Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #93

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One other thing I have considered is the idea of BG being a failure to launch child. Late 20-mid30s.

Maybe works part time only bc mommy and daddy makes him. Enough to buy booze and or drugs

Few friends and is socially awkward

Never had a girlfriend or at least not a serious relationship

Fantasies about rape and has great resentment towards woman

Probably has watched girls before, parking lots, parks etc

Just amateur speculation

This doesn't have volunteer interviews but it does have volunteers milling about/walking past.
Well, that video convinces me even more he wasn't "overdressed" for the weather. Just that different people wear different things. There are everything from full coats to layers to a hoodie sweatshirt worn in that video. None of them for nefarious reasons. I think bridge guy is not oddly overdressed. I do, though, think hes oddly overstuffed with weapons and a kill kit, of sorts. Opinion.
The sketch is black and white. Has LE given a description of his hair, eye, skin color?
All just my opinion but....
I believe they know who it is but need a person close to this individual to come forward. I think they’re afraid to do that because they’re in denial or they are afraid to live without him. I don’t think he’s a relative but I think he is an acquaintance to a family member. I think one or both of the girls knew of him but not that well. I think he knew they were there because he followed one of them on social media. I think he killed them because he did something and didn’t want them to tell.

Other than the age, the FBI wanted poster contains the same description as before. I’d guess the weight, height and hair colour was determined by analysis of the video and that’s why it’s unchanged.

“The person depicted in the composite sketch is described as a White male between 5'6" and 5'10", weighing 180 to 220 pounds, with reddish- brown hair. His eye color is unknown. The suspect is believed to be between 18 and 40 years old but may appear younger.”
I have noticed there are a few members that are actually very familiar with the bridge. This question is for you.

Is the experience of walking across the bridge just that, to walk across the bridge? Is there something on the other side of the bridge that people want to see or explore and therefore a real reason to cross the bridge. Isn't the property on the other side of the bridge, in most part, private property. I'm asking this to try to figure out if most people just walk the bridge and then turn around and come back...
I suspect they were his first victims I think some of the thrill was planning, thinking, dreaming through the kill. I don’t think he’s attacked since. Some don’t. Some find that the fantasy is better than the actual crime.

Ex: The killings of Michella Welch and Jenni Bastian in Washington. It is believed both suspects did not kill again.
I can’t agree on this speculation. This brazen attack was executed with military precision. If he hasn’t attacked in this manner previously, I would suspect he abused or murdered prostitutes or other disenfranchised individuals. Not his first. A first like this wouldn’t involve two victims. Well planned. He probably even had dry runs.

Amateur opinion and speculation
From what I've read, the girls were dropped off by Libby's sister to do some hiking in the area. That leads me to believe that the area, although not hugely popular, was a place where one could often find a couple of kids or young adults walking or hanging out. I'm thinking of the many serial offenders who stalked trails, hiking paths, etc. over the years. Abby and Libby can't be the only teens who liked to walk around this area. In my humble opinion, I doubt this was a case of catfishing; I think this guy visited that spot when the mood hit, hoping for prey, and the b*****d just got lucky. He doesn't sound angry in that audio snippet; his "Guys - down the hill," sounds exactly the way an adult would say it to his kids who were moving a bit too slowly for his liking. Cool, calm and in control. Not his first time. His voice gives me chills precisely because he sounds so calm.
Today's fresh morning thoughts (not sure if these are helpful but people seem to like them):

  • I still believe BG is local, as LE does. I don't know why they are certain, but I think that knowing the bridge and its surroundings, as well as being able to navigate the area without being seen (at least clearly enough to be identified), indicates a familiarity with the area that a transient, drifter, or passer-through would not have.
  • LE has stated that the girls were killed within some minutes of Libby's video. We know the timeframe is somewhere between 2:07 (Libby's photo of Abby on the bridge), 2:30 (billboard stating the last known sighting of BG, possibly from her video's timestamp), and 3:11 (Libby's failure to answer her phone).
  • I do not think BG found the girls through Snapchat. The tight timing indicates to me that he was probably already onsite and waiting. The more I think about it the less likely it seems that he specifically targeted them, as I don't think he had prior knowledge that they were going to the bridge.
  • However, the timeframe does indicate that he did go to the bridge that day with violent intent. The lack of conclusive evidence up to present day (at least that which is public knowledge) would seem to suggest someone who was able to clean up enough after himself that he was prepared for whatever actions he took. I don't think this was a spur-of-the-moment or snap-decision attack.
  • Therefore I would posit that BG planned to commit violence that day, but not necessarily specifically against Abby and Libby as direct targets.
  • It would surprise me if he has committed a similar crime since. LE knows the scene, cause of death, position of the bodies, etc. These are evidently distinct enough that it was a necessity to keep them confidential to ensure that LE and BG would be the only ones to know the details.
  • Not unusual, in my opinion. Police often simply don't release certain details to the public because they want to trap a suspect with information he shouldn't have, if he's innocent.
As a sidenote, I also want to state that personally, I don't have any real interest in analyzing the video of BG or the audio further. I think we have very small snippets for a reason, and I think to anyone outside of Delphi, it's going to be very hard to recognize or pinpoint BG's identity. The image is just too pixelated, and the audio to me seems to be a good reference for matching voice pitch and tone only.

I rewatched GH's flow video of the crime scene last night and then again this morning. I think anyone who has not done so should take a look, as it provides the best insight I have seen into the trail, the bridge, and the entirety of the location. I also think he has some very helpful commentary regarding discrepancies and misconceptions that have come up throughout the case.

Sorry for the long post. I hope my morning thoughts have been helpful.

Great points!

I keep thinking about the video and audio and I agree that they're not going to help anyone outside of Delphi (and maybe not anyone outside of BG's circle).

The other day I was wondering how I would feel if I had NOT seen the picture of him. If we didn't have any imagery at all, just a little audio. I think the image, and now the video, may sometimes throw people off-especially when different people see different things in the picture (and now video). If we didn't have any of the audio/video, what kind of theories might I have? It's an interesting thought train to follow. FWIW, when we first heard about the crime, before the image was released, my first thought was that it was a crime by their peers. That some of the kids went there to hang out since they didn't have school that day and that it was a bullying or hazing that got way out of hand. Or jealousy over something. There IS a precedent for teenagers committing heinous murders. (Not like ALL teens, just that it's not totally out of the question.) My second thought was that they came upon another crime and were killed for being witnesses-possibly killed by multiple people. But then the audio and images were released and I scrapped those ideas-especially the latter when I learned that the timeframe was really tight. Interesting that the new image portrays someone much younger than what we've been given in the past.
My thoughts are the killer may have coaxed one of them to meet him. If it was via Snapchat the messages would be gone. One of the girls knew she wouldn’t be able to go alone so they made up a plan so their parents would just think they were going for a walk. It’s very strange to me that the girls were dropped off for one hour. How long does it take for the parent to drive back and forth? We’re the girls supposed to just walk across the bridge and back? <modsnipped not victim friendly>

Edit- because I just read that the sister dropped them off. Did the parents know? Did the parents go there after sister panicked? Was the ‘witness’ the sister who saw someone suspicious when she dropped them off? And when she came back they were gone?
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Is it possible that no one is covering for BG? I know a handful of people who have lost their parents and have no close friends, no spouse, no significant other, not even a roommate... I don't necessarily mean they are loners either. They are active in the community but have no one they are close with. My point is, if no one is specifically covering for them, all of the tips in the world about how the sketch looks like so-and-so aren't going to help.
I'm sure someone else has said this but here it goes again. With DNA, no one showed up with prior offenses or currently in jail. Let's assume they continue to monitor. Possibly they ran it through ancillary familial databases and now have a hit. They now have it narrowed down to a family. But they need info to build a case.
I've always believed it was someone local and different from an earlier comment, I think he's stayed hidden because others fear him and his connections. Also different from others, I don't think Libby recorded him because of any suspicion. I think she was just recording, like kids do. in the recording of him walking, notice his head is slightly bent down and his feet are purposeful. Typical posture when walking on an insecure surface of decking that has space in between. I don't think he knew she was recording and was taken completely by surprise that audio and video surfaced. He thought he had broken the phone.
I don't think they knew him, were waiting on him, or any connection. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. IMO....the simplest solution is usually a good starting point.
From what I've read, the girls were dropped off by Libby's sister to do some hiking in the area. That leads me to believe that the area, although not hugely popular, was a place where one could often find a couple of kids or young adults walking or hanging out. I'm thinking of the many serial offenders who stalked trails, hiking paths, etc. over the years. Abby and Libby can't be the only teens who liked to walk around this area. In my humble opinion, I doubt this was a case of catfishing; I think this guy visited that spot when the mood hit, hoping for prey, and the b*****d just got lucky. He doesn't sound angry in that audio snippet; his "Guys - down the hill," sounds exactly the way an adult would say it to his kids who were moving a bit too slowly for his liking. Cool, calm and in control. Not his first time. His voice gives me chills precisely because he sounds so calm.

The fact that this would've normally been a school day, and was kind of called off last minute, makes me think that he either knew school had been called off or he just went jonesing for someone to attack and it didn't matter how old they were. Otherwise, he couldn't have known that 2 school-aged children would be there.
Makes sense. He had to be close enough for his voice to be picked up though, which is harder in a wide open space.
His voice wasn't recorded when the camera was on him. When the picture and clip was first released they said they didn't know if the voice was the same person. I think they described it like when the camera pointed one way but someone speaks behind you and it is picked up. Later they said it was all the same person. I think when he was closer and his voice was recorded she had put the phone in her pocket.
You know, the way he walks, and holds the hand in his pocket, he reminds me of an exhibitionist, sorry. Maybe this is what the girls thought, too, so they decided to take the video. This might be the reason why he got so angry.

In other words, a pervert, but not a prior murderer, who got angry at the thought he was caught in action.

Interesting. That's possible.
It would be hard for me to believe they don't have 1 strong suspect in mind if it's a Delphi local. They just aren't saying his name in public.

Town of 2893.

Eliminate women, children, too old, non-white people.

That narrows it down to 432 men.

Then eliminate too tall, too short. Too fat, too skinny. And physical disabilities.

Then eliminate everybody with a solid alibi. At work, out-of-town, at school, etc..

That leaves you with only a small handful. your math. :)
One other thing I have considered is the idea of BG being a failure to launch child. Late 20-mid30s.

Maybe works part time only bc mommy and daddy makes him. Enough to buy booze and or drugs

Few friends and is socially awkward

Never had a girlfriend or at least not a serious relationship

Fantasies about rape and has great resentment towards woman

Probably has watched girls before, parking lots, parks etc

Just amateur speculation

Many things are right but he is probably working. And he might has a drinking problem. He does not fully live with parents. But he did stand out at school, in a way. He might have even attended local AA, but dropped out.

(AA members have to be spoken to as well, I think).
I definitely think it was from a good distance away and she was trying to be discreet. LE has zoomed it in or she did and it lost clarity. Something about him creeped her out or she found him weird/interesting. I would bet they don't have much more video of him a previous poster said she probably videoed him the way you would someone at Walmart or a celebrity ....just checking a text even though my phone is pointed at you! So they have a quick clip of him and then I think as he got closer he got serious about catching up to them and they got truly scared and she pushed video on her phone or some recording app and put the phone in her pocket.

I don't know if he realized it or not. It's so hard to see his face. I get the impression he is looking down and trying to be like "don't mind me, I am just ambling on the bridge not looking at anyone.."

I agree as well.
I have a phone from several years ago that still provides high quality video.

I believe the video was taken from quite a distance away. Hence why it's so grainy and also why so shaky. The higher the zoom level, the shakier the video unless image stabilization is activated.

The single frame picture still was taken and enhanced most likely by the FBI image experts/NASA/Disney.

And although I appreciate the efforts of fellow members trying to enhance video or picture stills, it's already been experts.
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My thoughts after this wild week.
...LE truly is starting over with the investigation. Something or some new info has compelled them to do this, but they are now focusing on a completely different person. I don’t know if they know who that person is but obviously this new direction was needed.
...The transition to the new focus would have been easier if LE just would have explained that at the PC then they wouldn’t have had to make “editorial corrections” after the fact, which just caused confusion.
...I hope the new direction includes releasing bits of information to the public to help jog memories. The old strategy was a failure in my opinion. You cannot get quality tips from people who know nothing.
...The new short video is much clearer than the stills previously released and the new audio changes the over all feeling of those few short words. Tiny details matter.
...The killer is local in some way. LE seems very sure about that. I admittedly never thought that and I was wrong.
...I’m not sure an arrest is imminent. I did on Monday. I was swept up in all the emotion and drama, and mention of the two weeks. Now, I just don’t know. I sure hope so. LE said we’re starting over, maybe we are, from square one.
...I admittedly have been critical of the investigation at times(but never the investigators, I know they’ve always been working hard) and I welcome this change, whatever the reason for it. It’s unfortunate LE spent two years on the wrong path but at least they discovered it and corrected it. Can’t go back and change it. Besides if I could go back in time I wouldn’t change the investigation, I would go back and tell Libby and Abbie not to go to the trails that day.
Let’s move forward. Let’s get this guy!
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