Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #99

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By the way, the news conference today on the identification of Mary Silvani, (Sheep’s Flat Jane Doe), and the identification of her murderer —it went into a lot of detail about how they found her murderer, even though he was adopted. Just like you said. It was fascinating.

It took a lot of work, though. (I couldn’t resist bolding your word ‘eventually’—which is, I think, a word we have to bear in mind.)

I agree.

I cannot tell you how happy I am that Sheep's Flat Jane Doe has been given back her name and family, and her killer's identity is now known. It has been a long wait, 37 years.
So I guess he provided an alibi, that held water at that time. Is it possible to look closer at the alibi now?

@MassGuy, I think the perv’s IQ is in the superior range, after all. It is not sheer luck here.
I absolutely don’t believe that.

This took no special skill, and was contingent upon a fair amount of luck.

He didn’t outsmart those girls; he forced them to comply through fear and intimidation.

This guy was caught on camera, didn’t take Libby’s phone, was likely spotted by several people, and committed this crime in broad daylight.

He’s lucky he wasn’t caught the day of the murders, and benefited from a sketch that didn’t resemble him.

Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good.

Luck has a tendency of running out though.
Hi Charlot, We seem to be possibly outnumbered on this one haha, but FTR I have absolutely no problem with Israeli Intelligence analyzing the image. :D

Seriously I’m not sure it’s in the scope of LE calling up Israel, then again we are all buddy buddy...

(I don’t interpret the article btw as being limited to analyzing movement. It clearly says their aptitude is for analyzing images as well.)

Again, as for this being a realistic method that LE would approach, I’m not sure this would be done, I do however commend your creative thinking and I did find the article of tremendous interest, particularly because I have worked in the field with autistic persons previously and I’m wishing now I still did and could show them the image. :)

It’s been 2 years—-send the image to Israel lol.

I am thinking that if they explain to Israeli intelligence why we want the kids to look at the image, they’d agree. They have large families.

(I did speak to some Israeli expats. They told me a lot about how they try to include everyone into everything, and teach kids to not marginalize anyone. This alone is amazing. Using autistic kids came from this concept, I am sure).

The only reason why it may not work, as I thought, could be the following. I thought, one could ask them to describe what they see, and they would do a good job. Now, if they are shown a “photo lineup”, with several faces, including the POIs, and asked to match the face with the image, they might still fail - for one obvious reason.

Some people with good visuospatial skills have prosopagnosia (facial blindness). God knows how it can happen, but it does, and infrequently. Facial recognition are an area of its own.
I think you may be misinterpreting the context of that article.

They are finding those with autism are exceptionally skilled at spotting a pattern of distracting movement

Such as combing an area of ground for suspicious activity etc

not sure how that relates to this case?

You may find the references below helpful. Seeing patterns in moving data is only one aspect.

Autistic Brain Excels at Recognizing Patterns
I absolutely don’t believe that.

This took no special skill, and was contingent upon a fair amount of luck.

He didn’t outsmart those girls; he forced them to comply through fear and intimidation.

This guy was caught on camera, didn’t take Libby’s phone, was likely spotted by several people, and committed this crime in broad daylight.

He’s lucky he wasn’t caught the day of the murders, and benefited from a sketch that didn’t resemble him.

Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good.

Luck has a tendency of running out though.

I hope we’ll be able to compare notes when he is caught. I’ll be so happy to be wrong!
Kelsi makes a reference to the "Shack" movie in an interview back on Sept 19, 2018 in an interview with James Renner. She is asked about what she would want to happen to the perp when he is caught. She talks about forgiveness etc....but I found it interesting that she talked about that movie 6 months ago

I don't think its any coincidence that Carter makes this reference in the latest presser. I'm not sure what the connection is but there is something linked.

I also watched Carter's 2 previous press conferences and in the latest one he is noticeably different in his tone. Much more demonstrative and also seemingly more confident. I especially liked how he made a motion with his hands about "little" really egging on the perp.

I feel like they actually are very close to getting their man. youtube (virtually a detective/ case 101/ chapter 8) around the 3 minute mark on the video
I am thinking that if they explain to Israeli intelligence why we want the kids to look at the image, they’d agree. They have large families.

(I did speak to some Israeli expats. They told me a lot about how they try to include everyone into everything, and teach kids to not marginalize anyone. This alone is amazing. Using autistic kids came from this concept, I am sure).

The only reason why it may not work, as I thought, could be the following. I thought, one could ask them to describe what they see, and they would do a good job. Now, if they are shown a “photo lineup”, with several faces, including the POIs, and asked to match the face with the image, they might still fail - for one obvious reason.

Some people with good visuospatial skills have prosopagnosia (facial blindness). God knows how it can happen, but it does, and infrequently. Facial recognition are an area of its own.

Why the hell not. You don’t have to convince me lol. At this point I think the United Nations and Queen of Sheba should assess this image.
Ok I have to ask why is the shed significant? I’m confused as I don’t see how BG would have been able to move the girls and bring them back?

Over the bridge, down the hill across the creek, up the hill across the cemetery and to the shed? Then back across the cemetery, down the hill to the recovery site?

I’m still going with down the hill cross the creek, kill, leave.

This ain’t a movie, most time these crimes are very quick and rushed. If there was a bunch of back and forth posing etc he would have been caught red handed imo

The shed is significant because people, having seen a video posted here, were asking questions about where the shed in the video was located. ...Wanting to know if it was on RL's property or in the cemetery, etc. The shed is not located in either of those places.

I posted it's location for those who had questions and, now that they know where the shed is, I'm sure nobody will continue to envision the scenario you described. If people are unfamiliar with the lay out of the entire area in and around MHB Trails, it makes it very difficult for them to envision what might have happened on the day of the murders.
Afternoon all....I have been reading for days and days because I have finally figured out I can not skim over ANY of your fantastic posts. This horrible crime has attracted the best of sleuths (Am's and Pro's) and for a very good reason. Nothing about the commission of the crime makes sense. But it does make sense the girls walked into his "kill zone" and he pounced. (Slithering snake that strikes quickly?) But I digress. I "think" LE knows or has documented (video, dash cam, appt log, grocery receipts etc) evidence of where the car was for the time leading up to 12pm, NOTHING TO DOCUMENT 5 HOURS and then starts up again at 5pm!!! I think the times police are asking for are very specific. Those are the only hours that the vehicle has not been seen or documented as being in other areas of town or picked up on some other video equipment. I'm thinking the car is 10 years or older and did not come equipped with a factory installed GPS system, and yet not so old or unique that it would jump out to the casual viewer. (Ie....wouldn't we all recall if we saw a Zimmer or a tricked out muscle car in the area? I'd probably even take an extra look at the driver.) Too ironic, even his car can hide in plain sight, huh? And lastly (oh sure, like I ever adhere to "lastly"...)
there had to be a lot of evidence in that car trunk.... if one had robbed a bank, do you think the robber would leave his loot and tools in the front seat for any significant length of time?
Shout out to M25 and guys always rock!
Great post, IQuestion!
Just for clarification, you don’t think LE has knowledge of this car being parked at the deserted building from 12 to 5? I’m wondering why they keep mentioning these particular hours.
I guess that’s what has me confused, it seems they know the vehicle was parked on that parking lot during those hours, but they are still asking for confirmation. So at this point it seems to be, who knows.
And thank you very much for posting!
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I would like to comment on a few posts I've seen where people have mentioned that the car could belong to a second person, such as the son of the perpetrator. One thing that has come to mind as I listen to the recent press conference and also as I listen to others talk about this new sketch: is it possible that the two sketches are both relevant because the bridge guy led the girls to a second perpetrator? Am I on the complete wrong track to wonder if LE just hasn't said publicly that they believe there are two suspects? Could they want the public to focus on the second sketch now because they haven't found the bridge guy yet? If I have missed something where this could not be possible I apologize.

Honestly nothing seems too far fetched for me anymore in regards to theories about the case.
I absolutely don’t believe that.

This took no special skill, and was contingent upon a fair amount of luck.

He didn’t outsmart those girls; he forced them to comply through fear and intimidation.

This guy was caught on camera, didn’t take Libby’s phone, was likely spotted by several people, and committed this crime in broad daylight.

He’s lucky he wasn’t caught the day of the murders, and benefited from a sketch that didn’t resemble him.

Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good.

Luck has a tendency of running out though.

I didn’t read about the camera.
(Snipped by CB)

Some people with good visuospatial skills have prosopagnosia (facial blindness). God knows how it can happen, but it does, and infrequently. Facial recognition are an area of its own.

Yeah, those are separate skills.

I'm a bit face blind, but I get by. I have a friend who is almost completely without facial recognition ability. If I run into her when she's not expecting me, I have to remind her who I am and wait while she matches me through other channels.

(Neither of us is autistic btw)
In my opinion it seems to be a black with white skull print balaclava that he has down by his neck to readily pull over his face should he need to. The white parts are what we are seeing

See this is why we need the Israeli Autistic Visual Intelligence up in here, settle this image business once and for all. :p

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