IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #17

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So for you 30 members on here - is there actually anything "new" in this case?

Would really appreciate an update on this case, if anyone has actually read all these posts! LOL! A short synopsis would be great!

:tyou: in advance! :wave:
Originally posted by Elainera

I think most here agree that he knew the park and was familiar with the spot he chose to leave them, and I think so too.

But, if he's been there before, even often, how come nobody remembers the guy from past visits to the park? The park is not a lonely spot where noone ever goes, it is visited frequently.

Is he so good at becoming invisible?

Maybe LE should make an appeal to everyone who's visited the park in the past to look through photos and videos they have taken there, maybe someone has another picture of him

I'm with you and all the many others on the 'he's been there before' and probably many times in the past camp so had also thought about this question at one point earlier on.

My guess?

As I think in some ways I think the case has been made here since the photos were released of him, he's rather "generic."

Even just out of relatively local RSOs various people have made decent cases for how they see him as a match.

Out of a handful of locals who have been pictured for one reason or another have had people thinking he could be a match to them.

And of course the many 'random' citizens people have come across in private searching that they allude to but (obviously due to TOS) can't outright post here (that we'd almost certainly have hundreds of other 'candidates' worth of people making cases as possible matches to BG.

And then there's all those who have made personal cases for how his clothing "fits" with what their spouses, family members, friends, etc. might wear.

All that to say, I think he's so almost so 'non-descript' based on what we can see of him, that he's apt to have almost 'blended in to the background' for people who have seen him before.

So unless someone sees him again now dressed similarly, or knows him personally, that unless his actual actions on previous visits made him stand out, that nothing about him appearance wise probably would have even caused him to memorable to anyone unless they interacted with him enough to almost have had an 'encounter' vs more likely to have just seen him in passing or such there.

I do think it's certainly possible at least a few have called in w/ possible previous sightings, but I'd guess based on how 'generic' he seems to be from what we've seen image wise, that it's unlikely just based on any possible sighting appearances alone, that it's quite likely it wouldn't lend much more insight and may be very hard for LE to ever determine if they were valid sightings because he could probably be able to 'fit' so many, all at once.

Like he probably almost has blended in because he's so 'generic' from what we can tell, so it almost makes him able to be argued to be so many people - all at the same time. If that makes sense? :dunno:
So for you 30 members on here - is there actually anything "new" in this case?

Would really appreciate an update on this case, if anyone has actually read all these posts! LOL! A short synopsis would be great!

:tyou: in advance! :wave:
The only thing I can really remember is that LE have been issuing search warrants everyday and doing searches. Also that they are doing a perp profile.

Came when this thread was closed #15 (if it still #15!) And I've skipped over 5,154 posts.... :pcguru: And if I get in now - I've missed a total of 6,455 posts... So, I am WAY behind IF there is anything new here?

From I've read on the last page of threads #12, 13 & 14 and now#15 - this is the only thing "new" that I've seen...

So - there "might" be eye-witnesses, or am I read thing wrong? A link maybe to this statement above?

New to me - setting up roadbloacks - If he actually was a "local" I'm quite surprised no one in town would think of him!

:ditto: here! Anything new, "new"?

TIA! now :waiting: for this thread to open, so I can post....

400 posts later... and I see 93 people here - only 27 members - aren't you all supposed to be sleeping on the East Coast?? :lol:

Wind just annoys the living daylights out of me when it blows continuously, and sounds like it's taking my roof with it as it roars through. It's been continuous, and roaring, tonight and now into the morning, on this side of the map, and has just now turned into a tornado watch. :gaah: So, I figured since I was awake, I'd try and do something constructive.
Made it through the night. Still under a tornado watch. Zero sleep, I was afraid I'd wake up in Oz!

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Made it through the night. Still under a tornado watch. Zero sleep, I was afraid I'd wake up in Oz!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Us to, it was a pretty crazy storm! Wondering what we will find when the sun is up. [emoji51]
Please don't be angry or critical because this is not where I am coming from when I say I don't understand why there is much discussion on where the location these girls were on the bridge. Maybe I just don't understand and miss the point but I don't see how this could identify the killers(s)... with that said I think it could build a case if the catch him, but we need a perp before we can juxtapose the wheres. I thinking the who's, hows and whats and whys. Just my moo and I hope it does not offend I know we are all on the same page with the same goal.
I edited for spelling and added the "WHY"
Please don't be angry or critical because this is not where I am coming from when I say I don't understand why there is much discussion on where the location these girls were on the bridge. Maybe I just don't understand and miss the point but I don't see how this could identify the killers(s)... with that said I think it could build a case if the catch him, but we need a perp before we can juxtapose the wheres. I thinking the who's, hows and whats. Just my moo and I hope it does not offend I know we are all on the same page with the same goal.

I agree.
I pretty much feel these kids were trapped up there. Pretty defenceless position to be in and I can see why the BG chose this area.
They had no where to go but with him.
I truly think that there isn't anything more to the recording aside from a ton of wrestling and just noises. Most likely noises none of us would ever in our lives wish to hear or think of, but the only true statements or words are the ones released. I also think they went down there after their photo shoot so they could search for "treasures" since they enjoyed these types of things and that's when his window of opportunity struck. I am not sure what he truly says, because I hear different things each time. MOO and we all know it's subject to change like weather in my town. [emoji51]
400 posts later... and I see 93 people here - only 27 members - aren't you all supposed to be sleeping on the East Coast?? :lol:

not on the EAST coast, it was 5:22am when you posted that. They're still asleep on the WEST coast, I think you got that backwards.
Minus the possibility of a random act. School was out on a random Monday in Feb., I don't think a perpetrator if not from the are would be waiting in the woods unless from the area and knew this.
so for those asking what's new -

yesterday someone went with LE to be questioned and give some DNA in regards to this case, and was let go again. locals got wind of it and blew up social media with conversation about it that led to speculation, rumors, etc. in part because the person does have a past criminal history involving children. There's no MSM link available so we can't discuss it here. So we're very carefully trying to think of other stuff to discuss while in reality most of us are just sitting here hoping and waiting to get some MSM link about this and praying that it leads to a DNA match. THE PERSON WAS NOT ARRESTED. THE PERSON IS NOT IN CUSTODY. THE PERSON SHOULDN"T BE SLEUTHED PUBLICLY PER WS RULES.

In reality, there ARE MSM links that have quotes from LE cautioning everyone to NOT try anyone in the public court of social media by posting their photo or suggesting that just because they were questioned they must have something to do with the murders - LE says please, let them do their job, and understand that we don't hear about every warrant, every arrest, or every person who is questioned in this case, and went on to say that the arrests have been cases where, for example, they questioned someone who happened to have an outstanding warrant on something else, so "we can't just ignore that", he said.

Hope that helps.


Edited to add:

"Unfortunately, in this case, I've seen where people are putting a photo next to our suspect's photo and saying, ‘Hey, this is the guy,' " Indiana State Police Sgt. Tony Slocum said.

"It's a dangerous game to post someone’s photo on a social media site and say, ‘That’s who the police arrested for double homicide.’ That’s not fair to them," Slocum said.

Not only is it a dangerous game, it potentially carries expensive consequences of a civil lawsuit.

"You're putting yourself in possible exposure when you falsely accuse somebody of a crime," said David L. Hudson Jr., an expert in First Amendment issues, who has published pieces on the subject of libel and slander.

“A lot of people think that online is a libel-free zone,” Hudson said during an interview with the Journal & Courier during a call to the First Amendment Center.

much more at link
prblythe - this is the strategy of Websleuths. When there is a stalling in a case - when no new information is being released - people will go over every tiny detail that they can find. It is a way to exercise your brain and your sleuthing skills and when others are in danger - a killer is on the loose - maybe that 1% chance you are onto something will pay off.

Been thinking about the 13th and the possibility that the Iowa girls may have been killed from the same person.

Even if not the same perp the 13th seems an odd coincidence.

Been trying to think what the 13th day of the month could mean. Wondering if that is a pay day for people who get paid twice a month?

Thats the only thing I could come up with. Which could mean the person did have a job and got paid and maybe bought some final supplies before they went out looking for victims. They may have had a night job since they were out during the daytime.

If government benefits I think those are monthly. Not sure if middle of the month would be a typical payday for government benefits. Lets say disability payments for example. Could the middle of the month be a normal payday for any type of government benefits or do they always happen at end of month.

Just trying to figure out why the perp was out on the 13th in both cases. There has to be a reason why the 13th was the day he chose to attack in both cases.

Even if the perp is different in Iowa case I think the reason the 13th was used is because of the same reason like maybe getting paid by either government check or had a job with bi-monthly payments.
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