GUILTY IL - Willow Long, 7, Watson, 8 Sept 2013 - #4

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What is strange is how specific the anonymous call was. 2 neglect against mom and one abuse against JD.

Family is saying that JD gave no clue he would do something like this. Grandpa says all his kids were a handful but JD. Yet, someone immediately on Sept 8 accuses him of abuse.

I don't get it. It almost feels like LE but wouldn't that be something they would have to do anyway, as mandatory reporters when there is an issue? So they would probably know straight thru numbers and people to speak to. The anonymous angle is what makes me smh and think it wasn't LE.

Could it have been someone in Willow's dad's family? My assumption is CD called him right away when she was missing, I don't know if I recall reading the specifics around his knowledge and when that came about. Regardless it was anonymous for a reason. Hopefully NG paternal family is able to care for him.



BBM - IMO, an anonymous caller would report a possible neglect/abuse case. DCFS would have determined how many neglect/abuse charges to investigate.

We don't know if there have been other issues prior to Willow's disappearance that concerned a neighbor, friend, bio dad, etc. Willow's disappearance may have been the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak and the concerned individual made the report.
The news has been plastered all over my Facebook for the past several days. People I know comment on news articles and have made statements about how precious their own kids are. Some are very touching. Some are very troubling. Many of the people have never read the details of a crime this horrific, and nothing this horrific has ever happened in their lifetimes. The degree of violence and the proximity to where they live their lives has made them acutely aware that their children are never as safe as they'd like them to be.

Think about that case that broke you. We all have them. Some of us have many. For the people who have made the nasty remarks, pointed fingers and expressed outrage, this is the one that has shaken them to the core, that has them doubting humanity, that has them angry. It has clouded their thinking and jaded them. A whole community has lost its innocence. People are afraid to let their children play in the back yard or walk to school or spend the night with a friend. I guess what I'm saying is that every member of this geographic area sees himself as a victim here. This has affected thousands of people. That doesn't make it right for them to spout hurtful nonsense about a family in grief. But it makes it understandable.

I'm going to agree with you.. not because any case here has broken me (yet) although some have made me very emotional - but because I understand reacting to fear with rage. I understand being angry at people who have directly or indirectly caused me to doubt my position and security. I express it differently, most of the time, but I've had my moments of lashing out.

What I will also say is, while WS does make a huge effort to be victim-friendly and is well-policed, I still see elements of that reaction in threads here. Many threads swerve onto good/bad parenting debates, for example, which do nothing to advance the case but presumably make the posters feel safer - "this couldn't happen to me because I never x, y, z with my kids". If you were the parent/family that "it" happened to, how would you feel reading comments like that? They may not be aggressive or nasty, but believe me, there's stuff posted here that can hurt, and isn't helpful. JMO
Many people are confused on a few points, I hope my post clears this up.

“People who report alleged child abuse or neglect in good faith cannot be
held liable for damages under criminal or civil law. In addition, their
names are not given to the person they name as the abuser or to anyone
else unless ordered by a hearing officer or judge. Only members of the
general public may make reports without giving their names.” (DCFS

Mandated reporters are required to provide their name when calling in a report of suspected abuse/neglect. Their name will not be known to anyone, it's private. However, a random citizen can call a report in and remain totally anonymous.

So, LE could have called it in, and remain, as far as the media is concerned, anonymous.

True, I had not thought of that. Anyone calling in would be anonymous no matter what!

Been following this case for a couple of days, not signed in, but missed the last few hours.

Not sure what this comment refers to but I can relate. My wardrobe consists of casual wear. I don't need to dress up for work and I'm not much of a diva, so when my Son passed away unexpectedly I felt obligated to go find something nice to wear for his service. Obligated to my Son , even though he was gone. Just over a week later was my younger Boy's Birthday. I went shopping again (and broke down again)...pretty much bought the first thing my friend said was nice.

I'm letting my first impressions of Mom, GPA, and GMA go until I hear more because I know how losing your child unexpectedly can mess with your mind (way different situation than mine). I, who cries for everything, didn't cry at my Son's funeral. It didn't feel real to me at the time. I was sure it was a bad dream I would wake up from. Shock maybe, I don't know. I always expected some sort of familiar reaction from people before, but whoever else was expecting it from me certainly didn't get it.

Losing a child unexpectedly can seriously mess with your mind. In the past I would have questioned some reactions from Willow's family, but not now...not yet, anyway.

I am so sorry for your loss, CarrieBean. Whether it was last year or five, even ten years ago, I'm sure your loss is still profound and I thank your for sharing your perspective with us.

I don't think any of us can accurately surmise how we might react it any given situation unless we have been through something somewhat comparable that can open our eyes to human nature. The truth is, grief is so individualized it's hard to say how we might react. Take in to account the variables of how our loved one may have left us only complicates this. It's not a science and everyone handles these emotions differently.

My best friend lost her husband in a rather tragic work accident and her reaction to the news of his demise was not what I expected. I was there with her at the hospital and there with her every single minute until after his service. She held up extremely well during the service and I'm sure others thought she was doing remarkablely well for just losing her husband - but she held it together and was stoic during certain times and a complete mess privately and few were privy to this.

I didn't mean to get O/T and I certainly don't mean to compare the losses as each loss is unique...merely to point out that what the public sees doesn't necessarily paint the whole picture.

All JMO.

My heart aches for little Willow and her loved ones. I hope her passing was quick and she didn't suffer long.
It's very interesting and somewhat disturbing to me that the State's Attorney is putting the murder between the time of 10:30-11pm which is the exact same time frame as JD claiming to have been in the bathroom watching *advertiser censored* and masterbating.

So what is the State's Attorney trying to tell us?

Meanwhile, Effingham County officials are waiting for final autopsy results to find out the exact time of Long's death. "It's sometime between 10:30 and 11 [p.m.] Saturday," said Effingham County State's Attorney Bryan Kibler.

See more at:
It's very interesting and somewhat disturbing to me that the State's Attorney is putting the murder between the time of 10:30-11pm which is the exact same time frame as JD claiming to have been in the bathroom watching *advertiser censored* and masterbating.

So what is the State's Attorney trying to tell us?

Meanwhile, Effingham County officials are waiting for final autopsy results to find out the exact time of Long's death. "It's sometime between 10:30 and 11 [p.m.] Saturday," said Effingham County State's Attorney Bryan Kibler.

See more at:
The fact that the perp mentions 10:30 pm in his statement makes that time important IMO. The computer *advertiser censored* viewing may also match up in a computer check too.

What is strange is how specific the anonymous call was. 2 neglect against mom and one abuse against JD.

Family is saying that JD gave no clue he would do something like this. Grandpa says all his kids were a handful but JD. Yet, someone immediately on Sept 8 accuses him of abuse.

I don't get it. It almost feels like LE but wouldn't that be something they would have to do anyway, as mandatory reporters when there is an issue? So they would probably know straight thru numbers and people to speak to. The anonymous angle is what makes me smh and think it wasn't LE.

Could it have been someone in Willow's dad's family? My assumption is CD called him right away when she was missing, I don't know if I recall reading the specifics around his knowledge and when that came about. Regardless it was anonymous for a reason. Hopefully NG paternal family is able to care for him.



It really does seem like someone from LE to me. If they didn't believe the story on Sunday, felt that the mother had neglected both of the children by either being hungover and sleeping in or by not being at home at all, and they felt as early as Sunday that JD was likely responsible for Willow's disappearance, this would be the exact type of allegations that would be forwarded to DCFS IMO.

And being proactive like that in order to get the other child into protective custody in case he was a witness to something was a very good idea if that is what they did.

It is a mystery for sure. But if it turns out that it was an investigator on scene on Sunday who called that in, then those investigators handled this brilliantly. They ran two parallel investigations right from the start without tipping off the family that they were doing so. Which is exactly how all missing children cases should be handled and sadly do not appear to be.

I get different things on my FB from friends about missing kids. There is never any follow up so I have quit paying attention to them. I feel badly about it, but I search around the net and find no info.

I don't know what the answer is. I would totally freak out if my child was missing and since no car was noticed, nothing could be done. Ugh

Same here though most that are posted and I can not find anything on are teenage runaways. Some were reported to police others not b/c they didn't think police would help. Just last week a friend posted 4 missing people who had been found deceased. Skylar's photo is still floating around asking for help in finding her. I think that one hit her the hardest after I said who did it. A couple tag me in their status asking if the person is still missing.

I agree I do not know what to do but I think LE and the media can help the missing and their families if they would figure something out. Even having a photo album on their FB pages of missing locals would be great.
I'm most interested to see what kind of *advertiser censored* he was viewing:scared:
The fact that the perp mentions 10:30 pm in his statement makes that time important IMO. The computer *advertiser censored* viewing may also match up in a computer check too.



Yep...JD places himself in the bathroom for one half hour during that exact time period watching *advertiser censored* and LE seems to feel that the murder happened sometime during that same time frame.

So was JD using a very personal and embarrassing alibi for that time frame but lying, figuring LE would believe him because who would admit to that if they didn't have to. But evidence does not back up this story. And therefore possibly he was not home at all during this time frame?

Or... is there evidence of *advertiser censored* being viewed on a computer during that time frame from within the home? So LE believe that she was killed during that time frame in or outside the home based on evidence collected?

It is odd. She called them for the interview.
I would think she was leading the interview and that she chose the location outside.

Maybe it was an issue with the location of the sun and filming.

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I am thinking, too, that since grandma initiated the interview...

that the media and she probably discussed beforehand the location where the interview would be held...

and that the media/reporter encouraged this location for the interview... But grandma may have agreed to it...

I imagine ANY part of that home/grounds has heartbreaking memories of them for grandma..

DSS is called on Sunday? How fast does a worker have to see the family? If LE felt that simply having a 7 year old walk out of the house without supervision was enough to be a mandatory report, I understand. If there was suspicion from the beginning and the have a mute 3 year old pointing at a door saying his sisters name, seems to me he would have been removed immediately. If he was a living witness, what's to say that he wouldn't "run off" too? Point is if the threat was Sunday, why remove him on Thursday? I guess because of the murder, but the report to DSS was Sunday and was probably that there are reports of kids being able to leave a home at a very young age, to the point that 911 is called.
Alrighty folks, I am beach bound. Yall get our questions figured out by the time I get back, ok?! :seeya:
Same here though most that are posted and I can not find anything on are teenage runaways. Some were reported to police others not b/c they didn't think police would help. Just last week a friend posted 4 missing people who had been found deceased. Skylar's photo is still floating around asking for help in finding her. I think that one hit her the hardest after I said who did it. A couple tag me in their status asking if the person is still missing.

I agree I do not know what to do but I think LE and the media can help the missing and their families if they would figure something out. Even having a photo album on their FB pages of missing locals would be great.

Isn't there a reverse 911 system in some areas? I think this is a good idea for missing children that LE have been called in on but don't qualify for an amber alert. Put out a general recorded call to all homes in the area (zip code?) with a description and for people to be on alert. Doubt it would work for teenagers though.

DSS is called on Sunday? How fast does a worker have to see the family? If LE felt that simply having a 7 year old walk out of the house without supervision was enough to be a mandatory report, I understand. If there was suspicion from the beginning and the have a mute 3 year old pointing at a door saying his sisters name, seems to me he would have been removed immediately. If he was a living witness, what's to say that he wouldn't "run off" too? Point is if the threat was Sunday, why remove him on Thursday? I guess because of the murder, but the report to DSS was Sunday and was probably that there are reports of kids being able to leave a home at a very young age, to the point that 911 is called.


"We received a hotline report on Sunday and immediately launched an investigation for protective custody and on Tuesday, it was upheld in juvenile court".........
Maybe someone who had been with mom and knew there were holes in the story.

I am not sure how to feel about them taking the little boy into foster care. In one way, I wish they would have let the grandparents keep the little boy and let mom find another place to live. Or maybe, they are convinced he saw something or being in that house would be traumatic for him. The grandmother just is shattered. I can't imagine what she is going through just from the mother/grandmother standpoint. Its horrifying.


Just jumping off your post...

I imagine Grandma and Grandpa will need to return to work at some time in the future...they most likely need the income...

and since they are long haul truck drivers it would be difficult for them to be stay at home "parents" for NG...

therefore... A placement would be needed for NG...

Just jumping off your post...

I imagine Grandma and Grandpa will need to return to work at some time in the future...they most likely need the income...

and since they are long haul truck drivers it would be difficult for them to be stay at home "parents" for NG...

therefore... A placement would be needed for NG...


NG likely has a paternal family that would be a good placement for him if need be. I'm sure DCFS will monitor the situation and place him where his needs will be best be met. A good foster family who is trained in dealing with children with trauma may be the best thing for him at this time?

Just wondering if LE did call children's services to have N removed because he may have some info??? Maybe having him foster care with psychologists available to speak to him. I'm not sure if that's how things could work legally, but if N didn't live with his dad and grandparents can't have him it's probably less traumatic for him on neutral ground right now.
It's all just so crushingly sad!
Isn't there a reverse 911 system in some areas? I think this is a good idea for missing children that LE have been called in on but don't qualify for an amber alert. Put out a general recorded call to all homes in the area (zip code?) with a description and for people to be on alert. Doubt it would work for teenagers though.


We have reverse 911 calls in my area in Southern Oregon. I know it's been used for fires and BOLOs, but not for missing children as of yet; thankfully, we haven't had any. I would expect that it will be utilized for that, as well, if the need arises. JMO.
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