Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #143

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Here is JH's explanation of how the first sketch came to be.

Delphi Murders CrimeCon Interview Transcript - CrimeLights

You can ask the tough questions, I’ll answer them. Again, it takes a lot of time. I’m not a sketch artist. The FBI actually–an agent from the FBI–did the sketch. And you know, I think when somebody sketches it takes like, 10 minutes [shakes head ‘no’]. It takes several weeks. But to get the information, to find the people that we believe saw that person that day near the time of the murders, that takes months. So we had to locate these people, interview them, find out who they really saw. Did they really see the guy on the bridge from the video, or did they see Mike out there helping search, or did they see somebody else out there helping with the search? So we had to identify those people, and once we felt like we identified the people that actually saw the guy on the bridge, then the sketch itself took, again, several weeks. They sketched it, looked at it, “No…that’s not correct”. I will say that she still–[Clarification note: he quickly corrects his use of ‘she’ to ‘they’]—they, there’s a couple people— still aren’t convinced that’s the proper hat, but that’s the hat that the sketch artist could come up with as close to what the witnesses were describing. And I know the Superintendent [Doug Carter] said “Don’t focus on the sketch”, and we got a lot of calls on that. I think what he meant to say was…you know, where there’s four or five of us up here right now and if we pick somebody out of room right now and identify them to a sketch artist, there would be five different sketches. They’d have the similar features, as we believe this sketch has of the guy on the bridge, but they’d be a little different. So I think that what he meant is the person that did this heinous crime may not exactly look like that sketch. That’s what the person’s information and then the sketch artist had to take that information in and then put it on paper. So it’s not always going to be perfect, but we think that’s a really good sketch, and we think it’s really close to the person that we’re looking for on the bridge.
And in regards to the witnesses for the first sketch:

SGT. HOLEMAN: I don’t want to go into great detail, but they were near or on the trail. We have several sketches but we’ve identified some of the people that they sketched, one of them was Mike after when they were—[audience laughs, causing the sentence to be cut off]
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I don’t think we know for sure there was only one set of foot prints.

I can’t recall LE saying anything much about them, so that info seems to come from family/media/somewhere else.

Would volunteer searchers be able to determine how many people left the footprints? Maybe. Would LE have been able to tell if any may have been a contaminated footprint vs from A&L or BG? Maybe, if they got to them early enough in the investigation which is far from certain. A&L could have worn similar size shoes and even BG could have small feet if he’s towards the shorter end of the 5’6” range.

LG lost at least one shoe*, so if she was still self ambulating at that time (?), her prints would be distinctive and probably have distinctive scent because her foot would have been more in contact with the ground. IMO
*People Magazine Investigates: The Delphi Killer Recap - TV ... › 2021/04 › people-magazine-i...

Apr 12, 2021 — The girls weren't allowed there, but the search continued there anyway. Before long, a shoe was found, leading to the bodies of Abby and Libby ...
Here is JH's explanation of how the first sketch came to be.

Delphi Murders CrimeCon Interview Transcript - CrimeLights

You can ask the tough questions, I’ll answer them. Again, it takes a lot of time. I’m not a sketch artist. The FBI actually–an agent from the FBI–did the sketch. And you know, I think when somebody sketches it takes like, 10 minutes [shakes head ‘no’]. It takes several weeks. But to get the information, to find the people that we believe saw that person that day near the time of the murders, that takes months. So we had to locate these people, interview them, find out who they really saw. Did they really see the guy on the bridge from the video, or did they see Mike out there helping search, or did they see somebody else out there helping with the search? So we had to identify those people, and once we felt like we identified the people that actually saw the guy on the bridge, then the sketch itself took, again, several weeks. They sketched it, looked at it, “No…that’s not correct”. I will say that she still–[Clarification note: he quickly corrects his use of ‘she’ to ‘they’]—they, there’s a couple people— still aren’t convinced that’s the proper hat, but that’s the hat that the sketch artist could come up with as close to what the witnesses were describing. And I know the Superintendent [Doug Carter] said “Don’t focus on the sketch”, and we got a lot of calls on that. I think what he meant to say was…you know, where there’s four or five of us up here right now and if we pick somebody out of room right now and identify them to a sketch artist, there would be five different sketches. They’d have the similar features, as we believe this sketch has of the guy on the bridge, but they’d be a little different. So I think that what he meant is the person that did this heinous crime may not exactly look like that sketch. That’s what the person’s information and then the sketch artist had to take that information in and then put it on paper. So it’s not always going to be perfect, but we think that’s a really good sketch, and we think it’s really close to the person that we’re looking for on the bridge.
I remember that. 2018 CrimeCon. I had forgotten about it. Thanks.
People Magazine Investigates: The Delphi Killer Recap | TV Grapevine

Per this article: “the girls weren’t allowed there…”

And remember AW had said her kid was in trouble for having crossed the bridge before she knew the girls were murdered

So, have we considered why they crossed the bridge? Was it just them being kids doing what they weren’t allowed to or something more? We’re they feeling stalked before they crossed? Creepy guy block the path to meet DG and they felt they had no other way to go? There really could be so much more to the story about why they crossed and why LG made the video of BG we also don’t know if she recorded more of him before that or after
People Magazine Investigates: The Delphi Killer Recap | TV Grapevine

Per this article: “the girls weren’t allowed there…”

And remember AW had said her kid was in trouble for having crossed the bridge before she knew the girls were murdered

So, have we considered why they crossed the bridge? Was it just them being kids doing what they weren’t allowed to or something more? We’re they feeling stalked before they crossed? Creepy guy block the path to meet DG and they felt they had no other way to go? There really could be so much more to the story about why they crossed and why LG made the video of BG we also don’t know if she recorded more of him before that or after
To me it seems as though they were planning on meeting someone there that day. Perhaps they were told to go to the end of the bridge and wait for him or her. So they did, and when they saw a man approaching them, Libby took the photo, instinctively because she wasn’t sure about this meeting or who they were going to meet. He comes up to them and directs them to go “down the hill”, as if they were going to meet this person down the hill. IMO
To me it seems as though they were planning on meeting someone there that day. Perhaps they were told to go to the end of the bridge and wait for him or her. So they did, and when they saw a man approaching them, Libby took the photo, instinctively because she wasn’t sure about this meeting or who they were going to meet. He comes up to them and directs them to go “down the hill”, as if they were going to meet this person down the hill. IMO

It seems plausible. I’ve wondered why she didn’t call grandma or dad or even kelsi and say they were weirded out by some creep if that’s what happened over a longer period of time during their walk. LG had a signal enough to post to Snapchat so a call out to someone could have happened. Maybe it did and we just haven’t been told that yet but I imagine if such a call had taken place even if it went unanswered for some reason people would have known sooner the girls were in trouble when they didn’t answer the incoming texts from loved ones.. What the hell happened out there?
Right? Which brings me back to KR clarifying that the sketches were not of the same person.

I totally understand that witnesses are not always accurate, and LE can be vague and confusing, and that sketches are not photographs. But in this case, LE has been pretty adamant that the sketches are not different perspectives of one person. We know the basic origins of both sketches, and that the killer likely will have commonalities of both. Even the hair color.

I mean, maybe LE somehow knows that two similar-looking men (related?) were there that day, one of whom is the killer. The second one....maybe waiting in the car at the CPS lot? Idk. I'm pulling crap out of the air to make it all make sense...

It makes a lot of sense. Related, yes. I wonder what the phrase “may look younger” means? A hint at the fact that they are not of the same age? Father and son, uncle and nephew? I wonder if they both were outside, and either could be seen, in different parts of the trails, by different witnesses?
Apropos "hair": I would like to know, if the reddish-brown hair was toned (originally medium blond) and if a further analysis was done and the result of it.
But honestly, I don't think, they were able to find a hair/some hairs at the crime scene, because the crime happened out in the open.
People Magazine Investigates: The Delphi Killer Recap | TV Grapevine

Per this article: “the girls weren’t allowed there…”

And remember AW had said her kid was in trouble for having crossed the bridge before she knew the girls were murdered

So, have we considered why they crossed the bridge? Was it just them being kids doing what they weren’t allowed to or something more? We’re they feeling stalked before they crossed? Creepy guy block the path to meet DG and they felt they had no other way to go? There really could be so much more to the story about why they crossed and why LG made the video of BG we also don’t know if she recorded more of him before that or after
we all been have teens and teens love to break the it a wonder ? why will they go there hiking if not to cross the bridge...also remember the families might not tell everything that is true.. they dont want to look bad either
I am curious the sketches are still being discussed so it a secret that is one HUGE mess.. that they dont know a thing about it..that they are still saying ok these are two different persons
2 sketches in Delphi murders case are not of the same man, police say
but le still saying its might be a combination of both ..non of this makes sense .
and this is the latest input from DC which again he stats ( they dont have two suspects ....but the suspect might be a combination of sketches !)
at least let the father/son/grandad/uncle ) team THEORY DIE
but i think it can be explained simple by
two sets of witnesses
one set saw BG .. the other witness saw a random person ...
a more experienced le with more resources would least make their minds about which witness to trust or not to release sketches that are questionable in the first place..
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I did jump over to that thread and I guess because there were so few post the post that stopped me in my track indicates that KAK says he was the last one to talk to her just make my head explode. If true than that is the biggest news since forever.

LE often use this way of interrogation(KAK, "you were the last one to talk to Libby") to get the truth out of someone. They can lie all they want!
It makes a lot of sense. Related, yes. I wonder what the phrase “may look younger” means? A hint at the fact that they are not of the same age? Father and son, uncle and nephew? I wonder if they both were outside, and either could be seen, in different parts of the trails, by different witnesses?

Cousins or half siblings?
It seems plausible. I’ve wondered why she didn’t call grandma or dad or even kelsi and say they were weirded out by some creep if that’s what happened over a longer period of time during their walk. LG had a signal enough to post to Snapchat so a call out to someone could have happened. Maybe it did and we just haven’t been told that yet but I imagine if such a call had taken place even if it went unanswered for some reason people would have known sooner the girls were in trouble when they didn’t answer the incoming texts from loved ones.. What the hell happened out there?

IMO, the didn’t call 911 or a parent or anyone else because they were supposed to be meeting someone in a place that “they weren’t supposed to be”. BG could have told them their friend was “down the hill” and so they went.
Those girls did not go down that hill to meet someone. He clearly brandishes a gun and accosted them and they tried to make a break for it. There's 0 reason not to believe Anna's accounts after her hearing the recording. The gun, etc. These girls aren't dumb. There's no way they'd cross the bridge into a secluded area away from potential witnesses. It just makes no sense at all. And they were taking pictures along the way. And the new released information insinuate they were clearly creeped out by him. And he isn't dressed like someone they would listen to in good faith. Just no way.

<Admin Note: Please always remember to indicate when it is your opinion rather than stating information as fact>
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I have a question for anyone who understands jurisdiction matters better than I do (which is probably everybody). Considering the affidavit and charges, it appears ISP led the Peru search in 2017. The girls KAK contacted were mostly local, iirc. I'm not sure their counties, but Peru is in Miami County, so I'm assuming since that is where the IP address connected to a_shots originated from, that's why KAK's charges are in Miami Country. Is this correct?

The a_shots ask was also done through ISP, but the A&L tip line is in Carroll County. The Carroll County Sheriff, if I'm understanding it correctly, is the one heading up the Delphi murders investigation.

So, why would a Carroll County headed investigation be using their tip line for a Miami County based crime (a_shots), unless there was a connection? Serious question.
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