Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #5 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I'm not convinced she was ever in the apartment but her dna could be present in the apt from him his clothes, shoes etc..

I still think he brought her to a place he had pre prepared. i think it was indoors and i speculate it was electronically rigged so he could record his actions..
Location could be anywhere but am inclined to lean towards belief it was not far from where he was living. easy access.. convenient..

I think he did it inside some type building. I think he dissolved her. Even if he dissolved her it would have left the phosphorus from the bones and he'd have had to grind that into powder. A lot of people were speculating what he pulled out of his bag at the vigil. It's possible he had the powder in a bottle of some sort and when he showed it to the person he was with she had that recoiling reaction she did when she looked at it. That's gruesome I know but to me it fits his arrogant and power hungry personality. That would be the ultimate feeling of power if you were as sick as he apparently is. He had power over YY, the girl he was with and everyone there. He was reveling in the fact everyone there was there because YY was missing and he had her right there at her own vigil, just an idea...
I think he did it inside some type building. I think he dissolved her. Even if he dissolved her it would have left the phosphorus from the bones and he'd have had to grind that into powder. A lot of people were speculating what he pulled out of his bag at the vigil. It's possible he had the powder in a bottle of some sort and when he showed it to the person he was with she had that recoiling reaction she did when she looked at it. That's gruesome I know but to me it fits his arrogant and power hungry personality. That would be the ultimate feeling of power if you were as sick as he apparently is. He had power over YY, the girl he was with and everyone there. He was reveling in the fact everyone there was there because YY was missing and he had her right there at her own vigil, just an idea...

Okay, I admit that Chemistry was never my strong suit in high school, and I avoided it like the plague in college, so I have no idea, and no real desire to Google search this, but wouldn't it take a whole lot of 'something' to actually dissolve an adult human? And is that 'something' readily available in a college lab in a sufficient quantity to do that, without said quantity being missed, or raise eyebrows if bought elsewhere?? Other than being the plot of a really horrible movie, is this a realistic possibility? I honestly just don't see it. Is he that evil? Yeah, I think so, but I also think, as I have stated many times, that he more likely just dumped her, like trash, quickly and with little thought beyond putting her somewhere that she would not be easily found. JMO
Okay, I admit that Chemistry was never my strong suit in high school, and I avoided it like the plague in college, so I have no idea, and no real desire to Google search this, but wouldn't it take a whole lot of 'something' to actually dissolve an adult human? And is that 'something' readily available in a college lab in a sufficient quantity to do that, without said quantity being missed, or raise eyebrows if bought elsewhere?? Other than being the plot of a really horrible movie, is this a realistic possibility? I honestly just don't see it. Is he that evil? Yeah, I think so, but I also think, as I have stated many times, that he more likely just dumped her, like trash, quickly and with little thought beyond putting her somewhere that she would not be easily found. JMO

You are probably right but I still think it's possible and may be why there has been no searches. Check out this link. Peranha solution is available anywhere and he could have bought it in many different places over a period of time if planned.
I'm with Steve on this..

this guy liked an easy life is about all I can glean about his character.

This would have been too much like work for him.

He either passed her on- we do not know because we do not yet have access to his dark web contacts, only that its reasonable to assume he went there for his own warped notions.

If the police had found several empty drums of that solution in his apartment, it is likely its what he used.. but its not resonating with me either.
What did he want her for?
Did he want to torture her, kill her, keep her as a slave.. sell her.. use her in some other way?
We dont even know..but the publicity has died down so much, so fast , as though the story went down a drain, like a bathtub emptying..

I'm interested in finding out what he intended to do, what he actually did and where she is now..
Getting nowhere.. but I want to keep trying
I'm with Steve on this..

this guy liked an easy life is about all I can glean about his character.

This would have been too much like work for him.

He either passed her on- we do not know because we do not yet have access to his dark web contacts, only that its reasonable to assume he went there for his own warped notions.

If the police had found several empty drums of that solution in his apartment, it is likely its what he used.. but its not resonating with me either.
What did he want her for?
Did he want to torture her, kill her, keep her as a slave.. sell her.. use her in some other way?
We dont even know..but the publicity has died down so much, so fast , as though the story went down a drain, like a bathtub emptying..

I'm interested in finding out what he intended to do, what he actually did and where she is now..
Getting nowhere.. but I want to keep trying

Oh I totally agree with you both. I was just thinking out loud. I still don't think she was ever in his apartment, but we won't know until it comes out in court. It amazes me how much the conversation about her had died down with the media and sm, but I guess there's nothing new to report. LE must be absolutely sure she's deceased. Now we wait.
I watch a lot of true crime shows and it's not all that uncommon for a murderer to buy a drum, place a body in it and fill it with acid then placing it in a storage unit as sick as it sounds. IF this is the case, you don't need to take it from a university...all you need is Google.
No disrespect in anyway to anyone. The FBI know what they're doing. Yingying is not the first person to go missing in this area and others missing have been found in the past. I personally believe if they didn't have an idea they would be asking for a public "search." They know more than what they're telling the public and as hard as it is on the family there are so many loopholes in the system they need to dot their "i's" and cross their "t's" in order to nail BC or whoever is responsible.
No disrespect in anyway to anyone. The FBI know what they're doing. Yingying is not the first person to go missing in this area and others missing have been found in the past. I personally believe if they didn't have an idea they would be asking for a public "search." They know more than what they're telling the public and as hard as it is on the family there are so many loopholes in the system they need to dot their "i's" and cross their "t's" in order to nail BC or whoever is responsible.

No disrespect in anyway to you but the FBI has publicly admitted to have made mistakes in hundreds of investigations and bungled other missing/murder investigations: I am not suggesting they have done that in this case but blind faith in any human-run agency is unwarranted. Genuine respect and appreciation for their expertise and experience? Absolutely. Unquestioning belief and not holding them accountable? No.
It may be an arduous task, but so is waiting for YYZ to be found. It appears that ground searches for missing persons done by family and community members are quite routine. Here is a link to a public guide on how to do them.

I understand the concern and desire to find her <modsnip>. Where was she last seen? On a street corner waiting for a bus? I'm thinking the suspects apartment is on the edge of a five mile radius from there, if even in it. But she wasn't last seen on a street corner. She was last seen getting into a car and driving away. Conservatively, the car has a 200 mile range. If my high school geometry hasn't failed me, that's about 125,000 square mile area to search. It extends into Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. No one, especially grass roots community members can search that much area arm in arm covering a grid.

Without a starting point, a search is a complete waste of time.
I understand the concern and desire to find her <modsnip>. Where was she last seen? On a street corner waiting for a bus? I'm thinking the suspects apartment is on the edge of a five mile radius from there, if even in it. But she wasn't last seen on a street corner. She was last seen getting into a car and driving away. Conservatively, the car has a 200 mile range. If my high school geometry hasn't failed me, that's about 125,000 square mile area to search. It extends into Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. No one, especially grass roots community members can search that much area arm in arm covering a grid.

Without a starting point, a search is a complete waste of time.

<modsnip>Missing person searches are done because family and community members do not know where a person is. If they knew where the person is, that person would not be considered missing. So, how does one go about such a daunting task? While searching for a missing person may seem overwhelming (looking for a needle in a haystack) searches are done systematically in the absence of a lead. What I mean by systematically is starting with a file mile radius of where the person was last seen and then expanding from there.

Here is an excerpt from a manual published by the Laura Recovery Center and written for family members (not police) who want to organize such searches,

3.1. Phase One - The First Six Hours

Start at the Beginning - The Site the Missing Child was Last Seen

o Verify that the missing child's family has called 911.

o Saturate the neighborhood and a five mile radius of the site last
seen with flyers immediately. Flyers are always appropriate, no
matter what the situation (Section ``on Flyers'').

o Determine the type of situation you are faced with: lost, runaway,
parental conflict, abduction, etc. Respond appropriately.

o Contact friends, teachers, clergy, and law enforcement with the
goal of establishing the child's character, emotional state, and,
if necessary, vouching for the child.

o The family of the missing child should be encouraged to seek
guidance from professional child-search organizations (Section ``on
Missing Child Organizations'').

o Ensure that the missing child's clothing is not disturbed or
removed from the site last seen or the home. It is absolutely
imperative that the scent be preserved for use by canine search
teams (Section ``on Special Search Methods and Tasks'').

o The missing child's room and belongings must be left undisturbed
until the child is recovered or the investigation is concluded.
This includes items that may have the child's fingerprints, and,
for DNA evidence, their hair and tooth brushes, and unwashed

o Preserve the site last seen for future investigation.

o Familiarize key personnel with the site last seen and surrounding

o Secure maps of the site last seen and immediate area as soon as
possible (Section ``on Mapping'').

o Take photographs of the site last seen and surrounding area. This
will help with briefings later on.

o Fly the area with a helicopter and take aerial photos. This view
will help in organizing the search, and will give you a feel for
the overall dynamics of the area.

o Mobilize the community. Contact the leadership of organizations
such as local Scout groups, PTO, Churches, Chamber of Commerce,
fraternal and professional groups, especially those that the
missing child's family may be associated with. These groups will be
a source for Recovery Center volunteers. All volunteers should be
at least 18 years old.

o Arrange for any specialized search teams and equipment as soon as
possible. These tools are most valuable in the first hours of the
search: dogs, helicopters, horses, etc.

o Commence search operations as soon as possible. Begin at the
beginning - the site last seen. Never assume that any area searched
prior to Recovery Center involvement has been properly and
thoroughly searched.

o Start a concentric search from site last seen. Divide the area
within a radius of 1.5 miles of the site last seen into sectors
that can be covered by 20 person teams in periods of 3-6 hours.

o Simultaneously, search major roads and highways leading to and from
the site last seen, with emphasis on those leading to remote

o Search all secondary thoroughfares such as waterways, railroad
tracks, jogging paths, etc.

o Consider establishing roadchecks on roads entering and leaving the
area. Coordinate with law enforcement.

o Identify any unusual traffic flow or dynamics in the area of the
site last seen that might yield clues. (Example: construction
sites, high traffic, migrant workers, etc.)

o Identify and document unusual individuals who become involved early
in the search effort. This monitoring will continue throughout the
recovery operation.

o Document all search activities for future reference. Keep all
records, no matter how insignificant they may appear to be, to give
to the Historian (Section ``on Historian'').
Did Brendt Christensen grow up in the area of the disappearance or in Illinois specifically? Was he a student who came to the area after living elsewhere for the bulk of his life? The reason I ask is because the dilemma of hiding a body can relate to where a person grew up and reading about / finding out about this sort of thing can influence how a person thinks. I noticed that I (originally from the northeast) went quickly and directly to woodsy areas on my Google Earth search. Whereas, people from Illinois, right away, spoke about crops and fields of corn and all the information that they had to bring to the discussion. The almost ideal nature of corn crops as a way to hide a body is something I would not have known or thought about. Most farms also have barns and outbuildings whether they are active farms or not, I would think. Christensen had plenty of time to scope the area out and choose a place where he would feel safe from interruption... an outbuilding would be pretty safe for him. If he was out of touch enough to actually take Yingying to his apartment and think he could get away with this, then he's living proof some one can be brilliant academically and flunk Common Sense 101.
Edited to say: I copied and pasted Brendt Christensen's name from an article and somehow the whole comment came out with this strange type. I changed the name size hoping the whole comment would also change... it didn't I'm not sure how that worked but, it's too late to retype the whole comment.
If this was my child I would be just like her family. They are in a foreign country with limited understanding of our language, customs, and judicial system. They are most likely waiting for a body of their daughter they sent here alive and well just a few months ago. I wouldn't be stopping the search or leaving either. How do they just go home and carry on with life not knowing what is happening or where Yingying is? I know I couldn't. I would be that parent organizing grassroots searches non-stop. Even if it was to find her body, my child is coming home with me! My heart is broken for these people and I cannot imagine how confusing and upsetting this has to be with the loss of Yingying compounded on the fact it is in a foreign land. I think of these people all the time and hope one day their hearts can heal. I will be here until the end, the day Yingying goes home.
I understand the concern and desire to find her <modsnip> Where was she last seen? On a street corner waiting for a bus? I'm thinking the suspects apartment is on the edge of a five mile radius from there, if even in it. But she wasn't last seen on a street corner. She was last seen getting into a car and driving away. Conservatively, the car has a 200 mile range. If my high school geometry hasn't failed me, that's about 125,000 square mile area to search. It extends into Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. No one, especially grass roots community members can search that much area arm in arm covering a grid.

Without a starting point, a search is a complete waste of time.

A reasonable starting point is BC's apartment.. a 10 mile radius.. if that is still within city limits? If not less.
Possibly a place within walking distance of his own home.. I think thats reasonable an disturbs no crops, if we are looking for a building, particularly a building connected to electricity supply.
With all the talk about searching I’ll re-state the only reasons I can think of why LE has neither been seen searching nor encouraging the public to search:
They must believe the body is in:
1) an area off-limits to the public (such as private land or business; again, a landfill perhaps), or
2) alternatively an area simply too dangerous for large-scale public assistance (cave, mineshaft, bottom of lake) — which I personally doubt, or
3) was moved to an area far outside of Champaign (or perhaps even Illinois) but have no idea which direction, or
4) the body has been so destroyed (many possible ways) and possibly scattered, that it is unrecognizable or irretrievable (again, I doubt)

I just can’t think of any other reasons LE would simultaneously conclude that YY was dead, yet give no encouragement to looking for her body.
(p.s. I grew up for 30 yrs. in that very area so I understand the vastness of search areas, and difficulty of cornfields, but still like other spontaneous search parties after crimes, as kittythehare indicated, start at BC’s apt. and start working outward, just as one person did on YouTube toward Kaufman Lake).

My own view continues to be that BC would want to dispose of the body quickly, which means NOT driving too far, nor dragging the body into woods or field, nor burial, nor anything else requiring much time, but more likely a quick unload from car trunk to a dumpster (he could drop the body into water from a bridge, but it would need to be weighted down, and risk being seen — being seen dropping something into a dumpster would be normal and not draw attention). With that said, the mind of a sociopath isn’t necessarily logical, so I won’t be too surprised with any outcome that we eventually learn!
Wonder what BC's alibi was in the days following YY's disappearance. Did anyone see him somewhere, anywhere away from U-C? Was he captured by surveillance videos in stores, on streets, by passing buses, etc? If the LE has probably explored these, they have not made anything known to the public. So even if the public wants to help with searching, the LE has not provided any tips to help.
Wonder what BC's alibi was in the days following YY's disappearance. Did anyone see him somewhere, anywhere away from U-C? Was he captured by surveillance videos in stores, on streets, by passing buses, etc? If the LE has probably explored these, they have not made anything known to the public. So even if the public wants to help with searching, the LE has not provided any tips to help.
I'm always thinking about that too. or even any details of his habits prior to the abduction.. normally online theories would be wild and sightings and rumors and trolling and its not happening..

I agree with Webthrush on most points, but dangerous areas are frequently searched by police, specialist divers, climbers etc, using choppers a lot.
Choppers will not destroy the grain..
Were they even used at all ever?

Its a big mystery, I have not witnessed this before and far more of my attention is spent on USA than it is on my own country..
Very advanced searching methods are frequently in evidence..
Something is wrong..
This thread has gone completely cold, with the prolonged absence of any new news to sleuth, but I am stll here, and will be for the duration, as I know many of you will be also...still praying that YingYing is found so that her family can take her home to lay her to rest.
I'm still here too, waiting and praying and sending positive thoughts to YY and her family. I hope her family is as comfortable as possible while they wait here in the US. What a nightmare for them :( I'm holding out hope YY is still alive and will be rescued soon.
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