Imperfect Justice - Prosecuting Casey Anthony by Jeff Ashton Release date Nov. 15

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I picked up my book at lunch. 30% off at Target. There were only 2 copies left after I got mine. I think I know almost all the BOMBSHELL's in the book now, but I still must support Jeff Ashton! I hope he makes a fortune on these books. hehe! that will really fry FCA and the A's. :great:

Yes it will, but couldn't help but chuckle to myself as i imagined your post being the thing that would fry FCA.. IORNY being your were supporting JA while shopping in HER store :) :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Oh you two missed each other - were probably standing in the same room!
Boo! My first reaction after the signing, I wish I could pick up the phone and call someone. My daughter was great...but not the same. She thought I was a bit nutty...asking so many questions. I was already on the road when Zippity posted.
I missed you???
He's a cutie...glad you asked about Lee 'cause I ran out of time and really wanted to know the answer to that. Maybe he should have been reading here all along. :)

I got there just as they were getting ready to leave, saw the empty chairs and said "I missed it"??!!?? . I was wet, frazzled and a bit miffed I missed his hour time slot and the Q & A. Perhaps he felt bad for me, because when we started talking he said - please sit down (such a gentleman). It was a bit surreal for me to sit next to him and ask him questions, (after 3+ years of watching all of the hearings and the trial) but he was very relaxed and so nice, it was easy to talk to him. I just wish the traffic wasn't so bad, I would have missed him if I was 2 more minutes late.

I would have enjoyed saying hello to you too - and probably would have spotted you right away by your excellent questions (a WS'er knows the good questions to ask)...
I got there just as they were getting ready to leave, saw the empty chairs and said "I missed it"??!!?? . I was wet, frazzled and a bit miffed I missed his hour time slot and the Q & A. Perhaps he felt bad for me, because when we started talking he said - please sit down (such a gentleman). It was a bit surreal for me to sit next to him and ask him questions, (after 3+ years of watching all of the hearings and the trial) but he was very relaxed and so nice, it was easy to talk to him. I just wish the traffic wasn't so bad, I would have missed him if I was 2 more minutes late.

I would have enjoyed saying hello to you too - and probably would have spotted you right away by your excellent questions (a WS'er knows the good questions to ask)...
Well...I did identify myself as one of those "idiot bloggers" There were facebook folks there who wanted to know what board I posted on. I could have stayed forever. When I got to the front for the signing, he said, "Oh the blogger". I made sure that he knew what a great board we have here and told his rep he should check it out...especially the support threads.

PS- I got lucky with the bridge and the West Side Highway. I left myself an hour and a half to get in. Just enough time.
If either of you suffers an assassin scare in the next few days, Sleutherontheside is going to be the Number 1 suspect.
If either of you suffers an assassin scare in the next few days, Sleutherontheside is going to be the Number 1 suspect.
Don't think I didn't think of her!!
I wanted Jeff to pass on a message to Yuri, but with my daughter there I thought better of it. :)
Ya know, Jeff mentions moving daughter asked if I could now. Not yet.
Oh my, Zippy, were you :blushing: when you sat down with him???

lol... it happened so fast I guess I did not have time to get the vapors and all flustered. He really was that nice, I could have talked and talked and talked, but I knew he had to leave, so I did my best to be fast and appreciate his time. Of course on the ride home, I said to myself, idiot - why didn't you ask him this or that. Just did not have enough time...

p.s. I took the tunnel.. it was a traffic nightmare.
It's awesome you both got to speak to him. And lol @ RROOO4's message to Yuri.
As far as KC being an impressive liar, I have to disagree with Ashton on that. I think that girl is as transparent as glass. She comes up with the lies but when you look at how bad they are, one would think they are dealing with someone with below average IQ. It took Melich not even a day to prove the lies. So I don't understand Ashton saying she was this good at it. She was not.

I believe he meant that she was good at coming up with detailed lies on the fly. get to the end of the hallway and with NO shame, like most other people caught like that, come up with another one with no trouble at all.

he did say she had a gift for tailoring her lies for her recipient. I expect that's sorta talented too. compared to normal people who tell the truth generally.

I've known 3 liars in my life and they were as see through as glass. all of their friends knew. I think OCA is too. all her friends knew she was a liar. she fooled no one at all - except CA who desperately wants to be fooled.
I finally heard back from Barnes and Noble and they are not shipping the book until the 28th. Can anyone tell me who is shipping right away so I can cancel the original. I never planned on waiting 2 weeks after the release. What was the purpose of pre-ordering? Did anybody else order from B and N? It was the first place taking orders and I believe lots of people did. Are you also expecting shipping on the 28th of November? Thanks.

Same here. I am going to see if it is available at Target today and cancel my order if I can get it. I expected B&N to ship it earlier once the release date was moved up. I will never pre-order from them again.
lol... it happened so fast I guess I did not have time to get the vapors and all flustered. He really was that nice, I could have talked and talked and talked, but I knew he had to leave, so I did my best to be fast and appreciate his time. Of course on the ride home, I said to myself, idiot - why didn't you ask him this or that. Just did not have enough time...

p.s. I took the tunnel.. it was a traffic nightmare.
You went too Zippy? OK now I'm green with envy.
B&N have shipped my books. So happy!

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Same here. I am going to see if it is available at Target today and cancel my order if I can get it. I expected B&N to ship it earlier once the release date was moved up. I will never pre-order from them again.

Same with me.

If I had know Jeff was going to be doing a book signing so soon here in Orlando(next Monday) I would have just bought locally. The way it is now I don't think I will have my copy in time, might just have to buy another copy.

I had pre-ordered from Amazon thinking it would ship as soon as released but as of last night it still hadn't shipped plus the price has now dropped $1.50 on their website from the price I paid. I did call Amazon and complain they sent me a $5 coupon to use on my next Amazon order.
I have always thought she blamed her father because he testified before the grand jury and that led to her arrest. I think she accused him of abuse simply because she was so angry and thought she could get away with murder if GA had not testified. Revenge.


She was angry with him long before that. He was questioning the things CA was telling them because in his mind, what they were being told about the jobs at Sports Authority and Universal wasn't adding up and the money from around the house and out of their accounts weren't either after a while. When he and Cindy separated after Caylee was born, I'm sure Cindy used Casey as sounding board about all of her problems with George. When George came back, Casey didn't want him to. The reason she didn't was because of the way he thought about things, like a cop, even if he wasn't one anymore. Peeing in Cindy's ear and telling her it was raining was easy, but if George was around, he would be there to tell Cindy it wasn't. IMO, she's never been able to manipulate, lie to him or steal from him like she did Cindy. And since that's how she managed to get her way at home, when he moved back it, it just made her 'easy life' more difficult.
If either of you suffers an assassin scare in the next few days, Sleutherontheside is going to be the Number 1 suspect.

I will be STUNNED if Sleutherontheside doesn't make the trek to Orlando for one of the appearances. I think she is closer to Orlando than NYC.

I am betting we hear from her at some point. lol
Same with me.

If I had know Jeff was going to be doing a book signing so soon here in Orlando(next Monday) I would have just bought locally. The way it is now I don't think I will have my copy in time, might just have to buy another copy.

I had pre-ordered from Amazon thinking it would ship as soon as released but as of last night it still hadn't shipped plus the price has now dropped $1.50 on their website from the price I paid. I did call Amazon and complain they sent me a $5 coupon to use on my next Amazon order.

That's odd, because I pre-ordered from Amazon, too & got mine yesterday (via UPS). I also got an email telling me they were crediting my account $1.62.

I'm nearly thru with another book I'm reading, so will start JA's this weekend. I'll probably also finish it this weekend & not get any house work or side job work done at all, lol.:crazy:

Staying away from the spoiler thread - I want to read it for myself first!

ETA - does anyone know where the book stands on the NYT bestseller list??
That's odd, because I pre-ordered from Amazon, too & got mine yesterday (via UPS). I also got an email telling me they were crediting my account $1.62.

I'm nearly thru with another book I'm reading, so will start JA's this weekend. I'll probably also finish it this weekend & not get any house work or side job work done at all, lol.:crazy:

Staying away from the spoiler thread - I want to read it for myself first!

ETA - does anyone know where the book stands on the NYT bestseller list??

I would like to know that too. It sure should be pretty high up near the top!

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