero"?

[Answer] 3 - (1 Question) Please click the spoiler to reveal question 3 by Tillcum
[Question] 3
Question for IKnewThisMan

Were you ever afraid of Joe?

[Answer] 3

Nope, I was never scared of him. I actually almost accepted an offer to go shooting with him.

[Answer] 4 - (3 Questions) Please click the spoiler to reveal question 4 asked by Japple



-Why did they decide to end that marriage after only a year?

-Did Joe continue the affair after the marriage?

-Anything else that you might know about this arrangement?

[Answer] 4

- I don't know any specifics about the marriage.

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