Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #107

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Since two years I'm searching for the shoes, BG was wearing. Not continuously :p, but sporadically again and again. Today a light bulb blinked over my head suddenly. Could it be, that the shoes are Neopren shoes/beach shoes/aqua shoes/surf shoes - something like that?? Because he indeed planned to cross the creek? Weird, but. I found shoes, which are looking similar, but not 100% the same (like what I mean to see in the video).
In any case, BG's shoes aren't suitable at all with the average-man outfit. As I said meanwhile umpteen times, SORRY. But if it would help to find the perp .... ;)
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BBM. This is clearly OT and I feel your pain but WRT your tax dollars, it costs more to enact the death penalty than it does to keep someone in prison for life.
I don’t know what WRT means but if your asking how much I pay the state of Indiana, it’s north of $2000 per quarter. I don’t want to pay to feed or house this creep. I’m not talking about cost but rather what I wish my tax dollars to go towards and it would definitely not be to keep him breathing!
Just have to say that I do not live in Delphi but I live very close and this has affected my community as well.

Kids are out of school and want to have a fun summer outside instead of playing on the computer. Kids around here want to do things kids like to do like fish, hike around, bike ride...there is a lot of worry around here that this monster is still on the lose. I live near the old Monon RR tracks which is now a trail in my location as well. Our bridge is not as high and just crosses over the road along the lake.

This really is a big part of my frustration. Sorry for the vent!
Maybe they were trying that route but not to a known family. It is perfectly clear, imo, they have no idea who they are seeking.
OR, they have a suspect or suspects but are unable to definitively link him/them to the crime and need that proverbial "one tip". Some believe there is a lot of DNA and that may be true, just not from the killer perhaps. After 42,000 plus tips, surely the right name/s have been mentioned along the way, perhaps anonymously out of fear. This person/s are local and known by someone. How many times in past cases, have LE known who committed the murder/murders (and others as well) but were unable to prove it, until they could?
Just have to say that I do not live in Delphi but I live very close and this has affected my community as well.

Kids are out of school and want to have a fun summer outside instead of playing on the computer. Kids around here want to do things kids like to do like fish, hike around, bike ride...there is a lot of worry around here that this monster is still on the lose. I live near the old Monon RR tracks which is now a trail in my location as well. Our bridge is not as high and just crosses over the road along the lake.

This really is a big part of my frustration. Sorry for the vent!
The psychological terrorism and control over the communities fear is a big thrill for this miscreant. He is a nothing, a coward, a loser. He has control over nothing in his meaningless life, so he pathetically finds control over two young girls. Then, he finds control over terrorizing the community. What a loser.
What a coward.

Take your control back Delphi, as you are. There are technology solutions for surveillance that you can place in safe zones where your children can recreate. Back that up with aggressive police action to weed out and banish the pockets of criminal element in your area that may prove attractive connection points for evil doers.

Finally, if you really are serious about solving this crime Delphi, why not ask all 3000 Citizens to submit to fingerprints and a DNA sample voluntarily? Your town has been assaulted by evil, and it doesn't happen overnight. TAKE IT BACK.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I have trouble reconciling the two. It doesn't look like the guy on the bridge to me, either. It does sort of go with my original theory, though. On the day the girls' bodies were found, my first thought was that other teenagers had killed them either through bullying or some kind of prank or dare gone wrong. I really thought they'd be looking for a small group of teens, with perhaps a young man (18-22) at the forefront. Then they released the video still of BG and said they were only looking for one man so I dropped that theory like a brick.

How do you feel about your original theory now? Just curious because I’ve been thinking about that myself.

Also, been meaning to ask you, is the area they were found a place people/kids might go to hang out at to be out of sight of the bridge and trails? I don’t necessarily mean exactly in that area, but just down from the cemetery by the creek. I know it’s private property, but it doesn’t look like it was patrolled or really used by the owners and it looks like there is a bit of a clearing by the creek.
What's the consensus on that idea that BG was NOT transient? Was he in someway affiliated with the area? Did he plan on doing this or was it strictly a crime of opportunity?
Hello Chad_York!
Not sure you'll find a consensus here but lots of varying speculation :)
BUT, since you asked, I'll jump in a give you mine.
I am absolutely convinced that BG is local to the area, perhaps not Delphi proper but local and has "connections" to individuals there either family and/or "associates." BG grew up around the bridge and knew exactly how to get around quickly, over the bridge, through the creek and knew the lay of the land. I believe it is related to the seedy world of drug making, dealing, stealing and snitching.
ALL, my personal speculation at this point in time. MOO, JMO and all that good stuff :)
The psychological terrorism and control over the communities fear is a big thrill for this miscreant. He is a nothing, a coward, a loser. He has control over nothing in his meaningless life, so he pathetically finds control over two young girls. Then, he finds control over terrorizing the community. What a loser.
What a coward.

Take your control back Delphi, as you are. There are technology solutions for surveillance that you can place in safe zones where your children can recreate. Back that up with aggressive police action to weed out and banish the pockets of criminal element in your area that may prove attractive connection points for evil doers.

Finally, if you really are serious about solving this crime Delphi, why not ask all 3000 Citizens to submit to fingerprints and a DNA sample voluntarily? Your town has been assaulted by evil, and it doesn't happen overnight. TAKE IT BACK.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Excellent post @rosesfromangels !!!

I just hope that because he has not been captured he feels emboldened.
Looking forward to the day he has been incarcerated. I can just imagine some high profile lawyer will want to represent him as this will be a very watched case.

They’ll want a change of venue declaring they can’t get a fair trial in Carroll County. They’ll blame the victims and use all the stupid rumors out there to support their claims.

They’ll say he’s a poor little baby that didn’t have a good life and therefore the jury is to believe he shouldn’t be punished....we’ve all seen it before
But... in the happenstance a person was viewing the Snapchat Libby posted during the window of it being available, there is a clear marker where she was. I get what you are saying though, thinking about how it could be tracked forensically if it is true Snapchat posts disappear forever. A good marketing strategy, but wonder.
I don't use SC, but has anyone here that's younger and does ever taken the time to read the "terms and conditions" of that App? A younger friend of mine who is required to do so for many apps as a part of her job has. She advises her students NOT to use the app.
Strictly MOO!
A few have suggested this was and is a Pure Luck and random crime, I have strong doubts on this theory:

It has been mentioned this is a very popular park by people who live in the area---if so why then is this the first of its kind?
Do we believe there is a random murderer out there that has never targeted this area or any other area in Delphi?
If this were random have LE put out a formal warning for this killer as a threat to the community?
Seems like Abby and Libby were the ones he was interested in only?

When suggested Abby and Libby may have known this person, a few have stated LE has done extensive search of all Social media and friends, and surely would have found out if the girls knew him. I had said this could have been a secret crush or someone to keep secret. Secrets are not shared on Social Media--God knows that would never be a secret would it?
No! I believe this was someone the Young women did not want to share information on …...or he was someone who only Monitored them on Social media.

Why would a random killer be dressed in heavy clothing and have deliberately covered up his identity, and perhaps had weapons on him to stroll around a park for a Lucy Break! If that were the case someone that obvious would have stood out before contact with Abby and Libby don't you think? Even one of the girls refused to even wear a jacket that day.

I also find it incredibly odd that witnesses could have seen him through his disguise clearly enough to make a composite sketch, if that were the case why could no one else see through the video of him.
I also find it odd that it has been stated that a posters husbands carries a backpack with knives , twine and first aid material Everyday...this is someone who herself visits the park and lives near there. If her husband is a park ranger that would make sense other than that ….everyday? WHY? Does that mean many people in this area dress like him and carry dangerous tools? I doubt that.
….and finally if my belief that these young women may have known this individual is Victim Blaming , I assure you these young women simply trusted a very bad person. How could they possible know he was going to murder them. No, this was crime that could be committed only out of their Innocence.
Looking forward to the day he has been incarcerated. I can just imagine some high profile lawyer will want to represent him as this will be a very watched case.

They’ll want a change of venue declaring they can’t get a fair trial in Carroll County. They’ll blame the victims and use all the stupid rumors out there to support their claims.

They’ll say he’s a poor little baby that didn’t have a good life and therefore the jury is to believe he shouldn’t be punished....we’ve all seen it before
Although I've lost some confidence in this case being solved to what I believe to be a very complex case, I continue to hope each day that LE can nail "The Coward of Carroll County," and that wherever he is tried the jury will see fit to convict him for his heinous crime (and anyone else that may have had a hand in this) and sentence him to death regardless of the efforts of an attorney. MOO
JMO..I keep thinking about LE saying so many of the videos are wrong. Everything has been hashed and rehashed so what are we missing. What we have seen makes sense to us. So how do we think differently?

Did the girls cross the bridge and then went back and he followed them and they went DTH on the north end? When they got there he could see if anyone was around and put his plan into action. Then they would not have crossed the creek.

Did they not cross the bridge at all? We are relying on a lay person who is matching up background trees to pinpoint the photo and maybe that is incorrect. Perhaps all the photos were on the north end and a tree there might match too.

How can all of our thinking be wrong? Any other ideas?
View attachment 190036
Since two years I'm searching for the shoes, BG was wearing. Not continuously :p, but sporadically again and again. Today a light bulb blinked over my head suddenly. Could it be, that the shoes are Neopren shoes/beach shoes/aqua shoes/surf shoes - something like that?? Because he indeed planned to cross the creek? Weird, but. I found shoes, which are looking similar, but not 100% the same (like what I mean to see in the video).
In any case, BG's shoes aren't suitable at all with the average-man outfit. As I said meanwhile umpteen times, SORRY. But if it would help to find the perp .... ;)
You are absolutely thinking in the right direction, IMO.
In my amateur profile, I think of him wearing those big steel toed black workbooks that you see mechanics, or anyone with an industrial job wearing. They seem indestructible; walk through water, etc.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Excellent post @rosesfromangels !!!
I just hope that because he has not been captured he feels emboldened.
Oh I'm sure he does. And that's why he is going to slip up, and he will be arrested. These cowards are their own worse enemies. I'm sure he was right in the center of the search; poster hanging, conferences, church services, and so forth, relishing in the sorrow and anguish of the community. It nourished his memory, stimulated him. This rabid blemish on society will soon be behind bars, and will quickly be forgotten as he rots away. In parallel, Delphi will recover; the flowers will bloom and the children will play in the new ballpark.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Oh I'm sure he does. And that's why he is going to slip up, and he will be arrested. These cowards are their own worse enemies. I'm sure he was right in the center of the search; poster hanging, conferences, church services, and so forth, relishing in the sorrow and anguish of the community. It nourished his memory, stimulated him. This rabid blemish on society will soon be behind bars, and will quickly be forgotten as he rots away. In parallel, Delphi will recover; the flowers will bloom and the children will play in the new ballpark.

Amateur opinion and speculation
There are many cases where the killer is right there in the community. While I believe it is still possible, I also believe this case is one where there is the possibility of the killer being 100 miles, 200 miles or more from Delphi right now. And that is because of the publicity. He can turn on CNN, morning shows on the main networks, other cable networks and follow news articles on the internet. If he does get off on what this has done, he can do it from the living room of an apartment in Indianapolis, Chicago or Louisville. While I like ISP's approach to the press conference, I believe he 'signed in' from his favorite chair far away.

Of course, if this is not solved over the next year or so and LE cuts back and the publicity dies down what is this bottom dweller of society going to do? Maybe he will screw up like BTK did.
I can’t believe we’re on thread #107.

Remember how we couldn’t believe LG had an actual photo of BG?

Remember how we all thought this case would get solved quickly? :(

Sigh :( I really thought it would be a slam dunk case with the video picture and voice Libby captured. Here we are almost 2 1/2 yrs later and #107 Threads. :(
I'm still coming back to the question some have stated: Why cross the creek?

If murder was his objective from the beginning he could have taken them east along the creek and killed them there rather than crossing. Did Abigail and Liberty make an attempt to run and he caught them on the other side? Did he know he could walk out through the cemetery or to the west of the cemetery, bypassing the trail, to get back to his car? Did he figure that searchers would concentrate on the trail or to the immediate sides of the trail and putting them there it would buy him time to leave the area?

Whatever he did, he didn't appear to waste much time. Liberty's father called her not long after this began (30-45 minutes) and Liberty didn't answer.

BBM-- I think he wanted the S end of bridge due to cemetery exit but the girls made a run for it which put him to the other side of the creek, yet still on side with cemetery.
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