GUILTY IL - Willow Long, 7, Watson, 8 Sept 2013 - #3

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Opinions, please...

First off, I joined two of the Willow FB pages right away. I know everything posted on those are considered rumor, and have refrained from posting things from those pages. The original "MISSING WILLOW LONG" profile (not group page, but profile/timeline) was closed after JD was arrested because of people posting rumors/unsupportive things, etc. (Now to the point of this post):

In one of the conversations, I read replies made by JD. I won't post what he said specifically, and he did not post anything incriminating. Just a few little comments strangely contradicting themselves and urging people not to blame the family. I contacted the person who created the profile (after it had been deleted) and reminded her of these comments and suggested that while they may not be important at all, they also MIGHT BE and I suggested that she consider at least letting LE know about those posts and allowing them to reactivate the page or look at it using their magical computer prowess or whatever. She did not respond.

Do you think I should follow up and maybe just ask her if she shared the information, or is it likely useless information that LE shouldn't be bothered with? (I guess my issue with it was that he was posting these things while the search was ongoing and then he was arrested, and now charged with murder. Now it seems less important than it did before when we didn't know there was any evidence, but maybe I'm wrong.)

Justin's brother was posting there and his initials are JD too.
Watching the Press Conference from today instead of just listening to it as I did earlier. Some questioners were very strongly asking about the mother's story changing starting at around the 20:00 - 26:00 mark. It looks like LE was not ready for those questions about the mother giving a misleading story in the beginning, but everybody else seems to want to know more on that.
I wonder if the mom knew there were problems with the uncle. She really had no reason to lie, if her own brother had always been caring, honest, moral, and responsible. Maybe Darling Willow had told her "things." Perhaps other reports will come out or perhaps Willow's friends will begin to report things that Willow confided in them. If Willow's mom went out and left the children with someone reputable, there should have been no reason to lie. Her lying says "something." Going out and leaving your children with a responsible babysitter is not a crime. Why lie?

I also think that "something" is being said by the mom leaving the family residence. She wants to be "alone?" I would need my loved ones to feed me, carry me to the bathroom, hold me up, keep me alive. I wonder if the family has caught on and they don't want the mom around. I know I wouldn't support anyone that had any part in the death of one of my children, and I don't care if it was an active part in the murder or by lying to cover-up something else. It would NOT matter to me. I would kick that person out and I am very small and I would still kick them from here-to-there!

BBM. <modsnip> Or she wants to be out of the house where her daughter was murdered.
I think the Mom's motivation to lie is that she doesn't suspect the brother and doesn't want to seem like a bad mom or have DCFS investigate and possibily lose her kids.

Essentially, she didn't think that her brother could do is and she had to have a story about when she last saw Willow because she couldn't say I was out last night so the last time I saw her was 8pm or anything like that. And the story about what she was wearing and everything was probably told to her by her brother.

The children were in the home they live in. She left them with their uncle who is plenty old enough to watch children. If she wanted to go on a week long vacation and leave the kids with uncle, what would be the big deal?

Of course we now know he is a psycho, but women go on business trips all of the time. Or parents take vacations.

She did a totally responsible thing, so I do not understand the discrepancies in the story of what went on in the morning.
VIDEO: DeRyke Charged w/3 Counts of Murder


Authorities established that Dale and Deborah were gone on an over-the-road truck driving run and that Ciara was in Effingham at a local restaurant and bar until after midnight Sunday morning. Justin DeRyke was at home with Willow and NG.

The 22-year-old DeRyke told authorities that when he came out of the restroom, Willow came up behind him and asked him to watch TV with her. He said Willow pulled on his right forearm and scratched him, causing him to bleed. He told authorities he yelled at Willow. DeRyke said Willow ran out of the house they shared at 104 Circle Drive in Watson. DeRyke said he went after Willow. He said Willow was near a pile of sticks where the family dumps the cat litter.




There were cuts on her hands that were consistent with being defensive wounds.

The preliminary autopsy determination is that the death was a homicide most likely as the result of a wound or wounds inflicted by a knife or knives.


Kibler said the four searchers who found Willow's body were among those who were sent home. He said they stopped at the interstate interchange so they could feel like they helped. And they did.
Watching the Press Conference from today instead of just listening to it as I did earlier.
Some questioners were very strongly asking about the mother's story changing starting at
around the 20:00 - 26:00 mark. It looks like LE was not ready for those questions about
the mother giving a misleading story in the beginning, but everybody else seems to want to
know more on that.

There's nothing that says this case is over and I don't think it is, not by a longshot. That being said, I think their main concern was finding Willow, followed by finding her killer, followed by getting that killer behind bars. I think now that the most important aspects of her plight are "at bay" (temporarily) they will now start going back and looking at other people who may (or may not) have something to do with what happened to her, indirectly or otherwise.
Do you have an article or interview link substantiating this? Mom is the one who placed the 911 call into dispatch at 10:46am who in turn notified the Sheriff's office at could she know before she went back to bed if she is the one that reported it after she woke up? I'm lost.

I mean yes, I realize she went to the bar and I know the real timeline and chain of events, but I don't know what you mean about the posters, etc...knowing about those before she went back to bed. Are you referring to the following day?

1st reports by LE....during the massive search effort....

Maybe it's all a big lie by the perp and he killed Willow and disposed of her while mom was napping?
Justin's brother was posting there and his initials are JD too.

Am I mistaken, then? Maybe I -am-. Maybe it was the other uncle and my memory is playing tricks on me. At the time, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention. I remember it was the uncle, and I THOUGHT it was "Justin," but the other uncle has a similar name.

If I -am- mistaken, please don't hesitate to say so, and I'll remove my original post. I can't exactly double-check since the page is gone, unfortunately. If I'm mistaken, then I don't need to worry about it at all. (Yes, I've been worrying about how to react, thinking it was the "correct" uncle).
$5 million bond set for Justin DeRyke

In interviews with Illinois State Police investigators Monday, Justin DeRyke said he had been in his bedroom playing video games for much of the night before leaving his room to go into the bathroom to masturbate and watch pornographic films. Upon leaving the bathroom, Long grabbed his arm to bring him downstairs to watch television and scratched DeRyke's arm, drawing blood.

So could he have said this because there might be sperm on Willow and he is trying to say he did this b4 and that is how it got on her when she grabbed his arm?
I hope they are sifting through that cat box as well. I still don't get why he would bring that up in his statements unless he had a specific "part" in his possible defense scenarios that would include cat litter. If the catbox was in the bathroom, I don't think that would lead to anything, because according to his story the pile of debris she fell on also contained cat either way she'd have cat litter on her, yeh?

I don't know why, but this whole kitty litter statement is really ...bugging me. Why'd he bring that up?

[Edit] I edited the wrong post. I guess I am wondering if he used that as a blood absorbent and therefore needed a story as to why the litter was in the pile of debris or near it, and why it may be found on Willow? We use it all the time for oil in the's a good absorbent.
The children were in the home they live in. She left them with their uncle who is plenty old enough to watch children. If she wanted to go on a week long vacation and leave the kids with uncle, what would be the big deal?

Of course we now know he is a psycho, but women go on business trips all of the time. Or parents take vacations.

She did a totally responsible thing, so I do not understand the discrepancies in the story of what went on in the morning.

Respectfully,if she did the responsible thing, then why did she lie to LE? I mean, she is such a great mom that she had her brother babysit while she went out all night. He is an adult. So why lie about Sunday morning? The official LE statement was that the murder happened Saturday night.

I have an axe in the trashbin right beside my bed

Hmm rethinking my choice of weapons.

So sad that women and children aren't safe!

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Here I sit in tears that I can't make go away and it's making for a real messy booger session as well. I guess I am trying my damnedest to make something...anything, just one little scrap of what [expletive] claims happened...true. I have been doing that since it was first announced that he had been arrested. I want so desperately for his story to be true because I do not understand. This is the first, I don't know I guess you would call it a case? that I have tuned into here on this site. Some part of his story has to be true doesn't it? Why...for frack sake WHY the [expletive] would an UNCLE purposefully murder his own flesh and blood. Not only that, but a SEVEN year old little girl who CLEARLY poses absolutely ZERO threat to him??? I don't understand and I am really really really trying to understand how almost all of you are instantaneously saying that everything he ever said was a lie. HOW can that be? I'm honestly and truthfully...I don't understand I don't get it I don't understand at all. I know men get into fights and kill each other on accident when drunk. I know wars happen and nations kill nations. I know car accidents happen and drunk drivers kill other people. I know murders DO occur (I'm extremely sheltered but not that sheltered). I know people kill people for the sake of killing, like people in gangs and such. But an uncle killing his niece??? I DONT get that and I don't understand why and this is really really...really very bad and I don't understand. I don't get how someone that young he is only 20-something, how someone that young can have the ability to make up something SO elaborate and deep and full of a whole scenario and, how he planned all this or didn't plan it or, I don't even know wtf I'm typing right now. I DONT UNDERSTAND I don't get it. Surely something is not right here. Surely something happened he didn't intend to happen? Why would he just kill her for no reason she was such a beautiful and bright and friendly little child by all accounts I have read I just don't GET IT. I don't get it and this isn't fair this isn't fair at all it's not fiar.

Edit - I thought she ran away because mom wouldn't let her watch a movie she wanted to watch or something and instead little brother got to watch a frog movie. I thought perhaps she ran into a black widow spider or a venomous snake and she was hurt somewhere and they would find her but instead she gets her throat slit open and stabbed? SHE was SEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know all the why's of why people do evil things, but they do. And in their mind they have good reason to commit murder. Most of them kill their victim during child abuse or to get rid of the witness. These people are usually close to the victim or close to someone who is close to the victim. The statistics at the department of justice do not lie. Most responsible are the parents, then the significant other of the parents, then outlying family like grandparents, siblings, uncles, and then acquaintances. And at the bottom of that list are strangers. Stranger danger is not the threat that we have been led to believe.

I know you want to believe this case is other than what it is. But it's not. We do a disservice to victims by trying to minimize and mitigate their horrible experience. We take the victims voice and chance for justice away by downplaying the crime. Defense attorneys use this tactic and it works on juries who want to believe "it wasn't that bad".

One thing I always keep in mind is, while it's hard to hear the sick and graphic details, it's not as bad as what the victim went through. I feel I don't have the right to put a pretty bow on the crime and clean up the details to make myself feel better.
I'm thinking the phantom bowls of cereal she got for breakfast didn't have any calories.

Sorry going off topic but any time a kiddo goes missing and s/he is small for their age it seems as if blame is thrown at the parents for lack of feeding them healthy. My daughter will be 8 in Nov. She is 3'9 and 42 lbs . She has always been smaller. She was still wearing some of her 3-6 months clothes when she was a yr old. People would be rude enough to stop me and tell me I was doing something wrong causing her to be so tiny. Never mind the fact that most of these people also thought I was a teen mom even though I was 25 b/c of my size. I see nothing wrong with Willow's size. I have kids going both ways. My son is a monster compared to some of the kids in his Kindergarten class. Most kids come to his shoulders. I give him a yr or 2 and he will be eye level to me if he keeps growing at this rate.

Willow seems like she was a girl who fluttered or danced all over the place instead of walk. I bet she was a girl on the move most of the time with a high metabolism that kept her on the smaller size too.
Some folks call it a slingblade. I call it a kaiser blade.

Well i figure i get one shot, and this wood chopping axe can cleave his head open allowing me to get away. Never heard an axe called a slingblade or kaiser blade
Defensive wounds on her hands says that she was aware enough to know she was in severe danger from him...doesn't sound like some one who was "twitching on the floor". She was in fear for her life and was fighting back until the very end. Her last sight was that of her uncle murdering 7 years old!

O/T: Especially Heather, I hope you don't mind my post. I just read Emma Grace's story. It warms my heart to see how cherished, wanted and loved she is. My little granddaughter, Ava was diagnosed with SLO and her life was brief but she was so loved. When I came upon your posting Emma Grace's picture touched my heart.
I believe many WS members are struggling with Willow's tragic death.
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