IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #13

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Off to work on a Sunday afternoon. I will check in periodically.

Hoping something breaks today.
Remember everyone to play nice.😊

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Read the first page of this thread if there any questions about what to do about posts that violate WS rules.
Having your reputation ruined in your neighborhood and town is ok with you?
Most people would object to being ruined forever.

If the cops publicly clear you, declare you innocent and say that you are not involved, then how is your reputation ruined?

My neighbor's home was once searched with a warrant over a false accusation. We all rallied around him when we found out it was falsely made by his crazy ex. His reputation was not ruined. Nor do I blame the cops. They were just doing their jobs. They thought he had child *advertiser censored*, etc---but they were given incorrect info. It happens...
On the topic of rumors. Please be aware there are composite drawings floating around Facebook too. There have been multiple LE people saying those are not done by LE nor are they backed by LE.

I say this because someone local reposted it about an hour ago. Makes me mad when they don't do research first and just forward on things from SM.
I think the FBI is involved in this case for several reasons, including the possibility that the suspect is in law enforcement, a high-ranking local official, or the son of an LE official. I think this is one of the reasons they moved the tip line down to the FBI headquarters.

IMO, at last week's press conference the FBI was speaking to the girls' families. LE stressed to the do NOT be afraid to call in a tip, NO ONE will know.

Overnight Search Stopped - I cannot comprehend this decision. (Side note example - A few years ago while leaving my home, I accidentally hit the emergency fire, police button on my key fob. While driving, I received a call from my alarm company informing me my alarm was activated and the fire department dispatched. I immediately turned around and drove back to my home. The fire department arrived at the same time. I ran up to the door and told them everything was ok. I accidentally pressed the wrong button. They were very nice, but the captain said under their mandate, they must enter and do a quick visual. I opened the door, once they confirmed all was safe, they left. Same thing happened about a year later, this time I was too far away. Luckily, my neighbor had my spare key and opened the door so they could do a visual and confirm everyone was safe. [I deactivated the button on the key fob]).

My point is the fire department would not leave or stop searching until they had a visual that everyone was safe.

The first day the girls were missing, no one knew their condition. LE was in the search and RESCUE part of their mission, so why call off the search for the girls until morning?

Again, one family could have thought it was ok for LE to stop searching overnight, but it's hard to comprehend both families agreed to this decision. Were they pressured?
Having your reputation ruined in your neighborhood and town is ok with you?
Most people would object to being ruined forever.

Why would a reputation be ruined if you cooperated and were cleared? I would be glad to do whatever I could to solve the murders of someone in my area. And if that meant searching my property and finding anything helpful, so be it. Maybe my kids or their friend stashed his criminal evidence on my property and it gets found.
For locals, are there apartment buildings in the area, or is the housing in homes? Is there an area that is most likely to be rental rather than owned housing?

I'm stating there are numerous rumors surrounding this case. None of them are allowed here. EVERY rumor has multiple variances, which is, in part, why they aren't allowed.

This is a new poster, I'm filling them in on how it works here....not discussing specific rumors.
I've been perusing those maps and wonder... Why didn't he force the girls SW over Bridge Creek towards HH Pkwy? It appears to be as heavily wooded AND the sounds from the highway would drown out noise during the crime, (as well as provide easy access to a high traffic area for get-away assuming he's a transient who walks or hitchhikes)... as opposed to the area he chose which is a quieter location between cemetery and creek?
Have the cops declared the people in the two homes as being cleared?

Do you have a MSM link proving this?
I haven't seen any information published that say's the searches were done because of rumor. There has to be probable cause for a judge to issue the warrant. That would not be rumor.

I would think bodies being found on private property would be enough probable cause to search the entire property for evidence. JMO
Well you would have no choice if they had a warrant. lol

If cops wanted to talk to me or get my consent for a search, I probably would not and would lawyer up first. What's the rush? You never know with desperate cops. Innocent people are convicted of awful crimes based on stuff they tell cops.

Years ago the FBI showed up at my door -- at night, lights flashing w/ police cars, etc. -- I was scared to death (home alone w/ 2 toddlers)! They wouldn't tell me why they wanted to know about my husband who was on an out-of-town hunting trip. Finally, after answering quite a few questions, I kept pressing them for what it was about, they told me that he had witnessed a huge bank robbery that day in another state and they were just checking out his credibility. This was before cell phones and hubs had not called to tell me about it. I often wondered if I should have put up more of a block on answering their questions until they told me what was going on?
((((Katydid))))) I bet you'd want to jump off the bridge but instead would be there for your child through the whole horrid thing. :blowkiss:

I don't know---I'd be pretty angry at him...but I would want to be here for my husband and daughter and DIL and grand baby...So maybe I wouldn't jump....:sigh:
I would think bodies being found on private property would be enough probable cause to search the entire property for evidence. JMO
I believe LaborDayRN was referring to the two search warrants executed nearby, not at the home of the property where they were found.
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