GUILTY IL - Megan Nichols, 15, found deceased, Fairfield, 3 July 2014 *ARREST in 2020*

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In the above interview with Megan's mom, at the 2:12 mark, she says that the note Megan left read, "I am upset. I am scared, and I am a little paranoid".

No...The mom did not say that the note said those it again. The reporter said that a note was left and then they cut to a piece where the mom is describing how she herself is not a quote from the note..
Watch further and they show the note as it was written with Megans signature.
No...The mom did not say that the note said those it again. The reporter said that a note was left and then they cut to a piece where the mom is describing how she herself is not a quote from the note..
Watch further and they show the note as it was written with Megans signature.

I see what you are saying. The reporter says, "And there was a note supposedly from Megan". Cut directly to the mom where she says, "I'm upset, I'm scared, and I am a little paranoid".

The lead in (to me) implied that she was talking about the note, but I see how she could be talking about herself. However, why would she be paranoid? (Not necessarily a direct question to you, just pondering). I guess paranoia wouldn't be the first thing to set it (to me) if I thought my child had run away.
I feel like the thing that makes the most sense is human trafficking.

The phone being wiped clean is the biggest indicator in my opinion.
how does it make sense to steal cash and leave the credit card...or steal cash and leave the cell phone...or steal cash and not steal something else of value that can be hocked for more cash.? did megan feel entitled to that amount of cash for some reason...was it her cash that was being kept in moms account for safety or did she in fact take moms' money? idk

but it seems that if it were in fact megan's money then she would most likely own her own phone as well...again idk...but mom indicates that she had sometimes taken away the phone as punishment and then found megan still communicating with off-limits boyfriend via the ipad did megan take the ipad when she left?

it just doesn't seem like megan was much of a thief...i mean why not pack a bag, grab the phone to sell later, grab the card and get the cash on the way out of town and keep the card for back-up or hit the account for another 300 daily limit the next morning???
instead she goes to the bank and withdraws cash, returns to the house, returns the card, writes a note and leaves it where SHE KNOWS mom will find it in the prayer room, and then at some point resets the factory settings on the phone and places the phone beneath the blankets on the i have to wonder...why would megan leave a note in an obvious place but conceal the phone? i suppose it could be something as simple as not wanting mom to see the phone before seeing the note...kind of a timing thing if she knows mom wont visit the prayer room till later..but the phone could have been left with the note right?...and didn't they say that a second note was found?...idk but i remember hearing that.
I still believe the mom.. especially when she says things in the interviews like " those would not have been Megan's last words" and " that just doesn't sound like Megan".
It's true that as parents we think we know our kids and it's true that they can and will surprise us at any time with thoughts and actions unanticipated. I still trust the mom's intuition here as too Megan's words being inconsistent.
Plus I do not recall hearing the mom exclaim disbelief that Megan may have ran away which is the larger matter....only that the words don't fit the situation and are inconsistent with the known mannerisms of this kid.

I also believe her when she said that she and her husband both reviewed the bank video and they both saw a familiar vehicle in the video and that they agree on who's vehicle they think it was. From the interviews the mom describes relaying concerns about that vehicle to police and then being told that there was no vehicle on the tape. This is very peculiar.

The interviews must have been heavily edited because they allude to a piece featuring the step-dad that led me to believe that he had witnessed something concerning to him that was going on between Megan and off-limits boyfriend. However it never gets played as far as I can tell. This is very peculiar.

More about the note/s and the phone later.

She took cash instead of card and phone because you cannot track cash but you can track card / phone.
She took cash instead of card and phone because you cannot track cash but you can track card / phone.

yes they can be tracked and just not sure that at Megans age of 15 or 16 years old when she vanished, that it would matter very much..that phone is one of the most important things in her life at that age...she's just hitting the road to escape parental controls...its not as if she was running from a felony warrant...but imo that is kind of what it seems like is occurring here. The actions taken in pre-planning, execution, and evasion seem a bit advanced and mature for a young girl to plot and carry out on her own...imo

Consider the phone. We know from the mom interviews that megans phone had been taken away because of contact with the 19 yr old off-limits guy. It is obvious from the interview that mom had complete control of the phone at some point while megan continued contact with the same guy behind moms back via a tablet or some other device. Mom witnessed their text discussion on megans phone as it was happening and was shocked to read some of megans thoughts about mom....and mom confronted megan about this.

With all of this having already occurred prior to megans vanishing why in the world would it be necessary to wipe the phone clean of all information?
Mom had already been in the phone...she knew what was there,,,it was no secret and megan knew this.
If megan wanted to hide information from mom then she would only have needed to delete that days calls and texts or whatever recent communications led up to the vanishing...yet all the phones information was erased. And that means that someone was very concerned about the information on that phone getting in to the hands of law enforcement.
It was an act of destroying evidence to conceal facts that would reveal the truth about what was occurring...imo
If a girl isn't going to take with her the one thing that most teens cant live without...(maybe because she knows it doesn't technically belong to her ?)...i can see means she's an honest girl... but she just withdrew cash from her mom's bank maybe the phone was wiped clean and left behind for other reasons...i think so....mainly because she was instructed to do so imo.

Now why would someone instruct megan to do these things? idk....but maybe it was coercion...a promise that may have went like.....hey, we're gonna get out of away and be and me we'll be free...but here's the way it's done...first we're going to need some money so meet me at the bank...I'll take the money and get what we need (my drugs and alcohol and a sandwich for you) ...maybe....then you have to leave your mom a note or two...but this is what it has to say because we're going to use some lines from a bad movie where a 35 year old woman tells her husband goodbye forever without telling him that she's leaving him for another woman...because we don't want them to come looking for you...i mean us....then im going to separate you from your communication device after we get rid of any and all evidence of any electronic communication between you and myself.. ever.

Three very long years have passed since Megan vanished and there has been not a single confirmed contact (that i have heard of) via text, talk, pic, tweet, im, video, snap, or U.S. mail between Meagan and a family member of friend or anyone that she knew on this planet...not even one.
Surely given Megan's age and education level and financial status at the time of her disappearance there's enough circumstantial evidence here to warrant further investigation of her disappearance while considering that although she may have believed at the time that she was in fact running away from home she may likely have been aided in doing so by an adult aged individual who may be (or has done so in the past) contributed to her prolonged absence from her family and abduction.
She wiped the phone so mom wouldn't see who she had been talking to or where she was going. Deleting texts, browser info, etc does not completely erase them. But resetting the phone back to factory settings would.

This is not super sophisticated planning. It's actually right in line with what a teenager who has watched a few movies might do. Get some cash, wipe the phone, leave a note. I think she left of her own accord, although she certainly could have been drawn away by an unsavory person and put in a bad position because of it.
Did Megan leave behind clues as to the conditions under which she vanished?

We know that she traveled via bicycle to the bank after asking for permission from mom to go for a bike ride.
It's funny that the mom states in one of the interviews that she (mom) had told megan that it was fine to go on a ride "just don't be doing anything that you shouldn't". And low and behold what does she do?
It's just interesting how as parents we can know our kids by their quirks, tones, mannerisms, the timing of the things they say and do only to be surprised over and over by some new behavior. Kids are a constant learning experience for parents who are paying attention and enjoy the challenge.
The fact that mom said what she did to megan says to me that there was something about the way megan asked and/or the timing of the bike ride request that sent up a little red flag in mom's intuitive mind...and rightfully so.

How about the phone? ..Megan could have left the phone on the kitchen table, a counter top, or with the note in the prayer room, in mom's bedroom, hidden in a drawer, or out in the open anywhere or simply turned it off and took it with her and sold it or disposed of it...lots of options.
But the phone was neither left in the open to see nor hidden away nor was simply and imo very cleverly concealed...why?

Mom tells the story of finding the phone...."I just all of a sudden got a sick feeling and felt like i needed to check on Megan".."So i went to her room and opened the door and she wasn't there but I walked to the bed and just pulled back the cover and there was her phone"....fascinating story.
So the phone happened to be concealed right where only mom would find it.

I'm of the opinion that megan hid the phone from someone who was in the room with her prior to her vanishing. Possibly the reason or need to conceal the phone was to keep it from being destroyed if (let's say) someone had suggested that they should get rid of it.
If so then what actually occurred may be that megan defied the wishes or instructions of that person in order to protect against what she considered to be unnecessary loss of property.

I'm still not clear on whether there were two notes left behind. I seem to remember reports of two notes. And if so then that would make perfect sense.
Mom and Gmaw found a note in the prayer room. Again, there are many more obvious places to leave the in the open for instance. However, leaving that note in the open would have meant that someone in the room at the time of the vanishing would see it and may not approve of what it said because it wasn't per the instructions. And this would be yet another act of defiance on Megan's part only this time in order to protect her Mom's heart from unnecessary hurt.
The second note if it exists may be the one mom describes in interviews as having the hurtful words that "seemed cruel" and "did not sound like megan."

It is my theory that Megan's placement of the phone and the note were carefully considered by megan and may have been counter to the plans of another person involved. It is my fear that megan felt the need to take these measures at all. In taking such counter measures Megan must have been realizing that she was entering in to a controlling situation where she could not just simply say..."no..let's do things this way"...instead she found it necessary to be sneaky..imo..and that says a lot about the kind of person that she was with imo. And for me..raises many red flags with regard to megan's safety.

I also think it's possible that meagan may have left behind other suttle clues..possibly in conversation on or prior to july 3 2014 or in some other way...something that tells of a possible direction of travel or a destination.

In looking at the pictures of megan one word constantly comes to mind...Happy". She really seems like a happy person with the usual teenage ups and downs and longing for independence...and wanting to have a relationship with a boy.
As I continue to explore this case I continue to be amazed by the seemingly two way intuitive bond between mother and daughter.
But i wonder if that bond and moms rules that were meant to keep megan safe may have also spurred jealousy and resentment from someone involved to the point of needing to "control" megan and ultimately punish mom for interfering. ...Just thoughts.
It is my understanding that Megan was in a "forbidden" relationship at the time of her vanishing.
Per the interviews with mom, megan had been told to stop communications with the older (adult aged) boyfriend .
And all of this happened around Prom time so I'm going to assume early May 2014.

Shortly thereafter megan was caught communicating with the same guy against mom's wishes and she had her phone taken away.

Shortly thereafter megan was caught communicating with the same guy via a second communication device via the wireless link to the phone that was in mom's possession at the time. Mom witnessed this and then abruptly (and per the interviews) confronted this young man and she (megan's mom) ordered him (the adult boyfriend) to cease and desist all contact with her minor aged daughter megan.

Then, obviously megan's phone was at some point returned to her because it was found cleared of all information at the time megan vanished.

The point here is that very little time in (number of days) passes between the time megan's mother confronts the boyfriend directly and the time megan vanishes.
Given the record of events with regard to the phone and other device it is very reasonable to assume that communication with the boyfriend continued up to the time of her disappearance.

So my question is simple....why in the world did that communication suddenly stop?
Am I to believe that megan suddenly decided to halt all communication with the person she had broken all the rules to talk to? To spend time with? way i can believe that....i've been around too long to buy any of that.

JerseyGirl, thank you for bumping these threads.
You're amazing for keeping the cases I've been following out there.
It's so very sad that there isn't movement and these families are forced to just push forward without any leads.
It's also terrible that way too many other cases come up.

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Bob A - So my question is simple....why in the world did that communication suddenly stop?
Am I to believe that megan suddenly decided to halt all communication with the person she had broken all the rules to talk to? To spend time with? way i can believe that....i've been around too long to buy any of that.

EXACTLY!! I've had a theory since the beginning. I could be wrong - it's just my belief.
Megan was a happy, but naive, Christian family girl. She was involved with an older guy who was using her. He had no intentions of this being a long relationship - just entertainment for him. IMO she got pregnant. I think older guy, who had been around the block a time or two, made the plans for them to "elope". Megan, like a sweet, obedient puppy agreed to his plan and left with him, not thinking she would never be returning. I think he killed her, and dumped her body - I believe he knew how to dispose of a body because of his connections.

I have said before on here - he had connections to LE. I still believe my version because I don't see much action by local LE, and nothing from older guy who has moved on with his life. I know there were rumors of older guy being involved, but I never heard that LE investigated them. And I do not believe her family were involved in any way - none of them.

Maybe I'm naive, but I would think that older guy would have come out publicly, screaming for action to find Megan; wanting to be investigated to prove his innocence - but all we heard from him was first, silence, and second, hateful denials.

On the day they searched the area south of Fairfield for her body or clues, it was over almost before it started. Either they don't know how to conduct a search, or they didn't want to find anything. They should have brought in a search team like CUE or Equisearch to help them.

Megan was a normal teen who thought she had all the answers - just like all other teens. She trusted older guy more than she trusted her mom - also like other teens. I really hope I'm wrong, but either way, her family deserves to get the answers. It's time someone makes this case a priority and solves what happened to Megan.
Bob A - So my question is simple....why in the world did that communication suddenly stop?
Am I to believe that megan suddenly decided to halt all communication with the person she had broken all the rules to talk to? To spend time with? way i can believe that....i've been around too long to buy any of that.

EXACTLY!! I've had a theory since the beginning. I could be wrong - it's just my belief.
Megan was a happy, but naive, Christian family girl. She was involved with an older guy who was using her. He had no intentions of this being a long relationship - just entertainment for him. IMO she got pregnant. I think older guy, who had been around the block a time or two, made the plans for them to "elope". Megan, like a sweet, obedient puppy agreed to his plan and left with him, not thinking she would never be returning. I think he killed her, and dumped her body - I believe he knew how to dispose of a body because of his connections.

I have said before on here - he had connections to LE. I still believe my version because I don't see much action by local LE, and nothing from older guy who has moved on with his life. I know there were rumors of older guy being involved, but I never heard that LE investigated them. And I do not believe her family were involved in any way - none of them.

Maybe I'm naive, but I would think that older guy would have come out publicly, screaming for action to find Megan; wanting to be investigated to prove his innocence - but all we heard from him was first, silence, and second, hateful denials.

On the day they searched the area south of Fairfield for her body or clues, it was over almost before it started. Either they don't know how to conduct a search, or they didn't want to find anything. They should have brought in a search team like CUE or Equisearch to help them.

Megan was a normal teen who thought she had all the answers - just like all other teens. She trusted older guy more than she trusted her mom - also like other teens. I really hope I'm wrong, but either way, her family deserves to get the answers. It's time someone makes this case a priority and solves what happened to Megan.
I completely agree

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I'm thinking it's probably her.
I don't know why

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I think so, too. It's sad, but the family needs to know. Not knowing is so much harder.
Has the FB page been taken down? I haven't been able to find it. If it has, it could be because they don't want people speculating about this. OTOH, maybe they know it is her. JMO, I don't have any inside info.
Earlier today I noticed that the page was changed to "archived" around the end of October.

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