Immunity and the A Family- **MERGED**Charges??

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Here is the transcipt for the one call. Don't have a copy of the other one handy.

LEE: Would she have been programmed in your cell phone?

CASEY: She was, programmed into that other phone that we need to find a way to recover. I mean I don’t know…

LEE: Help me with that actually. You said that you referred to it as you ‘black jack’?

CASEY: Yeah, it was a Black Jack. I’d only had it for probably a week, a week and half. It didn’t keep its charge so that’s why I started using that other phone.

LEE: So on the Black Jack, do you remember the phone number that the Black Jack was associated with?

CASEY: It was my same number; I just swapped the SIM card back and forth.

LEE: Ok, um…Here’s how these things work Casey, the contact information, the contact stuff is on your SIM card, so if you switched it back and forth.

CASEY: It doesn’t always save to the SIM card. You can sometimes save things to the SIM card or save it specifically to the phone, it just depends on the way the phone’s set up I thought about that too. The phone that I was currently using, the one I guess that the police still have, or you guys have it, I had set it up after the fact to just save things to my SIM card but you can also save it to just the phone or to the SIM card and the phone so there’s copy’s on both

Respectfully snipped:

This was definitely an AHA moment for me..where she was trying to be so slick..not realizing that by admitting the two phones had the same number, her phone records were going to show all calls to and from that number.. exposing her lie and proving no nanny existed..funny how all the other calls made the list :crazy:
LOL, if LE put the investigation off why does that add up to the A's stalling? LE can move ahead whenever they want can't they? What I mean is do the A's even have the power to delay an investigation of this magnitude?

Lol JBean, you and I are so opposite we've got the agree to disagree down to an artform. :dance:
You are so right. Luka was hoping for a subpoena.
Wait, did I ask for that? No, I take that back? Did I ask for a subpeona? Wait, I didn't ask last week...."

LancelotLink, post of the day! :clap:
Interesting theory..I can see that..I have also thought that maybe Lee covered up something when he did his investigating. I'm sure he firmly believed Casey's innocence and he probably tried to get rid of anything that he thought made her "look" guilty. Not realizing he was in fact helping to cover-up a murder.

Bolded by me.

That is what I think also and posted somewhere before. I think that Lee was trying to convince LE that he would work with them and pass on info to them when what he was really trying to do was to keep an eye on where they were going with things. LE ain't that stoopid. :crazy: but I think they let him play the charade to see what would happen.

I think LA may have a lot to do with the phony emails, with things being deleted or altered on Casey's computer and also talking to Casey's friends and trying to influence them on what to say or not to say to LE.
Respectfully snipped:

This was definitely an AHA moment for me..where she was trying to be so slick..not realizing that by admitting the two phones had the same number, her phone records were going to show all calls to and from that number.. exposing her lie and proving no nanny existed..funny how all the other calls made the list :crazy:

Hmmm... I've never had more than 1 cell phone at a time, but when I traded my old one in on a new one, I didn't keep the old one "going", too. It was deactivated, or something, and voila! the NEW one then answered any rings into my number. Is there any world in which both the new and old phones would respond to the ringing of 1 number?
:waitasec: BC had stated that any good attorney would ask for immunity for their client, as he has for the Anthony's. Now, in yesterdays news BC states:
Conway said Lee Anthony is not asking for immunity from prosecution because the family isn't sure why he would need it.

What makes Lee different that the family feels he doesn't need immunity, but BC claims that George and Cindy do? :waitasec:
:waitasec: BC had stated that any good attorney would ask for immunity for their client, as he has for the Anthony's. Now, in yesterdays news BC states:
Conway said Lee Anthony is not asking for immunity from prosecution because the family isn't sure why he would need it.

What makes Lee different that the family feels he doesn't need immunity, but BC claims that George and Cindy do? :waitasec:

That's what I was saying here:
Does Conway see how this sounds? Follow the logic:

* The family (CA & GA) "isn't sure" why LA would need immunity so therefore LA is not asking for it.
* CA & GA are asking for immunity. So are they "sure" they need it?

Maybe I am wrong but it seems he is comparing apples to apples and getting prunes.
:waitasec: BC had stated that any good attorney would ask for immunity for their client, as he has for the Anthony's. Now, in yesterdays news BC states:
Conway said Lee Anthony is not asking for immunity from prosecution because the family isn't sure why he would need it.

What makes Lee different that the family feels he doesn't need immunity, but BC claims that George and Cindy do? :waitasec:

Hmmm...Good question! I wonder how LA's lawyer feels about Conway "representing" his client in the media???
:waitasec: BC had stated that any good attorney would ask for immunity for their client, as he has for the Anthony's. Now, in yesterdays news BC states:
Conway said Lee Anthony is not asking for immunity from prosecution because the family isn't sure why he would need it.

What makes Lee different that the family feels he doesn't need immunity, but BC claims that George and Cindy do? :waitasec:

That comment has me scratching my head too. :confused:

I saw that comment elsewhere but couldn't find a direct quote. When I follow the link you posted above, I don't find the quote in that article either. Am I blind?
That comment has me scratching my head too. :confused:

I saw that comment elsewhere but couldn't find a direct quote. When I follow the link you posted above, I don't find the quote in that article either. Am I blind?

That direct quote was at that link, in that article, earlier. It has been removed.
That direct quote was at that link, in that article, earlier. It has been removed.

I do find that curious. I did copy and paste the whole article and saved it though. Interesting.
I do find that curious. I did copy and paste the whole article and saved it though. Interesting.

Well, I'm kinda' glad to know it's not there now. I tried searching for the word "immunity" in that article with no luck, and was beginning to doubt my sleuthing skills. :crazy: It seems this case has it's own special "Bermuda Triangle!"

I'm still very intrigued by that comment which is why I was intent on finding a direct quote. If Conway did say that about immunity (and it wasn't a misquote), it seems rather imcriminating to GA and CA. (In a backwards sort of way. LOL)
I don't have a link and if anyone does please share. Does anybody recall Cindy and Lee saying they snook out at 4 am to see Cindy's father in the nursing home and no media followed them way back in the beginning of the case? I read it, but have no I guess we can say rumor until the link is found regarding this incident.

Could it be connected to the incident that happen back in Sept?

Docs Part 2 thread, a discovery that was made during a search on near the Anthony home. In September a 46 year-old man searched this area and found nothing disturbed. The next day 4 young men found "a patch of grass that was covered by dirt and then a tire track that sunk in one spot." There was a rope sticking out of the ground with a stick on it; they started digging and there was another rope attached to a pipe of some sort. They couldn't get to the bottom of it before it got dark so they left and came back the next day. LE then told the boys that they found a bomb and not to contact the media, makes no sense.
Go to the link below and start on page 27:
They are starting to remind me of KC's 31 excuse filled days....
Good comment. I hadn't thought of it that way, but now that you mention it.........:waitasec:
I don't have a link and if anyone does please share. Does anybody recall Cindy and Lee saying they snook out at 4 am to see Cindy's father in the nursing home and no media followed them way back in the beginning of the case? I read it, but have no I guess we can say rumor until the link is found regarding this incident.

Could it be connected to the incident that happen back in Sept?

Docs Part 2 thread, a discovery that was made during a search on near the Anthony home. In September a 46 year-old man searched this area and found nothing disturbed. The next day 4 young men found "a patch of grass that was covered by dirt and then a tire track that sunk in one spot." There was a rope sticking out of the ground with a stick on it; they started digging and there was another rope attached to a pipe of some sort. They couldn't get to the bottom of it before it got dark so they left and came back the next day. LE then told the boys that they found a bomb and not to contact the media, makes no sense.
Go to the link below and start on page 27:

She said they snuck out to go see her was one of the first nights. But I can't remember where it is.
I don't have a link and if anyone does please share. Does anybody recall Cindy and Lee saying they snook out at 4 am to see Cindy's father in the nursing home and no media followed them way back in the beginning of the case? I read it, but have no I guess we can say rumor until the link is found regarding this incident.

Could it be connected to the incident that happen back in Sept?

Docs Part 2 thread, a discovery that was made during a search on near the Anthony home. In September a 46 year-old man searched this area and found nothing disturbed. The next day 4 young men found "a patch of grass that was covered by dirt and then a tire track that sunk in one spot." There was a rope sticking out of the ground with a stick on it; they started digging and there was another rope attached to a pipe of some sort. They couldn't get to the bottom of it before it got dark so they left and came back the next day. LE then told the boys that they found a bomb and not to contact the media, makes no sense.
Go to the link below and start on page 27:

To clarify, that area is nowhere near where Caylee was found. There is more detail in their police report.[/url]

What makes Lee different that the family feels he doesn't need immunity, but BC claims that George and Cindy do?

Everly said:
That's what I was saying here:

Does Conway see how this sounds? Follow the logic:

* The family (CA & GA) "isn't sure" why LA would need immunity so therefore LA is not asking for it.
* CA & GA are asking for immunity. So are they "sure" they need it?

Maybe I am wrong but it seems he is comparing apples to apples and getting prunes.

.....and what I was saying here: LOL (Great minds think alike) BTW, I cut and pasted the quote from the article. Maybe it was pulled because it was not accurate.

Investigators also said that they are still looking into possible charges against Lee Anthony. However, Conway said Lee Anthony is not asking for immunity from prosecution because the family isn't sure why he would need it.
Also, lets remember that Conway has stated that he will not let the Anthonys talk to LE without immunity, so:
If this statement from Conway, GA/CA attorney is accurate, then:

Does this mean that George and Cindy are asking for immunity from prosecution because George and Cindy are sure why they do need it?
I was just watching MSNBC and they had a short piece on about the case. They talked about George and the reporter in Orlando said that investigators want to talk to Lee Anthony, but they won't be able to do that until next month because Lee is "out of town and unavailable."

So Lee is still out of town and LE is just going to wait around until it's convienant for Lee to talk to them? :waitasec:
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