GUILTY IL - Zachary Irvin, 22, found dismembered, East St Louis, 20 June 2010

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Sadly, the world of the homeless is very diferent than the one occupied by most. It is very much an "underground" existence. A dog eat dog sort of mentallity comes into play, coupled with the fact that we as a society are very uncomfortable with the homeless and would rather they just fade into the scenery rather than see them. Then add a dash of competition for squats and the sort of escalating violence that you only see when you have a little mini-society that flies beneath traditional radar. Lastly throw in the fact that many homeless are disassociated from family and are never reported missing in the first place. I think we would all be surprised with the number of homeless upon homeless murder that actually happens in this country but is never solved/reported.

Very sad, this man obviously had very very little, in fact his life was one of the few things he had left. No more.
Good mOrning everyone!!! Wow, I had to post this article last night as it was on our local news....I am still reading everyone's new posts and am in disbelief of what I have caught so far!!!!!!
Wearing the dead man's belt....are you serious!!!!!
Gonna go catch up

When this came on the news last night i was just overwhelmed with sickness.......I kept thinking omg, this young man was someones child, friend, etc. you get what i mean!!!!!!!!!!

And you were wondering if you posted the link right. Ya sure did Spartanmom. Thank you for filling us in.

I found a link that explains more of how Zachary had come across these two. Church. The Pastor said however that nutter was banned from there. Pastor said Zachary was a nice, helpful kid.

His mom explains why he went looking for work. God forgive me his gram thought this Church could get him some work. Suposedly he had an argument with said nutter.His mom also gave him a cell phone and he was calling her and even called his dad on Father's day.

Poor kid. Can't catch a break and ya have the most unfortunate luck to run into these two.

Oh and Pierson was wearing nutter's belt when they got picked up.

As TL said I agree that we can't fathom how that world is. The smallest things can cause chaos. Very sad.
Our reality is not the reality of the streets, that's for sure. To answer a question, upthread, my children chose their life. My daughter, 22, who is tremendously cognitively and developmentally challenged, has every legal right to stay with her pimp. The FBI (Sacramento office) have told me that she would need to tell LE she wants out. Last time she was picked up, her pimp sat across the room as she was questioned. What is she supposed to say? No doubt she's been told that her family wouldn't want her any more because of the life she's led, the things she's done, and the illnesses she's contracted. That is SO not true.

Concerning the two boys, 19 and 20, they are choosing the streets. They too have developmental disabilities and mental illnesses. Once they turned 18, they lost their access to insurance and went off their meds. I have no legal right to "force" them to come home. All I can do is wait and pray and worry.

Homeless youth traditionally included the troubled, mentally ill, and those from broken homes. Now, I'm seeing the numbers swell due to the economy. The entry level jobs are being snapped up by those with a college degree. My 24 year old very special needs son went to a group interview a couple weekends ago about a dishwashing job in a local restaurant. He said that about 30 people showed up--many with full college degrees. He doesn't have his high school diploma as he spent his last year of high school locked at the Oregon State Hospital with suicidal tendencies, connected to his rapes. He's trying really hard to get his GED but he's weak as he can't eat much due to the fact that he can't afford the $400/month for his insulin. Even being homeless and jobless AND with liver failure and brittle diabetes, he qualifies for only food stamps. He uses the ER and the ICU for his medical needs. He currently owes about $100,000 in medical bills. The family has pulled together and kept him going for the last 6 years but it's an uphill battle. I am amazed that he puts one foot in front of the other each morning and does it with grace and kindness AND remembers to call his Momma.

Our young people are suffering greatly.
Being that I've spent months researching the disappearance of Randy Leach of Kansas, I've come to know far more about Satanic practices. I never thought I would learn the days of sacrifice but I now keep them handy. Every time I learn of a crime committed against a homeless person, I always check the date. I hope that LE does also. These dates can be found on many "survivor" sites.

Zachary's body was found on June 22nd. Correct?

Jun 21
Feast Day
(Summer Solstice)
orgies/oral, anal, vaginal
animal and/or human sacrifice
any age (male or female or animal)

Summer Solstice for 2010, in the Northern Hemisphere, began on Jun 21 2010 at 7:28 AM EDT
I'm trying to determine what the "legs" of this pentagram say.


I can see "air" and "fire" at the bottom. I'm guessing the right arm says "water". The other would have to be "earth". Any guesses what the top says? Any ideas what RueBy means?
Being that I've spent months researching the disappearance of Randy Leach of Kansas, I've come to know far more about Satanic practices. I never thought I would learn the days of sacrifice but I now keep them handy. Every time I learn of a crime committed against a homeless person, I always check the date. I hope that LE does also. These dates can be found on many "survivor" sites.

Zachary's body was found on June 22nd. Correct?

Jun 21
Feast Day
(Summer Solstice)
orgies/oral, anal, vaginal
animal and/or human sacrifice
any age (male or female or animal)

Summer Solstice for 2010, in the Northern Hemisphere, began on Jun 21 2010 at 7:28 AM EDT

MissIzzy - someone up thread mentioned a comment that Zachary had been raped....Lizzybeth I think? Yes, on the mydeathspace link....
Is there a way anyone can blow up the photo of the room with the pentagram? I've been doing some research and I'm not liking what I'm finding. I really am not getting the feeling that these were just a few whacked out street guys. Some of the words around the pentagram require some knowledge or research.

You know, I was raised Baptist. Spent hundreds of Sundays sitting in services. However, if I had to hold a service on my own, I'd need my Bible, a Baptist Hymnal, and a church bulletin to remember the sequencing and format. I happen to think that someone has a copy of the Satanic Bible and is following the format for "High Days" and the pentagram, etc.

I wonder if neighbors or passers-by heard loud music? Often Raves and techno parties are held in warehouse districts. I wonder if people thought that might be what was going on here. Loud music can also mask screams. Were there only street people in attendance or has anyone seen reference to vehicles being in the area. That might mean that those other than the street guys could have been present.

I see no mention in any of the articles this week about a Satanic component. Why would the press try to sanitize it if it IS a component? I certainly understand that a death can occur over a disagreement--especially if the people arguing are troubled, mentally ill or using drugs. However, it's not just anyone who would or could dismember a body (plus they happened to have the instruments at the ready). There's lots of ways to dispose of a body without resorting to that. I think the dismemberment WAS the whole point of the death. JMO
Like minds....IWannaKnow. Thank you for reading my mind.
Yes, I had seen that he'd been raped (bless you Zachary). That was one of the things that made me question the Satanic component. I know that LE and public officials certainly don't want any "hysteria" going on. I find it interesting that the reporters took these photos and released them or we'd never know about this.

Concerning the words, "Rue by", I found this:


New Murders in the Rue Morgue

Lewis is a seventy-three-year-old man who goes to Paris after his friend, Phillipe, is arrested for butchering a young woman. Phillipe eventually commits suicide in his cell after babbling about an orangutan who committed the murder he had been arrested for. Lewis does not believe it until he sees the primate - dressed like a human, completely shaved, and wielding a razor - for himself. The beast had been raised by Philippe, a notorious eccentric, as a strange experiment on Edgar Allan Poe's classic story."

more at link
NOTE: Some of these sites have lots of triggers and are gruesome. Please be cautious if this is a problem for you.

You'll notice that several of the links no longer exist.

A musician:

There's also something which comes up on google, "Satanic Boy and Rue" which no longer can be found.

And back to wiki:


Rue is well known for its symbolic meaning of regret and it is sometimes been called "herb-of-grace" in literary works. It is one of the flowers distributed by the mad Ophelia in William Shakespeare's Hamlet (IV.5):

"There's fennel for you, and columbines:
there's rue for you; and here's some for me:
we may call it herb-grace o' Sundays:
O you must wear your rue with a difference..."

It was also planted by the gardener in Shakespeare's Richard II to mark the spot where the Queen wept upon hearing news of Richard's capture (III.4.104-105):

"Here did she fall a tear, here in this place
I'll set a bank of rue, sour herb of grace."

And finally, I found this, by googling rue and laVey:

WARNING: Extremely gruesome and bloody
Could it just simply be an odd spelling of the name Ruby, possibly a girlfriend?
MissIzzy - someone up thread mentioned a comment that Zachary had been raped....Lizzybeth I think? Yes, on the mydeathspace link....

Someone commented on a previous link that he had been raped. I don't think LE has reported that he has. We aren't allowed to post comments from another link are we?
Our reality is not the reality of the streets, that's for sure. To answer a question, upthread, my children chose their life. My daughter, 22, who is tremendously cognitively and developmentally challenged, has every legal right to stay with her pimp. The FBI (Sacramento office) have told me that she would need to tell LE she wants out. Last time she was picked up, her pimp sat across the room as she was questioned. What is she supposed to say? No doubt she's been told that her family wouldn't want her any more because of the life she's led, the things she's done, and the illnesses she's contracted. That is SO not true.

Concerning the two boys, 19 and 20, they are choosing the streets. They too have developmental disabilities and mental illnesses. Once they turned 18, they lost their access to insurance and went off their meds. I have no legal right to "force" them to come home. All I can do is wait and pray and worry.

Homeless youth traditionally included the troubled, mentally ill, and those from broken homes. Now, I'm seeing the numbers swell due to the economy. The entry level jobs are being snapped up by those with a college degree. My 24 year old very special needs son went to a group interview a couple weekends ago about a dishwashing job in a local restaurant. He said that about 30 people showed up--many with full college degrees. He doesn't have his high school diploma as he spent his last year of high school locked at the Oregon State Hospital with suicidal tendencies, connected to his rapes. He's trying really hard to get his GED but he's weak as he can't eat much due to the fact that he can't afford the $400/month for his insulin. Even being homeless and jobless AND with liver failure and brittle diabetes, he qualifies for only food stamps. He uses the ER and the ICU for his medical needs. He currently owes about $100,000 in medical bills. The family has pulled together and kept him going for the last 6 years but it's an uphill battle. I am amazed that he puts one foot in front of the other each morning and does it with grace and kindness AND remembers to call his Momma.

Our young people are suffering greatly.


"Search warrants indicate that police were unable to find his legs or one arm."

I really do NOT want to be the resident expert witness on Satanic sacrifices. Trust me, I don't. But I have learned a heck of a lot in researching Randy Leach's disappearance. There are certain prescribed dates for male and female sacrifice, different dates for sexual events and even more dates for the sacrifice of certain limbs...thus dismemberment.

I'm very pleased that LE is looking into the Satanic element. I don't care if this was a group of guys just "dabbling" or a serious bunch who were hardcore, a young man died. The minute I found and started studying the Satanic dates, I started looking at violent crimes in a new light.

And may I ask a question, how is it determined that this young man had been sexually violated, if his body was so terribly burned?
The problem with attaching the Satanic label to current murders I think lies in the 80's over abundance of attaching the label to ritual sexual abuse, most of those claims were found to be false and I think the public is gun shy of using Satanic anything to current circumstance. I know that when I hear Satanic mind wanders to over zealous psychiatrists and over confident police.
Rue is also known as a witches herb, I have some of it growing in the yard and didn't know what it was until someone asked if I were a I had to google it to see what was meant by that; it is a very pretty plant so I left it there.


Magical uses:protection, preventing illness, clearness of mind, purification of ritual spaces and tools, clearing the mind of emotional clutter.

Caution should be taken with using rue topically. When applied to the skin with sun exposure, the oil and leaves can cause blistering. Rue oil can cause severe stomach pain, vomiting and convulsions and may be fatal.

In addition, Rue Water sprinkled in yard or home is good for warding off and preventing the attacks of fleas and other noxious insects.
Yes, rue is a pretty plant and I know that it can be used in Wiccan celebrations. I live in Ashland where many Wiccan-based practices are incorporated into our educational system, as are practices of many of belief systems. It seems odd, though, that the word would be written on the wall next to a Pentagram. I don't believe we are talking about a Wiccan lifestyle here.

I also fully understand about the "hysteria" which occurred in the eighties with over-zealous psychiatrists. We are not examining what was said, though, by a group of incorrectly interviewed children.

That said, the Pentagram did not just appear on its own nor did a man accidentally become dismembered with limbs missing. LaVey's Satanic Bible does exist and Satanic dates are known to any who care to research them. There is no denying that some have a fascination with blood and that there are those who are mentally unstable enough to attempt to mimic what they have seen in horror films and on gruesome sites. I have no idea why someone would choose to include these elements with a gruesome death but they did. I believe that LE is responsible for exploring all aspects of this nasty case. A decade ago, I would not have believed that an eccentric pediatrician would viciously rape over a hundred babies and toddlers, but he did. There's photographic proof. I can't deny it, much as I would like to.

When the church pastor, Carol Daniels, was brutally murdered in Oklahoma with her body "staged", LE had to consider all possibilities, including some elements (the cross) which figured into her death. Any time items thought sacred to a particular religious group which show up at a murder scene, must be looked at as part of the motive. I don't want to see another "cave bulldozed over" as we saw in Randy Leach's case.

We can talk until the cows come home about how the practice of Wicca is peaceful (it is) and that rue is nothing more than a garden flower/herb and that Pentagrams have many meanings. The fact remains that a man died in that warehouse. Instruments of torture were found and there is evidence of dismemberment. I think, in some way, these facts could be inter-related.

We cannot minimize, sanitize, nor turn away just because the facts make us uncomfortable. The moment we do that, we fail to stand witness for the victim. JMO
Not discounting all the information you guys have on that tag RUEBY. There is a person with that last name in Missouri. Although people don't usually go around tagging their given name.

Does anyone have access to paid archives? I'd like to know what part this crazed maniac's father played in that murder years ago.

Interesting though this nutter was ousted from the Church whre Zachary was going. It staes they had an argument at the Church.

Also manipulating photographs like the one posted. There's some people that post in missing/unidentified that can do wonders with photographs. I'll see if I can get someone to help us with that. Blow it up.

Ohhhhhhhhh there's also people that build custom
high end" homes by that name. It's not a common name Rueby. Kind of ironic that the homeless would have that tag if it is indeed what it says.

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