Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #96

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Are you including this one, at the time the first sketch was released, because it’s not a slip. It’s the same media report as the prior oft-repeated “not blue eyes”:
Police release sketch of man accused of murdering Delphi teens Liberty German and Abigail Williams
“Police say the sketch of the suspect is based off witness tips, including one woman who told police she saw this man near the Delphi Historic Trails the day Abby Williams and Libby German were murdered.“

But I don’t recall any other mention about this person but I could be wrong.

That is helpful.
small, underactive amygdala, overactive dopamine reward pathways, and lack of connections between the emotional processing centers and the frontal cortex means no fear, no anxiety, and a great need for stimulation, risk, impulsiveness, and greater and greater danger.

I cant believe these people seem to have no fear. I guess its a "rush" or "high" for them. Not getting caught is prob a power trip.
Hopefully we will get some new news soon. If not, the thread will go back to being mostly quiet. Keep the faith fellow sleuthers! Keep the story of Abby and Libby on people’s minds. Post the sketch, say a prayer, all individual choices on what works best, but please...stay positive and keep the hope going for justice for those two beautiful young girls.

They ARE coming for you BG!
Let me ask this hypothetical,

Say you were being harassed on your social media by sleuths or whatever but we're innocent. Would you wipe your social media presence and all accounts or would you keep them active and fight back?

Using FB as an example, can the harassers be reported to FB if not the police? I’d sure hope so but I don’t know the answer.
In watching the press conference you feel LE knows this person, up close and personal. They said he may live or at one time did live or work in Delphi. I’m sorry but that scares me to death. Yet they issued no warning to the public. In such a small little town, I would be very afraid to be alone, very afraid to look at other people. What if he saw me looking at him and he had the urge to kill again? I just cannot understand how the people aren’t very very afraid. That brings a lot of pressure on LE to get this guy. We aren’t talking about Chicago or New York. We are speaking of a little town with population of less than 3000. So with everyone knowing everyone else, where is he??
I'm sure it has changed how safe people feel: girls or women, I imagine, are very unlikely to go for walks like they used to, so sad.

IMO it's not necessary for police to issue an explicit warning, and in fact they shouldn't sow feelings of fear in a community: people are quite capable of generating fear on their own. The job of police is to protect people, not stir up feelings of terror

If there was another incident, where someone reported predatory behaviour, then it would be appropriate to issue a report on the circumstances as a warning.

I think it's important for people to protect themselves from becoming too upset and frightened by news stories. It might be a good idea to step away from the case for a while.
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Let me ask this hypothetical,

Say you were being harassed on your social media by sleuths or whatever but we're innocent. Would you wipe your social media presence and all accounts or would you keep them active and fight back?

People are going to read into whatever choice you make: fight back and you're protesting too much and that means you're guilty; lock everything down and then they're wondering what you're trying to hide. You can't win.

I'd lock them down and probably deactivate until the masses moved on to someone else. Fighting back almost achieves nothing but more fights.
small, underactive amygdala, overactive dopamine reward pathways, and lack of connections between the emotional processing centers and the frontal cortex means no fear, no anxiety, and a great need for stimulation, risk, impulsiveness, and greater and greater danger.

I guess that makes as much sense as anything else I have heard, and I do enjoy learning more about the brain. If there was a smaller amygdala, it would mean *possibly* prior trauma, like that would lead to PTSD.
I heard them say they are investigating it and have not found anything to link them yet. that leaves a lot open.

Lots of other people have replied to this since I made my comment. There are varying degrees to which people agree or disagree. I, personally, think it's coincidental. As someone else stated, if you look long and hard enough you'll find other crimes to fit the pattern that you're looking at, but that doesn't always mean they're related. Until LE comes out and makes a statement saying that there is a connection, I'm not going down that road. The only similarities (besides the numerology) are that two girls of similar ages were found in a park-like setting with a bridge nearby.
In watching the press conference you feel LE knows this person, up close and personal. They said he may live or at one time did live or work in Delphi. I’m sorry but that scares me to death. Yet they issued no warning to the public. In such a small little town, I would be very afraid to be alone, very afraid to look at other people. What if he saw me looking at him and he had the urge to kill again? I just cannot understand how the people aren’t very very afraid. That brings a lot of pressure on LE to get this guy. We aren’t talking about Chicago or New York. We are speaking of a little town with population of less than 3000. So with everyone knowing everyone else, where is he??
Highly doubt LE knows specifically of this person. The points are general, and likely made based on FBI profiling. They said almost the same things in the Iowa cold case. Most here would guess that as well. To me, they are still clueless.
Using FB as an example, can the harassers be reported to FB if not the police? I’d sure hope so but I don’t know the answer.

Sure, you can always report a post. FB may or may not do anything about it, though. They'll usually send a message to YOU and tell you to contact the police if you feel threatened. I have a public FB page. It's public because it's part of my business. Someone, a stranger, got angry at me once and took a picture of my daughter. They posted on FB that they'd shared the image in a room full of pedophiles or something and that she was, "An ugly abomination but still rapeable." She was 2 years old. When I reported it to FB, they simply told me to make everything private or to call the police. There was no "direct threat" and many social media platforms promise a certain level of freedom of speech. Those getting harassed on FB because of this crime have few actions of recourse. I am sure it is frustrating for them. Libel and defamation of character have been threatened but, so far, nobody's been successful at proving it. I wish someone would.

* FWIW, I don't think that person ever actually shared the image. They were just a troll. Still upset me, though.
I watched the special last night, and one comment I completely disagreed with was one of the panelists stating that the use of "guys" likely meant BG was on the young side of the 18-40 range LE gave. When I'm speaking to a group of adolescents -- whether known to me or strangers -- I often use "guys"...and I'm 63. The term "guys," IMO, is indicative of nothing special.

when I first started reading this, and heard the audio, I thought he might have been a coach of something- if not in Delphi, nearby or at a camp or something like that. it just sounds like some one telling kids to line up or get into two teams. it also does not sound particularly threatening in the clip.
when I first started reading this, and heard the audio, I thought he might have been a coach of something- if not in Delphi, nearby or at a camp or something like that. it just sounds like some one telling kids to line up or get into two teams. it also does not sound particularly threatening in the clip.

I don't think it sounds threatening, either. I've heard people talking about it as "cold" and "threatening" but while I think there's a bit of authority to it, it sounds mostly casual to me. That's scary in its own kind of way.
Lots of other people have replied to this since I made my comment. There are varying degrees to which people agree or disagree. I, personally, think it's coincidental. As someone else stated, if you look long and hard enough you'll find other crimes to fit the pattern that you're looking at, but that doesn't always mean they're related. Until LE comes out and makes a statement saying that there is a connection, I'm not going down that road. The only similarities (besides the numerology) are that two girls of similar ages were found in a park-like setting with a bridge nearby.

I have followed this case since the beginning and every other thread brings up Lyric Cook and Lizzie Collins at some point.

I just wanted to take a moment to speak on that.

First of all, Lyric and Elizabeth were truly little girls. They were riding their bikes. Someone saw them and stole them. There is no apparent evidence.

Abby and Libby were in a more frequently visited area, where other kids their age had come on the same day. The murderer waited until the moment was right. He was possibly prepared for an attack.

No way to know, but I do think both cases involved the killer, at the right time, having a good understanding of the surroundings and when to make his move.

The sad thing is how many offenders there are like that out there.

It makes sense to me, there was a different deviant for both situations. The dates are interesting, for sure, but that would make BG some sort of numbers master and very, very lucky another two girls were out there by themselves. It just seems unlikely. IMO.
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small, underactive amygdala, overactive dopamine reward pathways, and lack of connections between the emotional processing centers and the frontal cortex means no fear, no anxiety, and a great need for stimulation, risk, impulsiveness, and greater and greater danger.
Well that sure makes for one scary individual. !!
For those asking for image of a red car seen on the computer screen during the most recent briefing. I found this (someone else had posted it elsewhere):

It appears to be an icon for a shortcut, with the word "Aspen". JMO but I really don't think it has anything to do with the case and is instead an application used by LE.

UGPTI - Aspen

It should be noted that a red car was investigated early on. But it was ruled out pretty quickly as not connected. It's embedded in this news video at approx 1:06:

ASPEN is used to conduct inspections on tractor trailers and motor coaches. It’s for state and city officers doing roadside inspections and for DOT investigators and inspectors to conduct inspections on tractor/trailers (18 wheelers). Edited to add The ASPEN icon on his computer has nothing to do with this case. MOO
I'm sure it has changed how safe people feel: girls or women, I imagine, are very unlikely to go for walks like they used to, so sad.

IMO it's not necessary for police to issue an explicit warning, and in fact they shouldn't sow feelings of fear in a community: people are quite capable of generating fear on their own. The job of police is to protect people, not stir up feelings of terror

If there was another incident, where someone reported predatory behaviour, then it would be appropriate to issue a report on the circumstances as a warning.

I think it's important for people to protect themselves from becoming too upset and frightened by news stories. It might be a good idea to step away from the case for a while.
Yes we can step away from the case.

But the folks in Delphi LIVE it. Where can they step away to?
To me, it doesn’t matter if it takes 5 days or 5 years, I just want the creep caught, convicted and PUNISHED!! I don’t think he will do this again, and I really hope he doesn’t!

This is real life and not a TV show. You’re innocent until proven guilty, and I’d rather LEO do whatever it takes to convict and punish than leave a loop hole that could cause any doubt and let this person off.

These people don’t go into a PROFESSIONAL field of law enforcement and gain the ranks they do just to slack off. I’m sure they will all sleep a lot better when this is said and done.

I don’t mean to sound harsh, but I think we have to remember the end “goal” of all of this...

I pray for these families, pray for the professionals who are on this case 24/7 and pray for justice to come.

I believe an arrest will come and all that is to follow...unfortunately it’s not always on our time frame.


ETA: Obviously, I wish this was over and families could have peace knowing justice has been served. But, I think patience will pay off!

Jane, you are correct.:)
We are impatient, often wanting more from LE, forgetting the end game, but as you state,
"I’d rather LEO do whatever it takes to convict and punish than leave a loop hole that could cause any doubt and let this person off."

I am so pleased this Creep is now terrified, he will soon be arrested.
Happy times, for everyone then.:):):)
Can you imagine how satisfied all those working on the case will be.
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