Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #93

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Reposting this ISP News Release that our keen-eyed Jax pointed out last night in case it wasn’t noticed many pages back.


New 'Face' of the Delphi Murder Suspect
This is the face of the suspect that goes with body of the video captured on Liberty German's cell phone minutes before she and Abigail Williams were murdered.

I guess that the girls didn’t suffer at the hands of this coward for a great length of time is the only consolation of murder occurring within “minutes”. :(

I can think of only three possibilities that would account for that.
1. The girls were targeted in advance and the killer was on a deliberate mission to murder. (unlikely given their ages imo)
2. The killer was a total lunatic in a murderous and furious rage for reasons unknown but involving some type of conflict with both, either or neither of the victims.
3. The girls were targeted abduction victims who attempted to flee from a dangerous predator and were killed so as not to identify him.

Anyone feel free to add.
IMO, we can only see this much of the video because he comes at them immediately (he was not wasting time AT ALL) after the frame they are showing us. Look at their ANGLE from him. Libby and BG were NOT in a straight line. I “pretend text” while videoing people in Walmart all of the time. Just saying...:cool:
HGO, just Google. There are multiple ways to listen. If you have an iPhone, the podcast app is usually built in. That's how I listen to my podcasts. But you can also listen directly from a website.
I mean an emergency app.
Reposting this ISP News Release that our keen-eyed Jax pointed out last night in case it wasn’t noticed many pages back.


New 'Face' of the Delphi Murder Suspect
This is the face of the suspect that goes with body of the video captured on Liberty German's cell phone minutes before she and Abigail Williams were murdered.

I guess that the girls didn’t suffer at the hands of this coward for a great length of time is the only consolation of murder occurring within “minutes”. :(

I can think of only three possibilities that would account for that.
1. The girls were targeted in advance and the killer was on a deliberate mission to murder. (unlikely given their ages imo)
2. The killer was a total lunatic in a murderous and furious rage for reasons unknown but involving some type of conflict with both, either or neither of the victims.
3. The girls were targeted abduction victims who attempted to flee from a dangerous predator and were killed so as not to identify him.

Anyone feel free to add.

I've pointed out several times the newest age range is mid 20s to mid 30s as well. That's much more specific than 18-40.
I believe the minutes is in reference to the interactions of BG and the girls and includes all events that happened before and during the actual murders. Jmo

With that said, I don’t believe they ever left the general area. I think he forced them down the hill, across the creek (or chased them if they tried to flee) and murdered them where they were found jmo
It would be hard for me to believe they don't have 1 strong suspect in mind if it's a Delphi local. They just aren't saying his name in public.

Town of 2893.

Eliminate women, children, too old, non-white people.

That narrows it down to 432 men.

Then eliminate too tall, too short. Too fat, too skinny. And physical disabilities.

Then eliminate everybody with a solid alibi. At work, out-of-town, at school, etc..

That leaves you with only a small handful.
I see at the beginning of the thread that the old audio and new audio as well as the new sketch and the press conference video are listed. But where is the new video of BG walking on the bridge that was released?

Or am I missing it?
Today's fresh morning thoughts (not sure if these are helpful but people seem to like them):

  • I still believe BG is local, as LE does. I don't know why they are certain, but I think that knowing the bridge and its surroundings, as well as being able to navigate the area without being seen (at least clearly enough to be identified), indicates a familiarity with the area that a transient, drifter, or passer-through would not have.
  • LE has stated that the girls were killed within some minutes of Libby's video. We know the timeframe is somewhere between 2:07 (Libby's photo of Abby on the bridge), 2:30 (billboard stating the last known sighting of BG, possibly from her video's timestamp), and 3:11 (Libby's failure to answer her phone).
  • I do not think BG found the girls through Snapchat. The tight timing indicates to me that he was probably already onsite and waiting. The more I think about it the less likely it seems that he specifically targeted them, as I don't think he had prior knowledge that they were going to the bridge.
  • However, the timeframe does indicate that he did go to the bridge that day with violent intent. The lack of conclusive evidence up to present day (at least that which is public knowledge) would seem to suggest someone who was able to clean up enough after himself that he was prepared for whatever actions he took. I don't think this was a spur-of-the-moment or snap-decision attack.
  • Therefore I would posit that BG planned to commit violence that day, but not necessarily specifically against Abby and Libby as direct targets.
  • It would surprise me if he has committed a similar crime since. LE knows the scene, cause of death, position of the bodies, etc. These are evidently distinct enough that it was a necessity to keep them confidential to ensure that LE and BG would be the only ones to know the details.
  • Not unusual, in my opinion. Police often simply don't release certain details to the public because they want to trap a suspect with information he shouldn't have, if he's innocent.
As a sidenote, I also want to state that personally, I don't have any real interest in analyzing the video of BG or the audio further. I think we have very small snippets for a reason, and I think to anyone outside of Delphi, it's going to be very hard to recognize or pinpoint BG's identity. The image is just too pixelated, and the audio to me seems to be a good reference for matching voice pitch and tone only.

I rewatched GH's flow video of the crime scene last night and then again this morning. I think anyone who has not done so should take a look, as it provides the best insight I have seen into the trail, the bridge, and the entirety of the location. I also think he has some very helpful commentary regarding discrepancies and misconceptions that have come up throughout the case.

Sorry for the long post. I hope my morning thoughts have been helpful.
One factor in my view that makes BG local is that IF he saw those girls get dropped off where they did, he still chose to park by that abandoned building and walk the trail via the main entrance. Only someone familiar with that trail would know they'd meet up. That's only one scenario, but if the parked car is linked to BG, I think it's important that he and the girls had different trail entrances. He would have had more ground to cover to catch up, he wasn't following them from the start. And I don't think he had a specific spot in mind, just whatever worked near where he found them.
IMO, we can only see this much of the video because he comes at them immediately (he was not wasting time AT ALL) after the frame they are showing us. Look at their ANGLE from him. Libby and BG were NOT in a straight line. I “pretend text” while videoing people in Walmart all of the time. Just saying...:cool:
This might be a dumb question but why do you video people at Walmart?

Do you work security?
I'm betting he does live in Delphi. Just like most small towns here in Indiana you have the town itself where typically there is a town square with historical old buildings and this is where most of the activity is. Then you have what we call the unincorporated areas just outside of town. Usually the houses just outside of town are on a little bit more acreage and more secluded than those directly in town. Your direct neighbors know who you are but its not like in town were most everyone is aware of you.

He may live just outside of town, someone you wouldn't see everyday at the local breakfast spot but would see occasionally at the store or gas station. He probably grew up and went to school there and blends in with everyone else. He dresses appropriately for the area, nothing stands out to me in that respect.

The guy simply planed to kill someone that day. He was there stalking around waiting for the right opportunity and found it once the girls showed up unfortunately! Once Libby and Abby got on that bridge he had them where he needed them to be....
I mean an emergency app.
I had no idea you were asking me. I also thought you may be asking about the podcast.

No app needed. Best to use what iPhone and android have built-in. Google SOS alerts for the type of phone you have and the instructions will come up. I have an android so it’s 3 quick clicks of the power button to send one. In settings there is a privacy and emergency category. Then there’s an emergency heading. Under that you specify your SOS settings.
It would be hard for me to believe they don't have 1 strong suspect in mind if it's a Delphi local. They just aren't saying his name in public.

Town of 2893.

Eliminate women, children, too old, non-white people.

That narrows it down to 432 men.

Then eliminate too tall, too short. Too fat, too skinny. And physical disabilities.

Then eliminate everybody with a solid alibi. At work, out-of-town, at school, etc..

That leaves you with only a small handful.

The problem is there are 20k in Carroll county and I don’t think you can discount the possibility of it being someone who lives in the Delphi rural community....moo
It would be hard for me to believe they don't have 1 strong suspect in mind if it's a Delphi local. They just aren't saying his name in public.

Town of 2893.

Eliminate women, children, too old, non-white people.

That narrows it down to 432 men.

Then eliminate too tall, too short. Too fat, too skinny. And physical disabilities.

Then eliminate everybody with a solid alibi. At work, out-of-town, at school, etc..

That leaves you with only a small handful.
Except they said he may just work there or have connections there. That opens it up again.
My first official post of a theory. Not of what happened to the girls, but the actual investigation.

1. LE has DNA, but does not divulge, or even unequivocally confirm this. By doing this, they are hoping that the Killer will be sloppy and they will be able to collect. The killer knowing that a great match to DNA is in their investigation, they will be more likely a little bit extra careful.
2. LE has finally received the results from both Parabon, and familial DNA. They have a Parabon sketch, but will not release it. Why? This would also tip their hand on having this info. Once they receive the Parabon details, they realize who it is, and also realize they had a sketch from early on of the person sighted there(which they had initially discounted). They now know which family (maybe even specific to the person), but are requesting further tips to see this case through court. Furthermore, the PC was meant to presumably say to the killer: "We know who you are, you now know we know, just give in before we arrest you". This would completely avoid a trial and risk any chance of case not sticking.
Just MO.
I’ve always assumed that it’s that grainy because what is being shown to us is a zoomed in version of the original. Suggesting it was taken from farther away than it appears?

I’m not sure why, but I remember when I first saw this image 2 years ago, I always felt like it was taken from higher ground. Has it ever been clearly indicated whether this photo was taken by the girls from (on the) bridge? In looking at various images of the bridge and surroundings, it does seem like there is some higher ground, but it doesn’t really correlate with the direction he is seen walking from.

I guess I just wonder how far away the girls actually were from him when this picture was taken because I’m wondering if there is any possibility he was unaware of them when pic was taken. I guess that’s unlikely?

I definitely think it was from a good distance away and she was trying to be discreet. LE has zoomed it in or she did and it lost clarity. Something about him creeped her out or she found him weird/interesting. I would bet they don't have much more video of him a previous poster said she probably videoed him the way you would someone at Walmart or a celebrity ....just checking a text even though my phone is pointed at you! So they have a quick clip of him and then I think as he got closer he got serious about catching up to them and they got truly scared and she pushed video on her phone or some recording app and put the phone in her pocket.

I don't know if he realized it or not. It's so hard to see his face. I get the impression he is looking down and trying to be like "don't mind me, I am just ambling on the bridge not looking at anyone.."
That is the problem with social media. People chat with someone and then they don’t think of that person as a stranger. And the person could be pretending to be someone else entirely. A 40 year old sex offender pretends to be a teenage boy.
I still think girls have to have cell phones, with emergency alert apps, because they go to parties, because they are girls. Tons of apps allowing to track your kids, too. Not allowing a cell phone deprives your kid of the only way of protection.
In the fantastic video by Grey, posted hereinabove, he makes it clear that he and his video/photography experts found the exact spot on the bridge where BG was at the time his image was captured and, based on the angle of the shot, the location of Libby. He estimates that BG was 60 feet from Libby and Libby was off the end of the bridge.
This might be a dumb question but why do you video people at Walmart?

Do you work security?

I wasn't that poster, but there is the whole "people of walmart" thing. People wearing something inappropriate, etc. You take a picture and show a friend...can you believe this?? I think that is all the poster meant!
The sketch is black and white. Has LE given a description of his hair, eye, skin color?
All just my opinion but....
I believe they know who it is but need a person close to this individual to come forward. I think they’re afraid to do that because they’re in denial or they are afraid to live without him. I think he has children with a girlfriend/wife. I think he is an acquaintance to a family member. I think one or both of the girls knew of him but not that well. I think he knew they were there because he followed one of them on social media. I think he killed them because he did something and didn’t want them to tell. I think he lives in general area and has been talked to, even if only briefly, by police.
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I find myself having a lot of sympathy for the bridge and the park in general. It's been really hard to sit back and watch people talk about how "scary" the wooded area looks, how "desolate" (it's really not), how the bridge should now be torn down (please no), etc. Obviously the area where they were killed is always going to hold a different meaning now, but many of us have good memories of it. And yeah, the bridge is a great piece of history. I don't want it torn down and I don't think Abby and Libby would've wanted that to happen, either. I can't speak for them, of course, but they were there to take pictures of it and to walk around so they must have appreciated something about the park.

I think I know exactly what you mean. It takes a huge amount of time and energy for smaller places to raise money to restore these types of historic treasures. I’ve never viewed the bridge as scary either. It looks peaceful and tranquil to me, especially when one imagines decades ago, steam swirling upward from the locomotive with the sharp whistle sound of trains passing through.

I don’t think Abby or Libby would want it torn down either. IMO that’d be giving way to much power to the killer, not only in destroying lives but destroying a piece of history as well.
My first official post of a theory. Not of what happened to the girls, but the actual investigation.

1. LE has DNA, but does not divulge, or even unequivocally confirm this. By doing this, they are hoping that the Killer will be sloppy and they will be able to collect. The killer knowing that a great match to DNA is in their investigation, they will be more likely a little bit extra careful.
2. LE has finally received the results from both Parabon, and familial DNA. They have a Parabon sketch, but will not release it. Why? This would also tip their hand on having this info. Once they receive the Parabon details, they realize who it is, and also realize they had a sketch from early on of the person sighted there(which they had initially discounted). They now know which family (maybe even specific to the person), but are requesting further tips to see this case through court. Furthermore, the PC was meant to presumably say to the killer: "We know who you are, you now know we know, just give in before we arrest you". This would completely avoid a trial and risk any chance of case not sticking.
Just MO.

Agree. Mind you, it is entirely possible to collect DNA from any living being, extra cautious or not.
I think they have DNA but too little proof of the guy’s activity at this point. So they have to be careful.
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