Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, and Liberty (Libby) German, 14/The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #87

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“Next week marks two years since the unsolved murders of Libby German and Abby Williams in Delphi.

To keep their memory alive, family and friends are hosting a food drive in their honor.

It will be held at the United Methodist Church in Delphi on Wednesday, February 13, which is the day the two girls were reported missing two years ago.”

Events scheduled to mark second anniversary of Delphi murders

I really admire how the girl’s families are honouring their memories by helping others in need.
If you are newer to this case, or new to the forum, you may not be aware there was actually a separate thread devoted to the BG image discussion.

Found Deceased - IN - IMAGE discussion re Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi

Might be helpful, and keep us from rehashing overmuch.

Praying for answers soon, and hoping against hope they will come as we reach the two year mark. This case grabbed my soul, as I was also a young girl who roamed the woods carefree. My heart is broken for the family and friends of Abby & Libby, for their loss of so very much.
Keep in mind that his gait/walk may well have been altered because he was walking over an old bridge, and had to watch his step.

I agree 100%. YouTube videos taken by folks who have walked the bridge in recent times bear that out. It is in very poor shape, I would imagine bridge maintenance ended well before the last train went over it 30+ years ago. At one point there's a huge gap you'd have to jump over.

In the one image it looks like BG pivots towards the girls.

For reference, a member posted this to the images, timeline, and media links thread for this case, two of the BG images made into a .gif:

The three images released, albeit from a page which has all kinds of speculation about the case:


I would have thought so too. I wonder how many steps she could have videoed in her time frame?
So what could the reason be that they had to show two separate frames instead of a short clip? Maybe they had to cut something out? Maybe Libby couldn't hold the camera still while she was trying to video him? Maybe she wasn't able to take it while looking through the window of the phone but instead maybe holding the phone down low near her hip or waist where he wouldn't see it.

I haven't read all replies yet but maybe he walks with a pronounced limp and LE thinks all of the USA would be turning in wonderful, kind, productive veterans and accident survivors who limp?

There is a slight turn of one foot which makes me think he could have a limp, or maybe could be FAKING a limp like Ted Bundy did so often to appear non-threatening.
I don't want to start a rumor or anything, but as a nurse, it's something we frequently see in our world and note but do not question in polite society.
What I'm wondering, were the girls' discovered upstream or downstream, and how much water was in the creek? She falls off or is pushed, maybe he was trying to rob her--did they have money or a purse? teenage girls might like to carry a bag--and she fell? They rush down the hill and find her floating downstream? When they catch up AW is dead from fall or drowning, LG is witness, so islilled.
Just a Theory based on what I've reas

Upstream a couple of hundred feet and inland at least 75 feet.
Only those worried about themselves or family members being found out should worry.

Sadly, I'm sure at some point in time, the ACLU will sue and will likely win for unauthorized search.
I bet some ethnic cleanser like a past dictator whose name I shan't mention would have loved such records to accomplish his purge of society.

Or a murderer staking out the relative about to blow his cover with their innocently submitted sample?

Or for that matter submission of false samples to misdirect searches?

Sealed adoption records revealing family shame?

Insurance misuse?

There's potential for good. Or not so good.
That's sure close. I'm surprised they were not located the night before but they wouldn't have focused on the bridge until something pointed to that area. I wonder how soon they found the Snapchat pictures.

The Snapchat photo of Abby was made known that same evening but the photo itself probably wasn’t alarming considering the girls were dropped off at the trail system to hike and take photos. You’re right, there was nothing pointing specifically to the bridge other than the photo although it’s possible an immediate action was to check for a bridge collapse, if they had fallen down below or into the river.

In hindsight it’s easy wonder why the bodies weren’t found until the next noon. But at the time I’m sure it would’ve been the farthest thing from anyone’s mind they’d be found murdered as there was no reason to foresee their hike to the bridge would prove deadly. Nobody in the area was reported to hear screaming and no 911 calls were made.

It’s been said that same night searchers primarily walked the extensive trail system in the dark calling out their names, presuming one might’ve had an accident or both had became disorientated and they lost communication by cellphone. Other searchers walked the streets of Delphi on the chance the girls met up with friends and just didn’t tell anyone. Out of town relatives were contacted, on the premise maybe they ran away. Those are all common reasons that first come to mind when teenagers go missing.

It was reported the following morning, after no trace of the girls had been found, an organized search by formalized teams took place, also involving seeking and obtaining permission from adjacent landowners. Planning and coordination of grid searches doesn’t happen on a moments notice.

My heart goes out to the families and every searcher involved because they’ve faced a substantial amount of SM criticism for not immediately locating the bodies. For LE and the searchers, I’m certain the trauma associated with discovering the bodies of two dead teenagers in the woods never quite goes away. Even harder for the families particularly as the second anniversary approaches with still no answers.
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The St Louis guy is really setting off the radar for me. Especially when you look at the clothing he was wearing at the time of the rapes/murder.


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The Snapchat photo of Abby was made known that same evening but the photo itself probably wasn’t alarming considering the girls were dropped off at the trail system to hike and take photos. You’re right, there was nothing pointing specifically to the bridge other than the photo although it’s possible an immediate action was to check for a bridge collapse, if they had fallen down below or into the river.

In hindsight it’s easy wonder why the bodies weren’t found until the next noon. But at the time I’m sure it would’ve been the farthest thing from anyone’s mind they’d be found murdered as there was no reason to foresee their hike to the bridge would prove deadly. Nobody in the area was reported to hear screaming and no 911 calls were made.

It’s been said that same night searchers primarily walked the extensive trail system in the dark calling out their names, presuming one might’ve had an accident or both had became disorientated and they lost communication by cellphone. Other searchers walked the streets of Delphi on the chance the girls met up with friends and just didn’t tell anyone. Out of town relatives were contacted, on the premise maybe they ran away. Those are all common reasons that first come to mind when teenagers go missing.

It was reported the following morning, after no trace of the girls had been found, an organized search by formalized teams took place, also involving seeking and obtaining permission from adjacent landowners. Planning and coordination of grid searches doesn’t happen on a moments notice.

My heart goes out to the families and every searcher involved because they’ve faced a substantial amount of SM criticism for not immediately locating the bodies. For LE and the searchers, I’m certain the trauma associated with discovering the bodies of two dead teenagers in the woods never quite goes away. Even harder for the families particularly as the second anniversary approaches with still no answers.
See, exactly what I'm saying. No one realized the nature of the situation at first much less where to look.
I didn't mean to sound as a criticism.
I'm sure panic mounted as dusk shrouded the area in darkness. By then they still haven't been home and the night must've been torture.
Prayers for the families. I hope this beast is captured soon.
See, exactly what I'm saying. No one realized the nature of the situation at first much less where to look.
I didn't mean to sound as a criticism.
I'm sure panic mounted as dusk shrouded the area in darkness. By then they still haven't been home and the night must've been torture.
Prayers for the families. I hope this beast is captured soon.

Oh no, I didn’t take your comment as criticism at all. My intent was only to further the topic and share a little of the background information that I recall because early on, indeed there was a lot of criticism :)
There is no way anyone could have predicted how a day later, Abby and Libby would be found murdered by that guy Libby captured on her phone. The night before the girls were found, the searchers didn’t know, the parents only wondered if they had gotten lost and were hungry or cold, and the public just watched, waiting to see what would happen next.

I just can’t get my head around how he hasn’t been identified.

We have gone round and round here, thinking of who could have done it. Suspects have come up, and I get hooked in every time, and learning circumstantial evidence and a sort of look alike to the bulbous nose, eyes with heavy lids, the body shape and possible age don’t mean a thing until BG is caught. The FBI profile was OK, but vague, and based purely on a psychological profile for how a killer might act, based on an understanding of other killers.

Venting a little. Hope the presser sheds some light on details that might make a difference in IDing BG.
What is everyone’s thoughts on the press conference next week? Do you think we will learn anything new or will it be a repetition of previous press conferences? I really hope somehow they change tactics.

Please post any links you find to live coverage. I’m hoping the local newspapers will do a Facebook live at least.
What is everyone’s thoughts on the press conference next week? Do you think we will learn anything new or will it be a repetition of previous press conferences? I really hope somehow they change tactics.

Please post any links you find to live coverage. I’m hoping the local newspapers will do a Facebook live at least.

My honest opinion is that the only reason the prosecutor is handling the press conference instead of LE is that LE doesn’t want to try to explain...again...why they don’t release any more information. There’s no real logical answer after 2 years and they don’t want to deal with it.
If anything new and worthwhile is said I will fall out of my chair in shock.
But, like the rest of us...I will be watching because... we’re all hoping.
I thought I saw some news on a possible Break in this case on Facebook

There is no break in the case yet there is a press conference on the two year anniversary next Wednesday at 1:30pm local Indiana time. Hopefully we will learn some new information then.

There are a lot of unfounded theories and suspects posted on Facebook on pages about the case but they are not fact based and we are not permitted to discuss them here at Websleuths.
Having read through the first thread on this case, StarryStarryNight's recap on her third bullet point is excellent.

To add to everything StarryStarryNight said, I'm going to bring forward a quote from Mpnola in thread 1:

"And if there are 2 girls, if one gets taken or hurt, it is likely the other will, too. They are of the age that they still comply when given a command by an adult. Especially one with threat. And they do not leave their friends behind."

I completely agree with what Mpnola said. At Abby and Libby's age, I would have hesitated long enough out of a natural deference for an adult, even a creepy one, that I would likely have been a victim.

I think it's important to remember how small the window was in which the girls realized they were in danger and had to act. I think there were mere seconds between them thinking BG was creepy and thinking he meant to do them harm.

In the early threads, there is a lot of discussion about the rate at which BG must have approached Abby and Libby, which may be part of what caused them alarm.
Some speculated that BG started trotting toward the girls and that is why he sounded out of breath on the audio.

SeekingJana, in an earlier post, you mentioned how comfortable BG looked in the photos. There was a lot of discussion of that in the earliest thread too. The fact that he had his hands in his pockets and was off to the side rather than being in the middle of the bridge gave many the impression that he had walked that bridge many times before.

Most noted how scary that bridge looked, though most locals had walked it. Websleuthers felt that BG would have his hands out of his pockets and would walk more toward the center of the bridge if he hadn't walked that bridge many times before. The apparent rate of speed with which he approached the girls also indicates his level of comfort on that bridge that is 63 feet above the ground.

Finally, to add to StarryStarryNight's explanation as to why the BG is the perpetrator, there is this early comment:

While LE hasn't specifically stated that BG was the target of the video, several officers have praised "Libby's courage and quick thinking to make the video." To me, that says LE has confirmation that Libby filmed the perpetrator.

Your comments about how comfortable he seems on the bridge makes me think railroad worker OR construction worker who works up high, roofer, crane man, etc. OR telephone pole man, someone used to working on high.
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