IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #27

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I hate to ask this, but I'm so behind on this thread.... but what is this about geocaching? Is that what these two girls were doing there that day? TIA

We don't know what they were doing. On an earlier thread it was speculated about and discussed to the point that the mods closed the thread and put a stop to the entire subject. The only thing we can probably do now is discuss the logo Nin posted, since mods gave permission. All else is still off limits unless mods say it's OK, and IMO they won't.
To partially answer my earlier question, I did go back a bit and see the alleged suspect has what is believed to be a geocaching symbol on him. Is that correct? I'm not familiar at all with geocaching, so if anyone can help me out with this would greatly appreciate this. TIA
Just putting the info here for people who didn't know.
If you have a question about it, my suggestion is to ask Bessie in PM ;
It wasn't geocaching, per se, that was the problem. Sleuthing GC users, and posting screencaps from the GC site, became a huge problem. So much so, that the entire subject was nixed.

Before I give you a nod to re-open the subject, give the mods a little time to review. We'll get back to you later today.

Thanks for your patience.

Sorry for the OT, but thanks sillybilly!
I personally feel like they went to the trails and bridge to take fun Instagram and social media pics. Such as the sweet picture of Abigail on the bridge. MOO. I know in the Blue Ridge, people have lost their lives trying to take the perfect Insta pic...falling off a cliff or railway. Not that this happened to these two, but certain social media platforms are all about capturing and posting the perfect picture.
Regarding RL's comment about carrying someone up and down the hills there-

I'm pretty sure it would only require carrying anyone downhill, based on what I know of the general area. They started up higher than where they were found and it looks like aside from some rolling hills, it's mostly just downhill. It's not that hard to carry, drag, push, or roll someone down a hill. Gravity and all. You may go down a bit faster than you'd prefer and may slip around a bit, but I think it's quite doable.

I'm also insanely curious as to why that end of the bridge had crime scene tape.

Was it done as a precautionary measure because LE didn't want that area contaminated? Was that where the confrontation initially happened? Did a cell phone get dropped or tossed there? Some other form of evidence? I can't imagine any large or obvious piece of evidence being found there, because so many searchers would have crossed that bridge on the 13th and again early the 14th and the area. It seems the area would have been majorly contaminated by that point just from searchers alone and I don't think LE would have said what they did on the 13th if they had found any evidence pointing to anything other than lost/runaway girls. So was it what was found on the recording or was it actual physical evidence?
From last thread-again, didn't copy names (sigh, sorry)-

Ages ago, about a million threads back, I floated the idea about storm shelters.

I don't about where you all live but when I lived in Mississippi, everyone had an underground storm shelter, usually a decent distance from the house.

It would be interesting to know if any of these houses have one.

I don't think many homes have them in the area. Most were probably built on basements or have a hand dug basement that was added at some point. That being said, I know there are old root cellars scattered around the area I live (~ an hour SW of Delphi) where houses once sat. Many have been filled in or collapsed. Most are out in the middle of the woods though and pretty tough to find unless you practically step in one. Very few can still be entered. Many hand dug basements can only be entered from outside.

I think it's far more likely that old barns or sheds or abandoned homes would be used as a temporary shelter. There would be many to choose from, I'm sure.

In the state of Indiana the Department of Homeland Security assists with communications, especially in rural areas and small towns.

Thank goodness they do, I'd hate to try to solve a case with my trusty local ISP's blazing fast (sarcasm) DSL and/or dial up options. I appreciate the service, because they are literally the only non-satellite option and are very affordable, but they certainly aren't modern. I don't know how telephone lines work, but I would imagine 11,000 tips would probably cause a fire here.
To partially answer my earlier question, I did go back a bit and see the alleged suspect has what is believed to be a geocaching symbol on him. Is that correct? I'm not familiar at all with geocaching, so if anyone can help me out with this would greatly appreciate this. TIA

Sadly, I never see anything in the enhanced images. Also, I don't think this case has anything at all to do with geocaching. I do hope others feel free to discuss possibilities. Night all.
One month tomorrow. Pray for the families, their suffering is unimaginable.
Wow. A month already :(

I hope to wake up to good news.


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To partially answer my earlier question, I did go back a bit and see the alleged suspect has what is believed to be a geocaching symbol on him. Is that correct? I'm not familiar at all with geocaching, so if anyone can help me out with this would greatly appreciate this. TIA

You are correct. We really can't go further with explaining the geocaching connection without risking a time least, I won't. As I often say "Google is your friend." :)
We're over our little hiccup, and I think most of us remain unscathed.

Thanks for your patience. (We'll blame it on Daylight Saving Time ;)).

Did a little clean-up about the "issue". Now back to discussing the case.

We don't know what they were doing. On an earlier thread it was speculated about and discussed to the point that the mods closed the thread and put a stop to the entire subject. The only thing we can probably do now is discuss the logo Nin posted, since mods gave permission. All else is still off limits unless mods say it's OK, and IMO they won't.

In the press conference with Libby's grandfather, he said the girls were out that day taking pictures. He indicated they were just trying to have a fun day and that Libby really liked taking pictures.
Does anyone know if RL's property contains other houses? Such as rentals, etc.
This is what I think too, maybe the girls thought the old cemetery would make some cool photos and he followed them.
I also think maybe he covered their bodies so they didn't stand out until approaching in daylight on the 14th. JMO & MOO

<modsnip> I've been seeing so many people saying they think the girls were taken somewhere else and their bodies dumped there or that they were brought over from the south side of the creek, but that doesn't make sense to me. When you look at how much time there was between the time the video of him was made and when their ride was supposed to be there (I've never seen the time the person actually got there), that gives less than an hour for the murders, whatever else was done, getting to the site where they were found and him/them getting out of the area or at least out of sight.

If the girls were forced across the bridge, they'd probably be too scared/shaky to walk very fast. If they went off the south end and tried to run, going through the creek would have slowed them down. If they went off the south end and didn't run, there'd be no reason to take them across the creek; it would waste time, making it more likely that he'd be caught, make them more obvious to anyone on or near the bridge, making it more likely that they'd be seen and get his clothes wet, making it harder to blend into a crowd if he had to.

If they were taken somewhere else, it would make no sense to bring them back to where they were taken. There would almost certainly be someone there looking for them, and there are plenty of other more private places to leave them where there would be less likely to be witnesses.

For these reasons, and maybe some others, I believe the girls crossed to the north side of the bridge on their own, and he followed them across. It would have been getting close to pick up time, but they would have still had a bit of time left. I think they may have headed to the cemetery or into the woods for some more pictures, and he (with a possible accomplice) eventually forced them down to the area where they were found.

There could be quite a bit more that happened, and I may have some of it wrong, but this is an outline of what I feel is most likely to have happened. MOO
I don't see it either to me it looks like an apple or the Harley Davidson logo IMO

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Admittedly, whenever possible, it is best to view these images in HD on a large screen then adjust the focus, if using Chrome, in increments that represents the image with the best clarity for you. NIN also posted the watch BG is possibly wearing on his right wrist over three weeks ago.

There is a photo of LG sitting with her hands clasping a cell phone. It did not resemble an iPhone for it appeared thinner. Think it was a white phone. May be published in her IG acct. Do we know whose bedroom was painted purple for I think it's Abigail's? I adore the color purple, too.
Dear Abby and Libby,

It's been one month.
Yes one month,
since some monster took your lives away.

We have been here all the way.

While we don't know you,
we love you.

And will put this monster away.
In the press conference with Libby's grandfather, he said the girls were out that day taking pictures. He indicated they were just trying to have a fun day and that Libby really liked taking pictures.

Thanks. I'd forgotten he said that.
<modsnip> I've been seeing so many people saying they think the girls were taken somewhere else and their bodies dumped there or that they were brought over from the south side of the creek, but that doesn't make sense to me. When you look at how much time there was between the time the video of him was made and when their ride was supposed to be there (I've never seen the time the person actually got there), that gives less than an hour for the murders, whatever else was done, getting to the site where they were found and him/them getting out of the area or at least out of sight.

If the girls were forced across the bridge, they'd probably be too scared/shaky to walk very fast. If they went off the south end and tried to run, going through the creek would have slowed them down. If they went off the south end and didn't run, there'd be no reason to take them across the creek; it would waste time, making it more likely that he'd be caught, make them more obvious to anyone on or near the bridge, making it more likely that they'd be seen and get his clothes wet, making it harder to blend into a crowd if he had to.

If they were taken somewhere else, it would make no sense to bring them back to where they were taken. There would almost certainly be someone there looking for them, and there are plenty of other more private places to leave them where there would be less likely to be witnesses.

For these reasons, and maybe some others, I believe the girls crossed to the north side of the bridge on their own, and he followed them across. It would have been getting close to pick up time, but they would have still had a bit of time left. I think they may have headed to the cemetery or into the woods for some more pictures, and he (with a possible accomplice) eventually forced them down to the area where they were found.

There could be quite a bit more that happened, and I may have some of it wrong, but this is an outline of what I feel is most likely to have happened. MOO

Much of what you've posted has been my working theory for quite awhile. You did a good job of laying it out succinctly.

I never bought into the "crossing the creek" scenario. There would be no need for it IMO, why not just commit the crime after having them go down the hill to the creek edge from the southeast side of the bridge? They would have been out of sight from the bridge on either side of that creek. I always felt they went down off of the northwest end of the bridge and he marched them upstream to hide from anyone that crossed the bridge. Of course there is the photo and videos from MSM that shows LE in the creek, searching for whatever. Not sure how that piece of the puzzle fits into the "northwest end exit from the bridge" but I think that's why there are lots of fans of the theory that BG had them cross the creek.

Anyway appreciate your well thought out and presented post. IMHO
We will know something tomorrow. Surely, LE will make a statement, even if via twitter, that the most recent arrest is not connected to the murders and that the person arrested is NOT a suspect and every one needs to stop speculating and spreading rumors.



They owe us nothing.

BG chose RL's property because he was comfortable there and knew he would have complete privacy. Typical of sexual predators as they take their victim(s) to some place which is out of view of any potential witnesses.

His clothes are too big for him. I do not think these are BG's clothes. The jacket doesn't fit in the arms, the sleeves are all bunched up, it is too big in girth, the pants are too long by inches. These are the clothes of a man at least 3 inches taller and 40 lbs heavier. JMHO

Couldn't it also be that BG did not know where the county land ended and where RL's land began? Or is there a fence or something to designate the border of the two properties so that people would know when it became private property?

In regard to the clothes which seem rather large-ish on the suspect.. your post made me think of something. Guys that do actual physical work of some sort, don't they tend to prefer and wear more closer fitting attire, perhaps even be mandated to wear non-baggy clothing, just because wearing larger garments can get sloppy, even risky, depending on what one is doing? I guess that thought would not pertain to the length of the jeans, but more to the seemingly bunched up sleeves of the coat.

The photo of the neighbour seems to indicate that he is a larger man who wears more form fitting clothing, or at least he fills it out more, and long boots over his pants (which I don't believe are jeans). Although there are many similarities, there also seem to be major differences.. and meanwhile the similarities seem to be rampant amongst many men in the area. jmo. Someone in a thread awhile ago said the suspect is 'anyman', or 'everyman', or something to that effect.. so many photos we have seen recently seem to indicate that as a good description!
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