Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #97

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:) :) :)

Remember, you assumed he might be into fires, so it could be an arsonist’s attire? (Goes well with black clothes that someone said he sported).

I certainly don’t see anything in the pic to resemble a respirator. However, my son wears a training mask when he works out or runs to improve cardio. The mask come in various colours. Another alternative, but I don’t see it.

Training Mask USA | Breathe Safe. Breathe Strong. TrainingMask Specializes in Fitness Filtration and Sports Performance Breathing Devices.
That statement was misinterpreted. Delphi is 60 miles north of Indianapolis. He didn't say how far from Delphi he was seen walking.
Oops, sorry, I meant he was seen near Delphi, about 60 miles from Indianapolis..
Too late to edit original post but I only mentioned the 60 miles because I think it was from a different article than the one that states the witness was a woman. I could be wrong but I wonder if there were 2 different witnesses that the original sketch was based on. Imo
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Bringing this forward to stare at as I ask myself if they’re absolutely certain that vehicle is connected to BG:

April 22 Press Conference transcript:

<news announcer>
Doug Carter and he has taken the stand. We'll take a listen in.

<audio cuts in to Superintendent Carter>
... the Delphi community how grateful I am you inspire people you don't even understand and you don't even understand why. Information is being released today is the result of literally thousands and thousands of hours of extraordinary investigative efforts by Delphi Carroll County, the FBI, the Indiana State Police and countless other agencies. This community surrounded us some twenty six months ago and you did everything you could to support us but most importantly you surrounded the family of these two little girls. Gosh I'll never forget it. After you hear what we're going to release today I'm going to ask for your continued support, your continued understanding, your empathy and compassion as we move forward to find out who did this and we will.

We're seeking the public's help to identify the driver of a vehicle that was parked at the old CPS DCS welfare building in the city of Delphi that was abandoned on the east side of County Road 300 North next to the Hoosier Heartland highway between the hours of noon to 5:00 on February 14th 2017. If you were parked there or know who was parked there please contact the officers at the command post at the Delphi city building.

We are releasing additional portions of the audio recorded from that day. Please keep in mind the person talking is one person and is the person on the bridge with the girls. This is not two different people speaking. Please listen to it very, very carefully. We are also releasing video recovered from Libby's phone. This video has never before been previously released. The video shows a suspect walking on the bridge. When you see the video watch the watch the person's mannerisms as they walk. Watch the mannerisms as he walks. Do you recognize the mannerisms as being someone that you might know? Remember he is walking on a former railroad bridge. Because of the deteriorated condition of the bridge the suspect is not walking naturally due to the spacing between the ties.

During the course of this investigation we have concluded the first sketch released will become secondary as of today. The result of the new information and intelligence over time leads us to believe the sketch which you will see shortly is the person responsible for the murders of these two little girls. We also believe this person is from Delphi. Currently or has previously lived here, visits Delphi on a regular basis or works here. We believe this person is currently between the age range of 18 and 40 but might appear younger than its true age.

Directly to the killer who may be in this room. We believe you are hiding in plain sight. For more than two years you never thought we would shift gears to a different investigative strategy but we have. We likely have interviewed you or someone close to you. We know that this is about power to you and you want to know what we know. And one day you will.

The question to you: what will those closest to you think of they find out that you brutally murdered two little girls, two children? Only a coward would do such a thing.

We are confident that you have told someone what you have done or at the very least they know because how different you are since the murders. We try so hard to understand how a person could do something like this to to two chil to two children. I recently watched a movie called The Shack and there's also a book that talks so well about evil, about death and about eternity. To the murderer I believe you have just a little bit of a conscience left and I can assure you that how you left them in that woods is not, is not what they are experiencing today.

The family. I hope that you all will give them some time because we're going to be asking that there's no media inquiry or no media response for at least the next two weeks and I hope you understand why. The family found out about this about this information this morning. I just want the family to know that when I take my last breath on this earth I'll be thinking of them. There's going to be a tremendous amount of <unintelligble> I know that. I know that. Never in my career have I stood in front of something like this. Please be patient with us. Please. We're just beginning. We are we are just now beginning. That I can tell you on behalf of the sheriff and the police chief so many other partners that have stood with us over this period of time that we will not stop.

-- Other officer ..
I just unveiled the person that we believe responsible for the murder of these two little girls so I invite media to take a look at that now. Kim.

We're also going to show you a video not previously released that superintendent spoke to and also the audio that's additional to what's been previously released. It's only a slight change in it. So give Sergeant Riley just a second as he gets that up and ready.
<plays audio>
Stand by for the video please. There is no sound of the video.
<plays video> As Superintendent Carter mentioned. He is on the railway bridge. You have to take different steps to get to it. This information later this afternoon will be on the state police website. For the community that's here we have 100 copies of the news release. If you put in that URL you'll be able to get to that site to play it. And we also have that same release for you in the media and the rest of the state we'll get that released in about 15 minutes. So we appreciate those of you that came here. This concludes our announcement. Thank you for your time patience and courtesy.

“We're seeking the public's help to identify the driver of a vehicle that was parked at the old CPS DCS welfare building in the city of Delphi that was abandoned on the east side of County Road 300 North next to the Hoosier Heartland highway between the hours of noon to 5:00 on February 14th 2017. If you were parked there or know who was parked there please contact the officers at the command post at the Delphi city building.“

I’m not sure this is a “be all end all” quote? Thoughts? I mean they’re obviously bringing this up in context with the “new direction”—-but do we know for CERTAIN this vehicle is associated with BG or is this just a what they consider to be a potentially very important lead that they’re following? Common sense says if they brought this up specifically then obviously it’s very, very important. I’m just wondering if it is for certain that this was BG parked there.

ETA: I do realize it’s the “driver” they’re interested in.
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I agree, I don’t see any features that really stand out and this sketch portrays a common appearance of a lot of men of a similar age group. I think a sketch is not intended to be scrutinized down to the finest detail because it’s only a two dimensional drawing. If the witness recalled anything glaringly obvious about the person sighted, IMO it’d be expressly noted by LE.
True, but what we don't know is the witness's ability to notice
detail and ability to remember detail. Not all witnesses are created
We are putting way too much importance on this sketch: it's simply a rough guide not a replica.
Bringing this forward to stare at as I ask myself if they’re absolutely certain that vehicle is connected to BG:

“We're seeking the public's help to identify the driver of a vehicle that was parked at the old CPS DCS welfare building in the city of Delphi that was abandoned on the east side of County Road 300 North next to the Hoosier Heartland highway between the hours of noon to 5:00 on February 14th 2017. If you were parked there or know who was parked there please contact the officers at the command post at the Delphi city building.“

I’m not sure this is a “be all end all” quote? Thoughts? I mean they’re obviously bringing this up in context with the “new direction”—-but do we know for certain this vehicle is associated with BG or is this just a what they consider to be a potentially important lead that they’re following down.

I am still struck by the inaccuracy of that statement. They came back and corrected/clarified two things: 1) the date was actually Feb 13 and 2) the vehicle was not abandoned, the building was abandoned. The vehicle was parked.

For such an important statement of the press conference, how did that get so muddled?
I agree, I don’t see any features that really stand out and this sketch portrays a common appearance of a lot of men of a similar age group. I think a sketch is not intended to be scrutinized down to the finest detail because it’s only a two dimensional drawing. If the witness recalled anything glaringly obvious about the person sighted, IMO it’d be expressly noted by LE.

I think LE must know BG cannot be directly identified by the sketch as he also said he could be in the room.
If he could be that easily identified the community would be able to recognise him.
I think it was to shock BG who thought he was safe as the person they had been looking for looked nothing like him so he thought he was safe and not likely to be caught.
If he was at the meeting(I think Carter was pretty sure he would be) He must have reacted when he saw the new sketch and was told they were looking at a much younger person.
At the bottom of each post, just to the left of the 'Like' button, is a small orange # with the post number within that thread. The default is 20 posts per page, so you can count back to the right page and find the post on it. #124 would be on page 7 of the thread.

If they're on a phone they won't see the numbers unless they turn the phone sideways. I couldn't figure it out until someone told me.
Bringing this forward to stare at as I ask myself if they’re absolutely certain that vehicle is connected to BG:

“We're seeking the public's help to identify the driver of a vehicle that was parked at the old CPS DCS welfare building in the city of Delphi that was abandoned on the east side of County Road 300 North next to the Hoosier Heartland highway between the hours of noon to 5:00 on February 14th 2017. If you were parked there or know who was parked there please contact the officers at the command post at the Delphi city building.“

I’m not sure this is a “be all end all” quote? Thoughts? I mean they’re obviously bringing this up in context with the “new direction”—-but do we know for certain this vehicle is associated with BG or is this just a what they consider to be a potentially important lead that they’re following down.

Personally I think it’s of interest as in they want to hear from the driver, or hear from someone that knows that the driver was there that day

Almost sounds to me like they already know the car was there and all about it, but they just can’t prove if the person they suspect was actually there.

Or they have no idea who may have been driving it.

Maybe no one but the girls saw BG on the trail that day. Maybe he was lurking around and stayed out of sight. There's a quote about the witness for the newly released sketch saying something like they saw the person doing something they felt they should report. I'll look for it (or someone might have it handy) so JMO for now on that. Seems like something like that might drop the sketch down in priority.

Also, HLN is still running Delphi blips today. Showing the sketch and video and saying the pressure is building for an arrest. No link, Live TV.

edit to add link:

'New' Delphi suspect sketch was drawn days after murders of 2 Indiana girls, artist says

snip BBM

The sketch artist with ISP who drew the face, Master Trooper Taylor Bryant, told the Indianapolis Star the picture presented as being new Monday had in fact been drawn Feb. 17, 2017, three days after the bodies of the two girls were discovered.

In vague terms, Bryant told the Star the image was based on the description of a man by a witness who reported seeing something they felt needed to be reported. The sketch is a "ballpark estimation of what the person looks like."

“In vague terms, Bryant told the Star the image was based on the description of a man by a witness who reported seeing something they felt needed to be reported. The sketch is a "ballpark estimation of what the person looks like."”

Wait, “ballpark estimation”? I’m not liking the sound of that.

Personally I think it’s of interest as in they want to hear from the driver, or hear from someone that knows that the driver was there that day

Almost sounds to me like they already know the car was there and all about it, but they just can’t prove if the person they suspect was actually there.

Or they have no idea who may have been driving it.


(Indeed, I actually just edited my post to include something along the lines of “I know they’re interested in the driver” :) I hear ya on that.)
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Perhaps Superintendent D. Carter is a member of that large family too. I feel bad for him. He seemed upset on a couple of different levels at the press conference.

Here's the Bottom Line: Law Enforcement are professionals. They will solve this. They are dedicated. They may even be close.

My opinion only; Based on varied Life Experiences

ETA: wording more exact

I understand this is all just your speculation, and while anything is possible, Superintendent Carter is involved in this investigation as he is the head of the whole Indiana State Police, not because he has any particular ties to Delphi, familial or otherwise. If you Google him you'll see he's a native of LaPorte, Indiana which is just about as far from Delphi as you can get and still be in the same state. I think any speculation about him being possibly related to the murderer in this case is a pretty far reach. He has a very emotional style of speaking, often with religious overtones, in this and other cases. Yes, he's angry and he's showing his dedication to the case. But I think many of us are reading too much into his level of emotion.
I keep going back to the vehicle "abandoned" at the social service building on the 13th between noon and 5pm. Who would have seen that vehicle or even noticed it? LE wasn't called until after 5pm about the girls being missing so that vehicle would have been gone.

Makes me think that during the course of the day (prior to the girls even going missing) a patrol car saw the vehicle parked at the building which was no longer occupied and found it out of sorts and called it in to run its tags. I hardly think the casual person passing by that building would take note of the vehicle being parked there especially having such specifics as to the time of noon til 5pm.

I wonder if there were any signs posted on that property (social service building) saying something like "No parking", "vehicles parked here will be towed at owners expense", "no trespassing" and so on. Such a sign at that property would make a patrol vehicle check out a vehicle parked there.

The vehicle was NOT abandoned! The building is referred as abandoned. There was a link posted regarding this previously.
What was he doing is my question too.

Somewhere in the dusty archives of these threads there was a lot of mention of a third girl who was going to go walking with Libby and Abby, but then she changed her mind. My intention is not to bring rumours to this thread so does anyone remember the source?

And even though Abby and Libby weren’t allowed to go until they arranged a ride there and back doesn’t rule out they hoped to make those plans in advance, especially if a third girl knew their intent then others might’ve known if their communication was online, through FB for example. I’m still not convinced the murderer chose two random girls to murder and therefore one reason I can think why this guy arrived at noon is he expected the girls to be there, but didn’t know when. JMO
Latest interview with Becky on a live chat type of podcast with GH. She was asked in the chat about this girl. Right then and there she (Becky) texted that girl and asked her if this was true, if she was going to go with the girls that day to the trail and the girl replied back to Becky that it was not true. Wish I had time to dig up that interview/podcast/chat with GH but it is easy to find just google GH Delphi and you will find it.
Thanks Wells!

Wells,I brought this post forward because I was hoping to stress the importance of your work in compiling MSM links.

Thread 96 Post 967
Found Deceased - IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #96

This post is for Wells and all WS posters who may be interested in watching a Grey Hughes Investigates Video.

via @YouTube[/MEDIA]

I am not sure how many posters have already viewed it. This as an interview & question answer segment by Gray Hughes with the Pattys. In the video (it was difficult for me not to cry)an emotional but fearless Becky Patty discusses the timeline including the critical moments at the bridge that day. She talks about where Derrick German and various witnesses,CE, flannel shirt etc. were.

The aspect that was most helpful to me was the timeline was discussed in a linear format. “Abby and Libby Delphi case Round Table - with Becky Patty Part 2”.

If this is redundant I will promptly delete.

The written transcript of this was posted earlier in this thread under the Photos link to TT. It is helpful for me to read it due to the emotion.
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