Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #3 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
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ITA; it is completely illogical and does not follow AT ALL the first few statements. If I were in jail for a highly publicized crime, and had nothing to do with it, I can assure you that I would be crying like a girl (I am one, so not trying to offend anyone), certain it was all a mistake, and that I would be released soon. I would definitely NOT be prepared for a long game.

I think his own attorney just told us more than he intended to??
ITA; it is completely illogical and does not follow AT ALL the first few statements. If I were in jail for a highly publicized crime, and had nothing to do with it, I can assure you that I would be crying like a girl (I am one, so not trying to offend anyone), certain it was all a mistake, and that I would be released soon. I would definitely NOT be prepared for a long game.

I think his own attorney just told us more than he intended to??
Could be.
Looks like a standard news shot to me, panning with people walking then landing on the sign at the end. Probably just one of many cutaway and coverage shots. Nothing strange about it except the fact that he's there and appears to be very conscious of the camera IMO.

Could be that he was sticking toward the back. He is in the back in the photo too. I wonder if there is some psychological reason if perp who go to funerals or rallies or whatnot stand toward the back or stand toward the side.
Could be that he was sticking toward the back. He is in the back in the photo too. I wonder if there is some psychological reason if perp who go to funerals or rallies or whatnot stand toward the back or stand toward the side.

Good question. :thinking:
Based on his attorneys statements, I wonder what his defense will be. First order will depend if they got any solid DNA in the car or in the apartment. If they have him on tape, hopefully it will be pretty ironclad so as to not get dismissed but if two party consent is needed in IL it may not be admissible in court. It could be that cops did not care because they were most interested in seeing what he would say to try to rescue her while still alive and that took priority over admissible evidence. But a conviction can't be based on the tape alone; they are going to need more. It seems he spoke to police (I believe) and he does not deny she was in the car- his story is she got out so even DNA (if innocuous DNA like touch DNA not blood) won't be enough for a conviction because he admits she was in the car.

This may be a hard case unfortunately to prove murder if there is no body. He could make an argument it was spur of the moment (manslaughter or second degree) or make up some story about her. He could make up that he knew her somehow. Moreover, without a body and without blood in the car or apartment, it may be hard to show she is dead. He could argue she was a runaway. Only way he has a story is if he is paints her in a negative light so I pray for the sake of her family he does not make up lies about her.

It looks pretty damning as circumstantial evidence that he did not report it when he heard she was missing. plus he shows up at the rallies so he can't say he did not hear any of the widespread media coverage. Those actions are strong circumstantial evidence.

point is: they need to find the body. Hopefully they have enough evidence against him to get a conviction and he'll make a deal and tell them where it is. It would be horrible for her parents to have to de facto move here and go through a trial when they already have been through enough already.

I also find the lawyer's rambling very odd. Not sure if it's just inexperience (maybe not a criminal defense lawyer?) or what but he seems to be saying more than is necessary.
I'm skimming the criminal complaint against BC again. There was some speculation earlier in this thread about who his roommate was (whether it was his wife or someone else). In the complaint, it says the other occupant of the resident gave the FBI permission to search and seize items. Would they be able to get that permission from just a roommate, or would it have to be his wife to get this kind of permission?
Could be that he was sticking toward the back. He is in the back in the photo too. I wonder if there is some psychological reason if perp who go to funerals or rallies or whatnot stand toward the back or stand toward the side.
So they can see everything/ everyone?

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Good question. :thinking:

I assume LE are trained to look for such things. They often have cameras, etc. at funerals/gatherings precisely because it is not unusual for perp to show up. When in the timeline was the rally? Last Thursday? So they already had him firmly in their sites? In any event, I am sure there were probably multiple undercover officers looking through the crowds. It makes it hard in a college town because I don't think it takes a crime expert to know that the typical perp in these situations often is a guy in their 20s/early 30s.

I am sure that LE were probably extremely worried given they knew he had contact with other people/women. It puts them in a tough place because they may have a strong suspicion yet not enough for an arrest yet at the same time waiting too long could potentially endanger other people or lead to a possible hostage situation or whatnot.
So they can see everything/ everyone?

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I am not sure of the psychological reason. But I would guess that maybe you don't want to appear right in the middle of it because, quite frankly, you have no relationship to the victim so it would make you stick out to be right in the center. At the same time, you might want to keep an eye out on who's there, etc. so you stay toward the back to survey the crowd. I imagine one would go to such events because you want to know what LE knows. I remember hearing cases where perps often are actively interested in where the investigation is going. I wonder if they have evidence of him talking to others at the rally about her.

I also think you would go to the rally to ease any mistrust someone may have had on you. He obviously had the same car as the perp and I think I read 18 people had that car in the county. How many were at the university? Probably not that many. In fact, it is a little odd why no one would have reported him because of the car (or maybe someone did report him?). That car was seen on national tv and if you had a classmate, neighbor, friend with that car, people, especially casual acquaintances, might report him. He might have appeared overly concerned about the case to mitigate anyone reporting the car. As a females with no interest in cars, I never know what car people drive but alot of people pay attention to cars so I would think someone would have known he drove that kind of car. Is that car a rare car? I recall reading it was a fairly old car so I would think it would be something his friends or acquaintances, especially males who often care about cars, would recognize.

Indeed, it is odd that no one in parking lot of apartment building did not report car unless he somehow hid it.

I find it creepy the way he is hugging the girl. I imagine women on the campus were probably afraid and then to find out that the perp is going to the rally...
I am not sure that any evidence obtained by LE via communicating with a spouse would be admissible. Perhaps a lawyer can chime in on that one. For example, if a spouse (initially) consents to a search of the marital home to obtain evidence that (unknowingly) could condemn her spouse, would she be able to (later) claim spousal privilege and have that evidence thrown out?
I am not sure that any evidence obtained by LE via communicating with a spouse would be admissible. Perhaps a lawyer can chime in on that one. For example, if a spouse (initially) consents to a search of the marital home to obtain evidence that (unknowingly) could condemn her spouse, would she be able to claim spousal privilege and have that evidence thrown out?

Spousal privilege rests with the defendant so even if the spouse wants to give evidence, the defendant can claim the privilege. The law varies state to state on what is covered. Spousal privilege may just apply to testimonial evidence I think, that is you can't testify against the spouse. But I am not sure if it applies to a search. I don't think it does.

We don't know who exactly consented to the search here, but LE would have gotten alot of evidence from the search, such as the cell phone, DNA evidence, etc. If something is thrown out, anything related to it can also be thrown out because of the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine. I doubt LE here would be so careless here - they could easily have gotten a warrant based on the car alone so they did not need someone to consent so I doubt anything would be thrown out here and that the law probably is clear on that or else they would have waited a few hours for the warrant. Once they had him in custody it wasn't like he could destroy evidence. Having consent just allowed them to conduct search earlier.

The main urgency here would be that they maybe thought she was in the apartment. that is probably why they wanted consent and not have to wait for the warrant. I don't know the precise legal circumstances here but they maybe waited for the warrant to collect cell phone, etc. They just maybe used consent to get to the immediate and time sensitive aspect of the case which would be whether she was alive in the apartment and possibly injured.
I'm skimming the criminal complaint against BC again. There was some speculation earlier in this thread about who his roommate was (whether it was his wife or someone else). In the complaint, it says the other occupant of the resident gave the FBI permission to search and seize items. Would they be able to get that permission from just a roommate, or would it have to be his wife to get this kind of permission?
Any occupant can give permission.

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Indeed, it is odd that no one in parking lot of apartment building did not report car unless he somehow hid it.

Not everyone is hardcore into following true crime cases like we are, even if it's local and they know about it. It could be an in one ear out the other thing when it comes to the details, or they just don't think there could be a baddie that close to them so they just brush it off even if it does occur to them that a car they see daily resembles one on the news. People tend to focus on themselves and their own day to day issues and minding their own business.

Who knows?

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Could be that he was sticking toward the back. He is in the back in the photo too. I wonder if there is some psychological reason if perp who go to funerals or rallies or whatnot stand toward the back or stand toward the side.

Can't control the unconscious mind which says "I really shouldn't be here".
So, what happens when a houseguest tells the cops that they can search a home?
If the owner of a home authorizes a third party to allow the police to look around, that third party’s consent will justify a search. And a person who doesn’t live in a home but who uses and has joint access to or control over parts of it can authorize the police to search those parts.

For example, a roommate can give consent that allows the police to search her room, the living room, and the kitchen. But since she doesn’t have access to or control over her roommate’s separate bedroom, she can’t provide proper authorization for the police to search it.
I know this is far fetched, but I also know it has happened in cases before. Maybe it is the part of me that wants Yingying to beat BC at his game, but I had an idea that she possibly recorded something after she realized she was in trouble that has BC talking/threatening her/confessing what he intends to do.

I know her family said she is extra cautious and she is obviously very intelligent. How ironic would it be if Yingying could be the one to take down the creep who snuffed out her light far too soon? Far-fetched I know, but I really want her to get justice. I want her to have outsmarted the guy who gloats over his intelligence. Probably not, but I want LE w something he can't spin his way out of.
I know this is far fetched, but I also know it has happened in cases before. Maybe it is the part of me that wants Yingying to beat BC at his game, but I had an idea that she possibly recorded something after she realized she was in trouble that has BC talking/threatening her/confessing what he intends to do.

I know her family said she is extra cautious and she is obviously very intelligent. How ironic would it be if Yingying could be the one to take down the creep who snuffed out her light far too soon? Far-fetched I know, but I really want her to get justice. I want her to have outsmarted the guy who gloats over his intelligence. Probably not, but I want LE w something he can't spin his way out of.
Not too far fetched. Abby and Libby did just that, even though it hasn't led anywhere as of yet.

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Our community desperately wants to find Yingying.

My husband works out at the same gym as BC. Both before and after the kidnapping. He's held the door for him and even chatted a few times. l have been physically sick over it. My husband even more so.
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