Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #97

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“In vague terms, Bryant told the Star the image was based on the description of a man by a witness who reported seeing something they felt needed to be reported. The sketch is a "ballpark estimation of what the person looks like."”

Wait, “ballpark estimation”? I’m not liking the sound of that.

Sketches are always ballpark

As in complete strangers can’t match them up with strangers on the internet like they are comparing Two photos.

A sketch is a sketch
Me too but I hope there’s more to it than just the change to the new sketch, I think some new piece has been uncovered and Ives wants to be there for it.

I doubt the prosecutor would return for just a different investigation strategy.

I think they have learned something critical

That made them look back at things learned at least 3 days after the murders.
Personally I think it’s of interest as in they want to hear from the driver, or hear from someone that knows that the driver was there that day

Almost sounds to me like they already know the car was there and all about it, but they just can’t prove if the person they suspect was actually there.

Or they have no idea who may have been driving it.

I think they are trying to catch someone related to that vehicle that has lied to them.
I agree, I don’t see any features that really stand out and this sketch portrays a common appearance of a lot of men of a similar age group. I think a sketch is not intended to be scrutinized down to the finest detail because it’s only a two dimensional drawing. If the witness recalled anything glaringly obvious about the person sighted, IMO it’d be expressly noted by LE.

And I think the only thing LE made verbal express note of was difference in age.
Thanks Wells!

Wells,I brought this post forward because I was hoping to stress the importance of your work in compiling MSM links.

Thread 96 Post 967
Found Deceased - IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #96

This post is for Wells and all WS posters who may be interested in watching a Grey Hughes Investigates Video.

via @YouTube[/MEDIA]

I am not sure how many posters have already viewed it. This as an interview & question answer segment by Gray Hughes with the Pattys. In the video (it was difficult for me not to cry)an emotional but fearless Becky Patty discusses the timeline including the critical moments at the bridge that day. She talks about where Derrick German and various witnesses,CE, flannel shirt etc. were.

The aspect that was most helpful to me was the timeline was discussed in a linear format. “Abby and Libby Delphi case Round Table - with Becky Patty Part 2”.

If this is redundant I will promptly delete.

Doesn't their understanding of the couple under the bridge sound like male/female and not 2 girls?
Personally I think it’s of interest as in they want to hear from the driver, or hear from someone that knows that the driver was there that day

Almost sounds to me like they already know the car was there and all about it, but they just can’t prove if the person they suspect was actually there.

Or they have no idea who may have been driving it.

totally agree with you.
My guess is, since it's seems the perp is a younger person, that
the vehicle in question could be titled to a son and parent.
Son and parent must be covering for each other OR LE has
only spoken to parent. Maybe son was away at school and
parents lawyered up and won't allow son to speak w/ LE.
That's just my hunch.
I'm going with the FBI composite sketch didn't take into consideration he is covered or disguised.
That they produced a sketch that looked like a guy who was soon arrested and sentenced to 157 years almost seems targeted. And while LE officers detest when fellow or former officers betray the trust, they will want to stay away from anything suggesting they created a sketch with a suspect in mind rather than using the pure input of witnesses or even admitting that their software was flawed. Better to just say, He's not the guy.

This has been bothering me, and perhaps you have hit on the reason.
I am still struck by the inaccuracy of that statement. They came back and corrected/clarified two things: 1) the date was actually Feb 13 and 2) the vehicle was not abandoned, the building was abandoned. The vehicle was parked.

For such an important statement of the press conference, how did that get so muddled?

Well for one thing, even though Carter spoke very passionately and emotionally, as Superintendent of ISP he was delivering a message on behalf of the entire Multi-Agency Task Force Team. In his senior role of overseeing all investigations conducted by the State, he’d certainly be involved with the Delphi investigation but he’d have a lot of other things on his plate as well. Maybe the wrong date just popped into his head? As for the abandoned building, I think that was more a confusing word wrap. He’s human, just like the rest of us.
What was he doing is my question too.

Somewhere in the dusty archives of these threads there was a lot of mention of a third girl who was going to go walking with Libby and Abby, but then she changed her mind. My intention is not to bring rumours to this thread so does anyone remember the source?

And even though Abby and Libby weren’t allowed to go until they arranged a ride there and back doesn’t rule out they hoped to make those plans in advance, especially if a third girl knew their intent then others might’ve known if their communication was online, through FB for example. I’m still not convinced the murderer chose two random girls to murder and therefore one reason I can think why this guy arrived at noon is he expected the girls to be there, but didn’t know when. JMO
Me too!
Indeed. It just makes me wonder how close or good of a look the witness really did get.

Yah idk I do have faith in a sketch that was made days after the murder over one done months later.

Fresh memory etc comes into play many times

I have faith that there are characteristics that someone that should know will know

I agree, I don’t see any features that really stand out and this sketch portrays a common appearance of a lot of men of a similar age group. I think a sketch is not intended to be scrutinized down to the finest detail because it’s only a two dimensional drawing. If the witness recalled anything glaringly obvious about the person sighted, IMO it’d be expressly noted by LE.
That's true, the sketch by Bryant was drawn using a "facial identification sheet."
So the witness described the person's features based on general categories, such as eye shape, type of nose, forehead, etc.
So to me that means there is a selection of these features to choose from, as opposed to very specific features unique to a certain individual. I think that's why they describe it as a ballpark estimate.
So it makes sense that the sketch resembles thousands of different people.
That's why I think it is meant for the people that are close to him and may suspect him, to get a better idea that it may be him.
As opposed to people looking at the sketch and trying to compare it to all the people that it looks like, and suggesting they may be the killer. Imo
Yes, Skigh, I completely agree with you.

Just my humble opinion, but it could be that the partial (or whole) DNA analysis has come back from a lab, with maybe comparisons already obtained from one of those sites already discussed here, into which LE could upload a profile.

The DNA results might ultimately show that a large extended family who lives in the area, with maybe 3 dozen males, share some portion of their DNA with BG.

Perhaps Superintendent D. Carter is a member of that large family too. I feel bad for him. He seemed upset on a couple of different levels at the press conference.

Here's the Bottom Line: Law Enforcement are professionals. They will solve this. They are dedicated. They may even be close.

My opinion only; Based on varied Life Experiences

ETA: wording more exact
IMHO JMO MOO you may have just answered the mystery of the two weeks which is that yes they have a partial profile so they know which family but the family has so many males that they know it was going to take a few weeks to sort out who.
True, but what we don't know is the witness's ability to notice
detail and ability to remember detail. Not all witnesses are created
We are putting way too much importance on this sketch: it's simply a rough guide not a replica.
Yes, that's why I think it is specifically meant for the people that know him well or his family. If they had any doubts based on the first sketch, hopefully they are more sure now and will come forward.
I think LE is relying heavily on this. Imo
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