IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 13, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #3

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Imo, this is a crime of opportunity like most cases are when the victim/s is killed by someone unknown to them. This double murderer saw two vulnerable young females alone and took full advantage of it.:mad: Another tragic case among many where good meets evil and evil overcomes.:(

I believe LE already knows this was a sexually motivated crime. 9 times out of 10 the motivation for doing murders like this is to sexually assault the victim/s and then silence them rendering them voiceless unable to tell anyone what happened to them.

If he is not from the community then I wonder if he was living in the surrounding woods and everyone was unaware of his presence? Or maybe he was a drifter passing through.

We at times think it would be hard to control two young girls but all the perp really had to do is grab only one of them and threaten to hurt them if they both didn't comply fully to his demands. The bond of wanting to do anything they could in order to save the other one would be strong.

It is a very sad time we are living in now when two young girls from a peaceful rural area cant even go hiking to enjoy their day.
Same for the gray but for "the shadow" I think it is the shadow of the edge of the Bridge because if it was hers then it would have a different direction compared to the one of the suspect and the sunlight in the photo. No?
Putting the "shadow" aside, if it is a very little portion of Abigail's clothe it would make sense for me as I don't see the point of view of the "video" being high... at least not higher than the suspect.

But to me even if he was near them, I wouldn't have the impression they are walking together.

If it's her jacket, it's after the attack. If it's after the attack, why is he walking south across the bridge? Even if he parked on the South side, it doesn't make sense to expose yourself like that. I'd wade the river. It's only waist deep.

As to the photo, I think a trail cam is likely. He's near the start of the bridge where the trees to the East would be a good place to hang a trail cam as they are higher than the bridge itself. If you want shots of people entering the bridge, that's where you would put it.
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