IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #25

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Wondering what?

Big shout out and thank you to liltexans for posting the tweets. I really appreciate it.

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NBC Chicago covered the new press conference during the 6 p.m. news and included the photos of BG along with the recording. Here's hoping today's heart-wrenching pleas from the families and LE will jog someone's memory or be the catalyst a person needs to turn him in.

St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost souls and surely the killer of the girls is a lost soul. Players are needed for the killer to feel remorse and turn himself in to authorities as soon as possible.
LE can use a Stingray device that picks up numbers from all phones pinging in the area, it works as if LE has their own cell tower in a portable device.

OT--This sure would have helped me when I was in a bad situation. I managed to get about 10 seconds worth of a 911 connection before the perp broke my cell phone, and later: two other cell phones I had grabbed. The final police report stated 911 had received that call but they only heard me screaming. I live in a small town and at the time, lived less than 6 blocks away from the police department. This didn't happen very long ago, but maybe only larger towns/cities have this Stingray device available to them? It was terrifying, two hours before a stranger a block away heard my screams. Wish they had tried to track my phone location, but it was only a cheap Tracphone.
Imo, it's likely he tied them up. That is a very common thing to do when there's more than one victim. I would also think this person planned this... not necessarily with these particular girls, but he was waiting for the opportunity with all his gear. Who knows how many times he's been out there, or other secluded spots, waiting. Also don't think he's local. Perhaps was at one point but no longer is. Passing through. It just seems that in such a small town, he would be identified by now. Praying for a swift justice.
Hello, This is my first post so bear with me I am a noob. Well done everyone for providing extra surface area to this tragic case and I hope it is wrapped up soon so the friends and family can continue with their lives the best they can!
With a plethora of theories and suggestions to this most heinous of crimes I want to give my 2 cents to what may have happened.
The person responsible may not have planed to hurt anyone, and his situation was forcible changed when something unexpected happened. What if the person in question was at loose ends and frustrated he could not get of to his usual perversions and sought out some form of visual cue that help them invent a fantasy to sustain there sick desires. or maybe he was just mentally ill?
If BG was in fact the killer here is what I think may have happened to cause him to be there. They travel to the area with the intent to stalk spy "eligible people" on the trail, peeking from a far and possibly self pleasuring themselves. Who knows they may have been out there all day , may have done this before or have made a regular habit of it.

Now here is the part where the story may have many different paths and nuisances making this purely speculation. Lets say the perp has been stalking them for 45-hr he decides he was going to try his luck and go talk to the girls and befriend them in the chance of getting a better look. This may be out of character or just his usual MO, assuming BG is the Perp his body language looks casual but something tells me he is nervous or agitated but I don't see intent to kill. Now I have a few scenarios, Did the girls run or try to evade him? Did he actually catch up to them and speak with them? Did he tail them further as they continued the hike? I think without further evidence from the crime scene its purely guess work, but may reveal something we are missing.
If the girls ran , there may not be evidence on the trail as it is well trafficked but if 3 people ran through the woods wouldn't we see this ? Are the foot prints down the the water on the North or the South side of the river? what kind of distance are we talking about from picture to where the bodies lay? I am not to sure this was the case though as I think we would have more evidence available to us and something tells me this isn't how it went down.
My strong theory is the perp (BG?) caught up with the Girls and spoke to them, after-all it is a hiking trail/path and not uncommon to see a lone male hiker. Maybe his mannerisms alert them to the fact he was a pervert or in some way scary causing them to walk away or deny his advances. The perp felt humiliated or angered by them and started to follow them in order to right a perceived wrong his illness or disposition getting the better of him. Now I believe he accosted them and ordered them down the hill.
I believe we haven't got the full audio and video as it shows a scene that nobody should have to watch but do to the proximity and time line escalated quickly and uncontrollably. The rest doesn't need to be said !
FYI there is a search box at near top of every page under the Websleuths logo all the way to the right.

HTH for future use :)

Thank you! I did search and find out Katarina has a thread. I will follow that case:)

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St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost souls and surely the killer of the girls is a lost soul. Players are needed for the killer to feel remorse and turn himself in to authorities as soon as possible.

:Welcome1: to Websleuths St. Anthony2017
"police do not believe foul play is involved"

I'm still wondering why they had that initial belief. These were just children....

Because there were two teens together, and because they had cell phone pings from in town. It's VERY unusual for a perp to grab TWO teenagers, and much more likely that they would go off on an adventure together. Typically, when you see two teen girl friends missing together, they're off having fun somewhere and will be found safe.
Because there were two teens together, and because they had cell phone pings from in town. It's VERY unusual for a perp to grab TWO teenagers, and much more likely that they would go off on an adventure together. Typically, when you see two teen girl friends missing together, they're off having fun somewhere and will be found safe.

I agree--and statistics also support what you have stated.
LE also said that even if an Amber Alert was put in place immediately upon receiving the missing report: it would have been too late, would not have changed the outcome. I'm of the opinion that both girls died prior to 5:30 p.m. when they were reported missing.

IMO everyone acted absolutely with the best of intentions after the girls were reported missing and no one should take any blame for any kind of negligence.
ETA: The girls did not meet the criteria for issuing an Amber Alert, and even their own immediate families initially believed they would be found...alive and well.
I've been a long- time reader here, but just registered recently. I hope I'm posting in the proper box and not messing with anyone's post.
After following the discussion from the beginning I feel like I want to put my own theory "out there".
I think that this man planned these murders. I think he was dressed in clothes that hid what he normally wore, by adding more clothes over the top of his regular clothes. I think he had bags with him to put his outer clothes in after he commited these murders. He has himself covered enough to not leave any evidence behind, and by placing his outer clothing and shoe covers in the bags, he was also not going to take any evidence from the murder location back home with him. I believe he knew these girls, either by his being a coach, a teacher, a janitor, a neighbor, whatever, but he knew these girls and found out by overhearing about their outing and walking on the bridge that day and time, or he found out on social media. I think the girls may have somehow set him off with innocent remarks, giggles, or really any typical teenaged girl behaviors. This person obviously has psychological issues , and possibly he fixated on these two and made plans for their murders. I believe the girls recognized this man and didn't realize who he was until he got very close to them. After the murders he walked away to his vehicle, removed his outer clothing and shoe covers , put these items along with any weapon he may have used in the bags, then disposed of all the extra clothing , weapon, and evidence of being in the woods before he went home.
I have two daughters. As parents , we are always warning our kids about "stranger danger", don't talk to strangers, run, fight, scream. These were 2 very smart girls. If they knew this man they would possibly be less wary of him, or possibly too intimidated by who he was in their lives to not do what he said. ("Go down the hill'). And only then , somehow it became too late to scream and run and fight.
I pray for this person to be apprehended very soon. I pray for law enforcement. And I pray for the families of these precious girls. I believe it is vitally important for everyone to be positive and speak positive and think positive in regards to this investigation.
Do I need to add all of this is only my own opinion, theory, and so on? If So, there it is ^^.
MOO here...

I understand trying to come up with theories and scenarios but these posts where some people are going into graphic detail about what they think the perp did is IMO disturbing. I don't think that has a bearing at this point to figuring out who this person is. We have been given no evidence of COD so why even go down that road?

Some of the posters here have some wild imaginations and it's kinda creepy IMO of course.
I've been a long- time reader here, but just registered recently. I hope I'm posting in the proper box and not messing with anyone's post.
After following the discussion from the beginning I feel like I want to put my own theory "out there".
I think that this man planned these murders. I think he was dressed in clothes that hid what he normally wore, by adding more clothes over the top of his regular clothes. I think he had bags with him to put his outer clothes in after he commited these murders. He has himself covered enough to not leave any evidence behind, and by placing his outer clothing and shoe covers in the bags, he was also not going to take any evidence from the murder location back home with him. I believe he knew these girls, either by his being a coach, a teacher, a janitor, a neighbor, whatever, but he knew these girls and found out by overhearing about their outing and walking on the bridge that day and time, or he found out on social media. I think the girls may have somehow set him off with innocent remarks, giggles, or really any typical teenaged girl behaviors. This person obviously has psychological issues , and possibly he fixated on these two and made plans for their murders. I believe the girls recognized this man and didn't realize who he was until he got very close to them. After the murders he walked away to his vehicle, removed his outer clothing and shoe covers , put these items along with any weapon he may have used in the bags, then disposed of all the extra clothing , weapon, and evidence of being in the woods before he went home.
I have two daughters. As parents , we are always warning our kids about "stranger danger", don't talk to strangers, run, fight, scream. These were 2 very smart girls. If they knew this man they would possibly be less wary of him, or possibly too intimidated by who he was in their lives to not do what he said. ("Go down the hill'). And only then , somehow it became too late to scream and run and fight.
I pray for this person to be apprehended very soon. I pray for law enforcement. And I pray for the families of these precious girls. I believe it is vitally important for everyone to be positive and speak positive and think positive in regards to this investigation.
Do I need to add all of this is only my own opinion, theory, and so on? If So, there it is ^^.

"Welcome1: to Websleuths Hazelnutty!

FTR I agree with some of what you say. I do believe he dressed that way to blend in and I believe that he arrived that way and left looking different than that.
Everyone who thinks that the perp must have known the girls and/or would have had a hard time getting them under his control (or even into a vehicle) should look closely at the case of Dezi Hughes and Kathlynn Shepard in Iowa.
Because there were two teens together, and because they had cell phone pings from in town. It's VERY unusual for a perp to grab TWO teenagers, and much more likely that they would go off on an adventure together. Typically, when you see two teen girl friends missing together, they're off having fun somewhere and will be found safe.
These were two middle schoolers, not high school girls. I'm sorry but I disagree. In my opinion and with experience with my two girls the same age, I'm assuming no access to an auto, friends are in their age group 13, 14 yrs old, not much cash, if any, a cell phone that is "pinging around town" but they are not responding on, yet both seem to be two words be two wonderful, responsible, sweet kids. Please help me. What am I missing?
I've been a long- time reader here, but just registered recently. I hope I'm posting in the proper box and not messing with anyone's post.
After following the discussion from the beginning I feel like I want to put my own theory "out there".
I think that this man planned these murders. I think he was dressed in clothes that hid what he normally wore, by adding more clothes over the top of his regular clothes. I think he had bags with him to put his outer clothes in after he commited these murders. He has himself covered enough to not leave any evidence behind, and by placing his outer clothing and shoe covers in the bags, he was also not going to take any evidence from the murder location back home with him. I believe he knew these girls, either by his being a coach, a teacher, a janitor, a neighbor, whatever, but he knew these girls and found out by overhearing about their outing and walking on the bridge that day and time, or he found out on social media. I think the girls may have somehow set him off with innocent remarks, giggles, or really any typical teenaged girl behaviors. This person obviously has psychological issues , and possibly he fixated on these two and made plans for their murders. I believe the girls recognized this man and didn't realize who he was until he got very close to them. After the murders he walked away to his vehicle, removed his outer clothing and shoe covers , put these items along with any weapon he may have used in the bags, then disposed of all the extra clothing , weapon, and evidence of being in the woods before he went home.
I have two daughters. As parents , we are always warning our kids about "stranger danger", don't talk to strangers, run, fight, scream. These were 2 very smart girls. If they knew this man they would possibly be less wary of him, or possibly too intimidated by who he was in their lives to not do what he said. ("Go down the hill'). And only then , somehow it became too late to scream and run and fight.
I pray for this person to be apprehended very soon. I pray for law enforcement. And I pray for the families of these precious girls. I believe it is vitally important for everyone to be positive and speak positive and think positive in regards to this investigation.
Do I need to add all of this is only my own opinion, theory, and so on? If So, there it is ^^.
Welcome to the Asylum Hazelnutty![emoji12]

Your theory is as viable as any I've read so far. My only bone to pick would be that if the girls knew BG in any way at all, I think Libby would have said his name while having "the presence of mind" to record the encounter. Or if they didn't know his name they could say: " hey aren't you joe-blows dad? Or don't you work at our school?"

But aside from that, I do agree that this guy was hunting. Planned out his crime and was prepared. I just hope he wasn't as careful as you are theorizing(fingers crossed)

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MOO here...

I understand trying to come up with theories and scenarios but these posts where some people are going into graphic detail about what they think the perp did is IMO disturbing. I don't think that has a bearing at this point to figuring out who this person is. We have been given no evidence of COD so why even go down that road?

Some of the posters here have some wild imaginations and it's kinda creepy IMO of course.
What did I miss? The last poster here that creeped me out with graphic made up details was the RL guy, and he's been either booted or quit because everyone was calling him out on his filthy mind.

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