Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #97

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Thanks for the response. I’m looking this up, one thing I’m seeing is “Police developed a behavioral profile of Bastian’s killer in 2013.” I’m curious what this reads like.

Suspected killer of Tacoma girl who disappeared in 1986 has been arrested

I’m trying not to stray too off topic here; I’m just really butting heads with @MassGuy on this intelligence level thing and it’s bugging me to death. :) From a profiling perspective I think this is an interesting and perhaps valid point of contention.

@Foxfire used to generally say “there’s a reason he’s gotten away with it for so long” (he passed away before Abby’s and Libby’s murders). What is that reason. Is he just lucky or is there a whooooooole lot more we don’t know. My opinion is that these crimes are just the tip of the iceberg, and especially IF he is NOT young, then perhaps there’s something more than just luck going on here.

Work wise I imagine him in a supervisory/independent type role.

It’s interesting how we all imagine things certain ways in our heads, differently, yet we are all exposed to the same information. It’s all speculation of course. :)

How unique or not unique is BG as a predator? Much of that would be known from the crime scene, to which of course we are not privy.

2013 Profile of Jenny Bastian's Killer
  • Might have lived in Tacoma’s North End about 1986 or had family who lived there.
  • Would have been very familiar with North End parks, trails and wooded areas.
  • Might have been semi-transient in 1986 and stayed in the parks, causing a disheveled appearance.
  • Probably got around on foot or bicycle; possibly used the bus.
  • Routinely carried a knife.
  • Likely had mental health issues and could have been jailed or institutionalized since 1986.
  • Might have shown assaultive behavior toward family and might have become estranged from them.
  • Probably did not have stable employment and might have turned to petty thefts and foraging.
  • Had a disease called Strongyloides stercoralis, which eventually would have caused abdominal pain, heartburn, a dry cough, rashes and intermittent episodes of diarrhea and constipation.
Turns out he had lived in Tacoma for a while, stable employment and family. When he was arrested in Illinois after the DNA match, the neighbors said he was a "compassionate man" who cared for his disabled daughter.

In 2013, Tacoma Police decided to hold a "mock" child abduction drill, as if Jenny had disappeared that very day. Apparently over 1000 tips came in, none of which led to the .
Yes! CeCe Moore is the director at Parabon, and they have hired on additional genealogists to assist more agencies. They were just working cold cases, which sort of meant there was not an urgency. But now they are getting active cases too which they give top priority!

If I won the lottery I'd open a "Parabon!" So much potential for serious money here....
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2013 Profile of Jenny Bastian's Killer
  • Might have lived in Tacoma’s North End about 1986 or had family who lived there.
  • Would have been very familiar with North End parks, trails and wooded areas.
  • Might have been semi-transient in 1986 and stayed in the parks, causing a disheveled appearance.
  • Probably got around on foot or bicycle; possibly used the bus.
  • Routinely carried a knife.
  • Likely had mental health issues and could have been jailed or institutionalized since 1986.
  • Might have shown assaultive behavior toward family and might have become estranged from them.
  • Probably did not have stable employment and might have turned to petty thefts and foraging.
  • Had a disease called Strongyloides stercoralis, which eventually would have caused abdominal pain, heartburn, a dry cough, rashes and intermittent episodes of diarrhea and constipation.
Turns out he had lived in Tacoma for a while, stable employment and family. When he was arrested in Illinois after the DNA match, the neighbors said he was a "compassionate man" who cared for his disabled daughter.

In 2013, Tacoma Police decided to hold a "mock" child abduction drill, as if Jenny had disappeared that very day. Apparently over 1000 tips came in, none of which led to the .

Wow, thank you. Now thaaat is not as general of a profile as I’ve heard lately, imo.

And you said it turned out to not really be accurate as far as stable employment and family.

What on earth is the profile characteristic of constipation, etc? :eek: Was that a genetic predisposition/characteristic found in the DNA? Now that is interesting.
Ha, watch him be so dumb he’s not even competent to stand trial.

I think he lies somewhere in between.

Not a complete dolt, but not some well educated, highly intelligent, white collar type guy.

The famous serial killers, the ones everyone is familiar with, are mostly the organized (intelligent) variety (Bundy, Gacy, BTK).

I think he’s towards the opposite end of that spectrum.
Could the difference in the sketches be that simple? Could one have been based from a snapchat pic that's been reversed engineered? Just a thought. The differences in the 2 sketches are just startling. It makes my mind want to figure out why. RIP to these 2 beautiful angels, and fly high.

The video clip of him walking could be from snapchat, it would have needed to be sent to one of her contacts or added to her story (we have heard the pic of Abby was sent to a friend, not that it was added to Libby's story). Since we have only seen the highly cropped version we really don't know if it was from Snapchat (the tell tale sign would have been up in the left corner on the pre cropped version). The voice recordings she has of him are likely not on Snapchat though, because to record video you not only have to keep the record button held down but then you have to actually do something with it right after its taken (save it to camera roll, send it to someone, post it on your story), and if she was trying to hide her phone or what she was doing from BG that would not have been possible. My hunch there (the voice clip) is like many of you, she quickly hit record on the camera and hid her phone.
If LE thinks he may have grown up in the area, given the age range, do you think they thought to check out on line year books? Even if he didn't graduate, he may have a jr or sophomore picture. It wouldn't be that hard to narrow it down and then track down so of the people who may fit his profile. I am not saying anyone here should do that, just wondering if LE may be doing it.

Yes, iirc from a previous post, the yearbooks are posted online, so even if LE didn’t take a look (which they likely did imo), I’m sure sleuthers out there have been diligent to possibly alert them to any potential matches.


Jumping off this, I recall from an article in July I think it was where it was stated they had “thousands of names” they needed to follow up on. Which again brings forward my previous question of, based on the likelihood they have interviewed him before, does this mean they have not been able to rule out all these names on their interview list? And if so, why not? Especially if they have DNA. Maybe they are having trouble tracking some people down...

Looking for post re: “thousands of names” for reference.

Another thing to note is that LE has always said upfront that if they need to start over that’s exactly what they’ll do.

ETA for reference:
Delphi Investigation: Why state police say Libby & Abby's case isn't cold
What we know about the murders of Libby & Abby
Feb 12, 2018
One Year Later: Why the Delphi case isn't cold

"DELPHI, Ind. -- It’s not going to be a cold case, it’s not.

Although a year has passed since the murders of Delphi teens Liberty German and Abigail Williams, Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter says he will not let the case go cold before their killer is found.

I’ esaid all along, as long as I’m in this role and breathing, we’re not leaving the City of Delphi in Carroll County, Indiana, we’re just not, said Carter. And if we get to the point where we have exhausted the leads that we currently have in the queue then we’re going to start all over again.”
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Marfan syndrome was suggested based on the focus on the length of his chin from his lower lip being disproportionate along with the discussion of possible neuropathy. It was not EDS based on his walk. Reading comprehension is important on these threads.
I was not referring specifically to the walking stride on the video per se, but rather what the video showed in general. It is not clear enough to show real detail, and is open to interpretation as to facial features.
For two years we have been looking for the schlubbiest degenerate ever. People were listing all kinds of suspects based on social status in town. Didn’t ever see any choir boys come up. Only guys who could possibly be nicknamed Bubba.
Wonder why that is?

Because we have preconceived notions based on outward appearance, and a blurry image. We humans make snap judgements, as a matter of instinct and survival — and our personal life experience is wrapped in that identification process. We make rapid assessments of people, places, and situations.

We ”think” he is X, likely a blue collar worker, but what if he’s Y, and is a “professional” person. And with that I realize what a ridiculous notion it is to refer to only a portion of job titles as “professional.”

I’m glad my plumber is a professional.
There’s a couple possibilities:

The DNA is not of the quality needed to go that route.

They’re in the process of doing this, but it has yet to yield results.

I don’t for a second, believe that this task force wouldn’t have done this, if they had the ability to do so.

They want to nail this monster as badly as the public wants them to.
If I won the lottery I'd open a "Parabon!" So my potential for serious money here....
Franchise it! Same with DNA testing rape kits. If that could be handled by indy labs certified by LE to drive the cost down, the tens of thousands of untested rape kits might already put BG's DNA in CODIS!
Iirc someone was asking about Bangert the other day and then someone linked a response with the radio show as a possible source for whatever that poster was looking for; I just came across these links which may or may not be useful to whatever you guys might have been looking for:

For reference:
Thank you again Dave Bangert | Journal & Courier for this thorough Anniversary article for the girls!!

Delphi double homicides: 'Horrible to live like this,' a year after Abby and Libby were killed
Dave Bangert | Journal & Courier
Delphi double homicides: 'Horrible to live like this,' a year after Abby and Libby were killed
*photos at link
(Thanks, Jax)

Thank you Dave Bangert | Journal & Courier

"To this day, the killer remains a mystery.

To this day, Delphi – where sketches of a suspect are blown up in the windows of storefronts, and ribbons in teal and purple, the girls’ favorite colors, surround the Carroll County Courthouse square – remains confident in an investigation that brought in hundreds of local, state and federal offices but has yet to produce an arrest.

If today isn’t the day, that day is coming soon. Or so goes the hope, one year later.

“I think people have been antsy to get this case solved since Day 1,” said Shane Evans, mayor of Delphi, a town of 2,877 about 17 miles northeast of Lafayette. “I don’t think there’s a person in Delphi who hasn’t felt this.”"
Delphi double homicide: A timeline of the search for Abby and Libby’s killer
Dave Bangert | Journal & Courier Feb. 9, 2018
Delphi double homicide: A timeline of the search for Abby and Libby’s killer
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Marfan syndrome was suggested based on the focus on the length of his chin from his lower lip being disproportionate along with the discussion of possible neuropathy. It was not EDS based on his walk. Reading comprehension is important on these threads.

It sure is. And that is not what the poster meant at all, as clarified below:

I was not referring specifically to the walking stride on the video per se, but rather what the video showed in general. It is not clear enough to show real detail, and is open to interpretation as to facial features.


These armchair medical diagnoses are confusing and just lead to more conspiracy theories.

The BG enhanced image is unclear. We can see he's a light skinned guy of medium height and build, sloppily dressed and wearing winter clothing. I certainly cannot see his chin as being abnormal.

I know very little about Marfan's other than that the person may be tall, with long fingers and toes.

I doubt its the case in BG.

Another point is he must be involved with children in some area.

By saying “guys”, he was addressing the girls in the gender neutral way that is being stressed /taught to teachers or anyone dealing with children. We hear friends, classmates, buddy, and guys all the time.

No more boys and girls.

guys is not gender neutral
just sayin' ...
I'm hoping this summary of facts will be something on which we can all agree. The person depicted in the composite sketch is described as a White male between 5'6" and 5'10", weighing 180 to 220 pounds, with reddish brown hair. His eye color is unknown. The suspect is believed to be between 18 and 40 years old but may appear younger. He said the words "girls down the hill" (may or may not have been all together). It is believed that he is from Delphi: currently or has previously lived there, visit Delphi on a regular basis or works there. It is believed he is hiding in plain sight. He never thought LE would sift gears to a different investigative strategy. It's likely he or someone close to him has been interviewed. This is about power for him. He wants to know what LE knows."
Hi all - new to WS as a member and poster but I have read this thread since the girls were found.

Just my two cents (all IMO):
- I believe LE suspects a particular person but may not have corroborating evidence for an arrest/conviction yet.

- If he is "hiding in plain sight" he would have likely been going about for the last two years as if nothing happened. If LE has a suspect in mind, he or people who know him may have already been interviewed and he may be aware that people are watching. Is he actively covering any tracks that may have never been worrisome to him before, like deleting or making private his social media accounts? Has he withdrawn from social activities and interactions with others in the last few months or weeks? Is he making mistakes at work or school? Taking sick time? Showing unusual anxiety or irritability? What kind of behavior changes would make someone close to him wonder if something is off?

- I feel this was his first violent act, but there probably were previous behaviors known to his family and friends that point to issues like emotional disregulation, anger problems, manipulating others, lying, and/or low self esteem (perhaps masked as confidence, arrogance, or piety). LE gave an age range of 18-40. Let's say he is in his mid- to late-20s, just as an example - did he display emotionally disregulated behavior as a teen or in his early adulthood? Did he later become a model citizen, student, employee, church member, whatever - all the while hiding enormous rage at family, friends, past romantic relationships (or lack thereof), or how unfair life has been? Friends and family may be doubtful that he is a suspect because of this. "I know he used to be really angry all the time, but he's such a good guy now, it couldn't possibly be him - even if he looks like the sketch and I know he didn't show up to work or class that day."
Again, all this is opinion and speculation. Hoping there is an arrest soon.

It sure is. And that is not what the poster meant at all, as clarified below:


These armchair medical diagnoses are confusing and just lead to more conspiracy theories.

The BG enhanced image is unclear. We can see he's a light skinned guy of medium height and build, sloppily dressed and wearing winter clothing. I certainly cannot see his chin as being abnormal.

I know very little about Marfan's other than that the person may be tall, with long fingers and toes.

I doubt its the case in BG.

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