Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #147

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Wow! I bungled that up. Thanks for correcting me and providing links. Before I open my big mouth I need to check myself!

I really wish years ago I would have started taking notes.

No worries. After all the time that has gone by, there is a lot to remember. I know that I myself thought that in the first days after the crime one of the law enforcement officers said in a press conference "know what your children are doing online" but checking the original news sources revealed that he actually said "know where your children are and what is going on in their lives." Which is certainly not the same and I don't think I'm the only one who mis-heard that or remembered incorrectly.
No worries. After all the time that has gone by, there is a lot to remember. I know that I myself thought that in the first days after the crime one of the law enforcement officers said in a press conference "know what your children are doing online" but checking the original news sources revealed that he actually said "know where your children are and what is going on in their lives." Which is certainly not the same and I don't think I'm the only one who mis-heard that or remembered incorrectly.
No wonder I was confused after watching The Shack. I missed his whole point. But it was a good movie even if you are not a religious person.

I find Carter a curious man in that he often talks in riddles. I find it confusing. In my opinion if this case is solved, and I think it will be, I don't think Carter will stop talking about it. Also with the latest developments with KK and TK I'm starting to think this whole underworld they are/were involved in may run very deep and wide and perhaps ensnare some higher profile people and that may be what slows down the investigation. You have the CSAM stuff and the murders and they may overlap. They have to be careful and make sure they get the bad guys. *Advertiser Censored* is so prevalent and way too easy to access. It is frightening. Mind boggling really. Pre social media it took longer to groom victims, hook up etc. Now you just hide behind a screen and create a persona and go fishing in a sea full of millions of potential victims.

Thank you for your kind words. The world needs more folks like you!

All my humble opinions.
No wonder I was confused after watching The Shack. I missed his whole point. But it was a good movie even if you are not a religious person.

I find Carter a curious man in that he often talks in riddles. I find it confusing. In my opinion if this case is solved, and I think it will be, I don't think Carter will stop talking about it. Also with the latest developments with KK and TK I'm starting to think this whole underworld they are/were involved in may run very deep and wide and perhaps ensnare some higher profile people and that may be what slows down the investigation. You have the CSAM stuff and the murders and they may overlap. They have to be careful and make sure they get the bad guys. *Advertiser Censored* is so prevalent and way too easy to access. It is frightening. Mind boggling really. Pre social media it took longer to groom victims, hook up etc. Now you just hide behind a screen and create a persona and go fishing in a sea full of millions of potential victims.

Thank you for your kind words. The world needs more folks like you!

All my humble opinions.

To my ear (having grown up evangelical), Carter has a "preacherly" way of speaking that is very recognizable as such. It does have a tendency to the dramatic. If this was the only case in which he spoke this way, then I would put more weight into why he veers into the religious or the personal for the Delphi victims in particular - but if you've heard him discuss other Indiana cases, it's actually just his style. Keep in mind also - he is an administrator and his role in LE is a political one, appointed by the governor. He's not a detective and never was in his entire LE career. Though I think this crime did mean something more to him personally because of its circumstances and the rapport he made with the families. This is just my opinion, though.
Came across this community forum/"debate" between the two candidates for the position of Carroll County Sheriff. Starting around minute 41, the candidates field a few questions about the Delphi murders. Tony Liggett (the one sitting on the right) was one of two Carroll County detectives that has been involved with the Delphi case since the beginning.

There were two interesting responses to questions by Liggett. I'm far from an official transcriptionist so this should be considered an approximation of what was said, but...he was asked by one audience member, if elected, would he bring in any other people to help solve the case? Or does he think it's under control? What is he willing to do to try to solve this? His answer (again this is not word for word, but close):

"Recently there were four full time detectives from ISP and Carroll County Sheriff’s Office that actively, every day worked the case. Sometimes the two from CACO were pulled away to work on other cases within the county. The state police just added another full-time person to this case. We have brought people in, there are other people aside from our core group working on this case. We are hoping that any ideas, whatever people want to bring - it doesn’t necessarily mean that we will bring additional people in - that’s been done - it doesn't mean that down the road that won’t change. We are moving in a very positive direction and we have a lot of good people working on this. The date that we found the girls, people said Kevin Hammond and I were out of our league and I don’t disagree. But we had ISP there, the FBI had other people there, not the day after, but that day we had 50-60 people from various investigative agencies there. We are moving in a positive direction."

Another audience member then asked if it was true that Paul Holes is working on the case or had offered to work on it. Liggett's answer:

"I don’t know that Paul Holes was ever here. I too have heard that he offered his services but that’s the extent of what I know about it. I'll be honest with you, we have a group of people right now working the case, you can get too many hens in the hen house. If things were to work out down the road and Paul would contact us, I wouldn’t rule that out. But just saying, probably not this very moment."

What I take away from these two answers: ISP is still calling the shots in this investigation, the investigators are going in a particular direction right now and have enlisted their own experts, and have recently seen the need to add another full-time investigator to the task force.
The letter “F” is the stock symbol for Ford Motor Company. Which auto factory did Grandpa Klein and TK retire from/work at? Interesting with respect to a certain car they wanted identified from the former CPS parking lot and the comments by KAK regarding he doesn’t drive and is probibited from a license due to an alleged seizure disorder. IMO Also, didn’t KAK and TK both have an interest in race cars? Also IMO thanks in advance!
The letter “F” is the stock symbol for Ford Motor Company. Which auto factory did Grandpa Klein and TK retire from/work at? Interesting with respect to a certain car they wanted identified from the former CPS parking lot and the comments by KAK regarding he doesn’t drive and is probibited from a license due to an alleged seizure disorder. IMO Also, didn’t KAK and TK both have an interest in race cars? Also IMO thanks in advance!
I agree on racing motorsports. He looks like the type.
So far everything has been so ubiquitous, his looks, clothes, shoes, and now a letter.
I do think it is from his clothes or other possible belongings though.
Ford, Fischer, Ferrari, Freightliner, Fox, F1 (formula 1), FIA, Febi etc.
The letter “F” is the stock symbol for Ford Motor Company. Which auto factory did Grandpa Klein and TK retire from/work at? Interesting with respect to a certain car they wanted identified from the former CPS parking lot and the comments by KAK regarding he doesn’t drive and is probibited from a license due to an alleged seizure disorder. IMO Also, didn’t KAK and TK both have an interest in race cars? Also IMO thanks in advance!
I believe Chrysler in Kokomo, IN
What could F signify?
The possibilities are endless.

Filial Generation
Function of (math)
Fighter (military, eg. F-16)
The 6th item in a series
An Initial

Any F word —

And any acronym that begins with the letter F.

FEAR (false evidence appearing real)

And more.

It's a LONG list! BUT-
There is one thing that grabs my attention.
During that same podcast, Gray mumbles something about "6" or sixth.
I have tried to figure out to what he is referring to.
Now, as I read through your list, I see "6th in a series."
No idea if it means anything at all.'s .....kinda weird.
Anyone care to take a shot at what that could mean or be?

Do we think, BG counted his victims: 2 (one pair of little girls in Iowa) plus 2 (2 single victims somewhere) plus 2 (Abby+Libby)= all together 6 victims ("6th in a series" then would be A or L)?
This BG is definitely capable of everything, IMO.
The more wacky his actions, the more believable, IMO. (Though not KAK's way of doing bad things, I believe.)
I have just listened to a very scary podcast about a “new” type of predators, who make contact with girls online using social media. They use a fake profile with fake pictures to lure Young girls to send them compromising pictures and use these to blackmail the girls to do horrible things to themselves while filming it. The abuse material is then shared in secret fora on the internet or using a drop box. They sell access to the sites and they also sell information about the girls identity (name, age, social media accounts etc). The predator will use a certain nickname, and they sometimes ask the girls to say specific things in the videos or do specific things, which then becomes a kind of signature for the predator, so others Will know who was the “creator” of the material. Predators target girls as Young as 12-13 years. It made me sick listening to it, I had no idea things like this was going on. Sorry for posting this if it is common knowledge in here.
My point about this is that for me it resonnated with the little we know about this case. Not saying this is what happened, just speculating.
There are apparently lots of this abuse material circulating and a huge number of girls that have been abused, mainly from UK and the US. Interpol is involved and they have recently arrested one of the abusers from the US.
I hope this post does not go against the rules in here, otherwise Admin please delete it. I Can link to the podcast, but it may not make much sense as it is not in English. It is created by 2 journalists from one of the main media considered trustworthy in my country. They recieved an anonymous tip, investigated the case and then handed everything over to the local LE, who passed it on to interpol. This material helped identify the predator in the US. Local LE is participating in the podcast as well, so I believe it is credible.
Apologies for the Long post and any bad English and spelling mistakes. I really wish The podcast would be available in English because the were so much information in that made me view the Delphi case from a different angle.
Just curious of your all's opinions: What are the chances LE has the true killer in their short list of 5 most likely suspects?
Given the volume of tips - 60K to 70K - I believe that if LE has a short list it is longer than 5. Listening to Bill Thomas, brother of Colonial Parkway victim, Cathy Thomas, he stated on his "Mind over Murder" podcast that the FBI had a list of over 150. I wouldn't be at all surprised if LE has 100-200 with the 'most likely' portion of that list at 2-3 dozen. I don't believe the odds are good that he is on that list, but I do believe he is in those 60K-70K of tips.
Have we ever heard if KAK's list or dropbox was on the main web or the deep web (also known as the dark web)? Searches in that area are not like using Bing or Google as you almost always have to know the site address. Even if he had the anthony_shots profile on the main web, I do wonder if he used the dark web in addition to that medium. If that turns out to be the case then there can be more out there that LE has not found yet. Perhaps this could be one more reason why ISP reached out to internet users?
Came across this community forum/"debate" between the two candidates for the position of Carroll County Sheriff. Starting around minute 41, the candidates field a few questions about the Delphi murders. Tony Liggett (the one sitting on the right) was one of two Carroll County detectives that has been involved with the Delphi case since the beginning.

There were two interesting responses to questions by Liggett.
I found this video interesting in more than two ways so thank you for posting;
relieved that questions were posed in a public community forum, unscripted!
Mentioning that Mike Patty was given one sort of feeling reassurance is some indication that the families' horrible plight is still respected, over five and a half years...and counting.
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