Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #93

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That is the problem with social media. People chat with someone and then they don’t think of that person as a stranger. And the person could be pretending to be someone else entirely. A 40 year old sex offender pretends to be a teenage boy.
I think any teenager now a days, is well aware people can pretend to be someone else on social media. I just don't believe these girls were that gullible. I also don't believe they were gullible enough to follow some random dude who was pretending to be " a person of authority". And may have flashed a fake badge.
If you are confused about the sketches, WATCH THIS. PLEASE... This is about THIS case, just recorded.
Except that this was recorded before ISP release the clarification that the sketches are of 2 different people and that the original sketch we were working with is now not of the suspect and should be disregarded. The sketch release this week and the video and stills of BG are all of the same person and the only suspect.
It would be hard for me to believe they don't have 1 strong suspect in mind if it's a Delphi local. They just aren't saying his name in public.

Town of 2893.

Eliminate women, children, too old, non-white people.

That narrows it down to 432 men.

Then eliminate too tall, too short. Too fat, too skinny. And physical disabilities.

Then eliminate everybody with a solid alibi. At work, out-of-town, at school, etc..

That leaves you with only a small handful.

You would think right??!!
Reposting this ISP News Release that our keen-eyed Jax pointed out last night in case it wasn’t noticed many pages back.


New 'Face' of the Delphi Murder Suspect
This is the face of the suspect that goes with body of the video captured on Liberty German's cell phone minutes before she and Abigail Williams were murdered.

I guess that the girls didn’t suffer at the hands of this coward for a great length of time is the only consolation of murder occurring within “minutes”. :(

I can think of only three possibilities that would account for that.
1. The girls were targeted in advance and the killer was on a deliberate mission to murder. (unlikely given their ages imo)
2. The killer was a total lunatic in a murderous and furious rage for reasons unknown but involving some type of conflict with both, either or neither of the victims.
3. The girls were targeted abduction victims who attempted to flee from a dangerous predator and were killed so as not to identify him.

Anyone feel free to add.
Any of those are possibilities.
But the way that sentence reads to me is that the murder happened minutes after the video was taken. It doesn't indicate anything about the length of time it took to kill them. I think that he definitely took action within minutes of the video capturing him walking towards them, as he appears to be turning towards them in the last second of the video.
I don't think he was enraged or in a frenzy, but rather acted in a controlled and deliberate manner. I think he walked them a distance from the bridge, to the spot the bodies were found, or in that general area.
What happened after that I don't even want to speculate. I don't think it was very long, though. But I do believe they suffered a violent, painful death.
I also think he fully intended to kill someone that day but whether or not he targeted them in advance or the minute he spotted them on the bridge I do not know. If he planned in advance and knew they were going to be there at that time, then he has to be someone who knew the family very well. I don't think he communicated with them on line, but then again we just don't know.
However, as Carter stated, how he left them in the woods that day is not what they are experiencing now. I hope that knowing they are at peace now has given the family some comfort, and they can continue to heal. Imo
Could someone clarify/provide a link if this was an unexpected/unplanned/impromptu day off (I've heard unused snow day) or an official planned school holiday (I've heard in observance of Lincoln's birthday)? My spouse is a teacher and even an impromptu day off would have some advance notice.
I can’t agree on this speculation. This brazen attack was executed with military precision. If he hasn’t attacked in this manner previously, I would suspect he abused or murdered prostitutes or other disenfranchised individuals. Not his first. A first like this wouldn’t involve two victims. Well planned. He probably even had dry runs.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Agreed....not his first rodeo. The quickness and directness, as well, complication of 2 victims says a lot. If this is solved, more cases may follow.
One other thing I have considered is the idea of BG being a failure to launch child. Late 20-mid30s.

Maybe works part time only bc mommy and daddy makes him. Enough to buy booze and or drugs

Few friends and is socially awkward

Never had a girlfriend or at least not a serious relationship

Fantasies about rape and has great resentment towards woman

Probably has watched girls before, parking lots, parks etc

Just amateur speculation

This would be the type of profile I imagine as well. He’s somebody who’s not widely recognized by others because his presence in the public realm is very low. Maybe living a few miles from town, might work at the hog production facility, high school dropout, still living at home. This doesn’t mean he’s not avidly following this case via the internet or that he doesn’t feel a misplaced sense of power because he’s become the center of attention. But that makes him no less a coward while hiding in fear of getting caught.
The other day I was wondering how I would feel if I had NOT seen the picture of him. If we didn't have any imagery at all, just a little audio. I think the image, and now the video, may sometimes throw people off-especially when different people see different things in the picture (and now video). If we didn't have any of the audio/video, what kind of theories might I have? It's an interesting thought train to follow.

This is food for thought. The PC to me felt like back to Square One. I felt palpable frustration coming from Carter. If they knew who this person was, I believe he would have seemed calmer, almost an underlying relief that they knew who was responsible. But I got just the opposite. I think that's what he meant by "We're just beginning". The first image was a wild goose chase and now here's the new (or old) sketch. Frustration with starting all over again. The image's interpretation they initially went with threw the whole thing off.
Any of those are possibilities.
But the way that sentence reads to me is that the murder happened minutes after the video was taken. It doesn't indicate anything about the length of time it took to kill them. I think that he definitely took action within minutes of the video capturing him walking towards them, as he appears to be turning towards them in the last second of the video.
I don't think he was enraged or in a frenzy, but rather acted in a controlled and deliberate manner. I think he walked them a distance from the bridge, to the spot the bodies were found, or in that general area.
What happened after that I don't even want to speculate. I don't think it was very long, though. But I do believe they suffered a violent, painful death.
I also think he fully intended to kill someone that day but whether or not he targeted them in advance or the minute he spotted them on the bridge I do not know. If he planned in advance and knew they were going to be there at that time, then he has to be someone who knew the family very well. I don't think he communicated with them on line, but then again we just don't know.
However, as Carter stated, how he left them in the woods that day is not what they are experiencing now. I hope that knowing they are at peace now has given the family some comfort, and they can continue to heal. Imo

The two were murdered minutes after the video was taken is how I read it. The word “murder” is synonymous with death, is it not? If instead of “murder” words such as approached or confronted were used, then I’d agree other scenarios involving a greater period of prior to their murder would be possible. But that’s not what is written here:

New 'Face' of the Delphi Murder Suspect
This is the face of the suspect that goes with body of the video captured on Liberty German's cell phone minutes before she and Abigail Williams were murdered.
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Is it possible that no one is covering for BG? I know a handful of people who have lost their parents and have no close friends, no spouse, no significant other, not even a roommate... I don't necessarily mean they are loners either. They are active in the community but have no one they are close with. My point is, if no one is specifically covering for them, all of the tips in the world about how the sketch looks like so-and-so aren't going to help.

I think in the very beginning when that sketch was made someone covered for him even if not thinking he was killer, just that he needed an alibi because he didn't do it (in their minds). I have a feeling what shocked the detective so much is this is a normal nice seeming guy and it even shocked him. So some family member or friend felt safe giving him an alibi. I bet most people didn't even know he was a suspect/POI ever he was cleared so early and privately. So never even thought about his whereabouts. Then the other sketch came out and he didn't even need an alibi anymore because it looks nothing like him! Now I think people will go back and think "oh, yes, my roommate did come back bloody from "deer hunting" that day" or check their phones and think "look, i was supposed to meet him for lunch but he had the flu and cancelled". Things they didn't do before with that old sketch. I hope the new sketch is making people really go back in their minds and come forward.

Now after the sketch has come out I think someone could be covering for him as he hasn't been arrested yet! More intentionally covering for him than even before.

Maybe I am putting too much hope in that sketch.
New 'Face' of the Delphi Murder Suspect
This is the face of the suspect that goes with body of the video captured on Liberty German's cell phone minutes before she and Abigail Williams were murdered.

The two were murdered minutes after the video was taken is how I read it.

I read it that way also. And, one way LE could know for sure is IF the murders were recorded. I believe there is a strong probability they were, hence the "nightmares" comment. moo
It would be hard for me to believe they don't have 1 strong suspect in mind if it's a Delphi local. They just aren't saying his name in public.

Town of 2893.

Eliminate women, children, too old, non-white people.

That narrows it down to 432 men.

Then eliminate too tall, too short. Too fat, too skinny. And physical disabilities.

Then eliminate everybody with a solid alibi. At work, out-of-town, at school, etc..

That leaves you with only a small handful.
And if someone gave wrong information, to change the course of the investigation, check them out and their family members.
This is food for thought. The PC to me felt like back to Square One. I felt palpable frustration coming from Carter. If they knew who this person was, I believe he would have seemed calmer, almost an underlying relief that they knew who was responsible. But I got just the opposite. I think that's what he meant by "We're just beginning". The first image was a wild goose chase and now here's the new (or old) sketch. Frustration with starting all over again. The image's interpretation they initially went with threw the whole thing off.
I interpreted his response as "we have an idea but getting from here to an arrest with no more evidence that we have today, is a stretch". No relief in that no matter who you think did it.
Tell that to Mama Kohlhepp!! (Did someone already mention her? Lol. I'm catching up). Even knowing all the people he killed, she would swear "Killer is a good boy!!". And he was trying to help her. By locking her in a shipping crate..... and shooting her boyfriend in the head.
They weren't kids and she didn't know until he was caught. She wasn't covering for him and hiding him from the cops.
Right, they walked a half mile after the encounter at the bridge. At least a 10 minute walk going through the woods to RL's property.

Delphi murders: Here's what we know about unsolved killings of two teen girls in Indiana

You know never gave this much thought before. At least a 10 min walk.

Is this timeline correct?
2:07 snapshot from Miss Libby's phone was taken?
3:00 family members tried to contact them and received no response/answer?

Do we know how long it is from the building that was search (on RL's property) to where the girls were found?
And I still can’t get over the fact that a parent would even think it’s ok to drop off their teenagers in the woods alone!??
It's a shame because we really should be exposing children to nature and letting them explore alone or with friends (I grew up hanging out in the woods) - this case is extremely rare (which is why it's so shocking) and shouldn't dissuade parents from allowing their children freedom to explore the woods.
I can't help but think that BG seemed awfully cool, calm, and collected for this being in daylight knowing there would be others on the bridge or in the area. Makes you wonder if this is his first time. And on top of that, has been roaming free for the past two years.
And if someone gave wrong information, to change the course of the investigation, check them out and their family members.
bingo....I think they are on to something and were hoping to give a confident posture to those who know something. A message without saying it "we are going to figure this out so you better be a part of the solution rather than an accomplice to the consequence".
IMO, the timeline of the girls drop off time and agreed pick-up time is tight. They were not given a whole lot of time to be at the park. This had to happen fair quickly after they were dropped off.

I have wondered how this person was able to take control of both of them. I know the way they were killed or what injuries they sustained have not been released.

It does appear to me when the BG is walking, he has something bulky under his coat. I don’t believe they were shot, someone would have heard that. Did he use a stun gun? Whatever happened, had to be quick, I would think. I don’t think it would be that easy to overpower two teenage girls, without one being able to take off. It’s possible, with sheer fear coming over them, commanding them was enough.

Any thoughts on them being pushed off that bridge, then the BG going down to where they had landed?
You know never gave this much thought before. At least a 10 min walk.

Is this timeline correct?
2:07 snapshot from Miss Libby's phone was taken?
3:00 family members tried to contact them and received no response/answer?

Do we know how long it is from the building that was search (on RL's property) to where the girls were found?

I believe family tried to contact at 3:11.
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