Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #117

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I am THANKFUL you all are still here beating the drum for Abby & Libby.
I will be especially THANKFUL if TODAY might be THE DAY.

I am very grateful to all of you for keeping the thread going and for not giving up on Abigail and Liberty’s case.

It makes me furious to think this monster is possibly enjoying Thanksgiving with his family today when Abigail and Liberty are missing from their families tables. Hopefully this will be his last as a free coward.
I am very grateful to all of you for keeping the thread going and for not giving up on Abigail and Liberty’s case.

It makes me furious to think this monster is possibly enjoying Thanksgiving with his family today when Abigail and Liberty are missing from their families tables. Hopefully this will be his last as a free coward.

I, too, would like to pause for a moment to express my gratitude to each and every person who comes to this thread day after day. Whether you just come to read, participate in discussions, or conduct hours of research, you are an important piece in finding justice for Abby and Libby.

There is no group of loving, caring, and dedicated people I would rather spend my free time with. I know we are all hoping TODAY IS THE DAY! Looking forward to celebrating with all of you when we see ARREST at the top of the page!!!
He planned this part out, too. Time of year where the sun will set in early evening, and besides by then in that gorge it would be dark before sunset, below the lay of the surrounding countryside. Everything lined up for BG, and I'm convinced he was banking on the girls not being found until late evening or the following day. He had this all planned out.

Which tells me he's been there before, maybe many times.


“There’s a Reason for the Seasons.”

- @Foxfire



Jumping off this, you’ve got me thinking now about season, more specifically, time of day, as related to other possible crimes.



I wonder if one can search MAP by time of day...

Murder Accountability Project


What the heck?

Murder Accountability Project: MAP sues FBI (and others) for failure to report thousands of homicides
Thursday, August 15, 2019

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Index of all discussion threads to date, 1-117.

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•Dear Mods,
Can you please copy the above index over to the new thread when it is created? Thanks in advance. Reporting this post.

•Also, note to all, that this index appears in the media thread on page 41 for quick reference.
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“There’s a Reason for the Seasons.”

- @Foxfire



Jumping off this, you’ve got me thinking now about season, more specifically, time of day, as related to other possible crimes.



I wonder if one can search MAP by time of day...

Murder Accountability Project


What the heck?

Murder Accountability Project: MAP sues FBI (and others) for failure to report thousands of homicides
Thursday, August 15, 2019


Aspects relate to the time of year made things easier for BG, the sun, the level of Deer Creek, and the early sunset are aspects I believe he planned to use to his advantage.

The girls were found almost 24 hours later. This is a pretty small area along the creek, where this happened.

Where is all this talk of someone keen on blades coming from? Are those who talk of this referring to someone who has been buying, collecting, or selling blades online?

I posted my OPINION about someone being obsessed with EDGED weaponry, based on study of other crimes, my opinion of the age of the perp, his manner of walking, and my thoughts as to the rapidity of the crime, lack of gunshots heard, my guess as to causes of death and possible posing of the poor victims based on LE remarks. I am not talking about any specific individuals.
Aspects relate to the time of year made things easier for BG, the sun, the level of Deer Creek, and the early sunset are aspects I believe he planned to use to his advantage.

The girls were found almost 24 hours later. This is a pretty small area along the creek, where this happened.


I was just thinking along a line of premeditation.
The girls were in fact found on Valentine's Day, perhaps the killer was giving someone in one of the families a horror valentine. Revenge for rejection or other related motive.
Index of all discussion threads to date, 1-117.

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•Dear Mods,
Can you please copy the above index over to the new thread when it is created? Thanks in advance. Reporting this post.

•Also, note to all, that this index appears in the media thread on page 41 for quick reference.

Thank you for doing this margarita25 you are very helpful and kind. I can’t believe we have reached this number of threads without an arrest. In the first week I remember frantically refreshing here thinking an arrest was imminent.
I assembled a detailed profile utilizing published LE facts about the case in MSM, the available evidence, and public information. While this is simply conjecture my methodology is based on: personal experience, psychology/sociology, physiology, and Occam's Razor.
Libby and Abby

Profile Based On Facebook:
Normal teenage girl, appropriate number of friends.
LG: Approx 500 friends, mix from expected age to older adults. Older adults could be a mix of family, church members, and other adult friends. Possibly sibling or online friends. Multiple men in there in their 20's, several who are smoking or engaging with drug praphinilla. Of not a 20 something year old male embracing a teenage female who has noticable eyrthemia below one eye. Another is a profile that is totally written in Turkish.

LG, AW Synopsis:

The Facebook profile of LG along with the knowledge that she had a difficult family life adds a wrinkle that should be explored further. I believe if it safe to assume that LG had the stronger, more outgoing personality of the pair.

Was there previous deviance? Drug behavior? Previous attempts to run away? This is reinforced by the initial police response, the police responded advised foul play not suspected, suspended search due to weather at night believing girls were not a risk. Why would they do this? Overall the nature preserve is not overly big for a general grid search and first responders would never have suspended the search given the cold weather if they believed the girls were simply lost in the woods or in danger. There would have been helicopter support, dog searches, community calls to action. The only reason LE would have suspended the search would have been a reasonable belief that girls have previously or had the potential to runaway or be involved with something else.

Analysis of BG
The Walk: Watching BG walk, I do not believe this was a drifter or homeless individual. I believe he was a local, possibly someone who grew up in the area. He knew the trail system enough to find the bridge and know that he would be able to walk on the bridge despite technically not being open to pedestrian traffic. Also, he seemed to know the terrain enough to get the girls away from the main path and in a more isolated part of the creek.

His shuffle is most likely deliberate steps. Remember, the girls are young, agile, athletic, and experienced walking on this bridge. He is older, less balanced, and possibly nervous of the condition of the timber beams. MSM notes that the bridge is in poor condition and not updated for pedestrians. Note that there are gabs between the cross ties of this bridge. I do not suspect concealed items in the leg or a walking condition. He knows of the bridge, but he's not a frequent visitor.

He is walking forward leaning but authoritatively. He keeps his hands mostly visible but in hoodie pockets. Possibility indicating that he is putting up a stern front, but keeping focus in his mind without coming across as overly observant or closed. His walk is reminiscent of a LE officer, paramedic, security guard, Air Force, or teacher.

The Clothing: This is someone not employed in the trades. The clothing is dated but in not extreme wear condition. Also, he was wearing a hoodie layered under a windbreaker. Someone in trade or used to being (living or sportsman) outside would have more likely worn some of the newer clothing for working in cold weather (i.e. Carhart, hide coat, insulated work coat). This is someone with casual exposure to being outside during the cold, possibly originally from a warm climate. Also, the jean and layer fashion indicates someone who possibly was a teenager in the early to mid 2000's. It is someone who is not engaged with fashion or updates styles frequently. I believe the cleaner shave with scruffy hair reinforces previous fashions for that age cohort.

The Voice: This is someone who has worked with kids before. Also, the direct firmness in voice makes me think youth groups and/or security crowd control. The tone is similar to how those who work with kids communicate directness without yelling. "Guys, Down The Hill", there is not enough to context to say with any certain, but to me it sounds like he is trying to get their attention. Like they were searching for something and he said something like "Guys, Over Here, Down The Hill"

BG Synopsis: This is someone who is local and reserved. He is not a direct leader, but leadership adjacent. He is someone who works a lot behind the scenes and does the grunt work of something more public. I believe he has been around a strong leader his whole life (i.e. LE officer, teacher, religious leader). He is someone who is emulating what he grew up around, but is not quite measuring up or found his own identity. Possibly JROTC in high school. In other words, he's following huge footsteps and high expectations. This is why he wants control, it's a form of over-correcting to gain approval of himself or family. The direct LE snubs as his cowardice is to get him rattled and pissed off, this is someone who may have had an honor code at sometime. He has experience working with children either directly or indirectly. The fact that LE is making religious appeals makes me think he is the son of a popular religious minister, has an overtly religious family member, and/or has worked with church youth.

Case Synopsis
BG is likely connected in the community, multiple people and subservient family members are covering for him to protect a more prominent family member. This is possibly a small, very close knit family. Perhaps they are providing a false alibi. The religious appeals are to get one of these family members to break rank.

Since it does not appear that the girls tried to run at first contact or call 911, there is reason to believe that this person was known or was expected to be at the park by one of the girls.

LE possibly believed that the girls were capable of something such as running away or deviance, which led them to sit on the initial investigation. Their conduct of the search and belief that the girls were not at risk despite them being last seen in the park and missed a well established pick up time adds to my belief.

LE likely has a primary suspect, but do not have enough evidence beyond reasonable doubt to bring charges. Possibly they do not have PC for a search warrant. Their reluctance to release evidence means they are holding as much back in the hope that BG will tell the real details to someone else who will connect him to the case. It also adds leverage for making deals with any snitches. This would be their only direct evidence in the case. It's also possible that the individual is the son of a preacher or LE and they want to be absolutely certain who he is before tearing the small town apart with a false accusation of a well connected person. Unfortunately, he will have to harm again and be caught before his family breaks rank.


A) The girls were walking, encountered BG on the trail or bridge who followed and attacked them randomly.

B) The girls encountered BG, who is known to them, interacted with him. Later possibly insulted him or someone started some other confrontation that escalated.

C) One of the girls engaged with him online and set up a meeting, possibly catfished him or did something similar like "To Catch A Predator". This would explain the forethought to record secretly, but also why the girls didn't run or call for help despite having a cell phone.

E) He catfished one of the girls and set up a meeting and maybe didn't expect the friend to come along. Situation escalated

E) Drug connection to the girls or family member

About Me:
I was a counter-intelligence profiler at one time. I then went into a career where I conducted multiple suicide and homicide interventions. Often I would have nothing more than a fake SM account to track individuals. I am now a health care professional.
See LINK below.

I subscribed to this MSM news channel while watching the very fascinating Pistorius trial.
I so happened to see this news clip which includes some unusual & interesting hats.

The one to our far R caught my eye. Do avid hunters oft make hats of the furs of their kills, as trophies or to boast/brag/intimidate others by openly displaying results of their hunting prowess?

I sometimes wonder if BG hung out in a tree stand surveilling the girls. Could he have sniped them or hit one with an arrow to stall them at the end of bridge before he approached?

SEE unusual HAT to far R in link above. (Not to mention startling hat on head of interviewee !)
Welcome to Websleuths. I like your profile a lot.
Which theory are you leaning toward?

I assembled a detailed profile utilizing published LE facts about the case in MSM, the available evidence, and public information. While this is simply conjecture my methodology is based on: personal experience, psychology/sociology, physiology, and Occam's Razor.
Libby and Abby

Profile Based On Facebook:
Normal teenage girl, appropriate number of friends.
LG: Approx 500 friends, mix from expected age to older adults. Older adults could be a mix of family, church members, and other adult friends. Possibly sibling or online friends. Multiple men in there in their 20's, several who are smoking or engaging with drug praphinilla. Of not a 20 something year old male embracing a teenage female who has noticable eyrthemia below one eye. Another is a profile that is totally written in Turkish.

LG, AW Synopsis:

The Facebook profile of LG along with the knowledge that she had a difficult family life adds a wrinkle that should be explored further. I believe if it safe to assume that LG had the stronger, more outgoing personality of the pair.

Was there previous deviance? Drug behavior? Previous attempts to run away? This is reinforced by the initial police response, the police responded advised foul play not suspected, suspended search due to weather at night believing girls were not a risk. Why would they do this? Overall the nature preserve is not overly big for a general grid search and first responders would never have suspended the search given the cold weather if they believed the girls were simply lost in the woods or in danger. There would have been helicopter support, dog searches, community calls to action. The only reason LE would have suspended the search would have been a reasonable belief that girls have previously or had the potential to runaway or be involved with something else.

Analysis of BG
The Walk: Watching BG walk, I do not believe this was a drifter or homeless individual. I believe he was a local, possibly someone who grew up in the area. He knew the trail system enough to find the bridge and know that he would be able to walk on the bridge despite technically not being open to pedestrian traffic. Also, he seemed to know the terrain enough to get the girls away from the main path and in a more isolated part of the creek.

His shuffle is most likely deliberate steps. Remember, the girls are young, agile, athletic, and experienced walking on this bridge. He is older, less balanced, and possibly nervous of the condition of the timber beams. MSM notes that the bridge is in poor condition and not updated for pedestrians. Note that there are gabs between the cross ties of this bridge. I do not suspect concealed items in the leg or a walking condition. He knows of the bridge, but he's not a frequent visitor.

He is walking forward leaning but authoritatively. He keeps his hands mostly visible but in hoodie pockets. Possibility indicating that he is putting up a stern front, but keeping focus in his mind without coming across as overly observant or closed. His walk is reminiscent of a LE officer, paramedic, security guard, Air Force, or teacher.

The Clothing: This is someone not employed in the trades. The clothing is dated but in not extreme wear condition. Also, he was wearing a hoodie layered under a windbreaker. Someone in trade or used to being (living or sportsman) outside would have more likely worn some of the newer clothing for working in cold weather (i.e. Carhart, hide coat, insulated work coat). This is someone with casual exposure to being outside during the cold, possibly originally from a warm climate. Also, the jean and layer fashion indicates someone who possibly was a teenager in the early to mid 2000's. It is someone who is not engaged with fashion or updates styles frequently. I believe the cleaner shave with scruffy hair reinforces previous fashions for that age cohort.

The Voice: This is someone who has worked with kids before. Also, the direct firmness in voice makes me think youth groups and/or security crowd control. The tone is similar to how those who work with kids communicate directness without yelling. "Guys, Down The Hill", there is not enough to context to say with any certain, but to me it sounds like he is trying to get their attention. Like they were searching for something and he said something like "Guys, Over Here, Down The Hill"

BG Synopsis: This is someone who is local and reserved. He is not a direct leader, but leadership adjacent. He is someone who works a lot behind the scenes and does the grunt work of something more public. I believe he has been around a strong leader his whole life (i.e. LE officer, teacher, religious leader). He is someone who is emulating what he grew up around, but is not quite measuring up or found his own identity. Possibly JROTC in high school. In other words, he's following huge footsteps and high expectations. This is why he wants control, it's a form of over-correcting to gain approval of himself or family. The direct LE snubs as his cowardice is to get him rattled and pissed off, this is someone who may have had an honor code at sometime. He has experience working with children either directly or indirectly. The fact that LE is making religious appeals makes me think he is the son of a popular religious minister, has an overtly religious family member, and/or has worked with church youth.

Case Synopsis
BG is likely connected in the community, multiple people and subservient family members are covering for him to protect a more prominent family member. This is possibly a small, very close knit family. Perhaps they are providing a false alibi. The religious appeals are to get one of these family members to break rank.

Since it does not appear that the girls tried to run at first contact or call 911, there is reason to believe that this person was known or was expected to be at the park by one of the girls.

LE possibly believed that the girls were capable of something such as running away or deviance, which led them to sit on the initial investigation. Their conduct of the search and belief that the girls were not at risk despite them being last seen in the park and missed a well established pick up time adds to my belief.

LE likely has a primary suspect, but do not have enough evidence beyond reasonable doubt to bring charges. Possibly they do not have PC for a search warrant. Their reluctance to release evidence means they are holding as much back in the hope that BG will tell the real details to someone else who will connect him to the case. It also adds leverage for making deals with any snitches. This would be their only direct evidence in the case. It's also possible that the individual is the son of a preacher or LE and they want to be absolutely certain who he is before tearing the small town apart with a false accusation of a well connected person. Unfortunately, he will have to harm again and be caught before his family breaks rank.


A) The girls were walking, encountered BG on the trail or bridge who followed and attacked them randomly.

B) The girls encountered BG, who is known to them, interacted with him. Later possibly insulted him or someone started some other confrontation that escalated.

C) One of the girls engaged with him online and set up a meeting, possibly catfished him or did something similar like "To Catch A Predator". This would explain the forethought to record secretly, but also why the girls didn't run or call for help despite having a cell phone.

E) He catfished one of the girls and set up a meeting and maybe didn't expect the friend to come along. Situation escalated

E) Drug connection to the girls or family member

About Me:
I was a counter-intelligence profiler at one time. I then went into a career where I conducted multiple suicide and homicide interventions. Often I would have nothing more than a fake SM account to track individuals. I am now a health care professional.
Do avid hunters oft make hats of the furs of their kills,

I threw this theory out there several pages back, as I thought when I looked at BG's picture zoomed in on my computer he may have had a hat on that was made out of a fox skin, or some other type of small know, Davy Crocket and Daniel Boone style.

I think LE has a boatload of evidence.
I think LE knows who the killer(s) are.
I think LE knows who NBG is. They would almost have to, in order to state that he is the man responsible for the murders. There is a possibility they do NOT know who NBG is, but have definitive evidence that he committed the murders.

What LE is seeking, IMO, is to guarantee conviction in a jury trial.

What LE wants, IMO, is for that person who KNOWS who the killer(s) are, to step up, get the guts to come forward, and do the right thing.....meaning, testify in court.

IMO, for that person to do so, to come to LE with what he/she knows, is likely terrifying, as these idiots have committed a heinous crime, and that person is/would be in fear for their own life.
ISP says BG "is the man responsible for the murders".
ISP says new audio, video and sketch shows Delphi killer
Thank you for reminding us. Some people continue to suggest that there were two perps even though there is no evidence whatsoever for that position. One of their arguments amounts to looking for hidden meanings implying two perps in LE's language, so it's good to see a clear statement from LE that NBG is "the man responsible for the murders."
I assembled a detailed profile utilizing published LE facts about the case in MSM, the available evidence, and public information. While this is simply conjecture my methodology is based on: personal experience, psychology/sociology, physiology, and Occam's Razor.
Libby and Abby

Profile Based On Facebook:
Normal teenage girl, appropriate number of friends.
LG: Approx 500 friends, mix from expected age to older adults. Older adults could be a mix of family, church members, and other adult friends. Possibly sibling or online friends. Multiple men in there in their 20's, several who are smoking or engaging with drug praphinilla. Of not a 20 something year old male embracing a teenage female who has noticable eyrthemia below one eye. Another is a profile that is totally written in Turkish.

LG, AW Synopsis:

The Facebook profile of LG along with the knowledge that she had a difficult family life adds a wrinkle that should be explored further. I believe if it safe to assume that LG had the stronger, more outgoing personality of the pair.

Was there previous deviance? Drug behavior? Previous attempts to run away? This is reinforced by the initial police response, the police responded advised foul play not suspected, suspended search due to weather at night believing girls were not a risk. Why would they do this? Overall the nature preserve is not overly big for a general grid search and first responders would never have suspended the search given the cold weather if they believed the girls were simply lost in the woods or in danger. There would have been helicopter support, dog searches, community calls to action. The only reason LE would have suspended the search would have been a reasonable belief that girls have previously or had the potential to runaway or be involved with something else.

Analysis of BG
The Walk: Watching BG walk, I do not believe this was a drifter or homeless individual. I believe he was a local, possibly someone who grew up in the area. He knew the trail system enough to find the bridge and know that he would be able to walk on the bridge despite technically not being open to pedestrian traffic. Also, he seemed to know the terrain enough to get the girls away from the main path and in a more isolated part of the creek.

His shuffle is most likely deliberate steps. Remember, the girls are young, agile, athletic, and experienced walking on this bridge. He is older, less balanced, and possibly nervous of the condition of the timber beams. MSM notes that the bridge is in poor condition and not updated for pedestrians. Note that there are gabs between the cross ties of this bridge. I do not suspect concealed items in the leg or a walking condition. He knows of the bridge, but he's not a frequent visitor.

He is walking forward leaning but authoritatively. He keeps his hands mostly visible but in hoodie pockets. Possibility indicating that he is putting up a stern front, but keeping focus in his mind without coming across as overly observant or closed. His walk is reminiscent of a LE officer, paramedic, security guard, Air Force, or teacher.

The Clothing: This is someone not employed in the trades. The clothing is dated but in not extreme wear condition. Also, he was wearing a hoodie layered under a windbreaker. Someone in trade or used to being (living or sportsman) outside would have more likely worn some of the newer clothing for working in cold weather (i.e. Carhart, hide coat, insulated work coat). This is someone with casual exposure to being outside during the cold, possibly originally from a warm climate. Also, the jean and layer fashion indicates someone who possibly was a teenager in the early to mid 2000's. It is someone who is not engaged with fashion or updates styles frequently. I believe the cleaner shave with scruffy hair reinforces previous fashions for that age cohort.

The Voice: This is someone who has worked with kids before. Also, the direct firmness in voice makes me think youth groups and/or security crowd control. The tone is similar to how those who work with kids communicate directness without yelling. "Guys, Down The Hill", there is not enough to context to say with any certain, but to me it sounds like he is trying to get their attention. Like they were searching for something and he said something like "Guys, Over Here, Down The Hill"

BG Synopsis: This is someone who is local and reserved. He is not a direct leader, but leadership adjacent. He is someone who works a lot behind the scenes and does the grunt work of something more public. I believe he has been around a strong leader his whole life (i.e. LE officer, teacher, religious leader). He is someone who is emulating what he grew up around, but is not quite measuring up or found his own identity. Possibly JROTC in high school. In other words, he's following huge footsteps and high expectations. This is why he wants control, it's a form of over-correcting to gain approval of himself or family. The direct LE snubs as his cowardice is to get him rattled and pissed off, this is someone who may have had an honor code at sometime. He has experience working with children either directly or indirectly. The fact that LE is making religious appeals makes me think he is the son of a popular religious minister, has an overtly religious family member, and/or has worked with church youth.

Case Synopsis
BG is likely connected in the community, multiple people and subservient family members are covering for him to protect a more prominent family member. This is possibly a small, very close knit family. Perhaps they are providing a false alibi. The religious appeals are to get one of these family members to break rank.

Since it does not appear that the girls tried to run at first contact or call 911, there is reason to believe that this person was known or was expected to be at the park by one of the girls.

LE possibly believed that the girls were capable of something such as running away or deviance, which led them to sit on the initial investigation. Their conduct of the search and belief that the girls were not at risk despite them being last seen in the park and missed a well established pick up time adds to my belief.

LE likely has a primary suspect, but do not have enough evidence beyond reasonable doubt to bring charges. Possibly they do not have PC for a search warrant. Their reluctance to release evidence means they are holding as much back in the hope that BG will tell the real details to someone else who will connect him to the case. It also adds leverage for making deals with any snitches. This would be their only direct evidence in the case. It's also possible that the individual is the son of a preacher or LE and they want to be absolutely certain who he is before tearing the small town apart with a false accusation of a well connected person. Unfortunately, he will have to harm again and be caught before his family breaks rank.


A) The girls were walking, encountered BG on the trail or bridge who followed and attacked them randomly.

B) The girls encountered BG, who is known to them, interacted with him. Later possibly insulted him or someone started some other confrontation that escalated.

C) One of the girls engaged with him online and set up a meeting, possibly catfished him or did something similar like "To Catch A Predator". This would explain the forethought to record secretly, but also why the girls didn't run or call for help despite having a cell phone.

E) He catfished one of the girls and set up a meeting and maybe didn't expect the friend to come along. Situation escalated

E) Drug connection to the girls or family member

About Me:
I was a counter-intelligence profiler at one time. I then went into a career where I conducted multiple suicide and homicide interventions. Often I would have nothing more than a fake SM account to track individuals. I am now a health care professional.

About Libby. She probably went through difficult times when growing up. She was outgoing and, as I suspect, very emotional. It probably played a protective role in the Monon bridge situation (I can only imagine how she was fighting for her life), but it could have played a negative role in her life, too, as I can imagine her at times being prone to irritability. She comes across as a complicated, gregarious, personality, but at this, very smart (one of the parents must have been a good student, academically; maybe both).

I can tell that having a friend with the profile written in Turkish is not surprising. I am a member of the whole group that posts in Turkish (why? great photos! Have you ever been to Turkey? Amazing archeology). With Google Translate one can easily translate from Turkish. Also, what having friends of all ages and different social strata tell us about a 14-year-old girl? Only that she is curious and likes to experiment. She’d probably have grown into a person that would have experimented with many different things, friends, and relationships. But when she’d settle down, I do see her, in the role of a Superintendent, or a criminal profiler, or...she wanted to be a teacher, I read, but I think she’d grow from that position, maybe become a school principal. I feel that she had the future.

About BG. Agree with your assumption about his age.

I am trying to remember who did I last see with somewhat of an odd gait (it is asymmetrical, too - he makes a strange movement with the right leg).

I think it is pronating gait. Sometimes you see it in people on the spectrum, sometimes, it is random.

I can only guess but I think he has a psychiatric diagnosis, and a complicated one at this.

BG is likely connected in the community, multiple people and subservient family members are covering for him to protect a more prominent family member. This is possibly a small, very close knit family.

Here is my opinion. Having a relative that is a criminal does not cast a negative light on a prominent person. Political or sexual scandal? - No way can anyone survive it (and things will be dug out, for sure, even if it happened 20 years ago). Brother a killer? - Happens.

But covering up for a killer eventually will end up in a bigger scandal. The family has to drop BG like hot potato, to save themselves.


A question to you. Do you think the suspect was offered a polygraph test, and refused it?
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See LINK below.

I subscribed to this MSM news channel while watching the very fascinating Pistorius trial.
I so happened to see this news clip which includes some unusual & interesting hats.

The one to our far R caught my eye. Do avid hunters oft make hats of the furs of their kills, as trophies or to boast/brag/intimidate others by openly displaying results of their hunting prowess?

I sometimes wonder if BG hung out in a tree stand surveilling the girls. Could he have sniped them or hit one with an arrow to stall them at the end of bridge before he approached?

SEE unusual HAT to far R in link above. (Not to mention startling hat on head of interviewee !)

Not one of the Indiana hunters I know has an animal hat.
I assembled a detailed profile utilizing published LE facts about the case in MSM, the available evidence, and public information. While this is simply conjecture my methodology is based on: personal experience, psychology/sociology, physiology, and Occam's Razor.
Libby and Abby

Profile Based On Facebook:
Normal teenage girl, appropriate number of friends.
LG: Approx 500 friends, mix from expected age to older adults. Older adults could be a mix of family, church members, and other adult friends. Possibly sibling or online friends. Multiple men in there in their 20's, several who are smoking or engaging with drug praphinilla. Of not a 20 something year old male embracing a teenage female who has noticable eyrthemia below one eye. Another is a profile that is totally written in Turkish.

LG, AW Synopsis:

The Facebook profile of LG along with the knowledge that she had a difficult family life adds a wrinkle that should be explored further. I believe if it safe to assume that LG had the stronger, more outgoing personality of the pair.

Was there previous deviance? Drug behavior? Previous attempts to run away? This is reinforced by the initial police response, the police responded advised foul play not suspected, suspended search due to weather at night believing girls were not a risk. Why would they do this? Overall the nature preserve is not overly big for a general grid search and first responders would never have suspended the search given the cold weather if they believed the girls were simply lost in the woods or in danger. There would have been helicopter support, dog searches, community calls to action. The only reason LE would have suspended the search would have been a reasonable belief that girls have previously or had the potential to runaway or be involved with something else.

Analysis of BG
The Walk: Watching BG walk, I do not believe this was a drifter or homeless individual. I believe he was a local, possibly someone who grew up in the area. He knew the trail system enough to find the bridge and know that he would be able to walk on the bridge despite technically not being open to pedestrian traffic. Also, he seemed to know the terrain enough to get the girls away from the main path and in a more isolated part of the creek.

His shuffle is most likely deliberate steps. Remember, the girls are young, agile, athletic, and experienced walking on this bridge. He is older, less balanced, and possibly nervous of the condition of the timber beams. MSM notes that the bridge is in poor condition and not updated for pedestrians. Note that there are gabs between the cross ties of this bridge. I do not suspect concealed items in the leg or a walking condition. He knows of the bridge, but he's not a frequent visitor.

He is walking forward leaning but authoritatively. He keeps his hands mostly visible but in hoodie pockets. Possibility indicating that he is putting up a stern front, but keeping focus in his mind without coming across as overly observant or closed. His walk is reminiscent of a LE officer, paramedic, security guard, Air Force, or teacher.

The Clothing: This is someone not employed in the trades. The clothing is dated but in not extreme wear condition. Also, he was wearing a hoodie layered under a windbreaker. Someone in trade or used to being (living or sportsman) outside would have more likely worn some of the newer clothing for working in cold weather (i.e. Carhart, hide coat, insulated work coat). This is someone with casual exposure to being outside during the cold, possibly originally from a warm climate. Also, the jean and layer fashion indicates someone who possibly was a teenager in the early to mid 2000's. It is someone who is not engaged with fashion or updates styles frequently. I believe the cleaner shave with scruffy hair reinforces previous fashions for that age cohort.

The Voice: This is someone who has worked with kids before. Also, the direct firmness in voice makes me think youth groups and/or security crowd control. The tone is similar to how those who work with kids communicate directness without yelling. "Guys, Down The Hill", there is not enough to context to say with any certain, but to me it sounds like he is trying to get their attention. Like they were searching for something and he said something like "Guys, Over Here, Down The Hill"

BG Synopsis: This is someone who is local and reserved. He is not a direct leader, but leadership adjacent. He is someone who works a lot behind the scenes and does the grunt work of something more public. I believe he has been around a strong leader his whole life (i.e. LE officer, teacher, religious leader). He is someone who is emulating what he grew up around, but is not quite measuring up or found his own identity. Possibly JROTC in high school. In other words, he's following huge footsteps and high expectations. This is why he wants control, it's a form of over-correcting to gain approval of himself or family. The direct LE snubs as his cowardice is to get him rattled and pissed off, this is someone who may have had an honor code at sometime. He has experience working with children either directly or indirectly. The fact that LE is making religious appeals makes me think he is the son of a popular religious minister, has an overtly religious family member, and/or has worked with church youth.

Case Synopsis
BG is likely connected in the community, multiple people and subservient family members are covering for him to protect a more prominent family member. This is possibly a small, very close knit family. Perhaps they are providing a false alibi. The religious appeals are to get one of these family members to break rank.

Since it does not appear that the girls tried to run at first contact or call 911, there is reason to believe that this person was known or was expected to be at the park by one of the girls.

LE possibly believed that the girls were capable of something such as running away or deviance, which led them to sit on the initial investigation. Their conduct of the search and belief that the girls were not at risk despite them being last seen in the park and missed a well established pick up time adds to my belief.

LE likely has a primary suspect, but do not have enough evidence beyond reasonable doubt to bring charges. Possibly they do not have PC for a search warrant. Their reluctance to release evidence means they are holding as much back in the hope that BG will tell the real details to someone else who will connect him to the case. It also adds leverage for making deals with any snitches. This would be their only direct evidence in the case. It's also possible that the individual is the son of a preacher or LE and they want to be absolutely certain who he is before tearing the small town apart with a false accusation of a well connected person. Unfortunately, he will have to harm again and be caught before his family breaks rank.


A) The girls were walking, encountered BG on the trail or bridge who followed and attacked them randomly.

B) The girls encountered BG, who is known to them, interacted with him. Later possibly insulted him or someone started some other confrontation that escalated.

C) One of the girls engaged with him online and set up a meeting, possibly catfished him or did something similar like "To Catch A Predator". This would explain the forethought to record secretly, but also why the girls didn't run or call for help despite having a cell phone.

E) He catfished one of the girls and set up a meeting and maybe didn't expect the friend to come along. Situation escalated

E) Drug connection to the girls or family member

About Me:
I was a counter-intelligence profiler at one time. I then went into a career where I conducted multiple suicide and homicide interventions. Often I would have nothing more than a fake SM account to track individuals. I am now a health care professional.
Do you think that BG would have worn his own clothes? You mentioned that he could be the son of a preacher. Don't churches sometimes receive clothing donations? The evidence tells me that the crime was planned but that the victims were random. BG used the bridge as a trap. Just like a spider might ignore ants that weren't to taste or junebugs that were too big, BG ignored several potential victims; he waited until one or two just-right flies were in his web, and then he pounced.
It occurred to me that he might try to avoid being recognized by wearing clothes that weren't his own. Some people think that the white line on BG's boots matches the line on the boots worn by workers at the meat plant; boots like those could have been come from a donation bin as well.
Similarly, I wonder about the post referring to numchuks (not sure I've spelled that right). What are they used for? Are they commonly used? Why do you think these are relevent here or is this just a total guess on someone's part?

They are used in the martial arts to increase hand co-ordination, among other things. They can also be used as a weapon, including self defense if needed. Two pieces of wood or metal, connected together at one end by a short length of rope or metal chain. Bruce Lee popularized them decades ago.
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