Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams & Liberty (Libby) German - The Delphi Murders - #150 *ARREST*

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What i’ve always wondered in cases where the murderer went under the radar fairly long: were there murderers where Websleuths (the mods or the sleuths) uncovered profiles on here belonging to the murderer? For example through their e-mailadress or if they verified themselves here as being connected to the case.

Reason i ask it on this threat: are the convicted or arrested murderers checked against followers/contributors?

Just curious if there’s a pattern or smth to learn there!
I can imagine there's been quite a few, wanting to get a thrill out of everyone guessing who it could be. In this digital age I think it more likely than not but we will probably never know.
I have a feeling the man just arrested has a connection with KK and think they both use the shotts account, and possibly TK too. I think KK is talking and why this will finally be solved. Keeping everything crossed the families get justice. I also have a feeling this could be connected to some sort of a ring and there will be many more arrests.
Logsdon and her mother Jeanne live just outside Carroll County but felt compelled to visit. Both said they’re still in shock; 50-year-old Richard Allen was someone they’ve seen and even spoken to. His arrest in connection with the case is jarring.

“It’s amazing that someone could do that and be a part of this community and just watch everybody go through this,” Logsdon said. “It’s sickening.”

I just have to say this:
As a volunteer WS staff member, it is easy to get focused on managing the day-to-day details of Reports, PMs, TOS, etc. and forget to come up for air periodically to see the big picture. It has obviously been an eventful few days with new posts and new threads happening at a very fast pace.

As I am following along in this thread while doing my job for WS, it has finally sunk in for me just now. This deeply disturbing case thread, where for 5 years we have ALL been holding vigil for precious Abby & Libby and those that loved them (and that now includes US), is finally at a place where we may have some answers about the WHO, what, where, how. IMHO we can never understand the why of such evil, but any info about the other details, and most importantly, the possibility that justice may now be within reach and not just a pipe dream, makes me catch my breath and my tears flow. It is overwhelming, and I think I need to be quiet for a few minutes to realize and appreciate this moment we have come to. What a blessing to be alive and present here for this.

Truly this is just my personal perspective, and simply wanted to type it out loud.
THANKS for listening.

Thank you for your wonderful post and for all you do.
I vaguely remember the mystery of Agatha Christie where the killer was a local postman. No one noticed the guy although he was always there, because he was, essentially, a local fixture.

If Delphi CVS is organized the same way our pharmacy is, then, you don’t see the whole person behind the partition. Some people ask about medications so RA might have spoken to them, but perhaps, his speech was too generic, if they once thought RL spoke like BG? RA might have held a limited life, and didn’t speak much at a bar. A local man, in the area of services, who basically, “delivers”, is unnoticed.

It would be interesting to compare the main former suspects of the case with the reality. I bet everyone who was suspected somehow stood out, and this guy was a chameleon sitting under a rock.
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Noticed that many posters here have said they feel there will be more arrests to come (following the presser? If RA starts talking?)

Has there been any other arrests in that county that may be of note as of yesterday or today? Just wondering.

Edited to add: 15 Registered Sex Offenders in Delphi, a small town of just under 3000. Is that about average? Seems like a lot but I have no idea.
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Huh? The 2nd sketch was said by ISP to be based on BG, I never heard it was generated by Parabon. Can you post a source?
It was talked about in the WS Youtube video posted earlier today. One of Tricia’s guests thinks it is a Parabon DNA sketch.
and none of his friends or family recognized his voice? Is it that generic?

The sketch was created by witness/es about 3 days after the murder. An ISP trooper forensic sketch artist, assists.
The police artist has a kit of facial features and they select features, oval or square face, stick out ears etc. until it seems right.
Imo, that is so eerie..right on the dot.
The sketch artist with ISP who drew the face, Master Trooper Taylor Bryant, told the Indianapolis Star the picture presented as being new Monday had in fact been drawn Feb. 17, 2017, three days after the bodies of the two girls were discovered.
In vague terms, Bryant told the Star the image was based on the description of a man by a witness who reported seeing something they felt needed to be reported. The sketch is a "ballpark estimation of what the person looks like."
Bryant, who did not draw an earlier, widely-disseminated sketch released by police that showed a much-older looking person of interest, told the Star he creates his drawings based off how a witness describes a suspect using a "facial identification reference sheet," which allows people to describe a suspect based on various categories such as a person's head shape, style of eyebrows or type of nose.

"The witness is the main focus," he told the paper. "So there’s no input from law enforcement at all in the generating of a sketch, other than my presence as the artist."

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