IL/NY - Singer R. Kelly, multiple counts of Aggravated Sexual Assault, Feb 2019 *Guilty NY - appeal 2023* *charges dropped in IL*

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Good , I'm still not sure how he was married to Aleah when she was 15 hes such a perv, he dates younger women because his mentality is of a teenage boy. Grow up freak you are 50 years old and you should have picked up some knowledge by now other than playing with little girls ...Ick!
Everyone needs to watch this interview. He is a crazed man because he's been caught and has no idea what to do. He talks in circles.

He is CRAZY. The crying, pretending to be a martyr, playing the victim posture, whining about his children, OMG. Insanity. I agree with those that I can only imagine being on the receiving end of that behavior when you're in a relationship with him. There is no arguing, no logic, just gaslighting. Why is he even being given airtime to spew more lies?

And then this morning they had on one of the women he's living with and she was a total b*tch to Gayle, and is either brainwashed or as crazy as he is.

Also, just because he has a consensual relationship with one or 2 women, doesn't mean the allegations against him aren't true.
I've been an inpatient psychiatric nurse for 24 years. His demeanor and uncontrolled rage is very familiar to me. I see that behavior everyday and would have called for assistance the moment he left his seat. The reaction of his team of publicists and friends (coming in to grab him and pat his shoulder and whatnot) told me that they felt he could be dangerous.
This is the guy who smokes cigarettes in exclusive stores and dares anyone to tell him he can't and puts his cigarette out in expensive brie cheese rather than the ash tray he was offered. He treats the people who wait on him like dirt. He is a pig and if he did, in fact, engage in sex with minors - jail him for a long time.
Deadbeat Dad! That is the lowest of the low. Stay for the fun, bail out on actually raising your child.

I wish young women would really think twice before dating any man who doesn't pay child support. If he does to one child, he will do it to yours too!

Glad he is back in a cage, where he belongs. Away from young girls. Loser!
He had money for an attorney and bail but nothing for child support? There is something wrong with our justice system that puts his right to bond and freedom before the needs of his own children. Unfreakingbelievable!
He should never have been let out of jail until his child support obligation was fulfilled. IMO
Never mind the fact that he continues to abuse other children. If he neglects his own kids why would he ever respect anyone’s child?
Put him under the jail already! He is a sick man but suffers from an illness medical science cannot cure or even remotely improve. Enough already!

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