IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #14

DNA Solves
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I would not interpret the police passing out fliers as a sign they have no legitimate leads. MOO is that this is simply a "checkpoint" for LE to evaluate people, vehicles, and contents of vehicles (as much as can be seen with a quick visual). It would also be telling if a vehicle turned around to avoid stopping to talk to LE.
Thank you! I was typing out a summary and my page refreshed and I lost it all, ugh, so annoying. Just to add a little to yours:

They showed a little What We Know box that said:
Suspect: male, white
Libby recorded suspect
Audio: "Down the hill"
Police have more videos
Case not tied to others

Yes, thank you for adding that. Casey Jordan also said the guy could be a drifter, but he may have grown up in or near Delphi so he's familiar with the area. She thinks someone noticing unusual behavior in a friend, family member, or coworker will solve this case.
There is a lot of talk regarding the BG walking with his hands in his pockets. But, in the picture of Abby -she is walking across the bridge with her hands in her pockets.
Also, perhaps they never crossed the bridge- maybe they just walked out a short distance just to capture a photo op of Abby crossing the bridge for snapshot and Instagram.
Both Abby and BG are with hands in pockets -looking downward at the slats so they can walk safely. I know for myself, if crossing a bridge like that- my hands would be by my side to be used for balance
Sorry, is this an HLN rundown?

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Yes, sorry! So hard to get any posts typed out here because my phone refreshes the page and I lose what I've written, and the page runs very slow on my laptop. So I typed that out fast to get it posted, but yes, that was a box/graphic they showed on HLN during the news segment.
They could try the controversial testing that scans "related" DNA. So they can broaden the potential match to family members of the perp. I'm frankly not sure on the current law regarding that though or how it varies from state to state.

Oh man. This must be horrific for you. Hugs to you and all who know these kids and their families.

I'm responding to your familial DNA reference. There's an interesting case, the Grim Sleeper, a SK from Los Angels, they caught after his son was arrested for a felony and his son's DNA showed he was a descendent of the Grim Sleeper. They followed the suspect, Lonnie Franklin, until he "abandoned property" with DNA on it.

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:therethere: I did the same thing in an open metal spiral staircase of a lighthouse tower. My first major panic attack .... going up was not too bad; coming down and looking down was my undoing. Like you, I did one step at a time and told hubby to "get away from me!" He wanted to hold my hand, whuch made it even worse.

LOL Poor guy. That reminds me of Lamaze... Breathe hun, let's go, "get him the F outta here!"

Does anyone know what was happening between pick-up time and time LE was called? Could be 2 hours?

#1nana, thanks for the pics. Maybe this is why they specifically mentioned the Hoosier Heartland...also informative, your info re: the cemetery and its proximity. And, as also stated by IllionoisMissing (I think it was I.M.), how hard it was to find the place.

Interesting thought on them crossing the highway? Trying to bring your post fwd, marking some initial thoughts before they escape me.
The more photos I see of the bridge and the shape it's in and the area, the more I think something like that could be possible and I was just thinking that myself this morning. I know as a young teenager of a couple times a friend and I saw a "creeper guy" or someone that raised our fear from following us or who kept appearing where we were, we tried to just get away from them and that included being in a wooded park once and going off trail and just hauling booty through the trees in a straight line, once we lost line of sight with them on a curvy trail.
I was also thinking, growing up in a small town as a teen, it wasn't unusual for us to just wander around parks or areas like the one they were in. Or just go out for no reason but to hangout. I kind of don't even think there was a specific reason they were out there, other than to just go somewhere that kids their age hung out and take photos, etc. I know kids now have more technology and such, but I feel like it's probably not much different than when I grew up in some ways. We used to ride bikes down the dirt roads from our houses, 2 miles into "town" to go sit at a picnic table at the park. For hours.
I don't know that I think BG/BM knew Liberty and Abby specifically were going to be there...I wonder if he just knew school was out, kids hung out there and was in general looking for anyone as a victim. I really think anyone out there that appealed to him and was there and the timing was right for no one being around, could have been the ones.
*shrug* Just my thoughts. I'm not much of a sleuther compared to you all!

Good thoughts. It really bothers me that two kids who wanted to get outside , enjoy friendship and nature ended up dealing with a monster(s). FRom all the articles we have read, these were two young ladies that were active and not sitting around playing video games 24/7. #findhim
Ok, for those of you who have watched the bridge walk video, does it give you more thoughts/insight etc into the perp and how comfortable or not he seemed/didn't seem to be walking? For ex. with hands in pockets?

Bridge walk

OT but the comment on the Fisherman's Wharf mirrors was toooo funny. Though not for you at the time.

I'm confused (again, seems to be a permanent state with this case)...I hate heights but finally forced myself to watch the video...I was expecting to see posts at each end but I didn't see any at the south end.

Did I miss them or were we incorrect that they were on both ends???
Sorry if this has been covered, do we know if the girls had ever been on that bridge before. I know they were known to hike but what about the bridge specifically? I do recall the mother having a history with that bridge a few years back, iirc.
the trail bridge that went over Hoosier Heartland Highway is maybe a half a mile or a mile away from the wooden bridge the girls were on. The historic wooden bridge is extremely difficult to find. I used GPS and it took me all over Delphi. I also stopped and asked 2 separate people before finally finding it. I'm pretty sure I was looking very suspicious driving in circles for an hour!

After seeing the trail go across the interstate my jaw dropped and it occurred to me that God only knows who saw them heading back to the bridge.
I see from a previous post up there that over 10,000 tips have come in so far. I actually dropped by to see if anybody had heard that very thing, how many tips had come in at this point.

Man oh man......................we already know that 99.999% of those are going to be dead ends..............with even the last .001% being questionable. I was hoping against hope that the new DNA they talked about late last week was going to result in a big break. I'm sure it's been tested and compared for a match by this point. I guess this guy isn't in the database. I've also been really surprised that we haven't heard anything at all about fingerprints being matched.

It's hard to even imagine the amount of legwork, communications, and logistics involved with trying to verify or discount over 10,000 tips.............with more pouring in every day.

I'll admit, I'm completely tapped out on ideas. Just about every theory and scenario imaginable has already been put forward and discussed thoroughly. Any one of them is just as valid as the next one it seems, especially with what little info. we actually have. I just keep checking in a couple of times a day to see if anything new has happened. Might as well kick your shoes off and get comfortable..............looks like we may be in for the long haul on this one. There's lots of other cases listed in the other forums that should help to keep everybody busy in the meantime.
How would they have known it was him that early in the investigation? They didn't have his picture that early.

I would think it wouldn't matter if they'd had his picture or not? If they had been found that evening, resources would have been directed to finding suspects right away, whatever is involved in that.
Does anyone know what was happening between pick-up time and time LE was called? Could be 2 hours?


If I recall, it was reported in MSM that the family looked for them for a short time before calling police. Makes sense actually. They were old enough that maybe family thought they had lost track of time.
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