GUILTY IL - Trenton Cornell-Duranleau, 26, stabbed to death, Chicago, 27 Jul 2017 *graphic* *Arrests*

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[FONT=&quot]$1,000 in cash.

[/FONT]I never relaized they were on the run that long

eight days as fugitives sought in the death of a young hairdresser in Chicago

the way this was worded really indicates the violence involved --stabbed repeatedly until the knife broke, police said.

Chicago police said Warren was 56; he was booked into jail as age 49.

he telephone negotiations began late Friday afternoon and by evening, Lathem arrived by car at the courthouse.
No guns were drawn, but Lathem was ordered to carefully step out of the vehicle and was taken into custody in a courtyard area

Lathem stated that he would not answer questions

legally that makes sense but he confessed on a video to family and friends so...................

Investigators talked with Lathem's friends during the week, including people from his graduate and undergraduate days, along with his colleagues.

Conroy said he believed some of the friends were in contact with Lathem while he was a fugitive

apologizing for his involvement in the crime,

that just strikes me as he was not the instigator

i think most of us are going from the angle that that one of the two fugitives started the attack

A friend in Daily Male who lived with him earlier stated he had a fiery temper (his words)

Some reports have said face down in the bedroom --When police opened the door they found Cornell-Duranleau's body.

Wyndham Lathem, 42, gave himself up late Friday at the Oakland federal building and Andrew Warren, 56, surrendered at about the same time to the San Francisco Police Department, according to Michael McCloud, fugitive taskforce commander with the U.S. Marshals Service.
Their capture was announced Friday night by Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, who credited the U.S. Marshals Service with handing the suspects over to California police, CBS Chicago reports.

Lathem, an associate microbiology professor at Northwestern, was booked into the Alameda County jail. Warren, a Somerville College resident at Oxford University in England, was taken to the San Francisco County Jail. They will appear separately in court before being extradited to Illinois. It was not immediately clear when that would happen.

Police also said that by the time they found the body on the night of July 27, Cornell-Duranleau had been dead for 12-15 hours.

The Alameda County jails website says Lathem is scheduled for a court appearance at 9 a.m. Monday in the San Francisco suburb of Pleasanton.


Lathem is scheduled to appear in court in Pleasanton at 9 a.m. Monday for an arraignment.
He arrived at the Oakland courthouse by car and was told to get out of the car, which is when authorities placed him in handcuffs, Conroy said. No guns were drawn.

Warren was booked at the San Francisco County Jail on felony fugitive charges about 1:30 a.m. Saturday. A court date was not immediately scheduled, but Conroy said he expects Warren will also appear Monday.
Both men are being held without bail.

The content of the video concerned police that Lathem could harm himself, Guglielmi said.
It was through their friends and colleagues that Chicago police received tips that the two men were in the Bay Area, Conroy said.
Lathem obtained an attorney in the Bay Area, who was not identified, to negotiate his “safe surrender,” Conroy said.
Warren did not negotiate with the Marshals Service on his surrender, Conroy added.

“The information (Chicago police) had on Mr. Lathem was more actionable than they had on Mr. Warren,” Conroy said, explaining why negotiations were not made with Warren. “They knew more about Mr. Lathem. The victim’s body was found in his apartment.”
There is no information on whether Lathem has retained the Bay Area attorney to represent him in court on the first-degree murder charges he’s facing.
On Monday, the defendants can choose to fight the extradition, which Conroy said would be unusual. If they are ordered back to Chicago, officials will have 10 business days to pick up the two men and return them to Illinois.
Sounds crazy but maybe he was not neccesrily coming here for them but they met him out in a local bar and took him home and he turned out to be danger

I keep getting hung up on them saying they both stabbed him but maybe prof was trying to save hair guy??

Dont know much about FB but them being friends on there does not necc amount to a lot my understanding is if someone sends someone a picture of some french toast they become . Is there a way to tell how often they talked or whatever it is they do on FB??

I guess I am saying we do not know if they were on Grindr directly do we?

Maybe Oxford had a way to make him drive ?

It might be helpful to know where there car ended up?

Just ponderings
In the newspaper quote above, Lathem is facing 1st degree murder charges.
ya but ... to a library? and why $1000? like in what bizarro world does that amount forgive murder?

I would guess they felt guilty. Thus,donation in victim's name.
Good Tribune article from last night:

"Lathem’s attorney, Barry Sheppard, said he helped facilitate the professor’s surrender, and said he expects the man will waive extradition at his next court appearance, likely on Monday. The attorney said he last spoke with Lathem by phone.

'He sounded composed,' said Sheppard, whose son Adam Sheppard is also representing Lathem, along with a California-based attorney."

"Lathem was booked into the Alameda County Jail. On Saturday night, Alameda County Sheriff’s Sgt. Ray Kelly said he didn’t think Lathem was having an easy time in jail.

'He’s not doing well, psychologically, in jail,' Kelly said. 'We’re keeping an eye on him.'

About 6:30 p.m. Friday, Warren walked into the San Francisco Police Department’s Park District station by himself and surrendered, said Officer Grace Gatpandan, a spokesperson for the department. Warren had not communicated with San Francisco officers before he turned himself in to police, she said."

"Lathem and Warren will appear in an Oakland court and likely be returned to Chicago, perhaps toward the end of the week, where they will be interrogated by homicide detectives, Guglielmi said. Once the questioning is complete, detectives will hold a press conference outlining the case before the men appear in bond court, he said."

"Authorities have so far offered little information about what may have led to the attack. Lathem and Cornell-Duranleau were involved in some sort of relationship and had 'some type of falling out,' Guglielmi said. He could not elaborate on the relationship and could not say how Warren knew Lathem and Cornell-Duranleau. Sources say Lathem and Cornell-Duranleau were dating."

"Lathem was cooperative during his surrender, and did not have anything dangerous on him. While the U.S. marshals explained the process moving forward, Lathem had some concerns.

'How do I get money?' McCloud recalls Lathem asking. 'You mean I don’t get to eat?'

The marshals explained that he would be fed three times a day, and that he could have money placed on the 'books' that he could use for chips or cookies in the commissary. Lathem then asked the marshals to define what a commissary was.

Those types of questions, McCloud said, make Lathem’s case unusual.

'He didn’t have a criminal history,' he said. 'Most of the investigations we conduct are (with) people that have histories.'

All speculation:

Lanthem sounds like a very controlling, manipulative type, IMO. If he is truly having a hard time in jail, that would be due to the loss of control, and not because he is feeling guilty or remorseful.

Very curious as to what Warren has to say.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lathem planned this whole thing, both for the purpose of fulfilling a fantasy and "practical reasons."

Say, Lanthem wants to break it off with the victim but the victim is resistant. In the meantime, Lanthem has been communicating online with Warren -perhaps via a FetLife-type website, but probably something darker. Warren is getting more and more depressed, and increasingly self-destructive after his father's recent passing. Lanthem invites Warren to visit him in Chicago, perhaps even offering to pay for his tickets, with the promise of a sexual encounter. Only once Warren is in Chicago, Lanthem tells him about his plan to get rid of the victim. Lanthem is the domineering one in this relationship, and Warren is happy to do whatever he is told. Warren makes sure the victim doesn't get away while Lanthem attacks and kills him. They leave, Lathem makes sure to stop and make the library donation in his victim's name, perhaps hoping that people will think he did so out of remorse. Lanthem sends the video to family and friends, apologizing for his "involvement" in the crime, maybe in an attempt to gain some sympathy.

Lanthem's next move: Throwing Warren completely under the bus: "The biggest mistake of my life was to invite this man into our home, and that is my only crime! This man murdered the love of my life!"

Again, all speculation, and IMO only.
This guy works as a microbiology professor and therefore could have access to all kind of chemicals. If he was planning to get rid of the victim, presumably he could have come up with a smarter plot than inviting some guy from England over, leaving the body out in the apartment, and going on the run.
To me it doesn't sound pre-planned in advance.
I agree Lathem was likely the dominant, controlling one. But I also think someone as obviously smart as he is would normally come up with a better plan, that would have a chance he might get away with it. Unless he was completely lost in the fantasy, and only got back in touch with reality when the murder was over. Certainly, the first degree murder charges mean it was more than just a fit of anger.
This guy works as a microbiology professor and therefore could have access to all kind of chemicals. If he was planning to get rid of the victim, presumably he could have come up with a smarter plot than inviting some guy from England over, leaving the body out in the apartment, and going on the run.
To me it doesn't sound pre-planned in advance.

I agree Lathem was likely the dominant, controlling one. But I also think someone as obviously smart as he is would normally come up with a better plan, that would have a chance he might get away with it. Unless he was completely lost in the fantasy, and only got back in touch with reality when the murder was over. Certainly, the first degree murder charges mean it was more than just a fit of anger.

I agree with you, jenny, about Lathem having ready access to all kinds of chemicals and -perhaps even more concerning- biological agents.

I do think there was some pre-planning involved, but maybe the murder was more fantasy- and obsession-driven than practicality. And having a third party -someone from abrosd in particular- play a role may have been part of the fantasy as well.

BTW, it appears Lathem was born in London:
(according to his "Inmate Detail Custody Information," his DOB is 08/10/1974 ):

Based on further research, it also appears Lanthem's father is a physician with many published articles, but both his parents are American. Perhaps the dad held a position with a hospital or a university in England at the time?
Very strange story. It reminds me of the Robert Wone case and we don't know what that was all about.

A clue to this case may be that in some gay dating site, Warren stated that he was looking for a "Dominant" and "no limits". This is obvious reference to Sado-Masochism or "power exchange" or whatever it now being called. Warren was a "Submissive".

There is nothing unusual about a professional 42 year old hooking up with a 26 year old who is a bit down on his luck. While things in the gay world might be more "flexible", this would be a perfectly normal relationship in the straight world. Lanthem may have had other similar arrangements. He was relatively young and trim with some money. He could attract plenty of men in the Chicago area. Striking up a relationship with an older, portly man who was some sort of payroll clerk who lived across the Atlantic is a bit more unusual.

I don't claim to know much about the S&M subculture but I do know that much of what goes on involves "Ups" (dominates) and "Downs" ( submissives) negotiating "scenes" that satisfy their mutual fantasies. Presumably, if they each had something relatively routine in mind, they would be able to link up with someone local through dating sites or leather bars. It is very possible that they discovered some common interests during their online discussions that was so out of the ordinary that it justified one of them traveling 3000 miles. Where Trenton C-D fits into that is unknown for now. He may have been a willing participant.

A friend of mine,who travels in some interesting circles, described the S&M scene as mostly play acting with just enough danger to keep it interesting. There are, apparently, a lot of understood rules and signals that keep things from getting "out of hand". From what he told me things occasionally but rarely do get "out of hand".

It is hard to believe that Lanthem really intended for anyone to die in his apartment. Assuming something did "get out of hand" if it was clearly the spontaneous act of one of the men, you would expect them to quickly go their separate ways and the "innocent" one to go to authorities. Instead, they appear to have stuck together and neither is coming out blaming the other, yet..
The English guy supposedly had a boyfriend, from what has been reported. Perhaps he didn't want his boyfriend to know what he was up to, thus coming to US?
Perhaps Lathem was running not just from the murder, but from public exposure of what they were actually doing before it happened. In that case, he might stick with Warren for fear he would talk about it, wanting to come up with a story that would cover it up. As to why he wouldn't kill Warren, perhaps he had the sense to realize that would probably make things worse.

I guess the first degree murder charges might stem from evidence at the crime scene such as restraints.
My thought is drugs caused it to get out of hand.

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