Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, and Liberty (Libby) German, 14/The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #89

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APR 22, 2019
Delphi murder investigation features new sketch, background on 'heartless' killer of 2 Indiana girls

ISP Superintendent Doug Carter said the investigation into the 2017 killings of Libby German, 14, and Abby Williams, 13, has now shifted to focus on someone who lives in Delphi, Indiana or used to live in the city located about 60 miles northwest of Indianapolis.


Authorities were able to create the sketch that "more accurately" depicts the face of the suspect from the video recorded on German's cell phone while she and Abigail were on the High Bridge.


"We have a witness. You made mistakes," Carter said. "We are coming for you and there's no place for a heartless coward like you to hide that gets his thrill from killing little girls."


"We likely have interviewed you or someone close to you," Carter said in a message to the killer. "We know that this is about power for you, and you want to know what we know. One day, you will."


Carter said the girls' families learned about the latest developments Monday morning and asked the media to give the family two weeks before commenting on the new information, according to FOX59.



Very indicative word choice as to lend insight towards potential motive, which imo included SA.
I guess I'm still stuck on the vehicle part of the update. What reasons would folks park at those offices? CPS/DPS/Welfare. Why would that person park there and then walk to the trail? Do people normally park there for visiting the trail? Or was this person at the offices that day. Is there a record of a transaction with this person that day?
I’m new here so I hope I don’t break any rules but after seeing that presser I thought, like many here did, that there was a lot of religious reference and the date of release being close to Easter was a chosen for sure. I took the new sketch and though maybe I can just google some local religious figures and see if any match the sketch. One google search brought up someone that I think the sketch closely matches (age may be off?) and is/was very close to the case. There was even a news video of this person talking about “evil” which reminded me again of the presser. Sorry again if this type of thing isn’t allow. But I was stopped cold by it... I’m am sure the police see the resemblance too, right?
I wonder if I found the same person cause I was like wow when I saw the resemblance. I definitely could see this person falling into the hiding in plain site.
Thank you. I agree that a plea to family/friends/acquaintances of the murderer is intentionally a significant part of this press conference. I just can’t think of him as ‘BG’ anymore, knowing that he is the killer of children.

My family has been exactly where this murderer’s family/friends/acquaintances are. A close family member of mine committed a horrible and violent crime that ripped apart our entire world and I made up all kinds of ridiculous scenarios to ‘excuse’ the crime — it was an ‘accident;’ someone planted evidence and DNA to frame this invidual; there was a complex undercover operation involving multiple LE entities and fabricated data. I nearly drove myself to distraction moving between denial and truth. I conducted my own interviews. In the end the evidence was overwhelming.

Fortunately LE moved more quickly for us than in this case and I did not have to turn in or give evidence against a loved one. But during my extensive ‘interviews’ I uncovered a prior ‘bad act.’ I now harbor great suspicion that other family members knew about an earlier crime and covered up and lied to protect him. If I am right and that is the case, a young woman would be alive right now if people close to my family member had done the right thing years ago. Loving someone deeply and unreservedly does not mean protecting them from the consequences of their actions.
I just had to reply to this. Bless you.
I know how it is to be torn like that.
My heart and sympathies are with you,
When I watched the vid for the first time today, showing BG step aside to his left, I thought perhaps he was drunk. But I've since watched Gray Hughes vid, and IIUC, Abby was just off screen to the left, to BG's right, and BG was side-stepping her. Perhaps he didn't see her till last sec, perhaps since he may have noticed Libby had cam out, and he may thus have been looking down to shield his face.
The voice on the recording doesn’t sound close to 18 to me. If I had to guess I’d say 35 at the minimum. Also, the term “guys” and the way he said it makes me think he’s accustomed to dealing with kids as a parent, uncle, teacher, coach, whatever. I don’t think he will be the loner type.

But I’m almost always wrong......

No, I think you’re actually quite right ! Although i’m British, I work with children and frequently use the term ‘guys’ to address them for many reasons, including familiarity, friendliness and grouping.
I wouldn’t use the term so much if I was addressing say, my own daughters & their friends. I’d be more direct.
Those are definitely not the hips of a 20 y.o., IMO. A 20 y.o. has tighter hips, tighter gait.

Though not common, some young men do have hips and thighs like BG appears to have. I personally know a 20-year-old man who carries all of his extra weight in his hips, bottom and thighs, and if wearing both a hoody and a jacket with the pockets stuffed or something stuffed under the jacket, would appear with the same body shape as BG. And probably because of the extra weight in the lower body, the man I know walks with a looser, sloppier gait than most men that age. I wouldn't discount the possibility of a man in his twenties. To me, what most seems older than twenty about BG is the style of clothes, but I'm not familiar with rural Indiana fashion. Of course, if premeditated, BG would likely have wanted to disguise himself as much as possible. MOO.
If the killer had confessed to a priest or an attorney, the confession would stay right there.
I am not talking about other protestant preachers. That would be up to them, but I imagine they would have immediately reported it.
eta I think that a psychiatrist would find a way to call in a secret tip, but they'd otherwise have to be subpoenaed to give up that info.
To me, adding just that little extra added a ton to that audio clip. The guy sounds so...calm, almost resigned. Like “Come on guys, get down the hill. I’ve got to do this. I’ve got no choice.” Very weird. Not what I expected. I’m sure we all hear it a little different.

I hear it that way too. It's almost like, "Let's get this over with."
Can you PM me the link of the google search that you have done?
I looked under positions of power in Delphi.
I was struck by the anger of Carter and the new sketch. I believe he is a young man, 40ish, has small children, not really overweight, young looking face, and first sketch was a disguise or First witness got description wrong. Respected in the community for his position. And like all of you are thinking, I’m likely wrong on who the man is but I think I’m right on his description.
For me the update in age range is a potential game changer.

(As I’ve been eyeing every 40-60ish year old male with bulbous noses at the diner and Home Depot for 26 months...)

I think it’s important to note that they said he could “look younger.” So maybe he still is older but just may look younger.

So does this mean this guy can not be over 40 then? I mean this is what they’re saying...

Idk about all this. I just don’t...


Also, the way he said “the way you left them there”...there’s something about that possibly, moo. And it’s also interesting that he specifically mentioned this book (thank you to those with the plot summaries); these words are likely carefully chosen imo so why did he specifically mention this?
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