IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #16

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One other thing to keep in mind: I know some posters in earlier threads have said I would never let my children out there on that bridge, implying that these girls parents did. We need to remember that country folk are raised and do things a bit different than those of us that are raised in the city. Who is to say that one or both of these families didn't cross this bridge multiple times as these young girls were growing up. We tend to be conditioned that way as humans, the first few times we do something it may be scary and somewhat nerve wrecking. But the more we do it the more comfortable we get. weather it be riding atvs, swing from a rope over a pond etc. Also who is to say that may be the parents would only allow them on the bridge when they were with them? Maybe they were instructed to stay on the trails and not go on that bridge without an adult present?(but i bet there isnt one of us that has been told not to do something when we were that age and went ahead and did it anyways)? My heart breaks for these families and I think that we should all keep in mind that statements we put on here can be read by the families and further the unimaginable pain that they are already feeling. Rant over and going to go say a prayer tonight for the families. God bless
What a monumental job the police have.

I can find 30 guys in 30 minutes within 30 miles of this crime that the police should look at.

What an indictment on the state of our society.
MSM is reporting that case as a run-away

run-aways are probably more likely to be murdred due to the fact they have no place to return to at night. being a run-away doesn't mean you can't be murdered. I think it means you're even MORE vulnerable. JMO.
MSM is reporting that case as a run-away

The Voiles girl from Kokomo needs another look. She disappeared from a park.
No cell phone and searches of friends houses find nothing. Presumably, a 14 yr old would not have that many resources....
Hopefully LE in Kokomo will check her SM.
"Unfortunately, in this case, I've seen where people are putting a photo next to our suspect's photo and saying, ‘Hey, this is the guy,' " Indiana State Police Sgt. Tony Slocum said.

But the police will act on a tip over the phone with the same wording......"Hey, this is the guy."

Bit of a double standard here.

IMO not really. There's a big difference between submitting a tip to the FBI tipline, which is private and posting photos and accusations on your social media. I think LE is simply trying to encourage people to refrain from propagating false information. For that matter why would anyone decide to publicly post someone's photo and make accusations? Why not just submit their suspicions to LE?
This has been discussed a bunch in earlier threads and worth saying again, many people have brought up the common fact that teenagers tend to underdress for cold weather. They never seem to want to wear coats for whatever reason. Sit in a high school parking lot even when there's snow in the ground and marvel at how many kids come out without a jacket.

But beyond that, as someone who is also from the Midwest and used to the often wildly variable weather from one day to the next, if I'm not mistaken this particular day the crime occurred was unseasonably warm for the area. Maybe 50 degrees? I don't recall but I can tell you any time this part of the country hits 45-60ish degrees you'll see a wide variance in how folks are dressed. I know folks who get out their shorts for 50 degree weather (literally had someone announce this to me last week) and there's something about hitting a warmer day in the winter that makes that day feel extra warm (versus those first cooler days in the fall. Temp may be the same in both but how people dress is different). I'm kind of rambling but really, this winter has been a strange one here in the Midwest (I just saw Chicago has had no substantial snowfall all of Jan and Feb for the first time in the 100+ years they've been tracking snow fall totals and recording them). So seeing people dressed a wide range of ways for the weather isn't so unusual at all. If you leave in the morning you might have a warm coat, hat, and gloves only to leave work or whatever and it's 20-30 degrees warmer now.

So between the weird weather and the fact that kids are so weird about coats, I don't know that this is such an issue at all. I feel like you could stand on a busy street in any midwestern city right now and see a wide variety of coats or no coats, etc.

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I'm from the South and I can't do "cold" at all. I would be dressed in an Alaskan snow parka if it was under 60 degrees. Lol, today it was 72 degrees outside and I was wearing a sweatshirt over a long sleeve t-shirt. I think the suspect was dressed appropriately, but that's just me. :happydance:
Mike Pelton @MikePeltonRTV6
The FBI is using their Behavioral Analysis Unit to build a profile of the killer in Delphi. 3-person team. @rtv6

I've looked into these cases and I really don't want to come across as insensitive or anything, but those girls really seem like cases of run-aways.
I don't know that Emily (16 y/o) & Lauren (14 y/o) Stratton (Atlanta, IN) aren't runaways, but that doesn't mean they also can't become victims.

The disappearance of 14 y/o Breanne Voiles (Kokomo, IN) is a little more concerning to me because she disappeared Feb 4th and was last seen at Highland Park.
This is a map I posted several threads back showing how close Kokomo and Atlanta both are to Delphi.


Round trip from Delphi to Atlanta to Kokomo back to Delphi is only ~113 miles. Not far apart at all.

I thinking a geographic radius from one of those points. Or, someone is making their way north and west
Seems plausible that the perp was in his car driving saw the girls getting dropped off near the north trail gate and just proceeded a little further up the road to the cemetary, parked, and exited the cemetary through the back fence. Hiked down to a hidden spot to watch the girls and to scout for any other people in the area. Saw his chance and got up on th e bridge from the north, walked as quickly as he could up to the north end of the bridge and then south across it to entercept the girls. Looks like he has a brown leather apron rolled up under his jacket. Possibly on his way home from Inddiana Pork Packers located one half mile south on the Hoosier Heartland hwy.
What a monumental job the police have.

I can find 30 guys in 30 minutes within 30 miles of this crime that the police should look at.

What an indictment on the state of our society.

A massive job, its scary when you start to look. There are so many degenerates in any locality. You're lucky that you can even check though, where I live there isn't a public register.
I'm from the South and I can't do "cold" at all. I would be dressed in an Alaskan snow parka if it was under 60 degrees. Lol, today it was 72 degrees outside and I was wearing a sweatshirt over a long sleeve t-shirt. I think the suspect was dressed appropriately, but that's just me. :happydance:

hehe, I'm from upstate NY ... 72 degrees and I'm putting on a short sleeved t shirt, shorts, and flip flops. I was out today in a short sleeved shirt and jeans because it was 59. And I'm the one in the family who "runs cold"!
I have been pretty quiet since this weekend. No reason just that I have had a lot going on. I was going to go to Delphi a couple days ago but I saw that nana had gone and did a WONDERFUL job. If the case goes another week or more (let's hope not) or if there are a lot more geographical questions I can still go.

To the WS that have been around for a while: How do you keep something like this from taking over your life? I have literally put everything on hold at work and home for this ... I am working on becoming a writer in my spare time. Someone mentioned a few threads ago that "if we don't keep sleuthing we let the girls down". This is exactly how I feel.

I see BG everywhere (I think I do anyway). I work in a very public place in Lafayette and still see him. I think about this a lot and have a few "leads" I am watching. (I know...can't talk about that stuff here) and I sit at work all day and sleuth and read and watch the forums.

I guess I just wanted to say thank you all for being here. This hit really close to home for me as a "local" and I want this (Piece of Sh$t) found. Thank you all for the hard work and great ideas. Thank you for the laughs too (What does BG stand for again??) I am now a full-time member here and have been looking at other cases just to use a fresh pair of eyes.

God bless you all. I hope that we have a small part in catching this .
Man the rumors are blowing up tonight in Indiana! I pray this is it and they make an announcement before this week is up!!!

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run-aways are probably more likely to be murdred due to the fact they have no place to return to at night. being a run-away doesn't mean you can't be murdered. I think it means you're even MORE vulnerable. JMO.
Bingo! My friend was sleeping in a facility of a public park when she was raped/murdered. She had ran away from home.
I am catching up, so I hope I am not interrupting some breaking important news.

PLEASE NOTE!!!!!--------- There are many, many, many, many examples of a single person taking multiple people hostage. It does NOT have to be a 1 to 1 ratio of perpetrator versus victim. The size or appearance of NEITHER girl contributed to this monster needing someone else with him. Can we please stop saying that "the big one couldn't be controlled by one man"? It makes me cringe every time I read it! These were beautiful children. Children. Who not only could be overpowered physically by an adult, but ALL of us, adults included, are easily overpowered with threats of violence. I am going to list a few cases, but there are literally thousands. My brother and his wife got held up on the street. 2 of them. One guy with a gun. He got all their belongings. See how that works? Gun usually equals compliance. I feel a little protective of these girls who were violated in the worst way being picked apart physically, like it has anything to do with anything. It doesn't. And no, none of us could have done any better!

At least EIGHT adults controlled by one:
an unknown person in a mask with a pistol broke into the bank and threatened staff, not letting them out of the room," the Moscow police said in a press statement. "Police cordoned off the area and took action to free the hostages. At the moment, five people are already out of the room. Up to three people may still be inside."

THIRTEEN hostages- one gunman:
An armed man was taken into custody after a hostage situation stemming from a bank robbery in Jacksonville, Florida, authorities said this morning. Eleven hostages were rescued, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff's office, and two other hostages escaped on their own.

He took several girls hostage Wednesday at Platte Canyon High School in Bailey, Colorado. Six hostages were initially taken, but four were released.,_Colorado_killed

I agree that one man could've controlled both girls alone but I still think it's possible more were involved. These girls weren't confined in a building like most of your examples. They were out in the wide open with trees scattered here and there. Judging from the images we've seen of the taped off crime scene, it appears a lot of ground was covered during the crime. We don't know if the girls went along willingly or if they ran different directions using trees for cover. IMO there's too much we don't know to be certain only BG is responsible.

I'm actually a bit surprised that we haven't had more discussions on possible accomplices since LE is still being careful to put that possibility out there.
It's hard to imagine him in a nice suit after what he's done.
Ted Bundy. John Gotti. OJ Simpson. Countless others. This idea that violent criminals are primarily dirty, ill-dressed, poor, drifters, undocumented, etc is precisely why so many of these men get away with their violence for so long.

I think if I saw a female and male out together my personal safety radar warning would not go off as much . Yet it is very possible to have female and male criminal accomplices. I actually have mentioned this to others this week...not to get complacent when seeing female with male strangers together thinking they are just a couple enjoying a walk. I really think the police have an idea it was the man on the bridge in this case but not to rule out others .

The numbers tell us that men are the perpetrators of these crimes in such an extreme ratio, I would put the idea of a female accomplice very, very low on the list. Like last. It's not impossible, but it is extremely unlikely. If there's an accomplice (which I doubt), he would most likely be another male.

As far as personal safety, crimes like this are not common at all. I wouldn't want to go through life scared of my own shadow. Truth be told, women are in far more danger at home with their boyfriends or husbands. According to the numbers posted in the past few threads, that's not necessarily true of children, but the numbers of strangers vs known individuals are only slightly in favor of the stranger-as-perpetrator.

If LE had seen such a video and could see the perp, I feel they would have released a sketch. [Snipped for space.]

But if they had video of the crime, they would be probably able to see enough to have a sketch drawn so that he would be more easily identified.

You're probably right. While this video was taken at a distance, any video of the crime itself would have to be up close, giving a better view of the killer. The fact that there's no sketch tells us that there's probably very little additional footage.
I would think that if you set out to commit a crime such as this you wouldn't bank on cadging a lift as your escape route. JMHO. First post and hello to all.
Agreed. There are far too many things that could go wrong if he relied on a stranger for transportation. And if he hitchhiked out, how did he arrive? Hitchhiking in? If so, why stop in Delphi and wander out onto the trails?
Are you suggesting that LE should wait until after work hours to do their job! Are you suggesting that LE should do their questioning at the convenience of the person they need to question?
LE do searches at all hours. It's not a 9-to-5 thing. In fact, they often serve warrants away from public areas and in the middle of the night to avoid putting standers-by from being put in danger. Doing something like that in a workplace is dangerous for all involved. Unless it was a case of not having a home address for him, I think it was probably not the best option.

Additionally, they have had to issue yet another warning to people to stop spreading rumors and making things up, especially online. A public display like this only adds to the problems they're already dealing with.
It's not incredibly unlikely or they wouldn't have stated if anyone remembered a hitchhiker or someone walking down a highway.

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Maybe and maybe theory is that they put those 6000 billboards out there for a reason...he caught a ride
... IMO.

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In response to both of these, I think they are just trying to cover all their bases. I don't think it is indicative of anything beyond that. They wanted people to be thinking of all possibilities at the beginning. They have access to the billboards. Why not use them just in case. Here in Arizona, we are stuffed to the gills with snowbirds this time of year, especially people from the Midwest. Someone who knows him could be here wintering, so having the information here could help. Or in Florida. Or in any of these southern states where snowbirds like to spend the winters.

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Bingo! My friend was sleeping in a facility of a public park when she was raped/murdered. She had ran away from home.

Wow, how terrible! I'm sorry to hear that. :(
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