Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - #155 *Richard Allen Arrested*

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I had no idea RA had said he was on MHB that day and had been interviewed? That is just another bizarre twist to this case. I mean, is there a record of how many men were on the bridge that day?? It looks rather deserted in the pics I've seen. If its true he had told LE he was on bridge that day, it seems almost inconceivable that he wouldnt be a top suspect long ago. Im floored. Im not sure how they knew each other, but i would bet money that KK, after sitting in jail for over a year, and set to go on trial, gave something up that led to RA. Immediately after they arrested RA, KK had many charges dropped and his trial postponed. Too much coincidence. I wonder if perhaps KK told RA he was planning to meet LG at bridge that day, and RA got there before him, and committed the crime. Maybe he was able to tell the girls he was leading them to AS, the fake profile, and this is how he got them off bridge. This would also explain KK using the AS profile to message an unknown (possibly RA?) later that day saying that LG never showed up?
I just listened to the latest MS Pod. They mention that its possible RA came forward himself to police originally as a witness. Then you have DC in the one press conference commenting that "we may have even talked to you before".

Imagine RA was the one who gave the witness information for the sketch?

There is a known phenomenon where people who give fake witness accounts end up making the person they claim to have seen look like themselves, without even realizing it.
I never realized until the arrest how many countries have been following the Delphi case. My focus was always local. But my goodness, I see articles in French, German, Spanish, etc etc. Amazing how many lives these two beautiful girls have affected.
I am just as perplexed, does his lack of reaction hint of an ego?
Is he a Mr. Brooks- the smartest man in the courtroom? No, he begged for an attorney.
But how brazen does five years living and working in Delphi make him? Did he want to get caught? Cuffs have a way of yanking some into reality, and the death penalty may sink in to a man who targeted young girls. And threats to his life can’t make a little man brave.
It could be that he is a one off perp, who thought he would be caught years ago, and now he has his significance? Arrest may be a relief? I hope he is daily soiling his skivies!

Pat Brown- Criminal Profiler does an analysis that is pretty interesting

AngTxGal, my impression of someone, or of an event, or of a thing can only be shaped by the information that has been presented. And, that information is presented within a context. Concerning this guy, he showed his wife one face, he showed his co-workers another face, and now he is working to present himself to the court (and to the public) with another face. He is crafty. I've dealt with shape-shifters in the past and they are hard to nail down.

*Crafty is different than smart. He may be intelligent to a level, but craftiness points to the ability to manipulate people and circumstances. People mix intelligence and craftiness together, but they are separate attributes. People can be smart in a healthy way without manipulation. In this context, we are watching criminality enabled by the characteristic of craftiness. Some people have a crafty personality, but work good with that same characteristic of bringing things together.

Crafty has a negative connotation. When someone is good and constructive with the same trait, we think of that as a skilled organizer, or other type of positively worded personality assessment.
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I had no idea RA had said he was on MHB that day and had been interviewed? If its true he had told LE he was on bridge that day, it seems almost inconceivable that he wouldnt be a top suspect long ago….

He never said he was on the bridge that day. He said he was on the trails (I have a link to support this but I have to go digging for it, brb.).

IMO RA has been a suspect for quite a long time. I strongly believe he was, from nearly the get. Or rather as soon as he came forward or thereabouts as the YBG sketch was drawn within a few days of the murders by an unknown person to us. LE never told us who this person was by name. Well not until recently. He came forward with info about a possible suspect (YBG) when he interjected himself into the investigation. One thing that should be noted is that although LE had the YBG sketch first (before the OBG was created) they didn’t release it. Something that makes me go hmmmmm. All of the above is pure speculation as I’m not providing links atm.
I do however have at least one, perhaps two MSM links from a LEO stating that the YBG was drawn on a few days after the murders from someone who came forward. In that same link/article the LEO did not name the person, and IIRC didn’t call this person a witness. And another link that speaks of RA interjecting himself into it. And another link that states when the OBG was drawn and how/what it was based on.

So for now everything is MOO. JMVHO.
I wonder if they decided to go against the original YBG sketch at first because he did come forward and they thought he was that sketch and he went along with the OBG sketch. Then the 2019 PC was pretty much them knowing it was him and directed all their comments and change in direction towards him, and went back to that YBG sketch that they disregarded as him.
AngTxGal, my impression of someone, or of an event, or of a thing can only be shaped by the information that has been presented. And, that information is presented within a context. Concerning this guy, he showed his wife one face, he showed his co-workers another face, and now he is working to present himself to the court (and to the public) with another face. He is crafty. I've dealt with shape-shifters in the past and they are hard to nail down.

*Crafty is different than smart. He may be intelligent to a level, but craftiness points to the ability to manipulate people and circumstances. People mix intelligence and craftiness together, but they are separate attributes. People can be smart in a healthy way without manipulation.

LE have more voice footage of the perpetrator that they have never released haven't they?

I wouldn't mind betting if the local community had the opportunity to hear that footage then RA probably would have been identified sooner IMO.
But that's on the police. They will be judged on those decisions in the coming months. And god forbid this character went on to kill more poor souls in the years that have passed since.
I don't know what to make of MS and their "source." First we heard how KAK had fooled LE into thinking he was in Vegas on Feb. 13 by posting false stuff on Facebook, even though we know in his 2/25/17 polygraph that he told LE he was at his grandparents, and his Facebook posts didn't happen until May 2020. Then we hear that KAK was taken into custody before the Wabash search and it was likely related to Delphi. Was KAK lying again, since now we are hearing RA is unrelated? The things their "source" tells them sound legitimate enough, but not everything seems to jive. JMO.
I think KK lives in a fantasy world and tells people what he thinks they want to hear. After reading the transcript of the interview between KK and Barbara MacDonald (
), it was clear to me that he has serious MH issues and/or has a disasociation with reality.

After listening to the podcats and yt versions of 'Down the Hill', I am no longer thinking that there is a link between KK and RA (well, not one that is associated with the murders anyway.

Another thought I had after listening to DTH, is that perhaps RA saying 'Down the Hill' was indicating to the girls that they shouldn't return back over the bridge, but to go another way home (e.g. he was telling them off )

From all accounts that bridge is dangerous to cross once, let alone twice. I will be very interested to hear all of that video that Libby took
I wonder if LE have used any kind of voice recognition device on RA to compare with the video audio LG took. I only wonder this as with some of my accounts, like my bank account, I have to speak and my voice is my password. I don't know how accurate these devices are at recognising voices but I would hope 99.9% If banks are using them as passwords.
I don’t understand how he would have come forward previously and not been connected. They had video and suspected BG, as the timing of approaching BG starts the crime. They would have connected him to the video and audio. Not discarded him without checking DNA, even if they had to get it from his household garbage. That doesn’t make sense to me. MOO
I believe the attached is what you’re looking for. The red truck appears to just be an application icon… specifically, it’s for Aspen - software for commercial motor vehicle inspections that serves as a link between motor carrier enforcement agencies and FMCSA… something you’d expect to be present on a state patrol system, in other words.
Thanks. Nothing then. Just an old memory playing tricks on me.
LE have more voice footage of the perpetrator that they have never released haven't they?

I wouldn't mind betting if the local community had the opportunity to hear that footage then RA probably would have been identified sooner IMO.
But that's on the police. They will be judged on those decisions in the coming months. And god forbid this character went on to kill more poor souls in the years that have passed since.

This is an interesting question. In the podcast Down the Hill, episode 10 (and I believe this information was also repeated in the HLN Down the Hill Special), the reporter Barbara MacDonald interviews Leazenby standing in the vicinity of the crime scene. This is the somewhat famous (at least in places where this case is discussed) part of the interview where she asks if LE has DNA from this case and Leazenby answers they have DNA but they don't know if it's his DNA.

They also talk about the video. The reporter asks if they could released more of the video. Leazenby says that this idea has been brought up many times by investigators throughout the years of the investigation. He does not know what advantage it would have. People anticipate that there is something else "earth-shattering" on the video that would jump out and enable someone to identify the man on the video. But there isn't. She asks if there is more audio from him than what has been released. And Leazenby answers "not that I'm aware of." The reporter probes, "So he says, 'guys...down the hill' and those are the only words spoken by him?" Leazenby answers, "right." He does say there are still "items" within the video that are still being "studied and considered" and that he thinks that this piece of evidence will still be used in the courtroom.

Source, timestamp for this conversation is with about 14 minutes left in the program: Chapter 10: Four Years - Down The Hill: The Delphi Murders
I had no idea RA had said he was on MHB that day and had been interviewed? That is just another bizarre twist to this case. I mean, is there a record of how many men were on the bridge that day?? It looks rather deserted in the pics I've seen. If its true he had told LE he was on bridge that day, it seems almost inconceivable that he wouldnt be a top suspect long ago. Im floored. Im not sure how they knew each other, but i would bet money that KK, after sitting in jail for over a year, and set to go on trial, gave something up that led to RA. Immediately after they arrested RA, KK had many charges dropped and his trial postponed. Too much coincidence. I wonder if perhaps KK told RA he was planning to meet LG at bridge that day, and RA got there before him, and committed the crime. Maybe he was able to tell the girls he was leading them to AS, the fake profile, and this is how he got them off bridge. This would also explain KK using the AS profile to message an unknown (possibly RA?) later that day saying that LG never showed up?

It does seem crazy that he brought himself in, looking kinda & sounding exactly like BG imo, and then … nothing

Maybe JMO he had a good alibi in hand when he went in… something like (speculation, invented by me as a possible example) ‘I was at the trails that afternoon but I was at a restaurant at the actual time of the killing - look, here’s my credit card receipt that proves it.’ And then someone who went back to review the file decided to check with the restaurant, & records there indicated that tho RMA’s card was used, someone other than RMA (EG a family member) actually signed the receipt….

This made-up scenario is just an example of how someone can go from having an airtight alibi to having no alibi at all & rather a cloud of suspicion over their fake alibi… moo
I just listened to the latest MS Pod. They mention that its possible RA came forward himself to police originally as a witness. Then you have DC in the one press conference commenting that "we may have even talked to you before".

Imagine RA was the one who gave the witness information for the sketch?

There is a known phenomenon where people who give fake witness accounts end up making the person they claim to have seen look like themselves, without even realizing it.
never heard of that phenomenon but I did wonder if the YBG sketch actually looks like RA did as a young man. Notice how much hair it has- and then he shaved his own head at some point. I remember also the police saying at one point that the killer could "look like both sketches" and people said "what?" but the nose and eyes are similatr, IMO.
After listening to the new MS episode, here's what I'm curious about. How many times over the last almost six years has LE gone back and reread all the early interviews/files? In the 2019 "New Direction" PC, DC even said they likely had interviewed the killer early on, so I'm going to assume at that point, early interviews were gone back through. For whatever reason, RA's must have seemed innocuous at the time. IMO, he was not on LE's radar.

It's very possible that more recently, someone just picked up his file at random and something clicked. As the MS suggested, maybe something only became pertinent based on newer information. I guess I just think that RA's file has likely been gone over multiple times throughout the years, just like probably all of the files were, but suddenly, something mattered.

Maybe the a_shots line of investigation, which DC stated had given them some new investigative leads, provided something significant for LE to compare against old interviews, which is why they went back when they did. Just a thought, mainly because of the coincidental timing. JMO.
I have a link to stolen tools that RA reported but it wasn’t from a neighbors house.

This link shows a different middle initial so I don’t think it pertains to RMA, the suspect in the murders.
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