Imperfect Justice - Prosecuting Casey Anthony by Jeff Ashton Release date Nov. 15

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I for one am looking forward to reading this thread about all the insights from JA about FCA and the trial. I wonder how far he will go in telling the whole truth without burning bridges he may need after he begins his new career.

Just hearing that the book was dedicated to Caylee tells me he is and always has been in it for Caylee.

Thanks to everyone who is able to read and post at the same time. I do appreciate it very much.

Nancy Grace will have breaking news for weeks as her producer reads each chapter. Buckle up!

The best thing about the end of the trial as I'll never have to watch that woman again!
Hooray! Midnight for the Sentinel is 9PM my time!!! We all get a peek tonight if you all can stay awake! ................. :pillowfight2:

I'm so in... and can't wait to read everyone's comments - although I think I might have the grumpies in the morning due to lack of sleep.

ETA perhaps we should talk here - [ame=""]Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton ***SPOILER ALERT*** - Content Discussion - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

:woohoo: :woot: :read: :read: :read: :woohoo: :woot: :read: :read: :read: :woohoo: :woot:

Please take all discussion about the contents of the book to the "Spoiler Thread" linked above.

Continue to discuss the book in general terms w/o disclosing any content and add MSM appearances, interviews and book signings on this thread.
While I'm standing out on my driveway waiting, I'll think of you doing the same thing just 45 minutes away.
Bring on the book!

Good golly molly, the delivery people are going to be wondering what everyone is doing standing in their driveways with hugs and kisses ready for them. LOL.
Good golly molly, the delivery people are going to be wondering what everyone is doing standing in their driveways with hugs and kisses ready for them. LOL.
Have you seen my delivery driver?
(I'll be shaking his hand vigorously though)
Hooray! Midnight for the Sentinel is 9PM my time!!! We all get a peek tonight if you all can stay awake! ................. :pillowfight2:

Yay for the West Coast:) I've been hoping all day that my kindle book will arrive at 9pm Pacific tonight so I can get some reading in! With my luck, it won't even get here at exactly midnight, so I'm gonna have to wait until after work tomorrow to even get started:(
I feel like little five-year-old flourish on christmas eve!! Or, even worse, little five-year-old flourish on christmas morning waiting for the grown-ups to wake up enough to be able to focus their eyes and give the go-ahead for present time! Just let me peek at my stocking, mom! But since I'm not five anymore, it's more like "Just release the sample right now and I'll read and re-read that until the real thing arrives!!!! Pretty please with sugar on top???"

I for one am looking forward to reading this thread about all the insights from JA about FCA and the trial. I wonder how far he will go in telling the whole truth without burning bridges he may need after he begins his new career.

Just hearing that the book was dedicated to Caylee tells me he is and always has been in it for Caylee.

Thanks to everyone who is able to read and post at the same time. I do appreciate it very much.

I'll second that watcher. I can hardly wait to read everything that everyone has to say, you'd think I was getting the book myself. Soooo excited!
Have you seen my delivery driver?
(I'll be shaking his hand vigorously though)

It's a good thing I didn't have a beverage in my mouth when I read your post. My hubs would have killed me for ruining my computer.
Shaking hands works very well.
Mine will be here by tomorrow!!!! I am so excited! Well, except for the fact that my husband is going to give me a hard time about it, lol. Can't wait to read it!
No offence meant to you lowens but how does anything get done around your parts if no-one can ever make a decision:banghead::banghead:

None taken :great: I'm not worried if they don't get a copy, mine's being delivered directly to my PC. Hopefully, I can start reading it when I get up in the morning.
Someone up thread posted a link to Radar Online for Q&A with JA.
I looked and there was only three out of the seven comments posted even worth reading.
taught me a new trick tonight!

Isn't this the coolest tag EVER?!? :great: It really does feel like Christmas! LOL
Hey that's nifty! Does it work when it's quoted?
Testing testing:
taught me a new trick tonight!

Isn't this the coolest tag EVER?!? :great: It really does feel like Christmas! LOL
So - wftv has a spoiler out if anyone cares to check the current news or the spoiler thread. Hold on to your hat and your's gonna be a bumpy ride....

Ah the much talked about yellow thing on the ground. Remember that thread. General concensus was that it was a coloring book, but someone got it right IIRC.
See? You haven't even started reading Mr Ashton's book yet .... and already revelations!

re bottom spoiler, we knew this already as it came out in a pre trial hearing - remember Baez remarked that LE probably told her a joke.
I have it. It just downloaded to my iPad. The dedication killed me.

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