Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, and Liberty (Libby) German, 14/The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #87

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What is everyone’s thoughts on the press conference next week? Do you think we will learn anything new or will it be a repetition of previous press conferences?

I believe it will be mostly the same info we have heard before. Like many cases before, the anniversary date is used to bring publicity to the case and hopefully persuade an individual who may have knowledge and/or suspicions about a possible suspect to come forward.
Delphi murders: Unanswered questions 2 years after the slayings of Abby and Libby
Feb. 4, 2019

“The Delphi murders of two young teenagers, Abigail Williams and Liberty German, have haunted the nation for nearly two years.“


“Here are some of the questions that remain:

When did Abby and Libby die?”


“Law-enforcement authorities have not spoken about the estimated time when Abby and Libby are believed to have died — and they likely never will, unless there is an arrest.“


“Delphi murders: How were they killed?”


“Autopsies were conducted, but neither the coroner, Delphi police, Carroll County Sheriff's Office, Indiana State Police or FBI have officially revealed information about the cause of death or manner in which the teens were killed.“


“Have any suspects been arrested?”


“No. Law-enforcement authorities have conducted interviews over the past two years with more than 1,000 people, Riley said, but none have led to an arrest.“


“Is there more than one killer?”

"”There's still a possibility there may be more than one suspect," he said. "We have not narrowed it down to how many people have been involved in this."


“What evidence exists about the killer?”


“Was DNA found at the crime scene?
Police aren't saying.

Indiana State Police officials have not confirmed yet whether they have DNA samples that could lead to a possible suspect or suspects in the Delphi case.

However, a new state law, which took effect on Jan. 1, 2018, could help in the case. Now DNA samples can be collected from anyone accused of a felony; before that, police could only collect samples from someone already convicted of a crime.“


“How much time and money has been spent on the case?
Riley said he didn't know how much money has been spent, but he estimated that there have been "thousands" of hours spent by officers and detectives on the investigation.”
Delphi murders: Unanswered questions 2 years after the slayings of Abby and Libby
Feb. 4, 2019

“The Delphi murders of two young teenagers, Abigail Williams and Liberty German, have haunted the nation for nearly two years.“

It seems the subject came up recently about when the girls died because of the difference in their obituary and rumors still abound. We did settle this question some time ago when the autopsy report was sealed because the information about the date is in the court document. The link to the petition is in the Media thread IN - Abigail Williams & Liberty German, Delphi, Media, Maps, Timelines NO DISCUSSION
The Court, being duly advised, FINDS as follows: 1) On February 13, 2017 Abigail Williams and Liberty German were killed just outside of Delphi in Carroll County, Indiana. 2) An investigation into these killings is ongoing. 3) No charges have been filed with connection to the killings.
The Feb 13 date is official - it wasn't 2 different days according to the court. I was saddened to see the question of when it happened come up again in the IndyStar article.
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I believe it will be mostly the same info we have heard before. Like many cases before, the anniversary date is used to bring publicity to the case and hopefully persuade an individual who may have knowledge and/or suspicions about a possible suspect to come forward.

I agree, I think the anniversary date was chosen to further publicize the unsolved case. If a press conference was being held to announce charges had been laid there’d be no reason to withhold that information until the 13th. At best it’d be announced the purpose of the PC was to announce a major break in the case and that it happened to coincide with the two year anniversary wouldn’t be significant.
There is no break in the case yet there is a press conference on the two year anniversary next Wednesday at 1:30pm local Indiana time. Hopefully we will learn some new information then.

There are a lot of unfounded theories and suspects posted on Facebook on pages about the case but they are not fact based and we are not permitted to discuss them here at Websleuths.
It was about a arrest on some guy who some would saying he could be tied to the case
Your comments about how comfortable he seems on the bridge makes me think railroad worker OR construction worker who works up high, roofer, crane man, etc. OR telephone pole man, someone used to working on high.

This is a map of Delphi Historical Trail system. The Monon high bridge is across Deer Creek on the very right of the map, on the other side of Hoosier Heartland Highway, also walkable from City Park (red dots).

I’ve always believed the perp can not have been a stranger to the trails, the bridge or the town of Delphi. He either lived in the area at one time or knew people who lived there and became familiar with the trails or used the location as a regular stopping point on his way through. That a killer just happened by chance to stop there on a warm Monday afternoon in February, without knowing the terrain, and then came upon two teenagers to victimize without fear of getting caught.....I’m unable to imagine a totally unplanned scenario such as that.
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I’m not entirely convinced one or another as to how this went down. To start with, why was he on the trail? Was he simply trying to be alone? Suffered a recent loss of a parent or other person close to him or a break up of a long term relationship? Then he sees the girls early on and something said or done – possibly entirely innocent on the part of the girls – is taken the wrong way by him and triggers a violent act?

Or was he hunting for a victim? If he was I believe there is a chance he has done this before or will again.

However it happened, I believe he was on the trail before the girls and was possibly leaving when he encountered them. He went back to his car to get weapons/items of opportunity (unplanned) or items from an abduction/kill kit (planned) and went back after them. I would bet Liberty recognized him from earlier and noticed something different in him – pace, facial expression – that set off an alarm bell for her.

Either way, I believe this guy has violence toward women and/or children in his past. This was an escalation in his behavior if had not killed before then.
Your comments about how comfortable he seems on the bridge makes me think railroad worker OR construction worker who works up high, roofer, crane man, etc. OR telephone pole man, someone used to working on high.

Honestly, I've never done any of those jobs and I would be very comfortable walking across a bridge like this.
Honestly, I've never done any of those jobs and I would be very comfortable walking across a bridge like this.

the bridge is not safe. it becomes apparent when you are on it. someone said a train ran on it...I don't think a train ever went on the bridge, I walked on it at least 40 years ago, it was not cool.
the bridge is not safe. it becomes apparent when you are on it. someone said a train ran on it...I don't think a train ever went on the bridge, I walked on it at least 40 years ago, it was not cool.

Built in 1891, that’s how old it is.

A 360 tour of the Monon High Bridge
“......The Monon High Bridge was built in 1891.

At 63-feet, the bridge is believed to be Indiana’s second tallest bridge.

It carried trains high above Deer Creek until it was abandoned by CSX in 1987.

The abandoned railroad bridge has since become a popular attraction for people who live in the area, despite its disrepair and exclusion from the official Delphi Historic Trail System.

Indiana Landmarks put the bridge on its 10 Most Endangered List in 2016....”
Yes, trains did cross the bridge.
This picture was submitted on a site I visit that collects vintage photos from Indiana towns.
The Wabash does run thru Delphi, but I'm not sure the "creek" they were located near was the Wabash. Where I cross it on 65, it is very wide and deep.
This case really gets to me. I genuinely feel that one day the families will get justice. I understand the frustration people have with the lack of developments, but I still think the answers are out there. Those two poor girls deserve justice.
I think it gets to all of us. I don't think that any of us would have thought that it would have remained unsolved for this long, since Libby got video and audio.
I keep waiting for the day I turn on the news, or go to a new site, or log in here, and find that there has been a major break and the case has been solved. Alas, still waiting...
I know... too long.

My original thinking (based on a dream of a lone wolf hunting two deerlings on a trail- a dream I had after after spending way too much time studying this crime) is that I did tend to think of a lone perpetrator out looking for an easy target(s). The dream did start with a car driving around and following a lost trail. Dream symbols are only helpful to the dreamer, but this is the impact this case has had on many of us.

I originally thought BG was a transient, perhaps living outdoors, and being in the area at the right time.

Since it seems I am wrong on my impressions on some of the crimes I have followed here once they were solved, there may be an opposite to that. But sadly, no way to know. Frustration abounds.
This is the first time I have made any comments related to this case. These cases that drag on what seems like an eternity for me. Just like Celina Cass, and Hailey Dunn and Lyric Cook-Elizabeth Collins_Iowa Cousins. At times I wonder if these cases that take many years to be solved are cases that happen in more rural settings. But then I think about two cases in Wake County NC(where )I live) have not been solved either. The murder of Beth Ellen Vinson 17 in August of 1994 and the murder of 22 year old Jennifer "Jenna" Kathleen Nielsen, a mother of two in June of 2007. Both of these murders happened in Raleigh NC a city of over 200k when Miss Vinson was killed and almost 400k when Mrs. Nielsen was killed. A very large town with a well established law enforcement community. I guess the big drawback in all these cases is there is 'no human eye-witnesses" to these cases. Of course there is a slew of physical evidence that could be linked in the right DNA profile was received. The exception maybe Celina Cass case. I guess it is fortunate that other cold cases have been solved through the tireless investigators. I just hope the families of these that I have mentioned can receive some sense of closure.
I agree, I think the anniversary date was chosen to further publicize the unsolved case. If a press conference was being held to announce charges had been laid there’d be no reason to withhold that information until the 13th. At best it’d be announced the purpose of the PC was to announce a major break in the case and that it happened to coincide with the two year anniversary wouldn’t be significant.

I think on that wonderful day when LE is ready to announce an arrest or even just a true suspect in this case LE will announce a press conference very unexpectedly. There will also I think be a lot of hubbub in Indiana local news outlets leading up to the press conference. Then I will get excited. That is the key to me...the reaction by local news up there. Those outlets covered the story with great interest, depth and compassion in the beginning and they will I believe be front and center when something actually breaks. They have been silent for a long while now, but when I see them get stirred up, I’ll be paying attention.
Hope that is soon.
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