Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #123

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Why would putting the sketch and video still together on a poster suggest that LE had identified BG? I don't follow that logic at all. If LE had identified BG, they wouldn't have needed to release another sketch. The second sketch being paired with the video means that LE has a credible eyewitness and that LE believes that the person seen by the eyewitness was actually BG (perhaps based on the witnesses's description of the clothing).

I thought it gave the impression to me that LE had identified this bridge guy. It was my opinion. Opinions are not always based on logic. If everything had to be based on logic no detective would ever follow a hunch. Police have opinions just like everyone else. Sometimes they are right. Sometime they are wrong. If that weren't the case, innocent people would not be in prison.

One of the more interesting things regarding this case was a Crime Con panel in Nashville, TN where the families talked about sketches and comparisons to the sketches. They said they regularly still get people that come up to them thinking the case was solved because of a suspect arrested in Colorado for a different crime. They have to remind people whether it is that suspect or another suspect, the case has not been solved. Impressions can sometimes be lasting, whether we are talking about a sketch or a person even if the person is guilty or not.

The lasting impression I took away from the second press conference is that police are confident the suspect they are looking for is 18-40, local to Delphi or the surrounding area, and looks somewhat similar to the second sketch they released. It is not based on any logical argument since I do not know what LE knows about their eyewitness. The person on the bridge has not been found. We can only logically debate whether LE is correct or not about their sketches when the person who murdered Abigail Williams and Liberty German is found.
Sketches are more like a BOLO type thing, its another tool to help solve a crime, or identify a potential suspect.

In this case, we have video of "Someone" who may or may not be involved in the girls murder. but other than what hes possibly wearing on his body , his face is totally skewed.

The initial sketch and the secondary sketch look nothing alike , I think in this case, it hurts the investigation because, which one are we looking for ?

IMO they released, info WAY too slowly, they took too long to let info out there, they shouldve released that video as son as they had it, audio the same, they should reveal the manner of death as well that may spark someones memory as to what may have happpened

Small things can be kept out of the public light , but all we know is this

2 girls went into the woods, both were murdered, a video and audio recording of a man were on Libbys phone

Thats IT!

I will say this again, SOMEONE out there knows who did this they are just refusing to say anythig or theyre not putting 2 and 2 together because so little is known about the murders.

If they released lets say manner of death that may helpsomeone remember something "oh yeah I saw my neighbor with blood on his clothes but he said he hit a deer" kinda thing

I know you have to weed stuff out but the more you give the public to think about the more helpful it is

During the April 2019 press conference Supt. Carter said: To the killer, who may be in this room..

I thought that was strange. According to a news report I heard later, LE asked everyone to sign in to the press conference. Why would LE think the killer would sign in to a press conference about his crime?

I thought maybe there were two reasons for asking everyone to sign in:

1. They wanted to see if anyone would write down a fake name.
2. They wanted to examine the handwriting on the sign-in sheet. But unless the killer left a note at the crime scene they would have nothing to compare it to. Since left-handed writers tend to have a unique slant to their writing, I thought maybe they were looking for people who attended the press conference that were left-handed.

But I cannot prove any of this with any sort of logical argument.
During the April 2019 press conference Supt. Carter said: To the killer, who may be in this room..

I thought that was strange. According to a news report I heard later, LE asked everyone to sign in to the press conference. Why would LE think the killer would sign in to a press conference about his crime?

I thought maybe there were two reasons for asking everyone to sign in:

1. They wanted to see if anyone would write down a fake name.
2. They wanted to examine the handwriting on the sign-in sheet. But unless the killer left a note at the crime scene they would have nothing to compare it to. Since left-handed writers tend to have a unique slant to their writing, I thought maybe they were looking for people who attended the press conference that were left-handed.

But I cannot prove any of this with any sort of logical argument.
I'd be equally interested in who *left* the press conference once they determined they would have to sign in. In every search and recovery effort I have participated in, we have been required to show ID.

Amateur opinion and speculation
During the April 2019 press conference Supt. Carter said: To the killer, who may be in this room..

I thought that was strange. According to a news report I heard later, LE asked everyone to sign in to the press conference. Why would LE think the killer would sign in to a press conference about his crime?

I thought maybe there were two reasons for asking everyone to sign in:

1. They wanted to see if anyone would write down a fake name.
2. They wanted to examine the handwriting on the sign-in sheet. But unless the killer left a note at the crime scene they would have nothing to compare it to. Since left-handed writers tend to have a unique slant to their writing, I thought maybe they were looking for people who attended the press conference that were left-handed.

But I cannot prove any of this with any sort of logical argument.

Hope you are right.
MOO. ISP called in GBI to help and GBI resurfaced that 2/17/17 sketch from early days in the investigation.

What about a dark SUV with decals?
That SUV would have been found or been reported as a neighbor having one very quickly.
I agree about the suv and that points toward a SK and possibly why all the billboards went up nationwide with BG’s picture and description.
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I'd be equally interested in who *left* the press conference once they determined they would have to sign in. In every search and recovery effort I have participated in, we have been required to show ID.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Hope you are right.

I do not know if I am right about anything. It is a guess that LE is looking for someone left-handed. I sent in a tip about a truck driver 5 times over 3 years until I figured that was enough. I could not be sure if the truck driver I saw was left-handed. But even I realize any theory about a truck driver has a serious problem.

If the killer arrived in a vehicle, they probably had to leave in a vehicle. Semi-trucks tend to stick out because of how large they are. So where was this semi-truck parked? I thought maybe the pork factory but that looks like a long walk from the Monon High Bridge area.

So in a way it is understandable why LE seems so sure the man in the 2nd sketch is the killer if he is the only one who had access to transportation to leave the area and has yet to be identified. But after all this time, what happens if they never find this guy in the 2nd sketch and spend year after year after year waiting and looking? Or what happens if they do find him and it ends up he has nothing to do with the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German?

Then what do you do?
Sketches are more like a BOLO type thing, its another tool to help solve a crime, or identify a potential suspect.

In this case, we have video of "Someone" who may or may not be involved in the girls murder. but other than what hes possibly wearing on his body , his face is totally skewed.

The initial sketch and the secondary sketch look nothing alike , I think in this case, it hurts the investigation because, which one are we looking for ?

IMO they released, info WAY too slowly, they took too long to let info out there, they shouldve released that video as son as they had it, audio the same, they should reveal the manner of death as well that may spark someones memory as to what may have happpened

Small things can be kept out of the public light , but all we know is this

2 girls went into the woods, both were murdered, a video and audio recording of a man were on Libbys phone

Thats IT!

I will say this again, SOMEONE out there knows who did this they are just refusing to say anythig or theyre not putting 2 and 2 together because so little is known about the murders.

If they released lets say manner of death that may helpsomeone remember something "oh yeah I saw my neighbor with blood on his clothes but he said he hit a deer" kinda thing

I know you have to weed stuff out but the more you give the public to think about the more helpful it is
Thank you so much for your contribution here. I speak for others I’m sure! Your input is much appreciated.
I don’t know if this had been discussed but of all of the witnesses who described seeing BG on the trails, and those who Derrick German asked whether or not they had seen the girls, did any of the witnesses describe seeing the girls on the trails or the bridge at all?

I wonder how far ahead they were (assuming they were ahead of him) on the trails. If they had already seen a ‘creepy’ guy, as was said in an interview with Becky Patty, I wonder if they saw other people too. How close were the two encounters with BG and where do they fit in the timeline of the witnesses who also saw BG?
Who would they have been? The historical trails to rails guy wasn't there yet, nor the lady photographer. The couple under the bridge?
Possibly. However, the people you mentioned seem to have arrived after Abby and Libby. We don't know much (if anything) about the people who used the trail that day but left before anyone realized that Abby and Libby were missing. A number of people probably came forward and acknowledged having used the trail that day. The SUV with the decals may have been matched to one of them.
If LE thought that the SUV with decals was connected to BG, it stands to reason that it would have been mentioned. However, the only vehicle that's been mentioned is one that was parked in a different location (at the abandoned youth services building).
Has anyone tried standing in the same place Libby was filming, determined which beams he stood on and tried it for shoe-prints?
Shoe prints probably would have been obliterated by the searchers. Any shoe prints that survived the search-and-rescue effort would have been gone the first time it rained.
I don’t know if this had been discussed but of all of the witnesses who described seeing BG on the trails, and those who Derrick German asked whether or not they had seen the girls, did any of the witnesses describe seeing the girls on the trails or the bridge at all?

I wonder how far ahead they were (assuming they were ahead of him) on the trails. If they had already seen a ‘creepy’ guy, as was said in an interview with Becky Patty, I wonder if they saw other people too. How close were the two encounters with BG and where do they fit in the timeline of the witnesses who also saw BG?

My understanding is no witnesses who were there that day saw the girls.

LE believe witnesses saw BG.
Why do you think Kelsi chose now to reveal that?
IDK? Opportunity?

Hard for me to understand that the SUV with decals story pops up now after all this time.

Also, hard for me to understand why there has not been more discussion of this new article here? Weekend, maybe?

For me, it still seems like something is just not there is a big red light blinking.....
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