Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #145

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We had the KAK news and affidavit, and now the RL warrant. Little by little, LE is releasing details about the case. We’ve hoped for years we’d get some factual information. It was always kept under wraps to protect the integrity of the case.

But now I’m worried. Is this a sign that LE doesn’t expect to ever bring to trial whoever was responsible for the murders of Abby and Libby?
We had the KAK news and affidavit, and now the RL warrant. Little by little, LE is releasing details about the case. We’ve hoped for years we’d get some factual information. It was always kept under wraps to protect the integrity of the case.

But now I’m worried. Is this a sign that LE doesn’t expect to ever bring to trial whoever was responsible for the murders of Abby and Libby?

I don't think it's a sign that LE will never charge someone with this crime.

I think this case is like the Suzanne Morphew case in that information has been gradually released over time.

It may take time, but I feel someone will be charged, sooner or later.

I don't think it's a sign that LE will never charge someone with this crime.

I think this case is like the Suzanne Morphew case in that information has been gradually released over time.


Thank you @crhedBngr, I hope so. Well maybe not exactly like the Morphew case, though. A killer remains free there too. :(
I think this speaks to RL trying to cover something up and not being super sophisticated. He's not thinking about an alibi for a crime, just that he was in violation at the time of the crime. I've been thinking about how he asked for an alibi for later in the day, but not the morning of the 13th. Yes, it's super suspicious that he asked for it prior to the girls being found but I think this could be explained by the fact that the there was a huge community and news outreach for the search for the girls. I'm sure the timeline of when the girls went missing, 3pm, was public knowledge pretty early on. So he's not panicking about covering a crime, just that 3pm time period where he was breaking the law.
Except he wasn’t. He drove that morning, breaking the law, not asking for an alibi. And he drove at 4:45, breaking the law, not asking for an alibi. He only asked for an alibi for a time when he wasn’t driving. That’s why it’s so suspicious, he asked for an alibi for the time of the murders before anyone but the killer (and apparently RL) knew there had been a murder.
Caution, graphic language is used in this post. This entire post is my opinion only.

Below is pasted a paragraph from the RL search warrant, which was linked in the news story at FBI agent believed clothing taken and bodies 'staged' in Delphi murders search warrant request

The search warrant states the girls "were found dead with wounds caused by a <redacted> weapon."

In my opinion, the word "blade" or as another poster suggested, "sharp" could be the redacted word. The size of the word "blade" and "sharp" is consistent with the size of the redaction, and information about the large amount of blood found at the crime scene would be consistent with the girls being stabbed/slashed to death by a knife. So I think the mystery of how the girls were killed can now be stated with a degree of certainty, despite LE's withholding the cause of death.

May the murderer be caught soon.

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I don’t think there is a space before “weapon” but a slash. Knife/weapon or blade/weapon fit.
I understand all that.

A month later, though? Sounds to me like RL was one of a scant few people they were investigating in the weeks after the murders.

People were tipping him in based on his appearance, saying he looked like BG? LE figured these were credible tips?

Looks to me like they were flailing about, clueless about where to point the direction of the investigation.
YES>>> LE did not search his property for A MONTH... a month afterwards.
And the girls were found on his property.
That should have been one of the first great searches... but NOPE
LE had to look at him, but the tips..OMG

I saw a few of these documents back in 2019 so not such a shocker to me but I did not see all of them so there is some different/new info

and the person who is saying RL asked for an alibi... I sure would like to know who that is ...that person is who I, personally, would be looking at.

I thought since the beginning that there was a possibility that RL was set up, girls found on his property, on a day he goes to transfer station that some people would be aware of.

Now, if the girls ran that way, then possibly not set up, and LE said from the beginning.. the girls died where they were found..not moved.

NOW, this says the girls were MOVED and staged

COme on LE... make up your minds
IF the girls were moved, then perhaps they were moved on to RL's property for a reason.
IF RL killed them, he sure as heck is not going to place them on HIS own property... nope.. they would be as far away as possible.

Think about it.

One more link - Logan interviews with Inside Edition on 03/17/17.

Logan discusses his alibi with the interviewer.

I remember this interview happening! RL was asked by the reporter to repeat the words:

"Down the Hill."

RL died earlier this year with Omnicron. Always did wonder what the threw away at the county dump.

His voice is not inconsistent. I am perplexed by this latest twist in the case. Had been waiting for an arrest announcement any day for the K's. We need a poll to see how many of us think it could be RL, KAK, TK, or JBC.

Maybe the new thread can have a poll inserted, just for our curiosity.
I downloaded the PDF as well. I had to join the FB group to find them in the files area. Got tagged in an announcement welcoming several hundred new members, probably most of which followed the clues from here to go get that exact same PDF.

Looks like they REALLY thought they had their man. Based on what? My speculation is that proximity carried the most weight. He just happened to be the closest <modsnip> to the crime scene? And I'm guessing since he was allowed to continue living his life that they found no evidence whatsoever. He didn't strike me as the most meticulous person that ever lived, so continuing to speculate, I'd guess there was no evidence to be found. So most likely just the nearest, unluckiest <modsnip> that ever lived. The alibi creation bugs me, though...

and 2 former gfs believing it was him
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I guess there are things about this RL affidavit that might have made more sense back in 2017, but now, it doesn't fit. The first sketch and description was still too young to be RL. In the April 2019 PC, LE released a new, younger sketch and discussed a vehicle parked in the CPS lot. What reason would RL have to park at a lot farther away than his own driveway?

Later, as recently as 2020, LE was interviewing KAK, telling him he was the last person to talk to L on the day they died, as a_shots. They've had two public asks specific to a_shots.

Then, we have BMcD asking KAK if he and his dad knew RL. Was that just a random question, or did she know something we don't? Maybe RL was caught up in the CSAM case, on some level. Who knows, but in the last few months, LE is not asking about RL, they are asking about a_shots.

ETA: Which odds are better? A 77 year old man knowing he might get caught on a probation violation lying and using his phone on his own property? Or a younger man charged with CSAM, who admittedly groomed young girls, including L, who lied and followed the case closely, and whose fake profile was the last to speak with one of the murder victims?
I think the problem with assuming things don't fit is assuming the witness statements are accurate at all. If the murderer couldn't have left the scene without blood on them, that leaves two option, the murderer changed clothes or the witness(es) who saw the man leaving the trail area after the murders saw someone else (or weren't paying enough attention to see blood, I suppose). It also assumes the vehicle parked at the CPS building had anything to do with the murders. Why park at the CPS building instead of the parking lot at the trail or near the storage buildings? Especially if it was a planned murder. I don't think crossing a road and being that close to town would be wise if you are planning on murdering someone and planning on leaving in the vehicle.

However RL or someone affiliated with RL could have just walked to his house without risking anyone seeing him.
Another interesting note on the search warrant is line 23 and 24.

23. ...a text message sent from RL's phone at 7:56pm indicates RL's phone was likely outside of his residence and in the proximity of where the girls were located.
24. ...a text message received by RL's phone at 10:16pm also likely puts him in proximity of the girls' bodies.
I don't know how close you need to be to bodies to be considered "in proximity" by the FBI. I also don't know how accurate phone locations are. But I would imagine it's accurate enough to say his phone was closer the bodies than it was to his house. 1400 feet (house to crime scene) is over 1/4 mile.
Now all that being said, I'm not necessarily sold on it being RL (nor KK for that matter). I could absolutely see LE/FBI being a little loose with phrases like "in proximity" to secure a warrant.

I'd also love to know if LE have in any way been able to confirm the alibi person's story. Since it was a call vs a text, it's a lot of he said/(s)he said. The statement was also made about 3 weeks after the murders. The same alibi provider also said it looked like RL in the photo on the bridge.
One other question I'd love to get everyone's thoughts on.

I've felt from the beginning there may have been a bit of a pi$$ing matching between the various agencies involved. Is it possible the FBI have considered RL to be the prime suspect all along whereas maybe CC or ISP have been more interested in KK/TK ? How much FBI involvement was there after the first year or two? Could the FBI taking a lesser role in the case have allowed CCSD and ISP to push the change in direction? As far as I know CC has been the lead agency all along, but it feels like the FBI were much more involved in the early days (tip line, media releases, etc), but since the 2019 presser, it seems like most media releases have been CC/ISP, or at least the ones I've seen.
Here is RL speaking about what happened after girls were murdered. Below are links

In the second video look at what Ron is wearing, I found it startling the very first time I saw that clip many years ago.
I'm not sure he's BG, but he shouldn't be discounted because of his age. My dad is 78 and still lifts weights, keeps fit and looks after see Ron in some clips whipping up and down the hills on his property far better than most, the guy was relatively spry imho, JMOO.
He may not be BG but I'm creeped out by the fact that he was home at the time of the murders and asked a relative to lie and give him an alibi that covered 2-3pm.
The man is deceased now iirc, so whatever he does / did know died with him.
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