Any chance you would entertain the idea that this was a fantasy-based crime, and the reason he hasn't been "found" is simply due to his standing in the community ? In other words, nobody would ever point a finger at him in a million years because of who he is, or who his family is. IF there was DNA found and tested, there obviously hasn't been a match. That means this person isn't a convicted felon or a convicted sex offender, which if this was his first time to do something like this , would actually make a lot of sense.
I think LE also needs to look into sex offenders who were initially charged with a felony, but by the time the lawyers got finished with it, a plea deal got it lowered to a misdemeanor. No DNA.
I do strongly feel these murders were the result of a long-time fantasy on the part of the perp, which, if that's true then I believe he acted alone. IMO a number of sex-related murders are committed because of a desire to live out a fantasy that's been rolling around in the head of the murderer for a long time. To clarify, there is no evidence currently that points to sexual assault in this case - I am only speculating in response to Steelman's post.
I remember a case in Michigan a few years back where a church community hired an ex-con who had "found Jesus" as their pastor. He ended up killing his fiancee's daughter in order to fulfill a longtime fantasy of necrophilia. IMO perps acting on fantasies aren't as rare as we may think.
Also, I get that the perp may live out of state but if so then I suspect he either lived in Delphi at one time or spent time there when he was younger. I haven't been back to the city of my birth for many years but I still know a number of places that only the locals would be aware of.
And AFAIK, LE hasn't said for sure that the video of the suspect came from Snapchat. Apologies if I'm wrong. There are other apps that young people use, like, that Liberty could have used when she caught her murderer on video.
Lastly, I'm not yet convinced that the perp is as old as many think. IMO it's possible that he wears clothing due to the type of work he does - for example, construction or contract work - because they are cheap and comfortable. IMO it's possible he dresses very differently when he's not working.
I guess what I'm saying is that we have very little information to work with and IMO we should keep all out options open. I really wish LE would give us a little more to work with. Not out of macabre curiosity, but to hopefully jog someone's memory.