IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #11

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I have to do this as well....a locked thread would actually help with not missing much!

I've always thought it would be helpful if there were red star posts, where something new was said or a new article with more information, or an announcement of a press conference, etc. It would be great to click on a thread and select "red star posts only" and catch up.
How did geocaching become a foundation brick in our forum here? I missed when we all began incorporating that theory or info consistently. How or did LE mention geocaching? I do know of an oddity on that cache that relates to a victim but not this crime. It was dated 7/2/16.

Last night a user posted info that lead to geocaching.

Bessie stated we need to DROP this topic. Please let's not get this thread locked for the 100th time!

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yes extensively. it's either all in this thread still from last night, or if it's not its because moderators removed it and don't want it here, not sure which. haven't gone back to re-read.

Ah, ok. Thanks. Guess I was sleeping when that was happening :).
Right it came from Libbys cell (since she recorded it) but where did LE get it from...her actual cell or the cloud??

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"from the cell phone"
I personally do believe Libby's phone was at the site. BUT, LE has not confirmed it was. As has been said a thousand times, the information COULD have come from the Cloud. I think that's unlikely, but it's possible.

And, as I said a couple of posts ago, it does not even matter at this point because it's not getting anyone closer to the identifying the killer. Yes, we all know that Libby recorded something with her phone. And that's awesome because it will eventually lead to the killer. The phone's actual whereabouts matters very little.

I think we should move on from this topic of whether or not the phone was at the crime scene.
I agree. The only reason I can think of to know if the phone is still missing is to alert the public to look for it. I've seen the phone be a large focal point in helping to locate a suspect. I assume if it gets dumped along the way somewhere, it could better lead LE to the perp if located. JMO.

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I read it that the reporter was stating how many billboards FBI has access to over the country - not that this specific case was going to be on all 6,000. My reading of it makes a lot more sense to me - there are so many unsolved, recent murders, I don't know why one of them, as horrible as it was, would get 6,000 billboards.

Even if they don't literally put out 6,000 (I see your point and it makes sense) this still feels very different from other murder cases that are similar to our knowledge. Something is going on here that the FBI is considering bad enough to do billboards at all, and put them on most wanted.

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I read it that the reporter was stating how many billboards FBI has access to over the country - not that this specific case was going to be on all 6,000. My reading of it makes a lot more sense to me - there are so many unsolved, recent murders, I don't know why one of them, as horrible as it was, would get 6,000 billboards.

"The FBI is also going nationwide with about 6,000 electronic billboards within 46 states seeking information in the case."
If this man was.local he would be in custody by now. Ppl would know him..
IMO hes.long gone.

Or he's local and under surveillance and LE is getting their ducks in a row to create a search warrant for a DNA sample.
If there.was no sexual assault. (We.don't know if there was) what would be the reason to kill them?
Thrill kill

Random psycho who didn't like them taking his picture

Stumbled onto a drug deal, meth lab, marijuana grow, or other crime

Revenge for some real or imagined wrong

There are some others I think are unlikely (gang initiation for example).

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I read it that the reporter was stating how many billboards FBI has access to over the country - not that this specific case was going to be on all 6,000. My reading of it makes a lot more sense to me - there are so many unsolved, recent murders, I don't know why one of them, as horrible as it was, would get 6,000 billboards.

[h=2]6,000 billboards in 46 states plead for information in Delphi girls' murders[/h]
Investigators can not confirm if the suspect is local or outside central Indiana, so the FBI is using around 6,000 electronic billboards across 46 states asking for information on this case.

I suppose MSM could be incorrect but there are multiple reports of 6000 billboards being used for this case.
"looks like her coat in the frame..." ; where do you see that? right or left of photo? in the blurry part?


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"from the cell phone"
Sorry still doesn't answer the question.... yes from the cell phone...from the actual cell phone or the cloud....i know i know does it matter? Not really....but they never stated they have the actual phone in hand.

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The thread is open for posting again. Please find a new topic, one which will not destroy an innocent person's life. That is NOT what we do here at WS.

The topic in itself was fine. When you start digging around the web, however, and single out a particular private individual or two, then you've crossed the line. So now even the good suffer because it was an interesting area to explore, but now it's OFF LIMITS.

Everyone is anxious for an answer. Trying too hard to create one without solid evidence is potentially explosive, especially when so many imaginations are running on overtime.

If you think the info is viable, call it in. Then zip it up, stand back, and allow LE to do its job.

WS Administrator

Thread is open for posting again.
Thanks to all the mods working overtime on these threads!
This is great, thank you so much. (ETA: I overspoke... I need to keep in mind that this video is only this person's own IDEAS about where the perp and girls were on the bridge, but is not LE provided and has not been officially approved as being authentic or correct in any way as far as placement or location or measurements go.FWIW. Because, in the first video he only shrinks the guy and attempts to line him up in the picture and tries to force him to fit the angle the bridge pic was taken at, and then in the second video he treats his resulting image from video 1 as though it's got some sort of bearing on the perp's ACTUAL location on the bridge.. IYKWIM... it's entirely speculation on his end, ,but what I like is the views of the bridge from above and the surrounding area and where the girls were found. The guy did good sleuthing, a good attempt, but even where he's trying to say he can show the bent over tree is significant... it's not, because in teh google earth image he's comparing it to EVERY tree appears to be bent over the river... it's a valiant attempt but IMO could actually ed up almost doing more harm than good if people start to get photoshop-starstruck, thinking this looks so technologically advanced that it must be correct... )

He (GH) went by the same reference as I did placing the POI on that spot on the bridge, and that is:

1. knowing that the suspect had to be moving in a SE direction on the bridge due to the shadow he is casting at the approximate time of the day (even if all you know is it is past noon..)

2. checking all trees from a video, where the poster filmed his walk over the Monon High Bridge moving SE-wards and even turning the cam around a few times, so we can get a glimpse towards the NW of the bridge.
That very characteristic tree growth on the W side of the bridge close to the 5th platform counting from NW to SE is the clue of finding the location of the POI on the bridge. The available bridge walk video on youtube by another poster shows everything in full leaf, so it made it a tad more difficult to find that spot. Then again, knowing it is close to one of the platforms gives you a head-start.

Even if you go by elimination i.e. eliminating all other possible spots / areas close to a platform (regardless if one understands the shadow and wants to check bot West and East platforms), you will still find the spot.

Next, the crime scene:

As you can see in my comment on youtube, I very much liked the fact, that he actually counted the shadows of the tree limbs/major trunks reflected by the water besides comparing the main tree-lines.

This is another very characteristic tree, just one main trunk, very little or less extended side braches.

He also went by the hill and the indentation of the landscape, when determining the location, not just by the bend of one tree.

None of it is confirmed by LE, I agree. But it is a real possibility and supported by videos and stills. After watching the two videos, it does look to me there is a good chance the POI and a victim/ the victims crossed the creek around that spot.

Marker 3:34 of the second video (part 2) clearly shows how shallow the creek is in that area. Another possible indication, that the POI knows that area rather well - unless one of the victims or both victims tried to escape and ran through the creek and he caught up with one or both of them.

I am still not sure, if the events all occurred consecutively connected to each other, or if we have a gap between taking the victims/ luring the victims and then possibly crossing that creek.

If we theorize, the POI was not aware of Libby recording via video/ audio, and Libby possibly tried to escape shouting “I got you on video you s… s…. of a b…”, he may have gotten ultimately enraged, caught her and killed her.

I am just having a hard time consolidating the outcome, the location, the surroundings and the chance that they may be seen or may be heard by other hikers. That alone almost dictates the possibility, that something very particular happened, that triggered – at least- part of the events i.e. mainly eliminating Libby.

Just my thoughts,
Yes. They said the images and video they are witholding that "nightmares are made of" came from Liberty's phone. They are calling her a "hero" for her ability to document what she did. We would have NO IDEA who to look for if not for Liberty's phone history.

Please provide me the link of them saying they found their phones and saying the thing about nightmares.
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